Let's Face The Facts--------Homosexuality Is A Behavior, Not A Civil Right

Contrary to what the pop culture would have you believe, there are studies that refute the idea that homosexuality (same Sex Attraction Disorder) is genetic . It's a choice.
There are studies that refute it, and there are studies that support it (the belief that homosexuality is genetic)

Homosexuality is Genetic Strongest Evidence Yet Biology Nature World News

Even if it were a choice, life style, when you are not hurting anyone else, is a guaranteed civil right. You don't get to say what someone else's, another adult's, lifestyle choices get to be. If you did, then others can say what yours are: like being religious, for example. Or riding a Harley, etc. Anything that an adult chooses to do that doesn't endanger him/herself or someone else is none of your business.
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Luddly Neddite Contrary to what the pop culture would have you believe, there are studies that refute the idea that homosexuality (same Sex Attraction Disorder) is genetic . It's a choice.

[Because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated. “No-one is born gay,” he notes. “The predominant things that create homosexuality in one identical twin and not in the other have to be post-birth factors.” Dr. Whitehead believes same-sex attraction (SSA) is caused by “non-shared factors,” things happening to one twin but not the other, or a personal response to an event by one of the twins and not the other.]

Identical Twins Studies Prove Homosexuality is Not Genetic


Doesn't work because





No matter what the reason or motivation, its simply none of your business.

Seriously, you are one sick twitch, consumed with fear and hate. Go look in the mirror, fix your own life and MYOB.
What are your credentials compared to the Dr. Whitehead who proved it's not genetic?
He didn't prove it is not genetic. He oversaw one study that suggests it is not genetic and wrote a paper on it. There are many other studies and papers that suggest the opposite of his theory.
Read the cartoon. The activist judge, took it upon himself to redefine what marriage is. Once that happens under the guise of a so called civil liberty, then it opens the door to every other perversion.

If marriage is no longer between one man and one woman, then what's wrong with one man and 4 women? Or a man and his goat?

What and who, defines what is acceptable?

Once gays silence Christians and their free speech rights to object, something we must allow not to happen, then there will be no moral objections to any actions. Apart from God, there is no morality.

Christians have the right to express their opinion, they just don't have the right, in a majority rules nation, to dictate what the majority decides with their votes.
Read the cartoon. The activist judge, took it upon himself to redefine what marriage is. Once that happens under the guise of a so called civil liberty, then it opens the door to every other perversion.

If marriage is no longer between one man and one woman, then what's wrong with one man and 4 women? Or a man and his goat?

What and who, defines what is acceptable?

Once gays silence Christians and their free speech rights to object, something we must allow not to happen, then there will be no moral objections to any actions. Apart from God, there is no morality.

Logical fallacies in this cartoon: Appeal to probability, unwarranted assumption, false equivalence, false analogy, inductive fallacy, appeal to consequences, & appeal to emotion.
And oh by the way, just about every sexually active married couple absolutely adores sodomy. If they don't they either don't know what sodomy is, or are statistically insignificant.

Seriously, this is too funny. How long have you been a sexually active married couple? How many sexually active married (heterosexual) couples have you actually talked to about this issue? Hilarious. It's one thing to support the gay lifestyle; it's another thing to go bonkers.
If marriage is a civil right held universally by all, how is this right to be enjoyed by someone who can't find a willing spouse? They are just denied their civil rights.
"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" Assuming having a life partner engenders happiness, everyone has the right to pursue that happiness.

There is no guarantee everyone will find a life partner. The United States Declaration of Independence does not guarantee that everyone will find happiness, but it does give everyone the right to pursue it.
If marriage is a civil right held universally by all, how is this right to be enjoyed by someone who can't find a willing spouse? They are just denied their civil rights.
"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" Assuming having a life partner engenders happiness, everyone has the right to pursue that happiness.

There is no guarantee everyone will find a life partner. The United States Declaration of Independence does not guarantee that everyone will find happiness, but it does give everyone the right to pursue it.

I agree.
There are some 65,000 known species of hermaphrodites, how are you figuring that they are all "freaks of nature"?

Now you're telling me a hermaphrodite is natural. You're a smart one, aren't you.
Everything in nature is natural even if unusual.

What about retarded children? Are they natural?
No, retardation is not natural.
It happens. Being gay is rare but happens in nature. We arent the only animals you know?
Yes, it happens, but homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature.
Some. Most. But not all. And dont forget varying degrees of homo. God makes all kinds of people. Not everyone thinks like you. What turns you on doesnt turn me on but were both straight. One gays a catcher and ones a pitcher. Then you have Bruce Jenner.
Oh i
Please find my thread so what I dont believe and tell these cherry picking christians.
Hateful Christophobic bigot.
I only hate mean people. Is your religion mean? Then fuck it and you.
Was Jesus mean? I think he was very mean.

I think you have proven without a shadow of a doubt that you are batshit crazy.


