Let's not forget Mueller's "other" warning.....

Of course it boils down to Trump's massive ego and narcissism that prevents us from confronting the CLEAR warning that Mueller offered (and reiterated) in yesterday's statement.

Russia DID ....and still is.......interfering in our electoral process.

It is rather amazing that right wingers on here bitch and moan about their assertion that "millions" of illegal aliens somehow show up to vote risking arrest and deportation.....BUT, refuse to admit what our own intelligence apparatus has proven in that the Russian GRU and other Russian cyber gangs HAS and WILL CONTINUE to interfere in our elections......Of course, such interference is as subtle as it is effective.

In a sense, Mueller stated yesterday that we should be at "war" with Russia for that country's blatant influence on how some naive US voters cast their ballot.

So, since we can;t rely on Trump's ego to admit that Putin is a scum bucket, Congress should hold hearings and allow out intelligence agencies to publicly testify on what Russia has and continues doing in influencing our elections AND what measures these agencies are taking in countering these interferences by a hostile, enemy, foreign nation of oligarchs and mafia thugs.
On obutholes watch and he denied it was happening.
The Russian's meddled in our election, and it was on Obama's watch that it occurred.

Yup and Barry's intelligence and cyber people knew it was happening but did nothing. The FBI warned the DNC IT guy that a hack could occur and he did nothing.

I'm wondering why Mueller didn't investigate Obama. He was POTUS while all this was going on. Not Trump. Obama and his people should have been investigated. Not Trump.

Moron.....and Trump ass kisser......Compare what Obama did and what Trump did,..

Obama Strikes Back at Russia for Election Hacking ...
Of course it boils down to Trump's massive ego and narcissism that prevents us from confronting the CLEAR warning that Mueller offered (and reiterated) in yesterday's statement.

Russia DID ....and still is.......interfering in our electoral process.

It is rather amazing that right wingers on here bitch and moan about their assertion that "millions" of illegal aliens somehow show up to vote risking arrest and deportation.....BUT, refuse to admit what our own intelligence apparatus has proven in that the Russian GRU and other Russian cyber gangs HAS and WILL CONTINUE to interfere in our elections......Of course, such interference is as subtle as it is effective.

In a sense, Mueller stated yesterday that we should be at "war" with Russia for that country's blatant influence on how some naive US voters cast their ballot.

So, since we can;t rely on Trump's ego to admit that Putin is a scum bucket, Congress should hold hearings and allow out intelligence agencies to publicly testify on what Russia has and continues doing in influencing our elections AND what measures these agencies are taking in countering these interferences by a hostile, enemy, foreign nation of oligarchs and mafia thugs.
On obutholes watch and he denied it was happening.

READ....COMPREHEND......LEARN, you eternal fuckhead.......LOL

Obama Strikes Back at Russia for Election Hacking
The Russian's meddled in our election, and it was on Obama's watch that it occurred.

Yup and Barry's intelligence and cyber people knew it was happening but did nothing. The FBI warned the DNC IT guy that a hack could occur and he did nothing.

I'm wondering why Mueller didn't investigate Obama. He was POTUS while all this was going on. Not Trump. Obama and his people should have been investigated. Not Trump.

Moron.....and Trump ass kisser......Compare what Obama did and what Trump did,..

Obama Strikes Back at Russia for Election Hacking ...

That was no strike back. You really are delusional and to be pitied.
The Russian's meddled in our election, and it was on Obama's watch that it occurred.

some people did something on 9/11 and it was on G. W. Bush's watch when it occurred

You are that young

Of course it boils down to Trump's massive ego and narcissism that prevents us from confronting the CLEAR warning that Mueller offered (and reiterated) in yesterday's statement.

Russia DID ....and still is.......interfering in our electoral process.

It is rather amazing that right wingers on here bitch and moan about their assertion that "millions" of illegal aliens somehow show up to vote risking arrest and deportation.....BUT, refuse to admit what our own intelligence apparatus has proven in that the Russian GRU and other Russian cyber gangs HAS and WILL CONTINUE to interfere in our elections......Of course, such interference is as subtle as it is effective.

In a sense, Mueller stated yesterday that we should be at "war" with Russia for that country's blatant influence on how some naive US voters cast their ballot.

