Let's not forget Mueller's "other" warning.....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Of course it boils down to Trump's massive ego and narcissism that prevents us from confronting the CLEAR warning that Mueller offered (and reiterated) in yesterday's statement.

Russia DID ....and still is.......interfering in our electoral process.

It is rather amazing that right wingers on here bitch and moan about their assertion that "millions" of illegal aliens somehow show up to vote risking arrest and deportation.....BUT, refuse to admit what our own intelligence apparatus has proven in that the Russian GRU and other Russian cyber gangs HAS and WILL CONTINUE to interfere in our elections......Of course, such interference is as subtle as it is effective.

In a sense, Mueller stated yesterday that we should be at "war" with Russia for that country's blatant influence on how some naive US voters cast their ballot.

So, since we can;t rely on Trump's ego to admit that Putin is a scum bucket, Congress should hold hearings and allow out intelligence agencies to publicly testify on what Russia has and continues doing in influencing our elections AND what measures these agencies are taking in countering these interferences by a hostile, enemy, foreign nation of oligarchs and mafia thugs.
Buying Facebook ads with Rubles should have been a tell to FB. The Russians spent $1,300 on Google ads. I don't have a FB page and never use FB. IMHO FB is mostly for non-voters and used by non-voters, and no 2016 votes were affected. Mueller also agreed that the Russian meddling was ineffective regarding changing votes. It was more to disrupt in the US than to elect Trump.

I do agree with the OP that Congress needs to use its "oversight" to ensure that the election process is hardened for the 2020 elections.
Of course it boils down to Trump's massive ego and narcissism that prevents us from confronting the CLEAR warning that Mueller offered (and reiterated) in yesterday's statement.

Russia DID ....and still is.......interfering in our electoral process.

It is rather amazing that right wingers on here bitch and moan about their assertion that "millions" of illegal aliens somehow show up to vote risking arrest and deportation.....BUT, refuse to admit what our own intelligence apparatus has proven in that the Russian GRU and other Russian cyber gangs HAS and WILL CONTINUE to interfere in our elections......Of course, such interference is as subtle as it is effective.

In a sense, Mueller stated yesterday that we should be at "war" with Russia for that country's blatant influence on how some naive US voters cast their ballot.

So, since we can;t rely on Trump's ego to admit that Putin is a scum bucket, Congress should hold hearings and allow out intelligence agencies to publicly testify on what Russia has and continues doing in influencing our elections AND what measures these agencies are taking in countering these interferences by a hostile, enemy, foreign nation of oligarchs and mafia thugs.
Do you work for the Deep State?
Actually Swamp Rat Meuller said he has no evidence as to who hacked the DNC emails Seth Rich gave Wilkileaks that showed collusion against our democracy/
Does there exist a Robert Mueller decoder ring? Guy speaks in some galactic dialect.....why didnt he just come out and say it the way 99% of the country would say it? Just say, "I think this guy committed a crime so Congress needs to impeach him!":2up:
Only the suckers dont get that there was nothing new yesterday.....I was all pumped up to hear Mueller connect some dots, but nothing.

So now we can look forward to Bill Barr's march to bring some justice in all this.....wait'll those criminal referrals start rolling out related to that dossier!:deal:
The Russian's meddled in our election, and it was on Obama's watch that it occurred.

Yup and Barry's intelligence and cyber people knew it was happening but did nothing. The FBI warned the DNC IT guy that a hack could occur and he did nothing.

I'm wondering why Mueller didn't investigate Obama. He was POTUS while all this was going on. Not Trump. Obama and his people should have been investigated. Not Trump.
Of course it boils down to Trump's massive ego and narcissism that prevents us from confronting the CLEAR warning that Mueller offered (and reiterated) in yesterday's statement.

Russia DID ....and still is.......interfering in our electoral process.

It is rather amazing that right wingers on here bitch and moan about their assertion that "millions" of illegal aliens somehow show up to vote risking arrest and deportation.....BUT, refuse to admit what our own intelligence apparatus has proven in that the Russian GRU and other Russian cyber gangs HAS and WILL CONTINUE to interfere in our elections......Of course, such interference is as subtle as it is effective.

In a sense, Mueller stated yesterday that we should be at "war" with Russia for that country's blatant influence on how some naive US voters cast their ballot.

So, since we can;t rely on Trump's ego to admit that Putin is a scum bucket, Congress should hold hearings and allow out intelligence agencies to publicly testify on what Russia has and continues doing in influencing our elections AND what measures these agencies are taking in countering these interferences by a hostile, enemy, foreign nation of oligarchs and mafia thugs.

How about the Brit who doctored a report for Dems in order to “influence” the election?

Oh, he gets a pass, as does the Hussein administration for conspiring with him and using it as an excuse to illegally spy on the Trump campaign.
Anyone want to take a guess at who actually received cash from the Chinese in order to win an election?

Oh that would be the Clintons, who got caught red handed back in the 90’s taking bribes from the Chinese. We all know who the Chi-coms want sitting in the White House.

President Trump has told China to go fuck itself, he isn’t taking their money and he is bringing jobs back to the US. That makes him a million times more qualified to be our President than any Democrat who regurgitate shit like “those jobs are never coming back”.
You got to love it. If Mueller knew he could not indicte a sitting president from the start why did it take two years and millions of dollars?

Funny that the Dems don't want any kind of investigation into how the whole investigation started but they have no problem with continuing the Trump investigation.

Funny that we heard Schiff yelling about all the evidence that he had that proved Trump was quilty but he has yet to show even one little piece of it.

