Lets not forget the real victims here

The terrorists won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is correct. They won. The world changed on 9-11-01 and because we are so fearful that we might have to do something that is a bit un-American like. Well they will continue to change the world and we will continue to have our citizens die at their hands.

I have heard people claim that they lost their right to board a plane without being searched.......................:cuckoo:

They complain about a computer listening to international calls and keying on certain words or phrases.

We have heard all the complaints about the loss of rights. But these were not rights, we have given up no rights for security, fact is that this attack at Ft Hood proves that we haven't done enough for security, and that includes getting out of the PC mindset and doing real backgrounds and following up on those backgrounds even if the person is a Muslim.

Racial or Religious profiling? If that's what it takes. Government wants to listen to me talking to my son in Europe, no problem. We actually talked one day and tried to say what we figured might be those key words. Just a little gift to my friends at NSA.


Based on your experience...What enhanced security would you like to see on base? What could we have done differently?
The terrorists won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is correct. They won. The world changed on 9-11-01 and because we are so fearful that we might have to do something that is a bit un-American like. Well they will continue to change the world and we will continue to have our citizens die at their hands.

I have heard people claim that they lost their right to board a plane without being searched.......................:cuckoo:

They complain about a computer listening to international calls and keying on certain words or phrases.

We have heard all the complaints about the loss of rights. But these were not rights, we have given up no rights for security, fact is that this attack at Ft Hood proves that we haven't done enough for security, and that includes getting out of the PC mindset and doing real backgrounds and following up on those backgrounds even if the person is a Muslim.

Racial or Religious profiling? If that's what it takes. Government wants to listen to me talking to my son in Europe, no problem. We actually talked one day and tried to say what we figured might be those key words. Just a little gift to my friends at NSA.

Totally agree, we need to start deporting people who are a threat to America or Americans. America isn't infinitely strong such that we can withstand attacks from within. At Ft. Hood 12 innocent patriots lost their lives because of PC. IMHO the Cole attack was due to PC. One of my relatives is considering going into the Army. I thought that was a very selfless idea, now I wonder if its stupid. The Army doesn't have adequate force protection measures.
He is a traitor and I bet a good lawyer could make the case of Treason however, we won't see it.
Totally agree, we need to start deporting people who are a threat to America or Americans. America isn't infinitely strong such that we can withstand attacks from within. At Ft. Hood 12 innocent patriots lost their lives because of PC. IMHO the Cole attack was due to PC. One of my relatives is considering going into the Army. I thought that was a very selfless idea, now I wonder if its stupid. The Army doesn't have adequate force protection measures.

...and how would you determine that?
He is a traitor and I bet a good lawyer could make the case of Treason however, we won't see it.

We don't prosecute treason or sedition anymore, all ideologies are equal as long as they are tolerant or Islamic.
Yeah! Lets get the Muslims all together and put them in cages until the wars are over! Theyre ALL terrorists!

You guys are pathetic. Youre scared and pathetic.
Yeah! Lets get the Muslims all together and put them in cages until the wars are over! Theyre ALL terrorists! You guys are pathetic. Youre scared and pathetic.

You're not the one in the service depending on them, not knowing if they are sincere or just waiting for the right time to shoot you in the back. I just heard the roll call from Ft Hood, at least five of the murdered were women, and one was pregnant. Says a lot for the sneaks.
The terrorists won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is correct. They won. The world changed on 9-11-01 and because we are so fearful that we might have to do something that is a bit un-American like. Well they will continue to change the world and we will continue to have our citizens die at their hands.

I have heard people claim that they lost their right to board a plane without being searched.......................:cuckoo:

They complain about a computer listening to international calls and keying on certain words or phrases.

We have heard all the complaints about the loss of rights. But these were not rights, we have given up no rights for security, fact is that this attack at Ft Hood proves that we haven't done enough for security, and that includes getting out of the PC mindset and doing real backgrounds and following up on those backgrounds even if the person is a Muslim.

Racial or Religious profiling? If that's what it takes. Government wants to listen to me talking to my son in Europe, no problem. We actually talked one day and tried to say what we figured might be those key words. Just a little gift to my friends at NSA.


Based on your experience...What enhanced security would you like to see on base? What could we have done differently?

