Let's Face The Facts--------Homosexuality Is A Behavior, Not A Civil Right

I have no issue with religion until they start dictating how everyone else has to live their lives...

As LGBT tends to obey the vast majority of the "rules" set out by the bible, common sense rules I think both sides of the fence agree with, whey then do the religious choose to dwell upon the part that LGBT doesn't follow?


"The dogmatically religious impulse stems from the psychological need for group identity and belonging, together with a need for certainty and meaning."

"This urge is closely connected to the impulse to be part of a group, to feel that you belong, and share the same beliefs and principles as others. And these impulses work together with the need for certainty – the feeling that you ‘know’, that you possess the truth, that you are right and others are wrong."

"Dogmatically religious people think that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. For them, religion isn’t about self-development or experiencing the transcendent, but about adhering to a set of rigid beliefs and following the rules laid down by religious authorities. It’s about defending their beliefs against anyone who questions them, asserting their ‘truth’ over other people’s, and spreading those beliefs to others. For them, the fact that other people have different beliefs is an affront, since it implies the possibility that their own beliefs may not be true. They need to convince other people that they’re wrong to prove to themselves that they’re right."

"Don’t blame religion for our problems – blame the human need for belonging and certainty." ~ Steve Taylor.

From an interesting piece on the psychology of religion: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/out-the-darkness/201206/the-psychology-religion-force-good-or-evil
LGBT does not follow the rules set by the Bible.

The bible is completely devoid of secular authority.
Biblephobic bigot.
I have no issue with religion until they start dictating how everyone else has to live their lives...

As LGBT tends to obey the vast majority of the "rules" set out by the bible, common sense rules I think both sides of the fence agree with, whey then do the religious choose to dwell upon the part that LGBT doesn't follow?


"The dogmatically religious impulse stems from the psychological need for group identity and belonging, together with a need for certainty and meaning."

"This urge is closely connected to the impulse to be part of a group, to feel that you belong, and share the same beliefs and principles as others. And these impulses work together with the need for certainty – the feeling that you ‘know’, that you possess the truth, that you are right and others are wrong."

"Dogmatically religious people think that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. For them, religion isn’t about self-development or experiencing the transcendent, but about adhering to a set of rigid beliefs and following the rules laid down by religious authorities. It’s about defending their beliefs against anyone who questions them, asserting their ‘truth’ over other people’s, and spreading those beliefs to others. For them, the fact that other people have different beliefs is an affront, since it implies the possibility that their own beliefs may not be true. They need to convince other people that they’re wrong to prove to themselves that they’re right."

"Don’t blame religion for our problems – blame the human need for belonging and certainty." ~ Steve Taylor.

From an interesting piece on the psychology of religion: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/out-the-darkness/201206/the-psychology-religion-force-good-or-evil
LGBT does not follow the rules set by the Bible.
So what? Fuck the bible and Koran.
Burn in hell you will. Good luck satan spawn.
Funny most theists who spend all day defending religion and the god hypothesis dont support you "burn in hell" theists. In fact they say you dont know what you are talking about.

I love running into your type because you sound so rediculous. So your god burns gays in hell for eternity for butt sex? Who told you this?
It's right there in the first chapter of Romans. It actually says they burn. You should read the Bible instead of assuming something isn't there.
Do you care what Mormons Jews and Muslim say? Then what do I care what romans says?

Do non christians like me burn in hell? Where does it say that cause I want to show it to theists on "so what I dont believe" thread. They're trying to say the bible doesnt say this.

“The constitution leaves marriage laws up to the states.”

At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The issue concerns the states prohibiting same-sex couples from accessing marriage law they're eligible to participate in, violating the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment.
It doesn't matter if gay is abnormal. They can be abnormal just as they have for centuries. Just stop demanding that everyone else consider the abnormal, normal.

Citizens seeking their comprehensive civil rights aren't 'demanding' anything of anyone.

Gay Americans couldn't care less whether you and other hateful bigots 'accept' them or not.

And you and other ridiculous bigots remain at liberty to exhibit your ignorance and hate, but you are not at liberty to seek to disadvantage gay Americans through force of law in violation of current 14th Amendment jurisprudence.
Sodomites are not being denied any civil rights.
You are correct. The male/female sodomites do not get the bigoted treatment.
I have no issue with religion until they start dictating how everyone else has to live their lives...

As LGBT tends to obey the vast majority of the "rules" set out by the bible, common sense rules I think both sides of the fence agree with, whey then do the religious choose to dwell upon the part that LGBT doesn't follow?


