Let's Get Real...with Real Statistics!

How can black be more likely to kill a cop than be killed by cops? There's a total of what? 30 something cop deaths a year?

And you are comparing white n black as if they are an equal share of the population. If whites make up 70% of the pop, they should be 70% of those killed by cops.

You lie with your dishonest stats .

What are you smoking? There were 123 Polices officers killed in 2015. 30 deaths per year? You lie with your dishonest made up crap.

And why would you think that 70% of the population, should make up 70% of the deaths? That's not even logical. Polices officers need to walk around going "I need to shoot X number of whites, and X number of Blacks, and X number of Asians, and X number of Hispanics.... you know so all the deaths are proportional to the population."

How dumb do you have to be, to think that's logical?

No police officer wants to shoot anyone. They end up shooting people when they are placed in potentially dangerous situations with criminals.

Which demographic ends up in those situations the most? Asians make up 5% of the population, but are less involved in violence and criminal activity than White Americans. Thus they make up barely 2% of police shootings.

The Color of Crime 2016 revised edition

From any crime statistic, in nearly any city, or any state, Blacks commit the majority of the crime, and specifically violent crime.

Let me give you a small sample.

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California statistics 2013. All violent crime.

For every 1 white person caught for a violent crime, there were 1.4 Hispanics, 5.2 Blacks, and 0.5 all others.

For every white person caught kidnapping. There were 1.4 Hispanics, 4.1 Blacks, and 0.7 all others.

For every 1 white person caught for murder, there were 2.5 hispanics, 8.4 Blacks, and 0.6 all others.

For ever 1 white person caught in a weapons violation, there were 1.8 Hispanics, 5.5 Blacks, and 0.4 all others.

Do you see a pattern here? And you think that the number of police shootings of whites should be proportional to the population of whites? No no no.

Police shootings are going to be more in proportion to the races that commit crime, that they have to deal with. If you are a police officer, and you have to deal with violent criminals, and only 10 are white, 13 are hispanic, and 52 are Black, and only 5 are other races, then you are going to end up shooting a portion of that mix. That mix is skewed black.

The police didn't skew it black. The criminals who are black, skewed it black.

The people who are black, need to stop their people from committing crimes. And when the police don't have to deal with you anymore, because you are not committing crime... then they won't shoot you.
And 100 times more likely to be murdered by a black when you walk in Chicago.

So? I thought this was about police shootings

Or is the argument that black people shouldn't complain about police executions because black criminals kill a lot more black people?


Well, see people who are intelligent like us, realize that police don't shoot randomly. The police officers are not just walking around, firing rounds into neighborhoods they don't like.

After a hundred of years of research, and using the most brightest and most educated minds in the world, with all the super computer technology on the planet.... we have discovered that there is a clear direct correlation between being a criminal, and being shot by law enforcement.

Shockingly, being a criminal, and engaging in criminal activity, surprisingly increases your chances of being shot by people who engage in the duty of stopping crime.

Now I realize this is a fantastical find clearly created in the imagination of Hollywood movie directors..........

But the group of people most likely to commit crime.... is also.... (drum roll please) the group most likely to be shot by police. (a gasp sweeps across the audience).

Asian Americas are one of the least likely races in America today to engage in criminal activity. The make barely over 1% of all crime. SHOCKINGLY!..... Asians are also the least likely group to be shot by police. :ack-1: holy craptastic batman!

In fact, Asians are less likely to be shot by a police officer than White Americans! IT MUST MEAN POLICE ARE RACIST AGAINST WHITES!!!!!!!

No.... .... it's because they commit less crime. That's the problem. Blacks need to stop being criminals, and they won't get shot.

You want to stop "police executions"? That's how you stop them. Stop breaking the law, and you won't get shot.

Now that's made as a joke, but most of it is dead on accurate.
You want to stop "police executions"? That's how you stop them. Stop breaking the law, and you won't get shot.

Now that's made as a joke, but most of it is dead on accurate.

Right, it's against the law to have a broken tail light, sell cigarettes, play with a toy gun, wear a hoodie and buy skittles..... so don't complain if you're executed by cops just doing their duty

And no, that doesn't mean all cops are racist. But is stupid to deny that the "justice" system has a serious problem and that's time to do something about it.

How can black be more likely to kill a cop than be killed by cops? There's a total of what? 30 something cop deaths a year?

And you are comparing white n black as if they are an equal share of the population. If whites make up 70% of the pop, they should be 70% of those killed by cops.

You lie with your dishonest stats .
They should be 70% of those killed by cops only if they do stupid shit to be killed for as often as blacks do. Blacks are more prone to violence.
You want to stop "police executions"? That's how you stop them. Stop breaking the law, and you won't get shot.

Now that's made as a joke, but most of it is dead on accurate.

Right, it's against the law to have a broken tail light, sell cigarettes, play with a toy gun, wear a hoodie and buy skittles..... so don't complain if you're executed by cops just doing their duty

And no, that doesn't mean all cops are racist. But is stupid to deny that the "justice" system has a serious problem and that's time to do something about it.

What problem does the justice system have? If you commit a crime and get caught you go to jail. The sentences are the same regardless of race.
Gee How come no one has posted the statistics for black on black murder?? How bout Chicago??

