Let's Face The Facts--------Homosexuality Is A Behavior, Not A Civil Right

Do you care what Mormons Jews and Muslim say? Then what do I care what romans says?

Do non christians like me burn in hell? Where does it say that cause I want to show it to theists on "so what I dont believe" thread. They're trying to say the bible doesnt say this.
Acts 4:12

Yes, you as a deliberate rejecter of the gospel of Christ will go to hell unless you repent.
Please find my thread so what I dont believe and tell these cherry picking christians.
Hateful Christophobic bigot.
I only hate mean people. Is your religion mean? Then fuck it and you.
Was Jesus mean? I think he was very mean.
Where does Jesus say gays burn in hell? Or anything about gays.

And no one knows what Jesus said or if he even existed. All we know is what the catholic church says because all other denominations are just spinoffs so take it for what its worth.
Are hermaphrodites natural or freaks of nature?

There are some 65,000 known species of hermaphrodites, how are you figuring that they are all "freaks of nature"?

Now you're telling me a hermaphrodite is natural. You're a smart one, aren't you.
Everything in nature is natural even if unusual.

What about retarded children? Are they natural?
No, retardation is not natural.
Please find my thread so what I dont believe and tell these cherry picking christians.
Hateful Christophobic bigot.
I only hate mean people. Is your religion mean? Then fuck it and you.
Was Jesus mean?
Ghandi said Christ sounded like a good man. Christians however.
Do you believe Jesus was a good man or a mean man?
The red letter bible sounds like a nice enough guy. Lot nicer than Noah and Mohammad.
Are hermaphrodites natural or freaks of nature?

There are some 65,000 known species of hermaphrodites, how are you figuring that they are all "freaks of nature"?

Now you're telling me a hermaphrodite is natural. You're a smart one, aren't you.
Everything in nature is natural even if unusual.

What about retarded children? Are they natural?
No, retardation is not natural.
It happens. Being gay is rare but happens in nature. We arent the only animals you know?
Hateful Christophobic bigot.
I only hate mean people. Is your religion mean? Then fuck it and you.
Was Jesus mean?
Ghandi said Christ sounded like a good man. Christians however.
Do you believe Jesus was a good man or a mean man?
The red letter bible sounds like a nice enough guy. Lot nicer than Noah and Mohammad.

I agree about Mohammad. What about the part in chapter two of the Gospel of John when Jesus made a whip and beat people. Was that mean?
Are hermaphrodites natural or freaks of nature?

There are some 65,000 known species of hermaphrodites, how are you figuring that they are all "freaks of nature"?

Now you're telling me a hermaphrodite is natural. You're a smart one, aren't you.
Everything in nature is natural even if unusual.

What about retarded children? Are they natural?
No, retardation is not natural.
It happens. Being gay is rare but happens in nature. We arent the only animals you know?
Yes, it happens, but homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature.
Are hermaphrodites natural or freaks of nature?

There are some 65,000 known species of hermaphrodites, how are you figuring that they are all "freaks of nature"?

Now you're telling me a hermaphrodite is natural. You're a smart one, aren't you. Weren't you the cockroach crying about trolls?

I'm afraid I don't get your "joke" here.

You claimed hermaphrodites were freaks of nature, I would think that 65,000 known species defies that claim. Did God not create all the creatures in nature, including these 65,000 Hermaphrodite species? I'm fairly certain somewhere in there was "all the creatures of the sea" - starfish and many fish are Hermaphrodite species. How about insects, I don't recall a specific claim for them off the top of my head, but many of them too are hermaphrodite species.

Though, out of curiosity, does God not create all humans, or did he simply create Adam and Eve and wash his hands of it?
Are hermaphrodites natural or freaks of nature?

There are some 65,000 known species of hermaphrodites, how are you figuring that they are all "freaks of nature"?

Now you're telling me a hermaphrodite is natural. You're a smart one, aren't you. Weren't you the cockroach crying about trolls?

I'm afraid I don't get your "joke" here.

You claimed hermaphrodites were freaks of nature, I would think that 65,000 known species defies that claim. Did God not create all the creatures in nature, including these 65,000 Hermaphrodite species? I'm fairly certain somewhere in there was "all the creatures of the sea" - starfish and many fish are Hermaphrodite species. How about insects, I don't recall a specific claim for them off the top of my head, but many of them too are hermaphrodite species.

