Let's make something clear.

Not True. Colorado already did.
What happened in CO is both courts considered the facts in evidence of Don's actions with respect to insurrection. There are no facts in evidence of Biden's wrongdoing. Just allegations. If Repubs had any facts on Joe he'd be impeached in the House by now. See the difference?

One cannot act upon an Insurrection without an official declaration that one exists or has taken place.

And no such declaration or official Federal -level recognition of that state exists to date.
Link please.
What happened in CO is both courts considered the facts in evidence of Don's actions with respect to insurrection. There are no facts in evidence of Biden's wrongdoing. Just allegations. If Repubs had any facts on Joe he'd be impeached in the House by now. See the difference?


The House impeachment inquiry is only weeks old with witnesses to be called and evidence gathered. This won't be a fraud which is what the Dems / Socialists perpetrated in their phony Russian collusion circus.

The House impeachment inquiry is only weeks old with witnesses to be called and evidence gathered. This won't be a fraud which is what the Dems / Socialists perpetrated in their phony Russian collusion circus.
“I disagree with that conclusion,” Delahunty answered. “I looked into that question more, and I was persuaded that he was really wrong. I think that term is, in essence, a term of art and had a specialized meaning.”

But under questioning from Murray, Delahunty maintained that he “took no position” on the question, which he called “disputed among scholars.”

Murray pointed to a commentary written by Delahunty for The Federalist, a conservative website, in August. In that article, Delahunty wrote of Section 3: “Although it does not explicitly refer to presidents or presidential candidates, comparison with other constitutional texts referring to ‘officer(s)’ supports the interpretation that it applies to the presidency too.”

“You wrote that article in August of this year, before you were hired by Donald Trump as a paid expert in this case, right?” asked Murray. “Since the time you wrote that article in The Federalist, you’ve been paid about $60,000 by Donald Trump for your work in this case?”

“Yes,” Delahunty replied.

Luckily for Trump, the evidence and expert testimony heard by Judge Wallace only lasted 5 days. Cuz Don's "experts" were clowns who contradicted their own testimony.
I found this excerpt from Judge Wallace's report most entertaining.

Kash Patel testified on behalf of Intervenor Trump. Mr. Patel was the former Chief of Staff to the acting Secretary of Defense on January 6, 2021. Mr. Patel testified that on January 3, 2021, then-President Trump authorized 10,000-20,000 National Guard forces. He also testified about his experiences with the January 6th Select Committee including that he gave a deposition to the Committee. The Court finds that Mr. Patel was not a credible witness. His testimony regarding Trump authorizing 10,000-20,000 National Guardsmen is not only illogical (because Trump only had authority over about 2,000 National Guardsmen) but completely devoid of any evidence in the record.9 Further, his testimony regarding the January 6th Committee refusing to release his deposition and refusing his request to speak at a public hearing was refuted by Mr. Heaphy who was a far more credible witness. The Court did not give any weight to Mr. Patel’s testimony other than as evidence that the January 6th Select Committee interviewed many of Trump’s supporters as part of its extensive investigation.
Oh, I see. They needed to go to the Federal Department of Insurrections and get a notarized record of insurrection, probably in triplicate, from the undersecretary of domestic disturbances to submit to the board of uprisings.

Sorry, but you made this shit up and it’s just not a thing.
......or at least have someone charged with insurrection, Simp.
What makes you think any Congressional Resolution or a Supreme Court Ruling or an Executive Order would be possible?
What sort of barrier would you expect to get in the way of any such thing materializing?

On the Federal level, a state of Insurrection does not exist until the Federal government itself recognizes the condition.

And the way that that recognition occurs would be in the form of a Congressional Resolution, Judicial Ruling, or Executive Order.

Despite our colleagues' insistence that Congress is the only body competent to make such a declaration, in truth...

The Constitution states that Congress can make laws in pursuit of enforcement, but it is silent with respect to Proclaiming...

And THAT's where the loophole exists to allow ANY branch of the government to issue such a judgment...

Without that authoritative declaration the individual States lack the competency or jurisdiction to cite that in their cases...

And the idiot Democrats failed to obtain such a declaration prior to the advent of these ballot cases...

Too late now...

There is clearly no reason to believe congress or the USSC would vote as body to make such a declaration. I'm not clear that the USSC has any such authority. Similarly, there doesn't appear to me there is anything Biden could do by way of an executive order to make such a declaration. I don't believe there is any, "... because I say so", power of an executive order whereby Biden could make such a declaration.
We see this differently, however, it's probably moot at this juncture... ex poste facto would nullify any tardy declaration...

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