Let’s not pretend conservatives are banning books in school libraries simply because of graphic sexual content

No books should be banned in school libraries. Kids should have access to graphic sex and violence. They should also have access to books that can instruct them in making drugs and weapons.

Of course I was being absurd. Parents have a vested interest in controlling the materials that their children are exposed. Some books should not be allowed in school libraries and parents should have a voice in that determination.
It really does not matter if an LGBT book being banned has sexual content in it. It will be banned either way. Any mention of a gay relationship is automatically condemned.

This doesn’t just apply to LGBT books. It also applies to books with Black Lives Matter content. Oh the horror!

Conservatives only care about their own free speech - not anyone else’s.

Here.....video of a parent talking about the books.....learn something..

If the book has actual explicit sexual language in it, I can get behind banning it in a school. If it lacks that and the content merely discusses a homosexual relationship, then it’s stupid to ban it.

Banning speech because of its content is un-Constitutional, a violation of the First Amendment.

There’s nothing ‘obscene’ about homosexual relationships or being transgender; banning books with gay or transgender subjects is idiotic and wrong.

Banning speech because of its content is un-Constitutional, a violation of the First Amendment.

There’s nothing ‘obscene’ about homosexual relationships or being transgender; banning books with gay or transgender subjects is idiotic and wrong.

Yeah........books about two children having sex shouldn't be banned in schools or in the children's sections of libraries?


Indeed, this is who conservatives are – their contempt for free speech and the First Amendment is matched by their unwarranted fear and hatred of gay and transgender Americans.

Write all the books you want, asshole but sexual content is not appropriate for children. If you think it is? Stay away from children

In fact if anyone thinks it is ok? Let's do this
It really does not matter if an LGBT book being banned has sexual content in it. It will be banned either way. Any mention of a gay relationship is automatically condemned.

This doesn’t just apply to LGBT books. It also applies to books with Black Lives Matter content. Oh the horror!

Conservatives only care about their own free speech - not anyone else’s.

You have bad judgment, are into sexual perversion and exposing children to it... but you don't hide it when you label yourself a Democrat Socialist.
No....any place that has books showing sex between children, and children with adults, in a school or public library is a place with either groomers, groomer sympathizers or really clueless nitwits..........

If a church has a book about sex between children, and children with adults you would be right.........but that isn't what we are talking about.....
Cough the bible cough

Banning speech because of its content is un-Constitutional, a violation of the First Amendment.

There’s nothing ‘obscene’ about homosexual relationships or being transgender; banning books with gay or transgender subjects is idiotic and wrong.
Do you say "fuck" and "cocksucker" in the presence of children?
It really does not matter if an LGBT book being banned has sexual content in it. It will be banned either way. Any mention of a gay relationship is automatically condemned.

This doesn’t just apply to LGBT books. It also applies to books with Black Lives Matter content. Oh the horror!

Conservatives only care about their own free speech - not anyone else’s.

Here......try this...

Lawn Boy..........defend this book...you doofus....

I never said that.

And whether I am OK or not with that, that would be a completely separate topic) is irrelevant to the sexual grooming and abuse of children.

This is an unusually dishonest remark, even by the very low bar that you normally set for dishonesty.

So, tell us, why are YOU so determined to expose and groom children into sick sexual perversions? What is YOUR interest in seeing to it that children are groomed and abused in such a manner?
I just like this idea that if you ban anything related to Da Gayz, which is what you really want, that that will affect whether the kids grow up and become gay.
It really does not matter if an LGBT book being banned has sexual content in it. It will be banned either way. Any mention of a gay relationship is automatically condemned.

This doesn’t just apply to LGBT books. It also applies to books with Black Lives Matter content. Oh the horror!

Conservatives only care about their own free speech - not anyone else’s.

Another book......

Not All Boys are Blue....defend it...

I just like this idea that if you ban anything related to Da Gayz, which is what you really want, that that will affect whether the kids grow up and become gay.

Defend this book........you moron...

Not all Boys are Blue....

Why would it matter if kids read a book about BLM? That’s just fucking stupid lol. A gay relationship between adults with no sexual content is also just as harmless. It simply has no negative effect on a kid.

They are the new kkk for the democrat party, they teach racial hate.......they teach racial victimhood...

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