Lets get back to earths normal climate, please?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
25 million years ago our planet was far warmer then today. No reason why life would not be able to live in a world like that once again.


From 300 million to 8 million years ago the temperature was nearly constantly above todays. In you people call todays temperature normal? It is not normal, but a cold period/ice age not unlike the one that hit 300-400 million years ago. Of course this chart shows from now to 5 million years from now in increase inervals of time. 10-60 million years is 10 million years a dash mark, and it just increases more and more.

In fact the period between 350-300 million years is the only time in the 560 plus million years besides the period we're in that was cooler then today. Sure puts a arrow into global warmings ass? In kills it. Who's to say that earth is not moving out of the overall 8 million year ice age period and going back to the temps it was for 290 plus million years? I would say that is more of a avg then our little ice age period, wouldn't you say?


This shows that a majority of earths history has had higher co2 levels then today. Co2 is for growing plants, tree's to feed animals and humans.


Methane levels. Just think of Methane levels of 25-30 times that of today and that was with co2 levels far far higher then today.

Life developed in a warmer that was far more tropical then the one we freeze our asses of today with. Global warmers please explain to me how the fuck does 5 million years out weights 600 million years when coming to our avgs? I know it don't, and that if there was a true avg, it would be a lot warmer then today's over that period. When you consider all the cycles and the fact that we're way below the long term earth avg. You have to ask where the hell is the global warming the problem?

The climate that we currently have is unnormal and cold. Brutal time in earths history.
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OK, dumb ass. Sure, let's do a very quick adjustment to warm up the world. Never mind the clathrates and CO2 in the permafrost, the clathrates on the ocean floor.

What we are going to see from the present warming, is, probably within this century, maybe even in my lifetime, a rapid climate change. What we are seeing right now is the stressing of the ocean ecology by increasing acidification, along with overfishing and massive manmade pollution. Add a rapidly changing climate, one that is difficult to farm in, and you have a massive dieoff.

How do we know about this kind of change? Because it has happened before. In the PETM, about 55 million years ago. Just because we are the present agent causing the rapid increase in GHGs instead of Trapp Volcanics, does not change the physics of the atmosphere, or the chemistry of the ocean.
OK, dumb ass. Sure, let's do a very quick adjustment to warm up the world. Never mind the clathrates and CO2 in the permafrost, the clathrates on the ocean floor.

What we are going to see from the present warming, is, probably within this century, maybe even in my lifetime, a rapid climate change. What we are seeing right now is the stressing of the ocean ecology by increasing acidification, along with overfishing and massive manmade pollution. Add a rapidly changing climate, one that is difficult to farm in, and you have a massive dieoff.

How do we know about this kind of change? Because it has happened before. In the PETM, about 55 million years ago. Just because we are the present agent causing the rapid increase in GHGs instead of Trapp Volcanics, does not change the physics of the atmosphere, or the chemistry of the ocean.

What a joke. What a total joke. You make a mockery of real science.

I don't understand how real scientists allow themselves to be at the same Colleges and Universities as the Warmers; it's an embarrassment
OK, dumb ass. Sure, let's do a very quick adjustment to warm up the world. Never mind the clathrates and CO2 in the permafrost, the clathrates on the ocean floor.

What we are going to see from the present warming, is, probably within this century, maybe even in my lifetime, a rapid climate change. What we are seeing right now is the stressing of the ocean ecology by increasing acidification, along with overfishing and massive manmade pollution. Add a rapidly changing climate, one that is difficult to farm in, and you have a massive dieoff.

How do we know about this kind of change? Because it has happened before. In the PETM, about 55 million years ago. Just because we are the present agent causing the rapid increase in GHGs instead of Trapp Volcanics, does not change the physics of the atmosphere, or the chemistry of the ocean.

And yet no warming has occurred since 1998. And the hysteria is about les then 1/3 of a degree warming. Once again for those not brain dead or plain stupid, it was predicted LONG ago that we would see a 1 degree heat increase from 1900 to 2000.
Not to mention to complete total abject dishonesty of trying to equate a deminimus increase in a trace element over a 100 year period (if in fact there really was an increase) with truly catastrophic changes that occurred as the result of some staggering event (meteor impact) and took place over geological time
OK, dumb ass. Sure, let's do a very quick adjustment to warm up the world. Never mind the clathrates and CO2 in the permafrost, the clathrates on the ocean floor.