"The dogmatically religious impulse stems from the psychological need for group identity and belonging, together with a need for certainty and meaning."

"This urge is closely connected to the impulse to be part of a group, to feel that you belong, and share the same beliefs and principles as others. And these impulses work together with the need for certainty – the feeling that you ‘know’, that you possess the truth, that you are right and others are wrong."

"Dogmatically religious people think that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. For them, religion isn’t about self-development or experiencing the transcendent, but about adhering to a set of rigid beliefs and following the rules laid down by religious authorities. It’s about defending their beliefs against anyone who questions them, asserting their ‘truth’ over other people’s, and spreading those beliefs to others. For them, the fact that other people have different beliefs is an affront, since it implies the possibility that their own beliefs may not be true. They need to convince other people that they’re wrong to prove to themselves that they’re right."

"Don’t blame religion for our problems – blame the human need for belonging and certainty." ~ Steve Taylor.

From an interesting piece on the psychology of religion: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/out-the-darkness/201206/the-psychology-religion-force-good-or-evil
LGBT does not follow the rules set by the Bible.
So what? Fuck the bible and Koran.
Burn in hell you will. Good luck satan spawn.
Funny most theists who spend all day defending religion and the god hypothesis dont support you "burn in hell" theists. In fact they say you dont know what you are talking about.

I love running into your type because you sound so rediculous. So your god burns gays in hell for eternity for butt sex? Who told you this?
It's right there in the first chapter of Romans. It actually says they burn. You should read the Bible instead of assuming something isn't there.
The bible was written by men, a collection of fables and myths, reflecting man's ignorance, fear, and hate – consequently and appropriately it's completely devoid of secular authority, having no bearing whatsoever on the right of same-sex couples to equal protection of the law.
LGBT does not follow the rules set by the Bible.
So what? Fuck the bible and Koran.
Burn in hell you will. Good luck satan spawn.
Funny most theists who spend all day defending religion and the god hypothesis dont support you "burn in hell" theists. In fact they say you dont know what you are talking about.

I love running into your type because you sound so rediculous. So your god burns gays in hell for eternity for butt sex? Who told you this?
It's right there in the first chapter of Romans. It actually says they burn. You should read the Bible instead of assuming something isn't there.
Do you care what Mormons Jews and Muslim say? Then what do I care what romans says?

Do non christians like me burn in hell? Where does it say that cause I want to show it to theists on "so what I dont believe" thread. They're trying to say the bible doesnt say this.
Acts 4:12

Yes, you as a deliberate rejecter of the gospel of Christ will go to hell unless you repent.

“The constitution leaves marriage laws up to the states.”

At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The issue concerns the states prohibiting same-sex couples from accessing marriage law they're eligible to participate in, violating the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment.
Old lame defeated argument. Nothing to do with marriage.
LGBT does not follow the rules set by the Bible.
So what? Fuck the bible and Koran.
Burn in hell you will. Good luck satan spawn.
Funny most theists who spend all day defending religion and the god hypothesis dont support you "burn in hell" theists. In fact they say you dont know what you are talking about.

I love running into your type because you sound so rediculous. So your god burns gays in hell for eternity for butt sex? Who told you this?
It's right there in the first chapter of Romans. It actually says they burn. You should read the Bible instead of assuming something isn't there.
The bible was written by men, a collection of fables and myths, reflecting man's ignorance, fear, and hate – consequently and appropriately it's completely devoid of secular authority, having no bearing whatsoever on the right of same-sex couples to equal protection of the law.
Ignorance, fear, and hate. Rinse and repeat. Squawk.
So what? Fuck the bible and Koran.
Burn in hell you will. Good luck satan spawn.
Funny most theists who spend all day defending religion and the god hypothesis dont support you "burn in hell" theists. In fact they say you dont know what you are talking about.

I love running into your type because you sound so rediculous. So your god burns gays in hell for eternity for butt sex? Who told you this?
It's right there in the first chapter of Romans. It actually says they burn. You should read the Bible instead of assuming something isn't there.
Do you care what Mormons Jews and Muslim say? Then what do I care what romans says?

Do non christians like me burn in hell? Where does it say that cause I want to show it to theists on "so what I dont believe" thread. They're trying to say the bible doesnt say this.
Acts 4:12

Yes, you as a deliberate rejecter of the gospel of Christ will go to hell unless you repent.
Please find my thread so what I dont believe and tell these cherry picking christians.

“The constitution leaves marriage laws up to the states.”

