Lets have the FBI raid Biden's home too.

No it isn't, you fucking magaturd retard. You've never bled a drop of blood for your politics, you disingenuous fool. Blow sunshine up your own ass. Leave everyone elses alone.
It's an expression, calm down and do some reading....

It’s a common expression of our time: politics is a blood sport. It’s something that’s been repeated so often in recent times from podiums and in news articles that many have come to take it as gospel truth. In fact, if you Google the expression, the query yields more than 235,000 results.

Try to not get triggered, I'm here to educate you.:itsok:
It's an expression, calm down and do some reading....

It’s a common expression of our time: politics is a blood sport. It’s something that’s been repeated so often in recent times from podiums and in news articles that many have come to take it as gospel truth. In fact, if you Google the expression, the query yields more than 235,000 results.

Try to not get triggered, I'm here to educate you.:itsok:
You're a dummy. It's an expression I find pointless. Some expressions die for a reason.
Hunter was never part of the US govt. what part of that do you not understand?
So. . . . what are you saying? The FBI never did any raids on anybody that was in the mafia?

Hunter is a criminal, connected to many figures in organized crime, and connected to high level government officials.

There is every reason in the world to raid his ass.
Hunter Biden made buku $ from forighn powers. If this was Don Trump Jr doing the same shenanigans, Um A crack head making money off of Chinese/Russian oil investment firms doing crack and jacking off with hookers...if that was Trumps kid? No taint? No criticism at all? Really?
So what? How does any of that lead one to think Joe’s house should be searched? No judge would approve such a ridiculous warrant.
Crackhead vs treasonous ex-president, who’s more dangerous?
I have never seen, with my own eyes, any evidence, of Trumps treason, only hearsay and innuendo from propaganda.


So. . . . what are you saying? The FBI never did any raids on anybody that was in the mafia?

Hunter is a criminal, connected to many figures in organized crime, and connected to high level government officials.

There is every reason in the world to raid his ass.
Sounds just like Trump. Ironic, no?
Crackhead vs treasonous ex-president, who’s more dangerous?
Slow down, Trump was never charged with treason. However, Biden and his son's dealings in the Ukraine while Joe was VP IS treasonous. Why is he not being charged? There is plenty of evidence........Stop being blind.
Slow down, Trump was never charged with treason. However, Biden and his son's dealings in the Ukraine while Joe was VP IS treasonous. Why is he not being charged? There is plenty of evidence........Stop being blind.
How so?
Slow down, Trump was never charged with treason. However, Biden and his son's dealings in the Ukraine while Joe was VP IS treasonous. Stop being blind.
Who said charged? That’s my opinion, but if there’s any justice, he’ll be wearing a suit to match his face.
Hunter Biden made buku $ from forighn powers. If this was Don Trump Jr doing the same shenanigans, Um A crack head making money off of Chinese/Russian oil investment firms doing crack and jacking off with hookers...if that was Trumps kid? No taint? No criticism at all? Really?
No idea. I don't believe anyone truly gives a shit about this storyline. But you do you. :113:
They already have far more damning evidence than whatever paper is in those boxes and they've been sitting on it for 3 years. The FBI is a Democrat Goon Squad, they ceased being an elite intelligence agency years ago. We need a top to bottom shake out of the FBI, the CIA, and NSA.
You make it sound like he's really fucked this time. Great observation! :113:
Get a new prescription.
If you have that evidence, I'll gladly tender it. . . . otherwise?

The FBI has all this evidence on Hunter/Joe...but then execute a faulty search warrant on Trump over maybe possibly they might find something on Trump instead, if they looked real hard between the cracks and sort of closely. Dems have tons of evidence on Hunter and Joe colluding, But Nothing on Trump, and here we are, the third go around. What do they say about repeating something as a sign of insanity?
They spent a couple of hours pawing through Melania's underwear; if THAT doesn't scream credibility, what does????
Hunter Biden, that black hole that brought in his father, his laptop porn, drugs, gun violation and proof he colluded with foreign powers. When the FBI raids Biden's Delaware and Virginia houses over this, ok.
Your a racist .
Hunter Biden, that black hole that brought in his father, his laptop porn, drugs, gun violation and proof he colluded with foreign powers. When the FBI raids Biden's Delaware and Virginia houses over this, ok.
Nobody want's to rummage through an old mans diaper drawer, nor stomach looking through Hunters Hooker charges on his fathers credit cards.

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