Let's get t his over with! Sheesh....Just impeach them both ASAP and be done with it!

Yeah open impeachment hearings and start calling all the witnesses Trumpybera wants to sequester. Perhaps redo all of Mueller's work. Should be able to wrap it up for a final vote about the middle of Nov. 2020.
And waste billions of taxpayer dollars on their bullshit quest to validate their deranged narrative. Don't they have anything better to do with their time and my money? They lost the election in 2016, get the F**K over it already!

So you're in favor of just releasing the entire un-redacted Mueller report to the committees then?

No.... They will betray everyone including the grand jury. The day after you give it to them it will be in the papers.

Congressional committees see classified data all the time. But if you want them to spend billions and billions......

I don't see billions on impeachment.

Tens of millions maybe.

Yeah open impeachment hearings and start calling all the witnesses Trumpybera wants to sequester. Perhaps redo all of Mueller's work. Should be able to wrap it up for a final vote about the middle of Nov. 2020.
And waste billions of taxpayer dollars on their bullshit quest to validate their deranged narrative. Don't they have anything better to do with their time and my money? They lost the election in 2016, get the F**K over it already!

So you're in favor of just releasing the entire un-redacted Mueller report to the committees then?

No.... They will betray everyone including the grand jury. The day after you give it to them it will be in the papers.

Congressional committees see classified data all the time. But if you want them to spend billions and billions......

They also leak shit all the time.


You have some examples of classified data that has been leaked by the oversight committees? Either side?
Yeah open impeachment hearings and start calling all the witnesses Trumpybera wants to sequester. Perhaps redo all of Mueller's work. Should be able to wrap it up for a final vote about the middle of Nov. 2020.

Should be able to wrap it up for a final vote about the middle of Nov. 2020.

AFTER the election has been decided?
Right after Trump wins again.

The Trumpublicans in the Senate will never convict or remove their man. Either way it won't matter. If he looses, he's gone.
He won't.
Yeah open impeachment hearings and start calling all the witnesses Trumpybera wants to sequester. Perhaps redo all of Mueller's work. Should be able to wrap it up for a final vote about the middle of Nov. 2020.
And waste billions of taxpayer dollars on their bullshit quest to validate their deranged narrative. Don't they have anything better to do with their time and my money? They lost the election in 2016, get the F**K over it already!

So you're in favor of just releasing the entire un-redacted Mueller report to the committees then?

Absolutely not. There are laws that require some of that information be redacted. Congress has the redacted version, Barr offered to meet with select members of Congress to work a less redacted version. Congressional Dems (and probably some Reps, too) just won't be satisfied with reasonable accommodations. Barr and his people know with 100% certainty that anything the Dems get can and will be leaked, in total, to their trained circus media. And every leak will be taken out of context, misquoted, or otherwise spun to appear to support them deranged narrative.
Yeah open impeachment hearings and start calling all the witnesses Trumpybera wants to sequester. Perhaps redo all of Mueller's work. Should be able to wrap it up for a final vote about the middle of Nov. 2020.
And waste billions of taxpayer dollars on their bullshit quest to validate their deranged narrative. Don't they have anything better to do with their time and my money? They lost the election in 2016, get the F**K over it already!

So you're in favor of just releasing the entire un-redacted Mueller report to the committees then?

No.... They will betray everyone including the grand jury. The day after you give it to them it will be in the papers.

Congressional committees see classified data all the time. But if you want them to spend billions and billions......

They're going to spend billions anyway. I still wonder what they think they were hired to do? Not this bullshit sham act.

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