Lets just face it….Devon Archer closed door testimony a bust

Do the reverse test, if this were trump in the same situation, would you believe it?
I’m supposed to believe that Trump was asking Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation into Biden because he cared about corruption and not because Biden was his political opponent.

I’m supposed to believe that Trump froze aid to Ukraine because he was suddenly worried about corruption right after making the ask of Zelensky and had nothing to do with it.
Who is on trial? And for what? You're not even going to get this thing out of committee to impeach. In the end this will just be an overall waste of time.
Congress doesnt prove guilt or innocence dummy. And besides, in a court you dont need evidence to make you innocent, you're presumed innocent. Are you even from this country or were you just sleeping in 4th grade when they covered basic civics lesson?
You are delusional if you cant see that this leads to a court room. Its simply a matter of time.
I’m supposed to believe that Trump was asking Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation into Biden because he cared about corruption and not because Biden was his political opponent.

I’m supposed to believe that Trump froze aid to Ukraine because he was suddenly worried about corruption right after making the ask of Zelensky and had nothing to do with it.
Correct, and we're supposed to believe that VP Biden wasn't protecting Hunter when he used the billion dollars in aid to get the prosecutor fired. Well?
Who do you support?
Nobody in particular. It depends on their background, beliefs and actions I suppose.

If you mean politically, my dream ticket would be Klobuchar/Kasich in either order. Sadly both have the charisma of rocks and Americans seem to value entertainment in their politicians more than people who work to get things done.

Who do you support...and try not to be a right wing cliche.
Another possibility is that Biden will go on t.v. to address the nation on the importance of America increasing the aid to the Ukraine. That will be a translation of the hint that Russia must be defeated and Americans of all political stripes must come together to save America's global superiority.

Does Putin pay you for the free propaganda or are you volunteering your services to the motherland?

The argument is not “absurd”. It “absurd” to think that after 40 years of being the “most honest man in Washington”, Joe Biden would suddenly “break bad” and betray his country and his values.
Canuck fight! :meow:

PS: Joe Biden is a professional politician pedophile, he doesn't have any values.
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Nobody in particular. It depends on their background, beliefs and actions I suppose.

If you mean politically, my dream ticket would be Klobuchar/Kasich in either order. Sadly both have the charisma of rocks and Americans seem to value entertainment in their politicians more than people who work to get things done.

Who do you support...and try not to be a right wing cliche.
Trump every day all day long.
Well, Joe bragged that he had the muscle to do it - and scared Ukraine into believing he did. However you cut it, he used the threat of extortion to get the prosecutor investigating Hunter fired.

He stated US policy and the prosecutor was not investigating Hunter nor Burisma at the time.

Sure he wasn't. :itsok:

For the sake of clarity, Shokin wasn't investigating Hunter or Devon or Burisma.

(At least that's what the old news things say)

Biden got him fired to appease the WEF/CFR/EU types. (That's what I say)
No link of Joe Biden to foreign business deals.
Hunter was selling the illusion of access to VP Biden.
Dare I say……..Nothing burger

Devon Archer told the House Oversight Committee on Monday that his former business partner, Hunter Biden, was selling the “illusion” of access to his father, according to a source familiar with the closed-door interview, the latest development in the Republican-led congressional investigations into the president’s son.

The source also reiterated that Archer provided no evidence connecting President Joe Biden to any of his son’s foreign business dealings.

Good to know.

The right wing has basically cried wolf so often that nobody pays attention to the latest "bombshell".
Hunter Biden himself complains about taking money to pay his father's bills.
that's a LIE.....

Hunter's daughter asked her father if she could borrow some money from him because she ran out. His comment back to her was that she did not need to worry about him coming after her to pay back the money he loaned to her, unlike what he had to go through with his dad, and pay back all the money he borrowed from his dad and his dad had loaned him....
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