So, since we can;t rely on Trump's ego to admit that Putin is a scum bucket, Congress should hold hearings and allow out intelligence agencies to publicly testify on what Russia has and continues doing in influencing our elections AND what measures these agencies are taking in countering these interferences by a hostile, enemy, foreign nation of oligarchs and mafia thugs.
Do you work for the Deep State?
Even they know Gnat’s an idiot.
Of course it boils down to Trump's massive ego and narcissism that prevents us from confronting the CLEAR warning that Mueller offered (and reiterated) in yesterday's statement.

Russia DID ....and still is.......interfering in our electoral process.

It is rather amazing that right wingers on here bitch and moan about their assertion that "millions" of illegal aliens somehow show up to vote risking arrest and deportation.....BUT, refuse to admit what our own intelligence apparatus has proven in that the Russian GRU and other Russian cyber gangs HAS and WILL CONTINUE to interfere in our elections......Of course, such interference is as subtle as it is effective.

In a sense, Mueller stated yesterday that we should be at "war" with Russia for that country's blatant influence on how some naive US voters cast their ballot.

So, since we can;t rely on Trump's ego to admit that Putin is a scum bucket, Congress should hold hearings and allow out intelligence agencies to publicly testify on what Russia has and continues doing in influencing our elections AND what measures these agencies are taking in countering these interferences by a hostile, enemy, foreign nation of oligarchs and mafia thugs.
On obutholes watch and he denied it was happening.

READ....COMPREHEND......LEARN, you eternal fuckhead.......LOL

Obama Strikes Back at Russia for Election Hacking
Take your own advice retard, the lying times article date is December of 2016, after the election. He was warned before the election and blew it off. Boy you are stupid.
Of course it boils down to Trump's massive ego and narcissism that prevents us from confronting the CLEAR warning that Mueller offered (and reiterated) in yesterday's statement.

Russia DID ....and still is.......interfering in our electoral process.

It is rather amazing that right wingers on here bitch and moan about their assertion that "millions" of illegal aliens somehow show up to vote risking arrest and deportation.....BUT, refuse to admit what our own intelligence apparatus has proven in that the Russian GRU and other Russian cyber gangs HAS and WILL CONTINUE to interfere in our elections......Of course, such interference is as subtle as it is effective.

In a sense, Mueller stated yesterday that we should be at "war" with Russia for that country's blatant influence on how some naive US voters cast their ballot.

So, since we can;t rely on Trump's ego to admit that Putin is a scum bucket, Congress should hold hearings and allow out intelligence agencies to publicly testify on what Russia has and continues doing in influencing our elections AND what measures these agencies are taking in countering these interferences by a hostile, enemy, foreign nation of oligarchs and mafia thugs.

How about we start with intelligence agencies publicly testifying to what Obama did in handling the Russia meddling, beyond wasting valuable intelligence resources going after TRUMP.

Russia and other countries influence using social media IMO isn't a big issue, the US press is connected and influenced by other countries and their own interests.

Perhaps we need to extend voting to 2-3 days and do away with allowing so many to vote early by mail. Absentee ballots should only be for people with documented medical illness, out of the country for work/travel or military. We also need voter ID laws in all states. If people can register to vote there is no reason they can not get a state ID. And all DL and state ID's need to identify citizenship.
Of course it boils down to Trump's massive ego and narcissism that prevents us from confronting the CLEAR warning that Mueller offered (and reiterated) in yesterday's statement.

Russia DID ....and still is.......interfering in our electoral process.

It is rather amazing that right wingers on here bitch and moan about their assertion that "millions" of illegal aliens somehow show up to vote risking arrest and deportation.....BUT, refuse to admit what our own intelligence apparatus has proven in that the Russian GRU and other Russian cyber gangs HAS and WILL CONTINUE to interfere in our elections......Of course, such interference is as subtle as it is effective.

In a sense, Mueller stated yesterday that we should be at "war" with Russia for that country's blatant influence on how some naive US voters cast their ballot.

So, since we can;t rely on Trump's ego to admit that Putin is a scum bucket, Congress should hold hearings and allow out intelligence agencies to publicly testify on what Russia has and continues doing in influencing our elections AND what measures these agencies are taking in countering these interferences by a hostile, enemy, foreign nation of oligarchs and mafia thugs.
CRCs admire and help Russia.
Of course it boils down to Trump's massive ego and narcissism that prevents us from confronting the CLEAR warning that Mueller offered (and reiterated) in yesterday's statement.

Russia DID ....and still is.......interfering in our electoral process.