Though, out of curiosity, does God not create all humans, or did he simply create Adam and Eve and wash his hands of it?
I think it's time for you to whine about trolls again. You're not equipped.
Hermaphrodite Define Hermaphrodite at Dictionary.com
A friend told me to check this site out to experience the pit of leftist trash ignorance. He was right. Bye, fools.
I think it's time for you to whine about trolls again. You're not equipped.
Hermaphrodite Define Hermaphrodite at Dictionary.com

Well you certainly seem to think you've made a point with this link, though I'm afraid I do not see it...

In any event, it appears my entertainment troll is running away.

If any one might answer any of my above questions, I /am/ genuinely curious. I've attempted to read the bible on numerous occasions, but I've not read the entire thing; much less /all/ the versions out there. Even in reading the specific passages I cannot seem to find the one that makes it any more than a 'sin' and if we allow other 'sins' why not /this/ one? I would like to understand why this issue is so important and creates so much discord. Though I'm afraid most religious choose to resort to hate and anger, as our troll did, rather than to have any actual discussion to find a compromise somewhere. My grandparents [were] and my father is Christian but they were able to find some kind of compromise with my sisters lifestyle, it makes it very difficult for me to understand why so many other's seem unable to do so as well.

Of course, I'm not sure why I bother given the majority of the posters on this board, but it's worth a shot I guess heh
It is funny. Hateful Christophobic bigot.

You know nothing of me, so that statement makes no sense at all.
But then again, nothing that you have written so far makes much sense.
You completely lack the ability to debate.
With debate, it's a battle of ideas, not of personalities.
Instead of attacking the idea or a thought process, you make it all personal, try to go for the jugular of a person in the etherworld, and in the process, you undercut your argument.

See how that works, l'il slugger?
Hateful ignorant Christophobic bigotted sodomite.

Gee, for a n00b who just joined YESTERDAY, you think you know everything about me.

Too funny.

Oh, look, a sock is missing from my sock drawer...
It is funny. Hateful Christophobic bigot.

You know nothing of me, so that statement makes no sense at all.
But then again, nothing that you have written so far makes much sense.
You completely lack the ability to debate.
With debate, it's a battle of ideas, not of personalities.
Instead of attacking the idea or a thought process, you make it all personal, try to go for the jugular of a person in the etherworld, and in the process, you undercut your argument.

See how that works, l'il slugger?
Hateful ignorant Christophobic bigotted sodomite.

Gee, for a n00b who just joined YESTERDAY, you think you know everything about me.

Too funny.

Oh, look, a sock is missing from my sock drawer...
Why don't you tell your corrupt moderator pal to ban me, you ignorant cocksucker.
I have no issue with religion until they start dictating how everyone else has to live their lives...

As LGBT tends to obey the vast majority of the "rules" set out by the bible, common sense rules I think both sides of the fence agree with, whey then do the religious choose to dwell upon the part that LGBT doesn't follow?


"The dogmatically religious impulse stems from the psychological need for group identity and belonging, together with a need for certainty and meaning."

"This urge is closely connected to the impulse to be part of a group, to feel that you belong, and share the same beliefs and principles as others. And these impulses work together with the need for certainty – the feeling that you ‘know’, that you possess the truth, that you are right and others are wrong."

"Dogmatically religious people think that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. For them, religion isn’t about self-development or experiencing the transcendent, but about adhering to a set of rigid beliefs and following the rules laid down by religious authorities. It’s about defending their beliefs against anyone who questions them, asserting their ‘truth’ over other people’s, and spreading those beliefs to others. For them, the fact that other people have different beliefs is an affront, since it implies the possibility that their own beliefs may not be true. They need to convince other people that they’re wrong to prove to themselves that they’re right."

"Don’t blame religion for our problems – blame the human need for belonging and certainty." ~ Steve Taylor.

From an interesting piece on the psychology of religion: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/out-the-darkness/201206/the-psychology-religion-force-good-or-evil
Tell us one thing a Christian has forced you to do.

I'm sure some business owners out there would like to refuse service to some people because of their religious beliefs - Christianity for example. But, according to current civil rights laws it would be illegal to do so. How is that any different than laws that make it illegal to refuse service to gays?
Gays were never refused service. They demanded their sodomite marriage be serviced by Christians who were deliberately targeted to test new laws.

Uh-huh... and how is that any different that Christians being protected by PA laws?
What are PA laws?

So, back to the issue of stupid vs. non-stupid.