Now that number would surely be an eye opener.
You want to stop "police executions"? That's how you stop them. Stop breaking the law, and you won't get shot.

Now that's made as a joke, but most of it is dead on accurate.

Right, it's against the law to have a broken tail light, sell cigarettes, play with a toy gun, wear a hoodie and buy skittles..... so don't complain if you're executed by cops just doing their duty

And no, that doesn't mean all cops are racist. But is stupid to deny that the "justice" system has a serious problem and that's time to do something about it.


Actually it is against the law to sell cigarettes without the proper sales tax permits.
A broken tail light is a violation
and I can only take your Skittles reference to mean Treyvon Martin but don't forget that he was not shot by a cop

And Castille didn't get shot because he had a broken tail light
And whtahisname didn't get killed for selling cigarettes

Funny how you ignore the entire interaction and focus only on the initial cause of the contact with police
What problem does the justice system have? If you commit a crime and get caught you go to jail. The sentences are the same regardless of race.

The sentences are the same? Really?

If you're black and you're caught with weed you go to jail, if you're white and you're caught with weed you get a warning

What do you think would happen if a black guy stood his ground and shot a white kid with skittles?

If you're rich and kill a bunch of people while driving drunk then you suffer from affluenza, if you're poor and.....

If you're a (in) famous politician and expose "national security" secrets you're just careless, if you're the head of the NSA it's no problem lying to congress, if you're a lowly employee and you dare to expose the crimes of the beloved military or the equally loved spying agency you're a traitor deserving to be locked up for ever

If you're a bankster doing god's work by destroying the economy, you get a government bailout. If you're poor and hungry and steal bread three times you get a life sentence...


I admire your faith in the "justice" system but maybe you should pay a little more attention to the news

Actually it is against the law to sell cigarettes without the proper sales tax permits.
A broken tail light is a violation
and I can only take your Skittles reference to mean Treyvon Martin but don't forget that he was not shot by a cop

And Castille didn't get shot because he had a broken tail light
And whtahisname didn't get killed for selling cigarettes

Funny how you ignore the entire interaction and focus only on the initial cause of the contact with police

Funny how you ignore the fact that it's only black people that get shot by the police for those violations of the law

Actually it is against the law to sell cigarettes without the proper sales tax permits.
A broken tail light is a violation
and I can only take your Skittles reference to mean Treyvon Martin but don't forget that he was not shot by a cop

And Castille didn't get shot because he had a broken tail light
And whtahisname didn't get killed for selling cigarettes

Funny how you ignore the entire interaction and focus only on the initial cause of the contact with police

Funny how you ignore the fact that it's only black people that get shot by the police for those violations of the law

Link to 'fact?'
Actually it is against the law to sell cigarettes without the proper sales tax permits.
A broken tail light is a violation
and I can only take your Skittles reference to mean Treyvon Martin but don't forget that he was not shot by a cop

And Castille didn't get shot because he had a broken tail light
And whtahisname didn't get killed for selling cigarettes

Funny how you ignore the entire interaction and focus only on the initial cause of the contact with police

Funny how you ignore the fact that it's only black people that get shot by the police for those violations of the law

Do you know that?
Cops shoot more whites than blacks and do you know the initial reason for contact in all those cases where a white person was shot by a cop?

And like I said the initial violation was not why any of those people got shot
You want to stop "police executions"? That's how you stop them. Stop breaking the law, and you won't get shot.

Now that's made as a joke, but most of it is dead on accurate.

Right, it's against the law to have a broken tail light, sell cigarettes, play with a toy gun, wear a hoodie and buy skittles..... so don't complain if you're executed by cops just doing their duty

And no, that doesn't mean all cops are racist. But is stupid to deny that the "justice" system has a serious problem and that's time to do something about it.

What problem does the justice system have? If you commit a crime and get caught you go to jail. The sentences are the same regardless of race.

Simply not true.
You want to stop "police executions"? That's how you stop them. Stop breaking the law, and you won't get shot.

Now that's made as a joke, but most of it is dead on accurate.

Right, it's against the law to have a broken tail light, sell cigarettes, play with a toy gun, wear a hoodie and buy skittles..... so don't complain if you're executed by cops just doing their duty

And no, that doesn't mean all cops are racist. But is stupid to deny that the "justice" system has a serious problem and that's time to do something about it.

What problem does the justice system have? If you commit a crime and get caught you go to jail. The sentences are the same regardless of race.

Simply not true.
I agree...

Illegal aliens don't go to jail thanks to Obama....
Link to 'fact?'

If you don't believe it, just try to find a story of a white kid shot by the police for playing with a toy gun, maybe a white guy ending up dead after being stopped for a broken tail light, for selling cigarettes?

So just because they don't make the news they don't happen?

Why don't you find for me in any of the cases where a white person was shot by the cops what the reason was for the initial contact?
Do you know that?
Cops shoot more whites than blacks and do you know the initial reason for contact in all those cases where a white person was shot by a cop?

And like I said the initial violation was not why any of those people got shot

I already pointed out that black people as a percentage are 3 times more likely to get shot by the police

And you're right, it's not the initial violation that get's them killed, the reason why they got shot is because they're black and the police know they can get away with it

But of course that has nothing to do with racism, it's just that "blacks are more violent and criminal"


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