Lets just face it….Devon Archer closed door testimony a bust

Why in the world would the VP of USA be given an assignment by President to oversee one corrupt(if so) prosecutor in a mid level nation?
Because that prosecutor was hampering Hunter
Joe Biden was the point person for US policy in Ukraine.

Corruption in Ukraine was one of the most significant issues we were dealing with.
Jury? What jury? There isnt going to be any jury. Are you denying Biden was put in charge of policy in Ukraine by Obama? That is a well known fact lol.
What makes you think there wont be a jury? Is there ANYTHING about this case that indicates the Bidens are innocent? Is there a single scrap of evidence that exhonerates them? No, there isnt. Every piece of information revealed lines up perfectly with "bribery". ALL the evidence points to that.

Praying that the Bidens arent going to get caught seems rather childish and unrealitic.
The right is desperate. Things are not going well for them.

Right? Left?

It is all the same.

Things are not going well for all of us. I knew when this guy was elected, the hearings were going to continue, just like the last guy. This is about distracting the nation, from the corruption of all the folks on Wall-street, in Silicon Valley, the Military Industrial war mongers, and in central city living off the fat of the land, while folks across the nation suffer. Take your divide and rule bullshit and feed it to someone who can't see what is going on. . . All these politicians, regardless of their party, are desperate, that is why they are ALL taking away all our money and liberties, while giving us the flimsiest excuses.

You can click on that image for the full video. You will see, that last column, that "1%" here, that contol how most of the nation's policy and direction go. . .

Here they are here;


etc. . .
Most these folks, don't give a shit about politics, but if they do, they are mostly neo-liberals and neo-conservatives, there ain't a lot of difference among them. . .

They control the game pal. Not the Republicans, not the Democrats, the money, the lobbyists. And the money.

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What makes you think there wont be a jury? Is there ANYTHING about this case that indicates the Bidens are innocent? Is there a single scrap of evidence that exhonerates them? No, there isnt. Every piece of information revealed lines up perfectly with "bribery". ALL the evidence points to that.

Praying that the Bidens arent going to get caught seems rather childish and unrealitic.
Who is on trial? And for what? You're not even going to get this thing out of committee to impeach. In the end this will just be an overall waste of time.
Congress doesnt prove guilt or innocence dummy. And besides, in a court you dont need evidence to make you innocent, you're presumed innocent. Are you even from this country or were you just sleeping in 4th grade when they covered basic civics lesson?
Dems are calling for the transcript to be released.

Reps aren’t.

What does that tell you?
He is a Demorat nothing that comes out of his mouth is truth
thats why they need to release the transcript.

but since Laura Ingraham told viewers Monday that it’s “irrelevant” “whether sufficient proof exists to convict Joe Biden of a financial crime.”, its very likely there is nothing otherwise they'd be talking about evidence rather than saying that shit.
Comer is an embarrassment. He knows this is going nowhere. Should be wrapped up pretty soon. Then what are you going to do? I guess move on to your next grift and forget all about this just like you did with the Benghazi fiasco.
Gaslighting is all you have. Boring. Bye bye, fool.
in 2014, Hunter told his friend to buy a Burner Phone. (they should each get one he said) when he started working for Burisma. Why would someone need a burner phone?
I don't share your view.
It is not a "view."

Those are just facts and statistics that I posted.

The only "view," is that all of these paid pols, are spending time on this, as a distraction, because they are all legally corrupt.

Sorry you don't like reality. That is called;

"Ignore or deny information that conflicts with existing beliefs ("This doughnut is not a high-sugar food.")"

The GOP just doesn't like who bought the Biden's, but shouldn't we know who bought them?

Understood. You have no facts. That leaves you to copy and paste your usual, tedious rant about conservatives.

You have the above saved as a Microsoft Word file so that you can dump it into most threads, right?
This thread alone illustrates the dishonesty of the right – post after post, page after page of conservatives lying, spinning, and deflecting from facts and the truth.

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