Let's play a game, and not use the word fascist:

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
Read over the list of the 14 points without that bias, and mitigate or aggravate Trump and his Administration's culpability on this 14 behaviors:
  1. One can love their country without going to the extreme; do Trump's speech and actions reflect the behavior of past Presidents or are they actions which inflame some of our population?
  2. Does the Trump Administration put human rights as a serious policy consideration?
  3. Has Trump and his surrogates named enemies of the State (Mexicans, Muslims, Journalists and Actors)?
  4. Has Trump's budget proposal favored a military already enjoying the governments largess, at the expense of social services?
  5. Has Trump's attack on Women who march for their Right to choose seemed unseemly and sexist, as did "locker room talk" not expressed in a locker room?
  6. Are Trumps attack on the media, the free press and broadcasters, ian effort to censor the truth? Is Fake News is an affectation used to rally his most ardent supporters?
  7. Is Trump's obsession with a military to protect our shores and citizens once again demagoguery, if he cared about our citizens would he put health care, jobs and the environment as priorities?
  8. Are his recent EO's giving religious leaders the power of the pulpit to politic a violation of the first amendment, something never done by even our most pious presidents?
  9. Is Corporate Power Protected? Is cutting corporate taxes and allowing them to bring a trillion or more dollars into this country do nothing but enrich the well heeled? Will taxes increase for the middle class as one can infer from the Sect. of the Treasury and his remark, (paraphrased ) - we can't guarantee the middle class will not pay more with tax reform?
  10. Time will tell how Trump will impact working men and women. If his first choice was any indication for labor sect. was that an indication that labor and unions will come under attack? Does he have too many Plutocrats in his Administration?
  11. Trumps attacks on the entertainment industry are legends on tweeter, along with his efforts to censor the press and broadcasters he attacks actors, late night talk show hosts, and all of Hollywood. Do you find this behavior Presidential?
  12. Trump's stump speech highlighted law and ORDER - the type of order we've seen during the Nixon-Agnew period - "get him out of here" is common, does this foreshadow his future behavior?
  13. LOL, by far the most obvious. Has Trump has surrounded himself with cronies, family and obsequious yes men and women?
  14. Trump's campaign speech put our elections on trial in Nov 2016; claims that fraud is widespread will no doubt dominate debate in the days before the election in 2018 - will we see voter suppression on steroids this time around?
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Let's play a game, and not use the word fascist

deal ..

Alex, I'll take POS for $500
Read over the list of the 14 points without that bias, and mitigate or aggravate Trump and his Administration's culpability on this 14 behaviors:
  1. One can love their country without going to the extreme; do Trump's speech and actions reflect the behavior of past Presidents or are they actions which inflame some of our population?
  2. Does the Trump Administration put human rights as a serious policy consideration?
  3. Has Trump and his surrogates named enemies of the State (Mexicans, Muslims, Journalists and Actors)?
  4. Has Trump's budget proposal favored a military already enjoying the governments largess, at the expense of social services
  5. Trump's attack on Women who march for their Right to choose is unseemly and sexist, as was his behavior self admitted in "locker room talk" not expressed in a locker room
  6. Trumps attack on the media, a free press and broadcasters is an effort to censor the truth. Fake News is an affectation used to rally his most ardent supporters
  7. Trump's obsession with a military to protect our shores and citizens is once again demagoguery, if he cared about our citizens he would have put health care, jobs and the environment as priorities
  8. His recent EO giving religious leaders the power of the pulpit to politic is IMO a violation of the first amendment and once again something never done by even our most pious presidents
  9. Corporate Power Protected, obvious to all paying attention. Cutting corporate taxes and allowing them to bring a trillion or more dollars into this country will do nothing but benefit the few, not the many. Taxes will increase for the middle class as one can infer from the Sect. of the Treasury and his remark, (paraphrased ) - we can't guarantee the middle class will not pay more with tax reform.
  10. Time will tell how Trump will impact the working men and women. If his first choice was any indication, labor will suffer, as the will if the GOP is able to pass a health care "Reform" which all indications suggest will harm the people who voted for him
  11. Trumps attacks on the entertainment industry are legends on tweeter, along with his efforts to censor the press and broadcasters he attacks actors, late night talk show hosts, and all of Hollywood.
  12. Trump's stump speech highlighted law and ORDER - the type of order we've seen during the Nixon-Agnew period - "get him out of here" is common, and one which foreshadows future behavior
  13. LOL, by far the most obvious, Trump has surrounded himself with cronies, family and obsequious yes men and women.
  14. Trump's campaign speech put our elections on trial in Nov 2016; claims that fraud is widespread will no doubt dominate debate in the days before the election in 2018 - will we see voter suppression on steroids this time around?