I'm not really sure what would work. I would be in favor of some type of profiling. And those who come up under the profiling would get an SBI run on them. And updated at least annually. I know we won't do it because we are too PC. And I can't say that it will work. But it would have raised more re flags on Maj Hasan.
I don't give a rats ass about what anyo0nes religion is. But when that religion is killing innocent Americans, Unarmed and Innocent. Well that's when I say we need racial or religious profiling. This is the second time that an American Muslim in the US Military has attacked their fellow soldiers. We need a way to prevent this from happening again. And I don't care about being PC with it and certainly do not care about "ant-Islamic Backlash".
... Terrorism is terrorism, just like crime is crime. The motive is unimportant. We do not tolerate any person commiting a blatant crime over any other, no matter their ideology.

I understand what you say. A couple observations: 1. We cannot see into the 'heart' of any criminal or innocent. Yet, there doesn't seem to be a problem with 'hate crimes,' where the assumption of thinking is used to extend a sentence.

2. If police agencies focus on one factor; race, religion, neighborhood...they will find the results they've targeted, really there cannot be a doubt on that.

However, to ignore real life is also foolish. Poor people are more likely to smoke, drink to excess, have mental illness, be less educated, be of minorities. Thus minorities are over represented in committing crimes, but also being accused of crimes they did not commit.

I think it's fair to say that all of us law-abiding people want the criminals or predators if you will, picked up and incarcerated. The poor perhaps most of all, since they are overwhelmingly the victims of crimes committed. Yet, 'driving while black' and extrapolating to other minorities leaves a bad taste and contempt for police.

What to do? Police should be trained in not only profiling, but also body language, reasonable reactions from people 'stopped.' Perhaps training should be given that when a stop has been made, unfairly, no tickets for out of date tags, speeding, etc., should be issued-give a 'warning' and let them go. Apologize for detaining. Currently the police try to find a 'reason' for the stop, they nearly always can.
You're not the one in the service depending on them, not knowing if they are sincere or just waiting for the right time to shoot you in the back. I just heard the roll call from Ft Hood, at least five of the murdered were women, and one was pregnant. Says a lot for the sneaks.

And what about these:
"Fragging" and "Combat Refusals" in Vietnam Fragging. When one American killed another American, usually a superior officer or an NCO, the term "fragging" came into use. Although the term simply meant that a fragmentation grenade was used in the murder, it later became an all encompassing term for such an action. It is known that "fraggings" did occur during Vietnam, but the precise number is uncertain.

"During the years of 1969 down to 1973, we have the rise of fragging - that is, shooting or hand-grenading your NCO or your officer who orders you out into the field," says historian Terry Anderson of Texas A & M University. "The US Army itself does not know exactly how many...officers were murdered. But they know at least 600 were murdered, and then they have another 1400 that died mysteriously. Consequently by early 1970, the army [was] at war not with the enemy but with itself." Rough figures for "fraggings" are indicated in column a. below.
We have been at war now since March of 2003, and there have now been TWO incidents. That is TWO incidents in six and a half years. I would say that all things considers, the stats are amazing, and there have been TWO incidents ONLY. That is 1.1 per DAY for that time period, 11 every ten days, in other words.

That may mean that if all of those who fragged were individuals, and all survived to come back to the states, then there are 2000 deliberate murderers of AMERICANS - OUR OWN PEOPLE, who were killed, by US....

Comparatively speaking, since the beginning of this war, March 2003, there have been TWO incidents, TWO ONLY, in six and a half years, so I would say that things are considerably improved over what was happening during Viet Nam.

What happened was a horrible thing by a deranged person, but all things considered, by thread reason on some' folk's part, should I believe that all Vietnam Vets are murderers, and a threat to all? They were mostly Christians, some may have been raised religious, and prayed before and after committing murder, should I therefore mistrust all Christians? Perhaps more of one heritage or another killed their fellow servicemen. Should I then believe that all of that heritage should be condemned?

People who have gone off the deep end will do whatever. Some die alone, suicide, and others are determined to make someone "feel their pain."

In the five years of 1969 to 1973 there were 2000 incidents. In the Six and one half between March 2003 and now, there have been ONLY two.

As for this: "I just heard the roll call from Ft Hood, at least five of the murdered were women, and one was pregnant." - Women GIs or pregnant GIs are not inherently more valuable tham male GIs, just as all of the others, the civilians, are neither less nor more important than the Military personnel. They ALL mattered.

