Let's Get Real...with Real Statistics!

1. Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. According to datacompiled by The Washington Post, 50 percent of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, while 26 percent were black. The majority of these victims had a gun or “were armed or otherwise threatening the officer with potentially lethal force,” according to MacDonald.

Except of course any thinking person would recognize that blacks are much smaller population(13% of population, while whites are 63%), so this very statistic adjusted for population ratio means that a black person is ~2.5 times more likely to get shot by police than a white person.

A mistake that gross gives away a blatant bias of the author and discredits the article.

EDIT: Oh yea it's West. No surprises there.
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You want to stop "police executions"? That's how you stop them. Stop breaking the law, and you won't get shot.

Now that's made as a joke, but most of it is dead on accurate.

Right, it's against the law to have a broken tail light, sell cigarettes, play with a toy gun, wear a hoodie and buy skittles..... so don't complain if you're executed by cops just doing their duty

And no, that doesn't mean all cops are racist. But is stupid to deny that the "justice" system has a serious problem and that's time to do something about it.

What problem does the justice system have? If you commit a crime and get caught you go to jail. The sentences are the same regardless of race.

Yeah cause that's what's happening . Everyone is treated by the justice system equally !

Are you fucking serious ?
1. Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. According to datacompiled by The Washington Post, 50 percent of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, while 26 percent were black. The majority of these victims had a gun or “were armed or otherwise threatening the officer with potentially lethal force,” according to MacDonald.

Except of course any thinking person would recognize that blacks are much smaller population(13% of population, while whites are 63%), so this very statistic adjusted for population ratio means that a black person is ~2.5 times more likely to get shot by police than a white person.

A mistake that gross gives away a blatant bias of the author and discredits the article.

EDIT: Oh yea it's West. No surprises there.
And any thinking person would realize that Blacks commit a disproportionately high number of violent crimes

For example 13% of the population that are black commit 50% of all murders

So it makes sense to a thinking person that blacks will have a disproportionate number of police encounters does it not?

BTW that disproportionately high violent crime stat was in the article as well

funny you didn't see that
You want to stop "police executions"? That's how you stop them. Stop breaking the law, and you won't get shot.

Now that's made as a joke, but most of it is dead on accurate.

Right, it's against the law to have a broken tail light, sell cigarettes, play with a toy gun, wear a hoodie and buy skittles..... so don't complain if you're executed by cops just doing their duty

And no, that doesn't mean all cops are racist. But is stupid to deny that the "justice" system has a serious problem and that's time to do something about it.


That's a fitting emoji for you.

If you want to drink your beer, and claim every police shooting is an execution, because it fits your warped view of the world, fine.

But here's the bottom line. People are going to continue to die, as long as police officers have to stop criminals. It's inherent to the job. There is no place on the face of this planet, and no civilization in all human history, where the people charged with law enforcement, never have to hurt or kill those who break the law.

You want to whine and complain about cops shooting people, fine. But you've tried that complaint for the last 40 years. How's it working out for you? Has anything improved? Nope.

Trying the same failed tactic of "accuse the police of brutality and executions" over and over, with riots and demonstrations and protests... and thinking somehow you are going to get a better result, is a joke. It has not worked, and never will work.

I have a solution: Obey the law. Weed is agaisnt the law. Stop using it. Rape is against the law. Stop doing it. Murder is against the law. Stop killing people. Drive the speed limit, and don't blow through red lights. Stop vandalizing, and burglarizing, and mugging and assaulting.

You think that's a joke, but that just makes you wrong.

Example.... You mention Tamir Rice with the toy gun. Did you ever wonder why the people in that neighborhood called police to begin with? It's because that area is one of the highest crime rate areas in Cleveland. People are shot and killed there all the time.

I see kids in this area with toy guns constantly. No one calls police. Why? Almost no crime here. There have been 3 murders, in the past decade. In that area of Cleveland, they have murders and rapes all year long.

Stop breaking the law, and the people wouldn't have even called the police.

You want to know why the police were on edge? Same reason. They know people are shot and killed there all the time. So when they get a call, that some guy has a gun in the park, it's not like "oh it's likely some kid playing a prank" which would be the response here in my city. It's "oh crap another guy going to shoot someone. We better get there fast!".

Again, stop breaking the law. Police won't arrive in thinking they are about to be shot at.

Same thing with the smoke seller in New York. When the police show up, and tell you to come with them..... stop breaking the law. Do what they say. They say "come on", and you come on. If that guy had done exactly as he was told, they never would have tried to wrestle him to the ground, which is exactly what they are supposed to do when someone resists.