You are rehashing talking points that have already been debunked, some of them many times over.

1. No, yes
2. As serious as it rates.
3. No.
4. Trumps proposed budget beefs up a long neglected military and social services need to be seriously cut.
5. There is no attack on women.
6. No, Trump calls out the lies and bias in the MSM. Calling it an attack is the only real affectation.
7. According to lefties, but not in reality.
8. Well then you know very little about the first amendment and the constitution.
9. Fake news.
10. Ha ha, more fake news. The MSM completely fabricated news and you run with it.
11. And deservedly so.
12. That's too nutty to even take seriously.
13. Which Obama did, and likely every POTUS before him.
14. Trump was correct and no we won't. But that won't stop you and the MSM from lying about it.
I really am not trolling for liars, fools and hacks, but I got all three when Predfan choose to offer his foolish and dishonest beliefs. I do wonder if he actually lies to himself.
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Read over the list of the 14 points without that bias, and mitigate or aggravate Trump and his Administration's culpability on this 14 behaviors:
  1. One can love their country without going to the extreme; do Trump's speech and actions reflect the behavior of past Presidents or are they actions which inflame some of our population?
  2. Does the Trump Administration put human rights as a serious policy consideration?
  3. Has Trump and his surrogates named enemies of the State (Mexicans, Muslims, Journalists and Actors)?
  4. Has Trump's budget proposal favored a military already enjoying the governments largess, at the expense of social services?
  5. Has Trump's attack on Women who march for their Right to choose seemed unseemly and sexist, as did "locker room talk" not expressed in a locker room?
  6. Are Trumps attack on the media, the free press and broadcasters, ian effort to censor the truth? Is Fake News is an affectation used to rally his most ardent supporters?
  7. Is Trump's obsession with a military to protect our shores and citizens once again demagoguery, if he cared about our citizens would he put health care, jobs and the environment as priorities?
  8. Are his recent EO's giving religious leaders the power of the pulpit to politic a violation of the first amendment, something never done by even our most pious presidents?
  9. Is Corporate Power Protected? Is cutting corporate taxes and allowing them to bring a trillion or more dollars into this country do nothing but enrich the well heeled? Will taxes increase for the middle class as one can infer from the Sect. of the Treasury and his remark, (paraphrased ) - we can't guarantee the middle class will not pay more with tax reform?
  10. Time will tell how Trump will impact working men and women. If his first choice was any indication for labor sect. was that an indication that labor and unions will come under attack? Does he have too many Plutocrats in his Administration?
  11. Trumps attacks on the entertainment industry are legends on tweeter, along with his efforts to censor the press and broadcasters he attacks actors, late night talk show hosts, and all of Hollywood. Do you find this behavior Presidential?
  12. Trump's stump speech highlighted law and ORDER - the type of order we've seen during the Nixon-Agnew period - "get him out of here" is common, does this foreshadow his future behavior?
  13. LOL, by far the most obvious. Has Trump has surrounded himself with cronies, family and obsequious yes men and women?
  14. Trump's campaign speech put our elections on trial in Nov 2016; claims that fraud is widespread will no doubt dominate debate in the days before the election in 2018 - will we see voter suppression on steroids this time around?
So...is Trump a National Socialist or not?
Do you ever wonder why people think you're an idiot, Wry Catcher?

I doubt any one does, in fact the only time I've been called names or attacked for my ideas and opinion is right here on the good old US Message Board, by assholes like you. Since you choose to be glib with your ad hominem you might not be as mentally and morally challenged as PredFan or Mary. So why not read the 14 points and apply them to Trump's daily words, deeds and treats.

