Lets make some assumptions


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Lets make some assumptions
1. Lets say Co2 is a green house gas that is every bit as powerful as Hansen says it is. This is proven within this assumption by a lab test being over looked by Donald Trump himself.
2. Lets say that our global climate is warming as the giss and noaa says it is. Donald Trump demands a new database recreation without any chance of fraud and he puts Mockton and a couple other deniers in charge of doing this...Mockton finds no fraud.

Lets consider those facts for a minute...With this in mind what would you think? What policies and adaptions would you consider justified?
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What is it about the OP????:dunno: And then he will try to post up something serious......like anybody is going to pay attention??!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::funnyface:

Ever notice after a big holiday, he comes up with one of these threads like it was written at the University of Mars?

Im thinking too much cheap egg nog the night before.:popcorn:
Lets make some assumptions
1. Lets say Co2 is a green house gas that is every bit as powerful as Hansen says it is. This is proven within this assumption by a lab test being over looked by Donald Trump himself.
2. Lets say that our global climate is warming as the giss and noaa says it is. Donald Trump demands a new database recreation without any chance of fraud and he puts Mockton and a couple other deniers in charge of doing this...Mockton finds no fraud.

Lets consider those facts for a minute...With this in mind what would you think? What policies and adaptions would you consider justified?

Let us assume you understand what a "fact" is. Ooooops. You don't. Best start over matthew.
Lets make some assumptions
1. Lets say Co2 is a green house gas that is every bit as powerful as Hansen says it is. This is proven within this assumption by a lab test being over looked by Donald Trump himself.
2. Lets say that our global climate is warming as the giss and noaa says it is. Donald Trump demands a new database recreation without any chance of fraud and he puts Mockton and a couple other deniers in charge of doing this...Mockton finds no fraud.

Lets consider those facts for a minute...With this in mind what would you think? What policies and adaptions would you consider justified?
Science doesn't do assumptions as fact. Well it didn't used to until you lefties needed a cause to bankrupt the west.
Lets make some assumptions
1. Lets say Co2 is a green house gas that is every bit as powerful as Hansen says it is. This is proven within this assumption by a lab test being over looked by Donald Trump himself.
2. Lets say that our global climate is warming as the giss and noaa says it is. Donald Trump demands a new database recreation without any chance of fraud and he puts Mockton and a couple other deniers in charge of doing this...Mockton finds no fraud.

Lets consider those facts for a minute...With this in mind what would you think? What policies and adaptions would you consider justified?

Matthew, are you concerned with saving the planet or human life?
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Lets make some assumptions
1. Lets say Co2 is a green house gas that is every bit as powerful as Hansen says it is. This is proven within this assumption by a lab test being over looked by Donald Trump himself.
2. Lets say that our global climate is warming as the giss and noaa says it is. Donald Trump demands a new database recreation without any chance of fraud and he puts Mockton and a couple other deniers in charge of doing this...Mockton finds no fraud.

Lets consider those facts for a minute...With this in mind what would you think? What policies and adaptions would you consider justified?

Matthew, are you concerned with saving the planet or human life?

Lets make some assumptions
1. Lets say Co2 is a green house gas that is every bit as powerful as Hansen says it is. This is proven within this assumption by a lab test being over looked by Donald Trump himself.
2. Lets say that our global climate is warming as the giss and noaa says it is. Donald Trump demands a new database recreation without any chance of fraud and he puts Mockton and a couple other deniers in charge of doing this...Mockton finds no fraud.

Lets consider those facts for a minute...With this in mind what would you think? What policies and adaptions would you consider justified?

Matthew, are you concerned with saving the planet or human life?

The planet will be fine, Matthew.
Humanity will not.
So what? You believe humanity will exist forever. How many species have done that? I can promise you that a 1C rise in surface temperatures over a 250 year period will not be the cause of our extinction.
Lets make some assumptions
1. Lets say Co2 is a green house gas that is every bit as powerful as Hansen says it is. This is proven within this assumption by a lab test being over looked by Donald Trump himself.
2. Lets say that our global climate is warming as the giss and noaa says it is. Donald Trump demands a new database recreation without any chance of fraud and he puts Mockton and a couple other deniers in charge of doing this...Mockton finds no fraud.

Lets consider those facts for a minute...With this in mind what would you think? What policies and adaptions would you consider justified?
Why would I take, as gospel, Hansen's 600% exaggeration and lies as fact?
Because he made some of the most successful predictions ever. The lie here would be your stated opinion. The lie here would be that you're an "atmospheric physicist".

Why don't you point out his 600% exaggeration


Why don't you show us a successful denier model run Billy? Where are they? I'd think you guys would be slapping those up here like broadway posters.
Why don't you show us a successful denier model run Billy? Where are they? I'd think you guys would be slapping those up here like broadway posters.
Does his model explain why the temperature fell 10 million years ago while CO2 was increasing?

Does his model explain how Antarctic thawing occurred while CO2 values dropped at the OI/Mio transition and never fell below levels of the OI?

Does his model explain how we entered the glacial-interglacial cycles of the past 500,000 years when atmospheric CO2 was greater than 400 ppm?

Does his model explain why it took 12 million years for the temperature to fall to the temperature predicted by radiative forcing of CO2?
I take it you cannot find a denier model with anything even approaching the accuracy of Hansen's model of almost 30 years ago, much less the latest generation of CMIP5 models.

NO ONE has been able to recreate the climate's behavior of the last century in a GCM WITHOUT including anthropogenic global warming. NO ONE.
Because he made some of the most successful predictions ever. The lie here would be your stated opinion. The lie here would be that you're an "atmospheric physicist".

Why don't you point out his 600% exaggeration


Too Damn funny... You used the highly altered and adjusted Karl Et Al data. When the real data shows quite a different picture..

Model forcasts vs reality.JPG

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