What we are going to see from the present warming, is, probably within this century, maybe even in my lifetime, a rapid climate change. What we are seeing right now is the stressing of the ocean ecology by increasing acidification, along with overfishing and massive manmade pollution. Add a rapidly changing climate, one that is difficult to farm in, and you have a massive dieoff.

How do we know about this kind of change? Because it has happened before. In the PETM, about 55 million years ago. Just because we are the present agent causing the rapid increase in GHGs instead of Trapp Volcanics, does not change the physics of the atmosphere, or the chemistry of the ocean.

What a joke. What a total joke. You make a mockery of real science.

I don't understand how real scientists allow themselves to be at the same Colleges and Universities as the Warmers; it's an embarrassment
That's because "legitimate" science is not allowed to disagree with Ole Crocks truthiness. Otherwise, it's not science... it's filthy denier lies based on voodoo spiritualism and phrenology.

And if you believe him, I have a land bridge to sell you.
I say We Kill all the Cows, I'm tired of all their Methane Gas they produce..

Cars aren't the Problem.. Cows are.

...did i sound trollish enough?
Substantial warming of the Earth would in fact create problems in some areas, and would make other areas far more hospitable and better able to support human life than they can now do. The fact is that the Earth's climate does change and there is a growing body of credible science that is becoming more and more convinced that humankind is powerless to do a damn thing about it. As one part of the Earth became inhospitable, the people packed up and moved to areas that were simultaneously becoming more hospitable. The history of our own Anasazi Indians here in the desert southwest was one such story.

So, why in Heaven's name are we not devoting ALL our resources to monitoring and tracking climate change, making our best analysis of what future generations are going to have to face in the coastal areas, in the deserts, in the jungles, et al, and advising on how best to adapt to that?

That would make a hell of a lot more sense than putting all the resources into restricting the people's freedoms, choices, options, opportunities in a pretend effort to alter inevitable climate change.

Of course they know it is futile. But that isn't really why they are doing it is it.
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Humans weren't around 25 million years ago. We evolved during a relatively cooler period of earth's history. That being the case, I prefer our normal climate and totally reject the notion that going back would be no problem.
Humans weren't around 25 million years ago. We evolved during a relatively cooler period of earth's history. That being the case, I prefer our normal climate and totally reject the notion that going back would be no problem.

Fortunately the world is not shackled by your constraints.
Humans weren't around 25 million years ago. We evolved during a relatively cooler period of earth's history. That being the case, I prefer our normal climate and totally reject the notion that going back would be no problem.

Fortunately the world is not shackled by your constraints.

Also 'normal climate' is relative and what was 'normal' in one millenium was quite different in another. Humankind survived the last ice age and has certainly survived during millenia when the Earth was much warmer than now.

In analyzing what we know of human history and development though, it is obvious that there is far less famine and suffering during warm periods and perpetual cold is not a good situation for most of the Earth's creatures including us.
25 million years ago our planet was far warmer then today. No reason why life would not be able to live in a world like that once again.


From 300 million to 8 million years ago the temperature was nearly constantly above todays. In you people call todays temperature normal? It is not normal, but a cold period/ice age not unlike the one that hit 300-400 million years ago. Of course this chart shows from now to 5 million years from now in increase inervals of time. 10-60 million years is 10 million years a dash mark, and it just increases more and more.

In fact the period between 350-300 million years is the only time in the 560 plus million years besides the period we're in that was cooler then today. Sure puts a arrow into global warmings ass? In kills it. Who's to say that earth is not moving out of the overall 8 million year ice age period and going back to the temps it was for 290 plus million years? I would say that is more of a avg then our little ice age period, wouldn't you say?


This shows that a majority of earths history has had higher co2 levels then today. Co2 is for growing plants, tree's to feed animals and humans.


