Lets have the FBI raid Biden's home too.

Democrats always open the Pandora’s box, and then whine when what they reap, gets sown against them. The Left never realizes that there are certain lines we should never cross. For example, Nancy Pelosi was the one that lowered the threshold for Supreme Court judges from the traditional 60 to 51, so now that the GOP as a majority got to put some judges who weren’t radical Leftist Nutjobs, the Left is talking about expanding aka packing the court.

Watch what happens when the republicans eventually take over, when all the traitors like Schiff, Swalwell, Clinton, Nadler, Comey, Obama etc. get their homes raided and some put behind bars, there Will be screeching and hollering by the Democrats.
Lets see if I got this right: Democrats tried 2 times to impeach over nothing. Then this Jan. 6th hearing over ...nothing. A one sided witch hunt. Then this...raid on Trumps Florida mansion. OK, lets raid Pelosi's home, lets raid Schiff's home lets raid AOC home in an effort to seem unbiased. Let's see how far that flies.

If any of those politicians are caught taking home classified documents and refusing to return them, I'm all for it. 🤷‍♂️
Democrats always open the Pandora’s box, and then whine when what they reap, gets sown against them. The Left never realizes that there are certain lines we should never cross. For example, Nancy Pelosi was the one that lowered the threshold for Supreme Court judges from the traditional 60 to 51, so now that the GOP as a majority got to put some judges who weren’t radical Leftist Nutjobs, the Left is talking about expanding aka packing the court.

Watch what happens when the republicans eventually take over, when all the traitors like Schiff, Swalwell, Clinton, Nadler, Comey, Obama etc. get their homes raided and some put behind bars, there Will be screeching and hollering by the Democrats.

So what you're saying is once the GOP gets the majority they should use the FBI arbitrarily to terrorize their opposition? Yup, it doesn't sound like you and your other right wing nutjobs want an autocracy at all, nope. You and every other autocratic loving dummy here don't seem to realize is that neither the justice dept nor the FBI are controlled by the executive branch. It's why even a numb nut like Trump couldn't simply "order" an investigation of Hillary or anyone he wanted. If the FBI raided Trump's resort, there's a very good reason for it. This is typically what happens when you steal classified government documents and then refuse to return them.
Hunter Biden, that black hole that brought in his father, his laptop porn, drugs, gun violation and proof he colluded with foreign powers. When the FBI raids Biden's Delaware and Virginia houses over this, ok.
That might be fair but it is not going to happen. Joe Biden is a Democrat. Democrats are above the rule of law. Totally above the rule of law.
Democrats always open the Pandora’s box, and then whine when what they reap, gets sown against them. The Left never realizes that there are certain lines we should never cross. For example, Nancy Pelosi was the one that lowered the threshold for Supreme Court judges from the traditional 60 to 51, so now that the GOP as a majority got to put some judges who weren’t radical Leftist Nutjobs, the Left is talking about expanding aka packing the court.

Watch what happens when the republicans eventually take over, when all the traitors like Schiff, Swalwell, Clinton, Nadler, Comey, Obama etc. get their homes raided and some put behind bars, there Will be screeching and hollering by the Democrats.
Sounds like more clueless Trumpista BS. How does the Speaker of the HOUSE effect the numbers needed in the SENATE? You just don’t care how many lies you tell, do you?
Hunter Biden made buku $ from forighn powers. If this was Don Trump Jr doing the same shenanigans, Um A crack head making money off of Chinese/Russian oil investment firms doing crack and jacking off with hookers...if that was Trumps kid? No taint? No criticism at all? Really?
Jared made two billion from the Saudis while working for the government.
So what you're saying is once the GOP gets the majority they should use the FBI arbitrarily to terrorize their opposition? Yup, it doesn't sound like you and your other right wing nutjobs want an autocracy at all, nope. You and every other autocratic loving dummy here don't seem to realize is that neither the justice dept nor the FBI are controlled by the executive branch. It's why even a numb nut like Trump couldn't simply "order" an investigation of Hillary or anyone he wanted. If the FBI raided Trump's resort, there's a very good reason for it. This is typically what happens when you steal classified government documents and then refuse to return them.
And you think todays FBI isn’t yet another institution that has turned into an arm of the Democratic Party? :cuckoo:
Sounds like more clueless Trumpista BS. How does the Speaker of the HOUSE effect the numbers needed in the SENATE? You just don’t care how many lies you tell, do you?
My bad it was Harry Reid in 2013, but it was yet another institution and tradition destroyed by the Democrats. now they complain that the rules they themselves changed are being used against them.

