Lets just face it….Devon Archer closed door testimony a bust

So now you admit Devon never said it. Get the fuck out of here, liar.
They think that three differing lies on the same subject will convince us or throw us off the track
This is because they are inexperienced with the thought process
What information did you gain exactly?

I heard Archer said the bribe didn’t exist. Did you hear differently?
Yes. Your media is TERRIBLE!!!!

The Burisma VP emails Hunter asking for help from Joe to get the prosecutor fired. Hunter and Devon meet with him where he once again asks for Joes help. 2 days later Joe flies on Airforce 2 to Ukraine where he gives a speech on Ukrainian prosecutor corruption (Joe knows NOTHING about Ukrainian prosecutors. Why the fuck would he?). After his speech he threatens to withhold 1 billion in aid unless they fire the prosecutor. A couple hours later he is fired. A few days after that Hunter receives 5 million dollars from that VP. Furthermore, we know from internal Burisma emails that they lamented having to pay Joe and Hunter 5 million to get rid of the prosecutor.

Dont even try to explain all that away. A jury sure as hell wont.
Yes. Your media is TERRIBLE!!!!

The Burisma VP emails Hunter asking for help from Joe to get the prosecutor fired. Hunter and Devon meet with him where he once again asks for Joes help. 2 days later Joe flies on Airforce 2 to Ukraine where he gives a speech on Ukrainian prosecutor corruption (Joe knows NOTHING about Ukrainian prosecutors,. Why the fuck would he?). After his speech he threatens to withhold 1 billion in aid unless they fire the prosecutor. A couple hours later he is fired. A few days after that Hunter receives 5 million dollars from that VP. Furthermore, we know from internal Burisma emails that they lamented having to pay Joe and Hunter 5 million to get rid of the prosecutor.

Dont even try to explain all that away.
Obama delegated Joe Biden to be in charge of Ukrainian policy. Pretty sure he knew a little bit about what was going on in Ukraine. LOL "Why the fuck would he". Just shows you havent a clue what's going on if you dont even know about Biden's role in Ukraine under Obama.
Obama delegated Joe Biden to be in charge of Ukrainian policy. Pretty sure he knew a little bit about what was going on in Ukraine. LOL "Why the fuck would he". Just shows you havent a clue what's going on if you dont even know about Biden's role in Ukraine under Obama.
No jury is going to buy that. You are asking people to suspend their disbelief. No one is going to do that.
No jury is going to buy that. You are asking people to suspend their disbelief. No one is going to do that.
Jury? What jury? There isnt going to be any jury. Are you denying Biden was put in charge of policy in Ukraine by Obama? That is a well known fact lol.
Obama delegated Joe Biden to be in charge of Ukrainian policy. Pretty sure he knew a little bit about what was going on in Ukraine. LOL "Why the fuck would he". Just shows you havent a clue what's going on if you dont even know about Biden's role in Ukraine under Obama.
Being in charge of Ukraine policy doesnt include memorizing who the good and bad prosecutors are. Their prosecutors mean nothing to our nations global policies.

What are you suggesting? That Joe just coincidentally had the prosecutor fired that the Burisma VP asked Hunter to get his dad to fire? What are the fucking odds of that happening? 6 billion people on the planet and Joe just happens to fire the guy that Hunter needed fired, two fucking days later?

Are you going to be honest about this at any point?
Being in charge of Ukraine policy doesnt include memorizing who the good and bad prosecutors are. Their prosecutors mean nothing to our nations global policies.

What are you suggesting? That Joe just coincidentally had the prosecutor fired just that the Burisma VP asked Hunter to get his dad to fire? What are the fucking odds of that happening? 6 billion people on the planet and Joe just happens to fire the guy that Hunter needed fired, two fucking days later?

Are you going to be honest about this at any point?
It's well known that certain prosecutors were/are corrupt in Ukraine. You think people just go into these meetings with foreign reps blind? Well maybe trump does but normal educated people dont. Of course he was briefed you imbecile.
It's well known that certain prosecutors were/are corrupt in Ukraine. You think people just go into these meetings with foreign reps blind? Well maybe trump does but normal educated people dont. Of course he was briefed you imbecile.
Why did you ignore the rest of my post? Do you think its reasonable that it was just a coincidence that he fired that prosecutor?
Do i look like Google to you? You can find that email word for word right now on Google. Look it up yourself.
You look like someone who doesn’t back up what they say.

That almost always means you’re making it up.
No jury is going to buy that. You are asking people to suspend their disbelief. No one is going to do that.
They are counting on jurors operating from the same non reality that they are.
In Reality , that is a problem
Shokin was the NEW general prosecutor, who replaced the previous corrupt general prosecutor, who replaced the corrupt general prosecutor before him.

Shokin was in the job a month or two at most and this was a letter from our U.S. State dept welcoming him....

we were hopeful that third times a charm, and Ukraine would finally get their shit together in their prosecutor dept of justice.....

But no such luck! Shokin was as corrupt as the rest of them in the position before him, and had a blind eye to corruption and a pocket full of gifts as well. Not one corrupt oligarch, business, or politician were prosecuted by his office when he served as head.
The official State dept memos don’t back up your story. You’re parroting Democrat talking points.
Being in charge of Ukraine policy doesnt include memorizing who the good and bad prosecutors are. Their prosecutors mean nothing to our nations global policies.

What are you suggesting? That Joe just coincidentally had the prosecutor fired that the Burisma VP asked Hunter to get his dad to fire? What are the fucking odds of that happening? 6 billion people on the planet and Joe just happens to fire the guy that Hunter needed fired, two fucking days later?

Are you going to be honest about this at any point?
Why in the world would the VP of USA be given an assignment by President to oversee one corrupt(if so) prosecutor in a mid level nation?
Because that prosecutor was hampering Hunter

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