Methane levels. Just think of Methane levels of 25-30 times that of today and that was with co2 levels far far higher then today.

Life developed in a warmer that was far more tropical then the one we freeze our asses of today with. Global warmers please explain to me how the fuck does 5 million years out weights 600 million years when coming to our avgs? I know it don't, and that if there was a true avg, it would be a lot warmer then today's over that period. When you consider all the cycles and the fact that we're way below the long term earth avg. You have to ask where the hell is the global warming the problem?

The climate that we currently have is unnormal and cold. Brutal time in earths history.

Uh-oh, don't go and bring scientific fact to the table with these global warming morons. If they actually knew the earth was much warmer than it is today several times in the past, their little brains might explode! :eusa_shhh:
I say We Kill all the Cows, I'm tired of all their Methane Gas they produce..

Cars aren't the Problem.. Cows are.

...did i sound trollish enough?
LOL... funny. Don't forget dead things rot and produce even MORE methane! Woot!

Stop the rot! Save the planet!
You know all during the campaign of 1992, I watched the body language of the candidates and came to the conclusion that: Ross and Margo Perot loved each other; George H.W. and Barbara Bush loved each other; Dan and Marilyn Quayle loved each other; Bill and Hillary Clinton despised each other; but Al and Tipper Gore were deeply in love. It was that obvious spark between Al and Tipper that I most admired.

Today I read with considerable sadness that the Gores are splitting up.
Al and Tipper Gore Separate - Al Gore, Tipper Gore : People.com

The only thing I can think of that would bring that about is that she lost respect for Al as much as most of the rest of us have. Anybody who would promote what he has to know is fraudulent science for his own personal gain--especially considering how many hundreds of millions and/or billions of people stand to be significantly hurt by that--is not somebody that would be easy to admire. Or maybe love. I don't know.
Humans weren't around 25 million years ago. We evolved during a relatively cooler period of earth's history. That being the case, I prefer our normal climate and totally reject the notion that going back would be no problem.

The bad news being that we're within a short cold period within earths history is that we will likely trend towards normal within the next couple of million years. Humans better get used to it. Also over the next 100 million years should favor warmer temperatures as the sun starts to go over to more helium from Hydrogen. Sure we got 5 billion years, but the sun has slowly became hotter over the last billion years and should keep on doing so for this reason. Case in point normal could be even warmer.
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Still not sinking in, is it, Matthew? It is not that it is getting warmer or colder, it is the rate of change that is the problem.
Still not sinking in, is it, Matthew? It is not that it is getting warmer or colder, it is the rate of change that is the problem.

If the problem isn't that it is getting warming or colder, then the rate of change shouldn't be an issue at all unless it is sudden such as would occur as some ice ages have descended or if a large asteroid should strike the Earth triggering a 'nuclear winter' lasting decades or centuries. Certainly any rate of change occuring now is not a threat to life on Earth as we know it.

In fact, the danger from a large asteroid striking Earth is far more a threat to humankind than any anthropogenic created CO2 or cows farting methane could possibly ever be. And yet we are devoting almost no resources to identify and deflect such a threat that might target Earth.
Still not sinking in, is it, Matthew? It is not that it is getting warmer or colder, it is the rate of change that is the problem.

If the problem isn't that it is getting warming or colder, then the rate of change shouldn't be an issue at all unless it is sudden such as would occur as some ice ages have descended or if a large asteroid should strike the Earth triggering a 'nuclear winter' lasting decades or centuries. Certainly any rate of change occuring now is not a threat to life on Earth as we know it.

In fact, the danger from a large asteroid striking Earth is far more a threat to humankind than any anthropogenic created CO2 or cows farting methane could possibly ever be. And yet we are devoting almost no resources to identify and deflect such a threat that might target Earth.

This always gets me. AGW believers are told they don't have enough data to make the predictions being made, but here we have a denier making a blanket statement for which there is all sorts of data to the contrary!!! Pollution of the air and water, dead zones in the oceans, holes on the ozone layer and the ability of humanity to destroy itself several times over in a matter of minutes all make the above post totally ludicrous.

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