My opinion, when this one asked for an out they should have let him go, and then the CIA could have watched him on their own time. I think I may find them nearly as responsible as this one who murdered, if they knew and did nothing, because they allowed all the dead and wounded to be collateral damage to their little BS spy games, and their BULLSHIT AGENDA! Not the first time they have fucked up, now is it??????

There are laws about when people are a threat to self and others! They can be involuntarily detained.
You're not the one in the service depending on them, not knowing if they are sincere or just waiting for the right time to shoot you in the back. I just heard the roll call from Ft Hood, at least five of the murdered were women, and one was pregnant. Says a lot for the sneaks.

Lets stick to the topic at hand and stop with the red herrings. I don't want to review VN, or the crusades, or the inquisition, or the Holocaust or whatever useless debate non-sequitur you care to bring up. The topic of the day is should muslims be allowed to serve in the military or are they two-faced baby and woman killers? I would not feel comfortable trusting them, half expecting them to shoot me in the abck.
You're not the one in the service depending on them, not knowing if they are sincere or just waiting for the right time to shoot you in the back. I just heard the roll call from Ft Hood, at least five of the murdered were women, and one was pregnant. Says a lot for the sneaks.

Lets stick to the topic at hand and stop with the red herrings. I don't want to review VN, or the crusades, or the inquisition, or the Holocaust or whatever useless debate non-sequitur you care to bring up. The topic of the day is should muslims be allowed to serve in the military or are they two-faced baby and woman killers? I would not feel comfortable trusting them, half expecting them to shoot me in the abck.

Well said!!!!!!!! :clap2:

"ant-Islamic Backlash".

If I hear that bullshit one more time, I think I'll puke!

What about AMERICANS? What about protecting INNOCENT AMERICANS from Islamist fucks like Hassan?

Why is it the Obama administration is doing back flips for the Moslems? I suspect very much that Obammy is protecting one of his own. That is what he's doing....and one day "his own" are going to force him to make some really horrific choices for this country. Choices that don't protect us....but cetainly *are* in the interests of all Moslems.

How disgusting we have an anti-American 5th columnist for a so-called President. (sickens me)

:eusa_sick: :disbelief:

Are you saying Moslems aren't be innocent Americans?

That's about the only coherent bit I can get out of your disgusting rant.

:eusa_sick: :disbelief:

Here, maybe this will help with your reading comprehension problems?

You're not the one in the service depending on them, not knowing if they are sincere or just waiting for the right time to shoot you in the back. I just heard the roll call from Ft Hood, at least five of the murdered were women, and one was pregnant. Says a lot for the sneaks.

Lets stick to the topic at hand and stop with the red herrings. I don't want to review VN, or the crusades, or the inquisition, or the Holocaust or whatever useless debate non-sequitur you care to bring up. The topic of the day is should muslims be allowed to serve in the military or are they two-faced baby and woman killers? I would not feel comfortable trusting them, half expecting them to shoot me in the abck.

Kinda the way I feel about those with your attitudes.... I have lived and traveled in many parts of the world. I have never been threatened or at hazard from Asians(Buddhists or whatever,) and when we were in Morocco, where my husband served in the Navy, I lived "local" and never felt threatened there. Sad to say, I cannot say the say thing about my fellow Americans, here in the United States.

I think your problem is your own basic bigotry, and this is the "flavor of the month" for your focus.... Those like Hassan just give you an excuse to hate someone, and if it wasn't Muslims, it would be someone else.

Now if you don't care to discuss, what the hell are you doing on a discussion board? LOL....

Since gross generalizations are the order of the day, I think I will take it that it is OK by you that "christians" kill each other... that is somehow different...

Humans use whatever pretext to do whatever their natural inclinations are, religion, race, politics, orientation, gender..... those things allow them to act on the evil or the craziness that is inside them.

LIKE I SAID, some people suicide, and others want others to "feel their pain."

And I hope to hell you aren't in the military, as IMO you would be a hazard to anyone you perceived to be in any way "different" from you!
You're not the one in the service depending on them, not knowing if they are sincere or just waiting for the right time to shoot you in the back. I just heard the roll call from Ft Hood, at least five of the murdered were women, and one was pregnant. Says a lot for the sneaks.

