Let's Go Over the "Cliff"

Ditto. I have people piss me off everyday and sometimes we take it out on the next person. Human nature, I suppose. Been there many times. Forget it and my apologies as well to you. Doesn't mean I'll agree(wink) with you but it wouldn't be interesting if we all did agree.

Amen to that buddy. Glad we could fix this qucikly. Politicians could learn a pretty good example from two random people on the internent with no link whatsoever haha

Agreed. I did just what someone did to you. I read what you said and was off on you when I should have challeged instead of insulted.

Don't hold out much hope for politicians following our lead. :eusa_angel:

Im a younger guy heading off to law school next year, but I hope to get into politics soon. hopefully I can just lead by example. Ill always remember this little spat as an example to not get too hot on people that may have similar views as me.
Ultra right assholes, a small minority in this country, telling the rest of us what is going to happen?

I think not. The dems have corralled their ultra left and we need to do the same to our ultra right.

Libertarian philosophy is a death disease of the thinking man and woman.

We crush them now in Congress while we have the chance.
Ultra right assholes, a small minority in this country, telling the rest of us what is going to happen?

I think not. The dems have corralled their ultra left and we need to do the same to our ultra right.

Libertarian philosophy is a death disease of the thinking man and woman.

We crush them now in Congress while we have the chance.

STFU, Libtard.
SniperFire, you are the very small minority, and libertards and ultra rightards are not going to ruin this country for the rest of us. You can count on being forced to follow the rules.
Only the far left and the ultra right and libertarians are the enemies of this country.

The Senate perhaps will pass the compromise, and then Real America will watch Boehner bring the bill to house floor for an up or down vote.

We will see who the true ultra haters of America are at that moment.
Only the far left and the ultra right and libertarians are the enemies of this country.

The Senate perhaps will pass the compromise, and then Real America will watch Boehner bring the bill to house floor for an up or down vote.

We will see who the true ultra haters of America are at that moment.

Says the Obama sockpuppet.

My opinion? Every time a bill comes to the floor, Republicans should vote "present" and allow the dems to FINALLY have to take responsibility for the last four years (six years if you count the last 2 years of the Bush admin).

Why do you think they are not doing just that?

The answer is simple -- the economy would thrive, exposing the lies that Republicans have been telling for the past 30 years.

Hmmm....interesting. So the fact that Harry (Howdy Doody) Reid has not allowed (on orders from Barry) a budget to come to the floor of the Senate for a vote in the last 4 years is "progress"????

Obviously those bills had no chance of passing the Senate. So why vote?

And when EXACTLY has this economy "thrived" since Barry took office??

He did stop the recession in 2009. Then Republicans took control over the House and Obama could not do anything more. He tried, but Republicans would block any efforts to further improve the economy (Jobs Act, etc).
Why do you think they are not doing just that?

The answer is simple -- the economy would thrive, exposing the lies that Republicans have been telling for the past 30 years.

Hmmm....interesting. So the fact that Harry (Howdy Doody) Reid has not allowed (on orders from Barry) a budget to come to the floor of the Senate for a vote in the last 4 years is "progress"????

Obviously those bills had no chance of passing the Senate. So why vote?

And when EXACTLY has this economy "thrived" since Barry took office??

He did stop the recession in 2009. Then Republicans took control over the House and Obama could not do anything more. He tried, but Republicans would block any efforts to further improve the economy (Jobs Act, etc).

Ummm..... no. He was instrumental in getting George Bush's stimulus through. Bush had to deal with a democratic majority for the last two years of his term. Obama was sworn with a majority in both Houses and held a majority for two full years before the House switched to Republican control.

Accomplishments? Obamacare. Rammed through without one republican vote.

And still....it's all George Bush's fault. Look, all I'm asking ANY American to do is to hold the Chief Executive responsible for his lack of leadership. Right now, dems look at Obama as the "Supreme Leader". He is neither supreme, nor is he a leader.

After 4 years of obfuscation, he is no more a leader today, than he was when he was elected 4 years ago. Now, we are saddled with his "excuses" for another 4 years. God in Heaven, I pray that we have a country left by the time hs sorry butt leaves office.
I expect both parties to cooperate not obstruct, and I expect the American voter to punish the legislators if they will not work together.
Why do you think they are not doing just that?

The answer is simple -- the economy would thrive, exposing the lies that Republicans have been telling for the past 30 years.

Hmmm....interesting. So the fact that Harry (Howdy Doody) Reid has not allowed (on orders from Barry) a budget to come to the floor of the Senate for a vote in the last 4 years is "progress"????

Obviously those bills had no chance of passing the Senate. So why vote?

And when EXACTLY has this economy "thrived" since Barry took office??

He did stop the recession in 2009. Then Republicans took control over the House and Obama could not do anything more. He tried, but Republicans would block any efforts to further improve the economy (Jobs Act, etc).

Obama "stopped" the recession in 2009? Pray tell, then, why did unemployment remain above 8% for 42 straight months? Or maybe you can explain record foreclosures for 51 straight months? Or perhaps you can explain the GDP going from 4.2% to a low of 2.1% in 2012? or maybe you can educate me as to productivity being at its lowest in the United States since 1931. Or perhaps you can "enlighten" me as to how it is that the United States has operated without a budget ( as mandated by Federal Law) from the day Obama took office?

Thank God the " Supreme Leader" marshalled his minions and stopped that "mean old recession" dead in its tracks way back in 2009!!

Obama was re-elected on the backs of blithering idiots that parrot what they are told.......
I think I saw two posters so far that might have a clue as to what the sequester is. Arguing for the unknown has unanticipated results.

Like I said, no fucking clue.

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