PA laws = Public Accomodation(s) Law(s)

Inform yourself.
I'm sure some business owners out there would like to refuse service to some people because of their religious beliefs - Christianity for example. But, according to current civil rights laws it would be illegal to do so. How is that any different than laws that make it illegal to refuse service to gays?
Gays were never refused service. They demanded their sodomite marriage be serviced by Christians who were deliberately targeted to test new laws.

Uh-huh... and how is that any different that Christians being protected by PA laws?
What are PA laws?

wow.. nevermind.
Exactly. You provided your escape from a losing position. Laws were passed and Christian businesses were deliberately targeted to test the new discrimination laws. Now go fuck yourself.

Getting a little testy, what?
Gays were never refused service. They demanded their sodomite marriage be serviced by Christians who were deliberately targeted to test new laws.

Uh-huh... and how is that any different that Christians being protected by PA laws?
What are PA laws?

wow.. nevermind.
Exactly. You provided your escape from a losing position. Laws were passed and Christian businesses were deliberately targeted to test the new discrimination laws. Now go fuck yourself.

Getting a little testy, what?

You're phoney "public accommodation" laws are meaningless. Fuck your laws. It's about time to shoot some queers.
And you can't legislate morality. Nor does any one group have the right to.

No one is forcing anyone to be gay but straights are trying to force gays to be straight.

Needless to say, the bible or other religions rule books have no place in our courts. You wanna be religious? Worship gods and other idols? Go for it. But you don't get to tell others they must do the same.

If that's what you want, move to Russia.

We won't miss you.
Such a false premise and narrative. YOU are the ones trying to force YOUR definition of marriage on everyone.

That's bullshit. No one is forcing anything on you. Don't believe in gay marriage, don't do it. Problem solved.

You don't get to force YOUR definition of marriage on everyone. YOU do not get a vote on it, so suck it up.

It's not my definition. It's civilization's definition and always has been. Go suck a donkey dick, sodomite.

You're a little behind, aren't you?...seeing how it's legal in almost every state, soon to be legal in all states. We're a Republic, not mob rule.

You don't have a say in this matter, so you might as well get your nose out of other peoples crotches, ya crotch sniffer.
Go target some Muslim businesses and demand they serve your sodomite wedding, you cowardly hateful Christophobic bigotted sodomite.

Yes, indeed, n00b is getting testy.

You are going to make for an outstanding chew-toy.

Do you care what Mormons Jews and Muslim say? Then what do I care what romans says?

Do non christians like me burn in hell? Where does it say that cause I want to show it to theists on "so what I dont believe" thread. They're trying to say the bible doesnt say this.
Acts 4:12

Yes, you as a deliberate rejecter of the gospel of Christ will go to hell unless you repent.
Please find my thread so what I dont believe and tell these cherry picking christians.
Hateful Christophobic bigot.
I only hate mean people. Is your religion mean? Then fuck it and you.
Was Jesus mean? I think he was very mean.

I think you have proven without a shadow of a doubt that you are batshit crazy.


And damn, if you didn't prove it in less than one day!!
Oh i
Acts 4:12

Yes, you as a deliberate rejecter of the gospel of Christ will go to hell unless you repent.
Please find my thread so what I dont believe and tell these cherry picking christians.
Hateful Christophobic bigot.
I only hate mean people. Is your religion mean? Then fuck it and you.
Was Jesus mean? I think he was very mean.

I think you have proven without a shadow of a doubt that you are batshit crazy.


And damn, if you didn't prove it in less than one day!!
I'm just passing through. You leftist hateful trash need to be stomped. Time to start shooting you idiots.
Why don't you tell your corrupt moderator pal to ban me, you ignorant cocksucker.

Well, let's think about this:

BoDacious nonsense.png

You've been here just one day (well, actually, less than one day), and already, you have 117 postings to your name. Extrapolated out to one year, that's:

42,705 postings.

Woohoo!!! You are going to be one busy little beaverette! Well, that's assuming that Stormfront doesn't let you back in.

Now, as to this "corrupt moderator pal" stuff, I am not going to say that you should read the rules page, because only smart people do that, but should you happen to saunter by, you might see a rule there about questioning moderation. Ho-hum, that may be a bit boring for you. Screaming "Chistophobic bigot" takes energy, you know!!

Gotta say, for a n00b, you sure seem to know a lot about people here in USMB, the operative word being "seem", because apparently, you know nothing of me.

Hmmmm, hmmmmmm, hmmmmmm....

I smell a stinky sock. And a stupid one, too.


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