Let's get rid of Biden and Trump and start over.

You must have been really upset when Trump made you hire US Citizens.[

5 questions about President Trump’s use of undocumented workers

For years — including during Trump’s presidency — the Trump Organization employed undocumented workers as housekeepers, waiters, groundskeepers and stonemasons.​

In some cases, those workers’ jobs brought them very close to Trump and his family: They served Trump’s meals, cleaned his homes, set out his makeup and ironed his boxer shorts. On Wednesday, The Post told the story of Sandra Diaz and Victorina Morales, two former Trump Organization housekeepers who went public late last year.
What has trump done?
The following lists 23+ pending legal cases. Trump has settled some by paying off the plantiffs to end the suit. The Trump corp has been found guilty of Tax fraud. Trump University was closed and fined for fraud. The Trump charity was closed and fined for fraud.
There are a lot more issues pending, dumbass. You probably want to know what Putin has done wrong in the Ukraine.

The following lists 23+ pending legal cases. Trump has settled some by paying off the plantiffs to end the suit. The Trump corp has been found guilty of Tax fraud. Trump University was closed and fined for fraud. The Trump charity was closed and fined for fraud.
There are a lot more issues pending, dumbass. You probably want to know what Putin has done wrong in the Ukraine.

Means nothing as everyone knows Wall Street is terrified and simply trying to run Trump into bankruptcy.
The following lists 23+ pending legal cases. Trump has settled some by paying off the plantiffs to end the suit. The Trump corp has been found guilty of Tax fraud. Trump University was closed and fined for fraud. The Trump charity was closed and fined for fraud.
There are a lot more issues pending, dumbass. You probably want to know what Putin has done wrong in the Ukraine.

Thanks but it's all bullshit.
The following lists 23+ pending legal cases. Trump has settled some by paying off the plantiffs to end the suit. The Trump corp has been found guilty of Tax fraud. Trump University was closed and fined for fraud. The Trump charity was closed and fined for fraud.
There are a lot more issues pending, dumbass. You probably want to know what Putin has done wrong in the Ukraine.

I love reading articles that are rife with subjective words like, "perhaps", "might happen".
Just STFU and hire some US Citizens and don't tell me you do.
Means nothing as everyone knows Wall Street is terrified and simply trying to run Trump into bankruptcy.
Many Wall Streeters loved Trump. he changed tax law to help them substantially.
During Trump's Presidency, those who benefitted, the most, were the Wall Streeters and other wealth Americans.
Those who owned coal mine stocks did much better than coal miners, under Trump. Those who owned manufacturer's stocks did much better than hose who have US manufacturing jobs, under Trump.
You are so fricking stupid, you don't see this.
Let's get rid of Biden and Trump and start over.
I was defending Biden up until the revelation there were docs at his house. There’s no excusing the docs being there. I guess I want to give him the benefit of the doubt it was unintentional. Let’s just let the DOJ do the investigation. Not republicans. Fuck them.

The whole thing is a full blown Biden scandal. I still support him though. Time will tell.
Many Wall Streeters loved Trump. he changed tax law to help them substantially.
During Trump's Presidency, those who benefitted, the most, were the Wall Streeters and other wealth Americans.
Those who owned coal mine stocks did much better than coal miners, under Trump. Those who owned manufacturer's stocks did much better than hose who have US manufacturing jobs, under Trump.
You are so fricking stupid, you don't see this.
Trump sent all the Indian H1-Bs home and all of Big Tech still hates Trump.
Trump's tax cut caused unprecedented employment for US citizens.
You are angry at Trump because yoo have a small to midsized business and wanted trespassers.
I was defending Biden up until the revelation there were docs at his house. There’s no excusing the docs being there. I guess I want to give him the benefit of the doubt it was unintentional. Let’s just let the DOJ do the investigation. Not republicans. Fuck them.

The whole thing is a full blown Biden scandal. I still support him though. Time will tell.
The DOJ does not investigate Democrats.
Just like Al Capone, mobster Crooked Donald is guilty of a multitude of crimes, but it is the tax man who will bring him down.
Just like Al Capone, mobster Crooked Donald is guilty of a multitude of crimes, but it is the tax man who will bring him down.
Proof? Lol, howlers don't do proof, they do links to media lies.
I was defending Biden up until the revelation there were docs at his house. There’s no excusing the docs being there. I guess I want to give him the benefit of the doubt it was unintentional. Let’s just let the DOJ do the investigation. Not republicans. Fuck them.

The whole thing is a full blown Biden scandal. I still support him though. Time will tell.
So let Democrats investigate Republicans but don’t let Republicans investigate Democrats?

I disagree with that but I do agree we get rid of Biden and Trump.

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