Stop breaking the law.

Your system of "accuse the police of executing people" has never worked, and it never will.

The only way you can keep breaking the law, and never get hurt by police, is if the police simply stop enforcing the law. Which is exactly what we're starting to see. And the result is, you reap chaos and anarchy. And ironically the victims end up being yourselves. Which is sadly, poetic justice.
What problem does the justice system have? If you commit a crime and get caught you go to jail. The sentences are the same regardless of race.

The sentences are the same? Really?

If you're black and you're caught with weed you go to jail, if you're white and you're caught with weed you get a warning

What do you think would happen if a black guy stood his ground and shot a white kid with skittles?

If you're rich and kill a bunch of people while driving drunk then you suffer from affluenza, if you're poor and.....

If you're a (in) famous politician and expose "national security" secrets you're just careless, if you're the head of the NSA it's no problem lying to congress, if you're a lowly employee and you dare to expose the crimes of the beloved military or the equally loved spying agency you're a traitor deserving to be locked up for ever

If you're a bankster doing god's work by destroying the economy, you get a government bailout. If you're poor and hungry and steal bread three times you get a life sentence...


I admire your faith in the "justice" system but maybe you should pay a little more attention to the news


Again, simply do not have weed. Then it won't matter what your skin color is.

No one is stealing bread. You idiot. The poor have a higher rate of obesity, than any other income group.

What do you think would happen if a black guy stood his ground and shot a white kid with skittles?

Now this I love. I love it when ignorant morons like you, barf up ignorant crap like this, and get your foot shoved right down your throat.

What would happen if a Black man stood his ground, and shot a white kid.

State irons out details of fatal Waffle House shooting

The State Attorney's Office will not file any charges against the man who shot and killed Dakota Fields in January at the Waffle House restaurant on Palm Beach Boulevard.
Jehrardd Williams, 28, was the shooter at the Waffle House, but the reports released this week indicate Williams feared for his life when he fired three shots at Fields.​

The black man, stood his ground against a violent white boy, and shot him dead. Ruled justified.

Huh.... so much for the "if a black man did it, he's be strung up" crap.

Black Man Shoots White Teen, Jury says Self Defense. And Nobody Cares - The Truth About Guns

Oh look, a black man confronting a teenage white boy punk, breaking into his car. The teen charged directly at him, and he shot and killed the white trash.

Huh... ruled justified self-defense. So much for the "if a black man did it, he's be strung up" crap.

Stand your ground law, Trayvon Martin and a shocking legacy | Tampa Bay Times

Florida research shows 'stand your ground' laws benefit blacks more so than whites, relative to their populations.

Ok, so you are full of crap.... And you may, or may not realize it yet, and may never admit it, but you are finished here. Thanks for playing.
1. Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. According to datacompiled by The Washington Post, 50 percent of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, while 26 percent were black. The majority of these victims had a gun or “were armed or otherwise threatening the officer with potentially lethal force,” according to MacDonald.

Except of course any thinking person would recognize that blacks are much smaller population(13% of population, while whites are 63%), so this very statistic adjusted for population ratio means that a black person is ~2.5 times more likely to get shot by police than a white person.

A mistake that gross gives away a blatant bias of the author and discredits the article.

EDIT: Oh yea it's West. No surprises there.
And any thinking person would realize that Blacks commit a disproportionately high number of violent crimes

For example 13% of the population that are black commit 50% of all murders

So it makes sense to a thinking person that blacks will have a disproportionate number of police encounters does it not?

BTW that disproportionately high violent crime stat was in the article as well

funny you didn't see that

Separate issue: You can say that there are reasons for statics being what they are, but you cannot say that blacks are not significantly more likely to get shot by cops than whites.

Author, who calls his piece Let's Get Real...with Real Statistics! Wasn't using real (as in correct) statistics.
1. Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. According to datacompiled by The Washington Post, 50 percent of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, while 26 percent were black. The majority of these victims had a gun or “were armed or otherwise threatening the officer with potentially lethal force,” according to MacDonald.

Except of course any thinking person would recognize that blacks are much smaller population(13% of population, while whites are 63%), so this very statistic adjusted for population ratio means that a black person is ~2.5 times more likely to get shot by police than a white person.

A mistake that gross gives away a blatant bias of the author and discredits the article.

EDIT: Oh yea it's West. No surprises there.
And any thinking person would realize that Blacks commit a disproportionately high number of violent crimes

For example 13% of the population that are black commit 50% of all murders

So it makes sense to a thinking person that blacks will have a disproportionate number of police encounters does it not?