The nuclear option was first invoked in November 2013, when a Senate Democratic majority led by Harry Reid used the procedure to eliminate the 60-vote rule for judicial nominations, other than nominations to the Supreme Court.
My bad it was Harry Reid in 2013, but it was yet another institution and tradition destroyed by the Democrats. now they complain that the rules they themselves changed are being used against them.

The nuclear option was first invoked in November 2013, when a Senate Democratic majority led by Harry Reid used the procedure to eliminate the 60-vote rule for judicial nominations, other than nominations to the Supreme Court.
Your bad? Just another indication of a propensity to shoot from the hip without doing any research. Consequently very little of what the hard core right says can be trusted. You made your own bed and now have to make excuses for why your thesis is a steaming load of…
Your bad? Just another indication of a propensity to shoot from the hip without doing any research. Consequently very little of what the hard core right says can be trusted. You made your own bed and now have to make excuses for why your thesis is a steaming load of…
Nice diversion, no cigar. Democrats change the rules and weaponize our federal, security and law enforcement institutions to use it against their opponents, and then whine and scream about it when republicans do the same.

Bottom line.
Nice diversion, no cigar. Democrats change the rules and weaponize our federal, security and law enforcement institutions to use it against their opponents, and then whine and scream about it when republicans do the same.

Bottom line.
Sorry, your fake news doesn’t impress me. The only thing that rings true is that the Republicans do it. Thanks for the confirmation.
Sorry, your fake news doesn’t impress me. The only thing that rings true is that the Republicans do it. Thanks for the confirmation.
The double standards and hypocrisy is off the charts. These document matters have always been handled as administrative issues not criminal. Hillary bleaching her personal server, wiping out hundreds of illegally stored classified documents, illegally destroying cell phones and devices now that was criminal. Yet government chose not to prosecute her. General services packs up a few boxes of documents and ships them to Trump's home where they have sat in a basement and government conducts a RAID with semi automatic weapons at the home of a former POTUS. Holy shit!!
Slow down, Trump was never charged with treason. However, Biden and his son's dealings in the Ukraine while Joe was VP IS treasonous. Why is he not being charged? There is plenty of evidence........Stop being blind.
Speaking of 'blind.'

Lots of Russians still support Stalin.

Lots of Chinese still support Mao.

That poster is cut from the same mold.
Funny you should say that, considering the mentally deranged seem to have gathered under the Democratic party flag.
Ooh, burn! You seem to be unable to put together a logical post, since any group that willingly sits through a Trump speech doesn’t have any standing to call others deranged.
Ooh, burn! You seem to be unable to put together a logical post, since any group that willingly sits through a Trump speech doesn’t have any standing to call others deranged.
For one Democrats believe underage kids should be allowed to get chemically castrated without even their parents consent. They nominated a justice to the Supreme Court who doesn't know what a woman is, yet she's proud of being the first black woman to serve on the court. :cuckoo:

It's no secret that Leftists don't realize how stupid, insane and ignorant they sound to most Americans. It seems they've cornered the market on radicalism and insanity.

Speaking of speeches, have you heard from your mumbling fumbling Democratic Bolshevik leader Bidung today?
For one Democrats believe underage kids should be allowed to get chemically castrated without even their parents consent. They nominated a justice to the Supreme Court who doesn't know what a woman is, yet she's proud of being the first black woman to serve on the court. :cuckoo:

It's no secret that Leftists don't realize how stupid, insane and ignorant they sound to most Americans. It seems they've cornered the market on radicalism and insanity.

Speaking of speeches, have you heard from your mumbling fumbling Democratic Bolshevik leader Bidung today?
I wouldn’t crow about others sounding insane. The charges the right throws around indicates a high level of paranoia bordering on the psychotic.
I wouldn’t crow about others sounding insane. The charges the right throws around indicates a high level of paranoia bordering on the psychotic.
Once again, the Left accusing “the other” of things they themselves are most guilty of. What else is new. The Democrats have learned the Turnspeak propaganda technique well from their Nazi / fascist forefathers.

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