Lets just face it….Devon Archer closed door testimony a bust

There is a great deal more justice being meted out here than our crooked and utterly corrupt justice system in the US. This is divine justice and make no mistake, and neither you nor I can do a thing about it. But rest assured, those of us who pray have been praying for this nation for a long time. So you never know.
Lol idle threats. You keep praying to your god. Meanwhile we'll keep going after trumps crimes.
It's been a rough day for them. They didn't get the smoking gun they were hoping and praying for.

So you say. But you ARE a liar. No worries though, the frantic barrage of threads from you clods all saying the same thing tells us all we need to know, we are directly over the target and your smoke screen is failing.
Lol idle threats. You keep praying to your god. Meanwhile we'll keep going after trumps crimes.

No, you will keep inventing crimes to charge him with.

Keep on keeping on, all you are doing is proving to the independent voters just how corrupt the demofascists are.

These are the acts of desperate people, flailing away trying to preserve their power.

They are going to lose, and lose bad.
And always the smartest person in the room.

A Trumptard is always the dumbest person in the room.
But you are the most ignorant person on the face of the planet. It's proof you believe the lie about trump and defend the corrupt Biden crime family
I disagree. The evangelical right is the tie that binds them to the modern GOP.
Poor guy do you still have that portrait of Confederate president Jefferson Davis over your fire place?
So you say. But you ARE a liar. No worries though, the frantic barrage of threads from you clods all saying the same thing tells us all we need to know, we are directly over the target and your smoke screen is failing.

A pity you can't quote me telling a lie.

Regardless, it was reported Archer said, Hunter Biden, was selling the “illusion” of access to his father.

Sucks to be you.

A pity you can't quote me telling a lie.

Regardless, it was reported Archer said, Hunter Biden, was selling the “illusion” of access to his father.

Sucks to be you.


No, it sucks to be you. You clods are so desperate to lie about what was really said that it's funny as hell.

You idiots are all spewing the same tired old BS, and no one believes you, skippy.

No one!

And for that we thank you!
No link of Joe Biden to foreign business deals.
Hunter was selling the illusion of access to VP Biden.
Dare I say……..Nothing burger

Devon Archer told the House Oversight Committee on Monday that his former business partner, Hunter Biden, was selling the “illusion” of access to his father, according to a source familiar with the closed-door interview, the latest development in the Republican-led congressional investigations into the president’s son.

The source also reiterated that Archer provided no evidence connecting President Joe Biden to any of his son’s foreign business dealings.
Jo the weatherman Biden you're an idiot
Obviously someone in the Deep State got to Devon Archer before he testified.
Selling the illusion is the hopeful dodge they use now. When Jo said he never talked with hunters business associates or had any knowledge of his dealings. But everytime Jo was in on the call they got money from the people Jo talked with.
We are still a ways off from tying together the crime families dealings, however, every piece of evidence is showing that the Biden’s were selling favors to foreign entities by Joe Biden’s office … this is illegal, regardless of the narratives democrats publish through friendly media.
We are still a ways off from tying together the crime families dealings, however, every piece of evidence is showing that the Biden’s were selling favors to foreign entities by Joe Biden’s office … this is illegal, regardless of the narratives democrats publish through friendly media.
Jo has repeatedly said he had no knowledge of his sons business dealings. He's also said he's never talked or met with any of them. Isn't that how all this started?
It should be apparent that something is seriously wrong. There have been so many grievous accusations against both Biden and Trump that would normally doom a candidate, yet both are still there. Either there is gross distortion regarding the charges or there is gross mismanagement of pursuing the cases. Systematic error is the only explanation. Who benefits from this? Look around.

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