And damn, if you didn't prove it in less than one day!!
I'm just passing through. You leftist hateful trash need to be stomped. Time to start shooting you idiots.
Uh-huh... and how is that any different that Christians being protected by PA laws?
What are PA laws?

wow.. nevermind.
Exactly. You provided your escape from a losing position. Laws were passed and Christian businesses were deliberately targeted to test the new discrimination laws. Now go fuck yourself.

Getting a little testy, what?

You're phoney "public accommodation" laws are meaningless. Fuck your laws. It's about time to shoot some queers.
How about you start with yourself?

Stay off my side!
Why don't you tell your corrupt moderator pal to ban me, you ignorant cocksucker.

Well, let's think about this:

View attachment 41018

You've been here just one day (well, actually, less than one day), and already, you have 117 postings to your name. Extrapolated out to one year, that's:

42,705 postings.

Woohoo!!! You are going to be one busy little beaverette! Well, that's assuming that Stormfront doesn't let you back in.

Now, as to this "corrupt moderator pal" stuff, I am not going to say that you should read the rules page, because only smart people do that, but should you happen to saunter by, you might see a rule there about questioning moderation. Ho-hum, that may be a bit boring for you. Screaming "Chistophobic bigot" takes energy, you know!!

Gotta say, for a n00b, you sure seem to know a lot about people here in USMB, the operative word being "seem", because apparently, you know nothing of me.

Hmmmm, hmmmmmm, hmmmmmm....

I smell a stinky sock. And a stupid one, too.

I love it when theists call us foul names. Such hypocrisy.

Maybe he's an old member under a different name because he does seem to be a veteran poster. Certainly doesnt seem like his first day.
Are hermaphrodites natural or freaks of nature?

There are some 65,000 known species of hermaphrodites, how are you figuring that they are all "freaks of nature"?

Now you're telling me a hermaphrodite is natural. You're a smart one, aren't you.
Everything in nature is natural even if unusual.

What about retarded children? Are they natural?
No, retardation is not natural.

So it's an entirely man made condition?
OK, religion is protected by the US Constitution's 1st Amendment, sexual behavior is not.

Your turn. You're right, this IS fun! :popcorn: When will you be declaring "LGBT" a religion? With all the evangelizing to kids and punishment you have for heretics, it's about time, dontcha think?
Great post.

No, actually its really stupid and on the par with the idiotic idea that marriage equality will result in people marrying pianos.
No more idiotic than "marriage equality" leading to pedophilia or bestiality(the latter happening in Europe right now).

The "consent" argument doesn't work because the original definition of marriage only had implied consent.

ptbw forever

Are you aware that pedophilia and bestiality have been a fact of human existence since Day One? Same with incest. Until relatively recently, all have been legal and some are still legal in certain states.

In the past, gay marriage was not only legal but sanctioned by religion.

Educate yourself.
No moron, it has never been legal to marry animals, and age disparity has never existed in the way it does today(the average lifespan has drastically increased in just a few decades)in a different time period, so "pedophilia" back then would be a 18 year old marrying a 4 year old, and needless to say, that never happened.
Incest has also been considered wrong in society for a very long time in all but the highest social circles(royalty).

"it has never been legal to marry animals"

Not what I said.

I said bestiality is legal in some states.
Oh i
Please find my thread so what I dont believe and tell these cherry picking christians.
Hateful Christophobic bigot.
I only hate mean people. Is your religion mean? Then fuck it and you.
Was Jesus mean? I think he was very mean.

I think you have proven without a shadow of a doubt that you are batshit crazy.


And damn, if you didn't prove it in less than one day!!
I'm just passing through. You leftist hateful trash need to be stomped. Time to start shooting you idiots.

So much for the idea that Canadians are nice people. Or, for that matter, sane.
Oh i
Hateful Christophobic bigot.
I only hate mean people. Is your religion mean? Then fuck it and you.
Was Jesus mean? I think he was very mean.

I think you have proven without a shadow of a doubt that you are batshit crazy.


And damn, if you didn't prove it in less than one day!!
I'm just passing through. You leftist hateful trash need to be stomped. Time to start shooting you idiots.

So much for the idea that Canadians are nice people. Or, for that matter, sane.

Maybe 'so much' for the idea that any given classification of people follows their stereotype lockstep.
Are hermaphrodites natural or freaks of nature?

There are some 65,000 known species of hermaphrodites, how are you figuring that they are all "freaks of nature"?

Now you're telling me a hermaphrodite is natural. You're a smart one, aren't you.
Everything in nature is natural even if unusual.

What about retarded children? Are they natural?
No, retardation is not natural.

So it's an entirely man made condition?
Who else?
What are PA laws?

wow.. nevermind.
Exactly. You provided your escape from a losing position. Laws were passed and Christian businesses were deliberately targeted to test the new discrimination laws. Now go fuck yourself.

Getting a little testy, what?

You're phoney "public accommodation" laws are meaningless. Fuck your laws. It's about time to shoot some queers.
How about you start with yourself?

Stay off my side!

Wow. How disgusting and vile does one have to be for the fake christians to want to distance themselves from him?

How do people get so sick and twisted and evil? Why would anyone believe that their god would hate homosexuals?

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