BTW that disproportionately high violent crime stat was in the article as well

funny you didn't see that

Separate issue: You can say that there are reasons for statics being what they are, but you cannot say that blacks are not significantly more likely to get shot by cops than whites.

Author, who calls his piece Let's Get Real...with Real Statistics! Wasn't using real (as in correct) statistics.

It's not a separate issue

The disproportionately high rate of violent crimes committed by blacks is the major reason blacks have more contact with cops
1. Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. According to datacompiled by The Washington Post, 50 percent of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, while 26 percent were black. The majority of these victims had a gun or “were armed or otherwise threatening the officer with potentially lethal force,” according to MacDonald.

Except of course any thinking person would recognize that blacks are much smaller population(13% of population, while whites are 63%), so this very statistic adjusted for population ratio means that a black person is ~2.5 times more likely to get shot by police than a white person.

A mistake that gross gives away a blatant bias of the author and discredits the article.

EDIT: Oh yea it's West. No surprises there.
And any thinking person would realize that Blacks commit a disproportionately high number of violent crimes

For example 13% of the population that are black commit 50% of all murders

So it makes sense to a thinking person that blacks will have a disproportionate number of police encounters does it not?

BTW that disproportionately high violent crime stat was in the article as well

funny you didn't see that

Separate issue: You can say that there are reasons for statics being what they are, but you cannot say that blacks are not significantly more likely to get shot by cops than whites.

Author, who calls his piece Let's Get Real...with Real Statistics! Wasn't using real (as in correct) statistics.

It's not a separate issue

The disproportionately high rate of violent crimes committed by blacks is the major reason blacks have more contact with cops

It's not a separate issue

The disproportionately high rate of violent crimes committed by blacks is the major reason blacks have more contact with cops

Agree, but that's not what the author claimed. The author falsely insinuated that whites are more likely to get shot by cops, which is false.
It's not a separate issue

The disproportionately high rate of violent crimes committed by blacks is the major reason blacks have more contact with cops

Agree, but that's not what the author claimed. The author falsely insinuated that whites are more likely to get shot by cops, which is false.

I didn't see that statement in the OP

He said cops shoot twice as many whites as blacks a year and that is true
It's not a separate issue

The disproportionately high rate of violent crimes committed by blacks is the major reason blacks have more contact with cops

Agree, but that's not what the author claimed. The author falsely insinuated that whites are more likely to get shot by cops, which is false.

I didn't see that statement in the OP

He said cops shoot twice as many whites as blacks a year and that is true

Of course such count is only relevant if you are pushing an agenda instead of making an honest argument.

Blacks are more likely to get shot by cops - THAT is relevant if you want to use meaningful statistics to inform people instead of fooling them.
It's not a separate issue

The disproportionately high rate of violent crimes committed by blacks is the major reason blacks have more contact with cops

Agree, but that's not what the author claimed. The author falsely insinuated that whites are more likely to get shot by cops, which is false.

I didn't see that statement in the OP

He said cops shoot twice as many whites as blacks a year and that is true

Of course such count is only relevant if you are pushing an agenda instead of making an honest argument.

Blacks are more likely to get shot by cops - THAT is relevant if you want to use meaningful statistics to inform people instead of fooling them.

And I've explained why

Quoting any stat without a look at the underlying dynamics is a waste of time and is done when you want to fool people
And I've explained why

Quoting any stat without a look at the underlying dynamics is a waste of time and is done when you want to fool people

Nothing about using sound statistics precludes looking at the underlying dynamics.
1. Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015. According to datacompiled by The Washington Post, 50 percent of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, while 26 percent were black. The majority of these victims had a gun or “were armed or otherwise threatening the officer with potentially lethal force,” according to MacDonald.

Except of course any thinking person would recognize that blacks are much smaller population(13% of population, while whites are 63%), so this very statistic adjusted for population ratio means that a black person is ~2.5 times more likely to get shot by police than a white person.

A mistake that gross gives away a blatant bias of the author and discredits the article.

EDIT: Oh yea it's West. No surprises there.
And any thinking person would realize that Blacks commit a disproportionately high number of violent crimes

For example 13% of the population that are black commit 50% of all murders

So it makes sense to a thinking person that blacks will have a disproportionate number of police encounters does it not?

BTW that disproportionately high violent crime stat was in the article as well

funny you didn't see that

Separate issue: You can say that there are reasons for statics being what they are, but you cannot say that blacks are not significantly more likely to get shot by cops than whites.

Author, who calls his piece Let's Get Real...with Real Statistics! Wasn't using real (as in correct) statistics.
Blacks are more likely to do the things people get shot for.

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