If you can't you're not capable of panoptic thinking, and believe being captious in a post makes it substantive.
Read over the list of the 14 points without that bias, and mitigate or aggravate Trump and his Administration's culpability on this 14 behaviors:
  1. One can love their country without going to the extreme; do Trump's speech and actions reflect the behavior of past Presidents or are they actions which inflame some of our population?
  2. Does the Trump Administration put human rights as a serious policy consideration?
  3. Has Trump and his surrogates named enemies of the State (Mexicans, Muslims, Journalists and Actors)?
  4. Has Trump's budget proposal favored a military already enjoying the governments largess, at the expense of social services?
  5. Has Trump's attack on Women who march for their Right to choose seemed unseemly and sexist, as did "locker room talk" not expressed in a locker room?
  6. Are Trumps attack on the media, the free press and broadcasters, ian effort to censor the truth? Is Fake News is an affectation used to rally his most ardent supporters?
  7. Is Trump's obsession with a military to protect our shores and citizens once again demagoguery, if he cared about our citizens would he put health care, jobs and the environment as priorities?
  8. Are his recent EO's giving religious leaders the power of the pulpit to politic a violation of the first amendment, something never done by even our most pious presidents?
  9. Is Corporate Power Protected? Is cutting corporate taxes and allowing them to bring a trillion or more dollars into this country do nothing but enrich the well heeled? Will taxes increase for the middle class as one can infer from the Sect. of the Treasury and his remark, (paraphrased ) - we can't guarantee the middle class will not pay more with tax reform?
  10. Time will tell how Trump will impact working men and women. If his first choice was any indication for labor sect. was that an indication that labor and unions will come under attack? Does he have too many Plutocrats in his Administration?
  11. Trumps attacks on the entertainment industry are legends on tweeter, along with his efforts to censor the press and broadcasters he attacks actors, late night talk show hosts, and all of Hollywood. Do you find this behavior Presidential?
  12. Trump's stump speech highlighted law and ORDER - the type of order we've seen during the Nixon-Agnew period - "get him out of here" is common, does this foreshadow his future behavior?
  13. LOL, by far the most obvious. Has Trump has surrounded himself with cronies, family and obsequious yes men and women?
  14. Trump's campaign speech put our elections on trial in Nov 2016; claims that fraud is widespread will no doubt dominate debate in the days before the election in 2018 - will we see voter suppression on steroids this time around?
So...is Trump a National Socialist or not?

nah, he's just xxxxxxxxx ..
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Read over the list of the 14 points without that bias, and mitigate or aggravate Trump and his Administration's culpability on this 14 behaviors:
  1. One can love their country without going to the extreme; do Trump's speech and actions reflect the behavior of past Presidents or are they actions which inflame some of our population?
  2. Does the Trump Administration put human rights as a serious policy consideration?
  3. Has Trump and his surrogates named enemies of the State (Mexicans, Muslims, Journalists and Actors)?
  4. Has Trump's budget proposal favored a military already enjoying the governments largess, at the expense of social services?
  5. Has Trump's attack on Women who march for their Right to choose seemed unseemly and sexist, as did "locker room talk" not expressed in a locker room?
  6. Are Trumps attack on the media, the free press and broadcasters, ian effort to censor the truth? Is Fake News is an affectation used to rally his most ardent supporters?
  7. Is Trump's obsession with a military to protect our shores and citizens once again demagoguery, if he cared about our citizens would he put health care, jobs and the environment as priorities?
  8. Are his recent EO's giving religious leaders the power of the pulpit to politic a violation of the first amendment, something never done by even our most pious presidents?
  9. Is Corporate Power Protected? Is cutting corporate taxes and allowing them to bring a trillion or more dollars into this country do nothing but enrich the well heeled? Will taxes increase for the middle class as one can infer from the Sect. of the Treasury and his remark, (paraphrased ) - we can't guarantee the middle class will not pay more with tax reform?
  10. Time will tell how Trump will impact working men and women. If his first choice was any indication for labor sect. was that an indication that labor and unions will come under attack? Does he have too many Plutocrats in his Administration?
  11. Trumps attacks on the entertainment industry are legends on tweeter, along with his efforts to censor the press and broadcasters he attacks actors, late night talk show hosts, and all of Hollywood. Do you find this behavior Presidential?
  12. Trump's stump speech highlighted law and ORDER - the type of order we've seen during the Nixon-Agnew period - "get him out of here" is common, does this foreshadow his future behavior?
  13. LOL, by far the most obvious. Has Trump has surrounded himself with cronies, family and obsequious yes men and women?
  14. Trump's campaign speech put our elections on trial in Nov 2016; claims that fraud is widespread will no doubt dominate debate in the days before the election in 2018 - will we see voter suppression on steroids this time around?
So...is Trump a National Socialist or not?

