Let's get rid of Biden and Trump and start over.

Classified documents should never move to private residence. Both were wrong. Yet you partisan supporters will stand behind your party.
I am glad someone started this thread. I think the problem today is both sides are so stupidly partisan neither side know right from wrong anymore. This Trump/Biden documents thing is a perfect example. Trumpsters were babbling on about no big deal, Trump can do what he wants, while the dems were demonizing him for it. Then Biden is found to have done the same thing Trumpsters are out for blood. IT IS THE SAME THING. Proof right here both sides are stupidly partisan. Both should be charged with have classified documents in their possession and any other crimes involved.
Trump was President and you still have not provided a Link to prove what he did was not legal.
I am more outraged that Biden has a gas guzzling Corvette instead of an EV like he lectures everyone else to have.
Democrats are hypocrites
I have not be able to stomach either party since the tea party. Now I am adrift but I refuse to join the party of stupid. There is two of them.
Political parties today are compris d of those who cannot think for themselves.
Not until we know the full story on Biden. We already know the full story on Trump.
We know the full story on Biden.

He is a dufus and he was sharing classified documents with the foreign interest tht made his family filthy rich.

That is in addition to being the most worthless and destructive President in the history of the Republic and the fact he stole the 2020 election.
Trump didn't commit a crime, Biden sure did. That's not even the worst part, now all the Biden foreign money laundering will come out.
Splain this to me then, if Biden is so evil and corrupt, and in control of everything like you guys babble on about, why didn't he just shred and burn these documents?
Biden and Trump should be charged and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
I’d offer them a plea deal, go away, leave politics and we won’t prosecute. It’s a win win, spares the country the investigations, the trials, the divoiding of the country and we move on, part of the plea deal would Harris would not be President.

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