Lets stick to the topic at hand and stop with the red herrings. I don't want to review VN, or the crusades, or the inquisition, or the Holocaust or whatever useless debate non-sequitur you care to bring up. The topic of the day is should muslims be allowed to serve in the military or are they two-faced baby and woman killers? I would not feel comfortable trusting them, half expecting them to shoot me in the abck.

Kinda the way I feel about those with your attitudes.... I have lived and traveled in many parts of the world. I have never been threatened or at hazard from Asians(Buddhists or whatever,) and when we were in Morocco, where my husband served in the Navy, I lived "local" and never felt threatened there. Sad to say, I cannot say the say thing about my fellow Americans, here in the United States.

I think your problem is your own basic bigotry, and this is the "flavor of the month" for your focus.... Those like Hassan just give you an excuse to hate someone, and if it wasn't Muslims, it would be someone else.

Now if you don't care to discuss, what the hell are you doing on a discussion board? LOL....

Since gross generalizations are the order of the day, I think I will take it that it is OK by you that "christians" kill each other... that is somehow different...

Humans use whatever pretext to do whatever their natural inclinations are, religion, race, politics, orientation, gender..... those things allow them to act on the evil or the craziness that is inside them.

LIKE I SAID, some people suicide, and others want others to "feel their pain."

And I hope to hell you aren't in the military, as IMO you would be a hazard to anyone you perceived to be in any way "different" from you!

I'm fairly certain that none of the women and children wiped out on buses, cafes & schools saw it coming.
You're not the one in the service depending on them, not knowing if they are sincere or just waiting for the right time to shoot you in the back. I just heard the roll call from Ft Hood, at least five of the murdered were women, and one was pregnant. Says a lot for the sneaks.

Lets stick to the topic at hand and stop with the red herrings. I don't want to review VN, or the crusades, or the inquisition, or the Holocaust or whatever useless debate non-sequitur you care to bring up. The topic of the day is should muslims be allowed to serve in the military or are they two-faced baby and woman killers? I would not feel comfortable trusting them, half expecting them to shoot me in the abck.

Kinda the way I feel about those with your attitudes.... I have lived and traveled in many parts of the world. I have never been threatened or at hazard from Asians(Buddhists or whatever,) and when we were in Morocco, where my husband served in the Navy, I lived "local" and never felt threatened there. Sad to say, I cannot say the say thing about my fellow Americans, here in the United States.

I think your problem is your own basic bigotry, and this is the "flavor of the month" for your focus.... Those like Hassan just give you an excuse to hate someone, and if it wasn't Muslims, it would be someone else.

Now if you don't care to discuss, what the hell are you doing on a discussion board? LOL....

Since gross generalizations are the order of the day, I think I will take it that it is OK by you that "christians" kill each other... that is somehow different...

Humans use whatever pretext to do whatever their natural inclinations are, religion, race, politics, orientation, gender..... those things allow them to act on the evil or the craziness that is inside them.

LIKE I SAID, some people suicide, and others want others to "feel their pain."

And I hope to hell you aren't in the military, as IMO you would be a hazard to anyone you perceived to be in any way "different" from you!

I'm fairly certain that none of the women and children wiped out on buses, cafes & schools saw it coming.

Or the 345 Palestinian children killed in Gaza in the last fight ... or the 1435 Palestinian children and 123 Israeli children killed since 2,000....

Oh wait...we're just talking about Muslim babykillers.

"ant-Islamic Backlash".

If I hear that bullshit one more time, I think I'll puke!

What about AMERICANS? What about protecting INNOCENT AMERICANS from Islamist fucks like Hassan?

Why is it the Obama administration is doing back flips for the Moslems? I suspect very much that Obammy is protecting one of his own. That is what he's doing....and one day "his own" are going to force him to make some really horrific choices for this country. Choices that don't protect us....but cetainly *are* in the interests of all Moslems.

How disgusting we have an anti-American 5th columnist for a so-called President. (sickens me)

:eusa_sick: :disbelief:

Are you saying Moslems aren't be innocent Americans?

That's about the only coherent bit I can get out of your disgusting rant.

:eusa_sick: :disbelief:

Here, maybe this will help with your reading comprehension problems?

Well, that explains a lot. No wonder I can't understand your gibberish. Did you even try the program?

But back to the point: Are you saying Moslems aren't be innocent Americans?
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