Let’s not pretend conservatives are banning books in school libraries simply because of graphic sexual content


The point of conservatives banning such books is to demonize and vilify gay and transgender Americans in an effort to ‘justify’ discriminating against them.

This is bullshit, even for C_Clayton_Jones values of bullshit.

So the only reason to oppose the sexual grooming and abuse of children is out of hatred for homosexuality and transsexualism?

The fact remains, unalterable, and undeniable, that homosexuality and transsexuality are both depraved, insane, and immoral sexual perversions. So is pedophilia.

And it remains also, obvious, and undeniably, that homosexuality and transsexuality exist primarily as stepping stones to pedophilia.

You sick freaks got one of these normalized and accepted into society, you're working on another, but pedophilia is the goal past that.

They are all different faces of the same underlying madness and evil. And those of you who are tainted by one are tainted by all of it.
Write all the books you want, asshole but sexual content is not appropriate for children. If you think it is? Stay away from children

In fact if anyone thinks it is ok? Let's do this
The neo-fascist, authoritarian right seeks to ban books with accurate, truthful, positive themes about gay and transgender Americans because such books undermine conservatives’ efforts to demonize and vilify both – conservatives are enemies of facts and the truth.
The neo-fascist, authoritarian right seeks to ban books with accurate, truthful, positive themes about gay and transgender Americans because such books undermine conservatives’ efforts to demonize and vilify both – conservatives are enemies of facts and the truth.

Listen up, you degenerate. You promote that filth to our children? It'll end badly for you. Bank it, Soy Boy
The neo-fascist, authoritarian right seeks to ban books with accurate, truthful, positive themes about gay and transgender Americans because such books undermine conservatives’ efforts to demonize and vilify both – conservatives are enemies of facts and the truth.

Then defend this book..........you coward...

I don’t know what this book is, but yeah, if it has sexual content in it, it doesn’t belong in a junior high library. If the book simply depicts a gay relationship between consenting adults and is without sexual content, it’s stupid to ban it pure and simple.
No it isn't.

Leave children alone with any content having to do with sexuality at all.....Everyone knows that you liberoidal assholes won't stop at your "gay relationship between consenting adults and is without sexual content".....You never ever stop with the cultural Marxist shit and everyone knows it.
They'll stand right there in front of you, pissing on your boots, then look you in the eye and say, "Looks like rain, huh".
The neo-fascist, authoritarian right seeks to ban books with accurate, truthful, positive themes about gay and transgender Americans because such books undermine conservatives’ efforts to demonize and vilify both – conservatives are enemies of facts and the truth.

There is nothing positive about queers and trannies.

Stay away from children

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