Let’s not pretend conservatives are banning books in school libraries simply because of graphic sexual content

So, you support the sexual gooming of young children as long as illustrations are not explicit. Thank you for making your position on the subject of sexual grooming so clear.
Hey moron, sexual content can obviously refer to just text. How dumb are you idiots? My god lol
I don’t know what this book is, but yeah, if it has sexual content in it, it doesn’t belong in a junior high library. If the book simply depicts a gay relationship between consenting adults and is without sexual content, it’s stupid to ban it pure and simple.

The biggest problem i have with this is that if a book depicted sexual content in a heterosexual relationship, republicans in general would really not give a shit. Like if asked, they would say the book should be banned; but otherwise they would not be throwing the tantrums about it. There wouldn’t be this huge rightwing media backlash. They would just say “okay ban it. Problem solved l guess.” They would not be endlessly talking about ir.

Do you know the two books that they are talking the most about? Maybe you should look into that because the two books they whined about the most had two little boys performing oral sex, and the other one had an adult having sex with a child........how about you look those up and tell us why we are wrong......?
Hey moron, sexual content can obviously refer to just text. How dumb are you idiots? My god lol

Do you think the comic book Maus, a comic book teaching about the Holocaust needed to have an image of the authors naked, dead mother in it? A book that you want kids to read?
Actually I don't. It's a mystery to me. Just leave the kids alone with obvious adult content

Unless adults are trying to get to children sexually and if that's the case? Shoot them

They want to get children to accept sex with same sex partners and adults...that is why.....it is a practice called grooming.......they know if the kids are allowed to develop unmolested....they will likely grow up heterosexual..so the earlier they can teach them about gay sex, the more likely they will not only accept it, but practice it....
Do you think the comic book Maus, a comic book teaching about the Holocaust needed to have an image of the authors naked, dead mother in it? A book that you want kids to read?
The notion of age appropriateness is lost on these Stalinists.

All they care about is getting their clutches on other people's children at earlier and earlier ages.
Let's not pretend that these sexually explicit books are not in an elementary grade school library.
The notion of age appropriateness is lost on these Stalinists.

All they care about is getting their clutches on other people's children at earlier and earlier ages.

No, I disagree....they know what "age appropriate" is. They know that in order to capture a child, they have to start as young as possible.....if they don't, the human brain develops and the odds that human will buy into their stupidity goes down....so our concept of "age appropriate," is entirely different from theirs.....
You exist in a strange alternate world where any place with books is full of groomers. Churches have libraries too. Must be full of groomers.

No....any place that has books showing sex between children, and children with adults, in a school or public library is a place with either groomers, groomer sympathizers or really clueless nitwits..........

If a church has a book about sex between children, and children with adults you would be right.........but that isn't what we are talking about.....
Do you know the two books that they are talking the most about? Maybe you should look into that because the two books they whined about the most had two little boys performing oral sex, and the other one had an adult having sex with a child........how about you look those up and tell us why we are wrong......?
Lol I don’t understand how you people can be so fucking dense. I have made it clear over and over again in thread that I support banning books with sexual explicit material.

Here is what you WANT me to say and are currently PRETENDING that I am: “I don’t care if there’s gay sex in children books! Little boys need to learn about that now!”

That would make the argument easy for you, wouldn’t it? It would give you a faux sense of intellectual superiority. Too bad I don’t believe that and have made it clear that isn’t my position.
Books showing dead people from WW2 are just fine though.

Yep........teaching children it is okay to perform oral sex with each other or to have sex with adults is more likely to damage these children........since it will open them up to actual sexual predators, as opposed to having them become serial killers if they see images from World War 2...
So is the theory that, if you refuse to talk about it, there won't be any gays?

Nope....but when you can convince young children of just about anything......because they are young children, then teaching them that sex is okay at their age is wrong.........if they are gay, not teaching them to have sex as children isn't going to change that.......so spare us the dumb arguments...
Nope....but when you can convince young children of just about anything......because they are young children, then teaching them that sex is okay at their age is wrong.........if they are gay, not teaching them to have sex as children isn't going to change that.......so spare us the dumb arguments...

That's what they depend on
It really does not matter if an LGBT book being banned has sexual content in it. It will be banned either way. Any mention of a gay relationship is automatically condemned.

This doesn’t just apply to LGBT books. It also applies to books with Black Lives Matter content. Oh the horror!

Conservatives only care about their own free speech - not anyone else’s.

Democrats banned Mark Twain.
Lol I don’t understand how you people can be so fucking dense. I have made it clear over and over again in thread that I support banning books with sexual explicit material.

Here is what you WANT me to say and are currently PRETENDING that I am: “I don’t care if there’s gay sex in children books! Little boys need to learn about that now!”

That would make the argument easy for you, wouldn’t it? It would give you a faux sense of intellectual superiority. Too bad I don’t believe that and have made it clear that isn’t my position.

Nope....you made an allegation that these books are being removed for reasons that are meritless.....then provide no specific examples.......so that you get your accusation, without having to defend it....

We have had other threads on the exact books and they are exactly what we described......sex between children and children and adults.....

The actual book banners are you leftists....as you fight to remove Huck Finn, To Kill a Mockingbird and other important books, and you also don't like Shakespeare because he is a dead white guy....who puts all the current leftist, woke authors to shame...

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