At least you're consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

The issue concerns the states prohibiting same-sex couples from accessing marriage law they're eligible to participate in, violating the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment.
Old lame defeated argument. Nothing to do with marriage.

Burn in hell you will. Good luck satan spawn.
Funny most theists who spend all day defending religion and the god hypothesis dont support you "burn in hell" theists. In fact they say you dont know what you are talking about.

I love running into your type because you sound so rediculous. So your god burns gays in hell for eternity for butt sex? Who told you this?
It's right there in the first chapter of Romans. It actually says they burn. You should read the Bible instead of assuming something isn't there.
Do you care what Mormons Jews and Muslim say? Then what do I care what romans says?

Do non christians like me burn in hell? Where does it say that cause I want to show it to theists on "so what I dont believe" thread. They're trying to say the bible doesnt say this.
Acts 4:12

Yes, you as a deliberate rejecter of the gospel of Christ will go to hell unless you repent.
Please find my thread so what I dont believe and tell these cherry picking christians.
Hateful Christophobic bigot.
So what? Fuck the bible and Koran.
Burn in hell you will. Good luck satan spawn.
Funny most theists who spend all day defending religion and the god hypothesis dont support you "burn in hell" theists. In fact they say you dont know what you are talking about.

I love running into your type because you sound so rediculous. So your god burns gays in hell for eternity for butt sex? Who told you this?
It's right there in the first chapter of Romans. It actually says they burn. You should read the Bible instead of assuming something isn't there.
Do you care what Mormons Jews and Muslim say? Then what do I care what romans says?

Do non christians like me burn in hell? Where does it say that cause I want to show it to theists on "so what I dont believe" thread. They're trying to say the bible doesnt say this.
Acts 4:12

Yes, you as a deliberate rejecter of the gospel of Christ will go to hell unless you repent.
If you go to the religion forum the thread is "so what I dont believe". Come explain how people who dont believe in god and how gays are going to hell. They say most christians dont believe that.
Funny most theists who spend all day defending religion and the god hypothesis dont support you "burn in hell" theists. In fact they say you dont know what you are talking about.

I love running into your type because you sound so rediculous. So your god burns gays in hell for eternity for butt sex? Who told you this?
It's right there in the first chapter of Romans. It actually says they burn. You should read the Bible instead of assuming something isn't there.
Do you care what Mormons Jews and Muslim say? Then what do I care what romans says?

Do non christians like me burn in hell? Where does it say that cause I want to show it to theists on "so what I dont believe" thread. They're trying to say the bible doesnt say this.
Acts 4:12

Yes, you as a deliberate rejecter of the gospel of Christ will go to hell unless you repent.
Please find my thread so what I dont believe and tell these cherry picking christians.
Hateful Christophobic bigot.
I only hate mean people. Is your religion mean? Then fuck it and you.
It's right there in the first chapter of Romans. It actually says they burn. You should read the Bible instead of assuming something isn't there.
Do you care what Mormons Jews and Muslim say? Then what do I care what romans says?

Do non christians like me burn in hell? Where does it say that cause I want to show it to theists on "so what I dont believe" thread. They're trying to say the bible doesnt say this.
Acts 4:12

Yes, you as a deliberate rejecter of the gospel of Christ will go to hell unless you repent.
Please find my thread so what I dont believe and tell these cherry picking christians.
Hateful Christophobic bigot.
I only hate mean people. Is your religion mean? Then fuck it and you.
Was Jesus mean? I think he was very mean.
Do you care what Mormons Jews and Muslim say? Then what do I care what romans says?

Do non christians like me burn in hell? Where does it say that cause I want to show it to theists on "so what I dont believe" thread. They're trying to say the bible doesnt say this.
Acts 4:12

Yes, you as a deliberate rejecter of the gospel of Christ will go to hell unless you repent.
Please find my thread so what I dont believe and tell these cherry picking christians.
Hateful Christophobic bigot.
I only hate mean people. Is your religion mean? Then fuck it and you.
Was Jesus mean?
Ghandi said Christ sounded like a good man. Christians however.
Acts 4:12

Yes, you as a deliberate rejecter of the gospel of Christ will go to hell unless you repent.
Please find my thread so what I dont believe and tell these cherry picking christians.
Hateful Christophobic bigot.
I only hate mean people. Is your religion mean? Then fuck it and you.
Was Jesus mean?
Ghandi said Christ sounded like a good man. Christians however.
Do you believe Jesus was a good man or a mean man?

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