Funny that Dems keep yelling impeachment yet never have a solid footing of anything but "it's Trump and we hate him".
Of course it boils down to Trump's massive ego and narcissism that prevents us from confronting the CLEAR warning that Mueller offered (and reiterated) in yesterday's statement.

Russia DID ....and still is.......interfering in our electoral process.

It is rather amazing that right wingers on here bitch and moan about their assertion that "millions" of illegal aliens somehow show up to vote risking arrest and deportation.....BUT, refuse to admit what our own intelligence apparatus has proven in that the Russian GRU and other Russian cyber gangs HAS and WILL CONTINUE to interfere in our elections......Of course, such interference is as subtle as it is effective.

In a sense, Mueller stated yesterday that we should be at "war" with Russia for that country's blatant influence on how some naive US voters cast their ballot.

So, since we can;t rely on Trump's ego to admit that Putin is a scum bucket, Congress should hold hearings and allow out intelligence agencies to publicly testify on what Russia has and continues doing in influencing our elections AND what measures these agencies are taking in countering these interferences by a hostile, enemy, foreign nation of oligarchs and mafia thugs.
I don't trust Mueller-I think his report was biased. He did not investigate far enough into what Russia actually did to tell us anything-who, what, where, when, how? Colonel Mustard with a server in Chicago, in July 2016, with 13 operatives-and most importantly, why-the effect was-negligible, but started the argument we are having now. The best way to handle this now is impeachment and exoneration of Trump so the Russians see that their effort failed in the end.
Of course it boils down to Trump's massive ego and narcissism that prevents us from confronting the CLEAR warning that Mueller offered (and reiterated) in yesterday's statement.

Russia DID ....and still is.......interfering in our electoral process.

It is rather amazing that right wingers on here bitch and moan about their assertion that "millions" of illegal aliens somehow show up to vote risking arrest and deportation.....BUT, refuse to admit what our own intelligence apparatus has proven in that the Russian GRU and other Russian cyber gangs HAS and WILL CONTINUE to interfere in our elections......Of course, such interference is as subtle as it is effective.

In a sense, Mueller stated yesterday that we should be at "war" with Russia for that country's blatant influence on how some naive US voters cast their ballot.

So, since we can;t rely on Trump's ego to admit that Putin is a scum bucket, Congress should hold hearings and allow out intelligence agencies to publicly testify on what Russia has and continues doing in influencing our elections AND what measures these agencies are taking in countering these interferences by a hostile, enemy, foreign nation of oligarchs and mafia thugs.

So you admit those funny Russian memes tricked you into voting for Trump?

Are you still worried about bat boy?

images (4).jpeg
Actually Swamp Rat Meuller said he has no evidence as to who hacked the DNC emails Seth Rich gave Wilkileaks that showed collusion against our democracy/
He named them individually, explained the role of each and indicted them, dope.
Of course it boils down to Trump's massive ego and narcissism that prevents us from confronting the CLEAR warning that Mueller offered (and reiterated) in yesterday's statement.

Russia DID ....and still is.......interfering in our electoral process.

It is rather amazing that right wingers on here bitch and moan about their assertion that "millions" of illegal aliens somehow show up to vote risking arrest and deportation.....BUT, refuse to admit what our own intelligence apparatus has proven in that the Russian GRU and other Russian cyber gangs HAS and WILL CONTINUE to interfere in our elections......Of course, such interference is as subtle as it is effective.

In a sense, Mueller stated yesterday that we should be at "war" with Russia for that country's blatant influence on how some naive US voters cast their ballot.

So, since we can;t rely on Trump's ego to admit that Putin is a scum bucket, Congress should hold hearings and allow out intelligence agencies to publicly testify on what Russia has and continues doing in influencing our elections AND what measures these agencies are taking in countering these interferences by a hostile, enemy, foreign nation of oligarchs and mafia thugs.
Actually the only evidence of Russian interference has only come from a DNC group DREAMCLOUD.
And I think they are dreaming lol

Mueller said “it appears russia tried to hack “ not they did. That means he has NO EVIDENCE.

Keep dreaming
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As the curtain closes on more than two years of wasted effort in an attempted coup to unseat who is arguably the most dynamic President in memory, Mueller failed miserably. Pathetically. Embarrassingly.

Even as he desperately sought to take the last cut of a thousand cuts trying to inflict that fatal, political blow, Trump prevails and is still winning.

Not even Mueller's lame attempt to play his best 'McCain' . . . failed.

Now, it's Barr's turn.

Careful what you wished for Bobby Mueller, you're about to get a taste of your own medicine.

Trump 2020 - making Bob Mueller lose again!
Buying Facebook ads with Rubles should have been a tell to FB. The Russians spent $1,300 on Google ads. I don't have a FB page and never use FB. IMHO FB is mostly for non-voters and used by non-voters, and no 2016 votes were affected. Mueller also agreed that the Russian meddling was ineffective regarding changing votes. It was more to disrupt in the US than to elect Trump.

I do agree with the OP that Congress needs to use its "oversight" to ensure that the election process is hardened for the 2020 elections.

Above.....what Fox News tells morons to repeat.....Here, you dimwit

Russian Hackers Broke Into Election Systems In 2 Florida Counties In ...

U.S. intel: Russia compromised seven states prior to 2016 election

Marco Rubio responds to Mueller report, confirms Russian hackers ...

NSA Report on Russian Hacking of U.S. Election - The Intercept
Russia DID ....and still is.......interfering in our electoral process.

And Trump...and more importantly Turtle McConnell are doing nothing and preventing ANYTHING from stopping this ongoing attack by Russia.

The Dem House has passed legislation intended to deal with this threat to our elective process and McConnell is blocking even a vote on that

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