It is rather amazing that right wingers on here bitch and moan about their assertion that "millions" of illegal aliens somehow show up to vote risking arrest and deportation.....BUT, refuse to admit what our own intelligence apparatus has proven in that the Russian GRU and other Russian cyber gangs HAS and WILL CONTINUE to interfere in our elections......Of course, such interference is as subtle as it is effective.

In a sense, Mueller stated yesterday that we should be at "war" with Russia for that country's blatant influence on how some naive US voters cast their ballot.

So, since we can;t rely on Trump's ego to admit that Putin is a scum bucket, Congress should hold hearings and allow out intelligence agencies to publicly testify on what Russia has and continues doing in influencing our elections AND what measures these agencies are taking in countering these interferences by a hostile, enemy, foreign nation of oligarchs and mafia thugs.

So, you're afraid that something a russian troll on the internet says, might make you vote for Trump?
Buying Facebook ads with Rubles should have been a tell to FB. The Russians spent $1,300 on Google ads. I don't have a FB page and never use FB. IMHO FB is mostly for non-voters and used by non-voters, and no 2016 votes were affected. Mueller also agreed that the Russian meddling was ineffective regarding changing votes. It was more to disrupt in the US than to elect Trump.

I do agree with the OP that Congress needs to use its "oversight" to ensure that the election process is hardened for the 2020 elections.

Above.....what Fox News tells morons to repeat.....Here, you dimwit

Russian Hackers Broke Into Election Systems In 2 Florida Counties In ...

U.S. intel: Russia compromised seven states prior to 2016 election

Marco Rubio responds to Mueller report, confirms Russian hackers ...

NSA Report on Russian Hacking of U.S. Election - The Intercept

All on Obama's watch...
Of course it boils down to Trump's massive ego and narcissism that prevents us from confronting the CLEAR warning that Mueller offered (and reiterated) in yesterday's statement.

Russia DID ....and still is.......interfering in our electoral process.

It is rather amazing that right wingers on here bitch and moan about their assertion that "millions" of illegal aliens somehow show up to vote risking arrest and deportation.....BUT, refuse to admit what our own intelligence apparatus has proven in that the Russian GRU and other Russian cyber gangs HAS and WILL CONTINUE to interfere in our elections......Of course, such interference is as subtle as it is effective.

In a sense, Mueller stated yesterday that we should be at "war" with Russia for that country's blatant influence on how some naive US voters cast their ballot.

So, since we can;t rely on Trump's ego to admit that Putin is a scum bucket, Congress should hold hearings and allow out intelligence agencies to publicly testify on what Russia has and continues doing in influencing our elections AND what measures these agencies are taking in countering these interferences by a hostile, enemy, foreign nation of oligarchs and mafia thugs.
I was a little frightened when he came out and said that we only have 12 years to get Donald Trump before the Earth Burns up in a fiery fireball.
Of course it boils down to Trump's massive ego and narcissism that prevents us from confronting the CLEAR warning that Mueller offered (and reiterated) in yesterday's statement.

Russia DID ....and still is.......interfering in our electoral process.

It is rather amazing that right wingers on here bitch and moan about their assertion that "millions" of illegal aliens somehow show up to vote risking arrest and deportation.....BUT, refuse to admit what our own intelligence apparatus has proven in that the Russian GRU and other Russian cyber gangs HAS and WILL CONTINUE to interfere in our elections......Of course, such interference is as subtle as it is effective.

In a sense, Mueller stated yesterday that we should be at "war" with Russia for that country's blatant influence on how some naive US voters cast their ballot.

So, since we can;t rely on Trump's ego to admit that Putin is a scum bucket, Congress should hold hearings and allow out intelligence agencies to publicly testify on what Russia has and continues doing in influencing our elections AND what measures these agencies are taking in countering these interferences by a hostile, enemy, foreign nation of oligarchs and mafia thugs.

OK, I have asked this before and not one person has been able to answer: What specifically did Russia do? What votes were changed as a result of it? where did they do it? Which states, cities, precincts?

What most of you left wingers don't understand is that whatever Russia did it was aimed at getting us hating and yelling at each other, and in that they succeeded. No votes were changed, the election was not impacted, but you now hate everyone who does not agree with you-------------Thanks Vlad.
Actually Swamp Rat Meuller said he has no evidence as to who hacked the DNC emails Seth Rich gave Wilkileaks that showed collusion against our democracy/
Mueller nor The FBI still does not know if there was any hacking at all of The DNC Server. Mueller presented Zero Proof of Russian Hacking. He made some assumptions and that is all.

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