Let's make something clear.

How much discovery was Trump allowed? How many of their witnesses was he allowed to depose? How many evidentiary hearings were there?

With every one of your posts you blare your abject ignorance of what due process is.
Rawley, you sound like a fatuous polysci teacher who knows nothing.

The procedures of the laws involved were followed.

That's the end of it. Whether you or me or Berg like it or not, does not matter.
Which amendment will be used?
/---/ The same one you're using on Trump.
You'll reply: "What insurrection did he partake in?"
I'll reply: "It doesn't matter. He'll be off the ballot."
You'll reply: "No fair, no fair. We'll go to court"
I'll reply: "See ya in court."
Rawley, you sound like a fatuous polysci teacher who knows nothing.
I do like you. But when you start with the gratuitous insults, it's an asshole move. And to me, signals your admission that you don't have an argument and have to resort to insults.
The procedures of the laws involved were followed.

That's the end of it. Whether you or me or Berg like it or not, does not matter.

So, you think because a "procedure" was followed, no one's due process rights can ever be violated? Really?

Have you factored in that this is the first time in 250 years of our country's history that partisan actors have removed the leading candidate from the opposing party off of the ballot, and are attempting to disenfranchise half of the voters in the country?
Like you have?
I have. You haven’t. That’s why I bothered to look up exactly what the Trump legal team was contending. I even looked up the main case on which they have relied. I read those papers. Unlike you, I actually understand the points being made.

You make no effort to even consider those arguments. :itsok:
Funny, but quite a few judges have found those 'circumstances' have definitely been met.

Perhaps you just a dumbass.
Proving once again what a low IQ hack you are.

You don’t even know what the circumstances are.

Worse yet, you can’t even track what the circumstances apply to.

Get back to huffing glue. You’re of no value here, lil dick.
Rawley, you really do not know anything. I am not gratuitously insulting you. I am describing exactly how you are perceived discussing matters you don't understand.

What "partisan actors" do you mean? That makes no sense.

And if you are unhappy with what's happening, I can imagine your reaction when VP Harris starts tossing out electoral ballots next January that she does not like.
Her attempt to make public policy based on her interpretation of the US Constitution will be short-lived. That's why she paused her decision pending a potential appeal in state court. It will be rejected quickly.

The clause in question (below) doesn't mention the president and the Constitution is explicit by that omission that it does not pertain to the president. It specifies US Senators and Representatives and State legislators. If they wanted this to apply to the president, it would have been spelled out. The Colorado ruling that the term "officer of the United States" means that this clause applies to the president will be overturned.

Then of course you have the facts that that wasn't an insurrection and Trump publicly encouraged peaceful and law-abiding protest.

The good part of the Jack Smith persecution will be exposing Pelosi and how this was a setup.

Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Do catch up.

The purpose was to delay certification until a true court hearing of all evidence was presented.
Uh huh…

What Is Considered Insurrection?

While the term "insurrection" is not explicitly defined by federal law, courts and legal scholars generally interpret it as a violent uprising or organized resistance against the government or its regulations.

Insurrection often involves acts intended to overthrow, disrupt, or challenge the authority of the United States or impede the enforcement of federal laws.

Lame reply!

The house and 57 Senators also found him guilty.

It's hard to believe that you're stupid enough to believe that you can gas-light me or anyone else into believing Trump is innocent.
Link me up to this guilty verdict, Vermin.

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