Trump is a national disgrace.
Read over the list of the 14 points without that bias, and mitigate or aggravate Trump and his Administration's culpability on this 14 behaviors:
  1. One can love their country without going to the extreme; do Trump's speech and actions reflect the behavior of past Presidents or are they actions which inflame some of our population?
  2. Does the Trump Administration put human rights as a serious policy consideration?
  3. Has Trump and his surrogates named enemies of the State (Mexicans, Muslims, Journalists and Actors)?
  4. Has Trump's budget proposal favored a military already enjoying the governments largess, at the expense of social services?
  5. Has Trump's attack on Women who march for their Right to choose seemed unseemly and sexist, as did "locker room talk" not expressed in a locker room?
  6. Are Trumps attack on the media, the free press and broadcasters, ian effort to censor the truth? Is Fake News is an affectation used to rally his most ardent supporters?
  7. Is Trump's obsession with a military to protect our shores and citizens once again demagoguery, if he cared about our citizens would he put health care, jobs and the environment as priorities?
  8. Are his recent EO's giving religious leaders the power of the pulpit to politic a violation of the first amendment, something never done by even our most pious presidents?
  9. Is Corporate Power Protected? Is cutting corporate taxes and allowing them to bring a trillion or more dollars into this country do nothing but enrich the well heeled? Will taxes increase for the middle class as one can infer from the Sect. of the Treasury and his remark, (paraphrased ) - we can't guarantee the middle class will not pay more with tax reform?
  10. Time will tell how Trump will impact working men and women. If his first choice was any indication for labor sect. was that an indication that labor and unions will come under attack? Does he have too many Plutocrats in his Administration?
  11. Trumps attacks on the entertainment industry are legends on tweeter, along with his efforts to censor the press and broadcasters he attacks actors, late night talk show hosts, and all of Hollywood. Do you find this behavior Presidential?
  12. Trump's stump speech highlighted law and ORDER - the type of order we've seen during the Nixon-Agnew period - "get him out of here" is common, does this foreshadow his future behavior?
  13. LOL, by far the most obvious. Has Trump has surrounded himself with cronies, family and obsequious yes men and women?
  14. Trump's campaign speech put our elections on trial in Nov 2016; claims that fraud is widespread will no doubt dominate debate in the days before the election in 2018 - will we see voter suppression on steroids this time around?
So...is Trump a National Socialist or not?

nah, he's just a piece of shit ..

Putins caulk holster is a huge problem for the trump whitehouse and the whole dam country as well.
Do you ever wonder why people think you're an idiot, Wry Catcher?

I doubt any one does, in fact the only time I've been called names or attacked for my ideas and opinion is right here on the good old US Message Board, by assholes like you. Since you choose to be glib with your ad hominem you might not be as mentally and morally challenged as PredFan or Mary. So why not read the 14 points and apply them to Trump's daily words, deeds and treats.

If you can't you're not capable of panoptic thinking, and believe being captious in a post makes it substantive.
You doubt anyone does? lol

I only asked because you should.
Just saying.
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Read over the list of the 14 points without that bias, and mitigate or aggravate Trump and his Administration's culpability on this 14 behaviors:
  1. One can love their country without going to the extreme; do Trump's speech and actions reflect the behavior of past Presidents or are they actions which inflame some of our population?
  2. Does the Trump Administration put human rights as a serious policy consideration?
  3. Has Trump and his surrogates named enemies of the State (Mexicans, Muslims, Journalists and Actors)?
  4. Has Trump's budget proposal favored a military already enjoying the governments largess, at the expense of social services?
  5. Has Trump's attack on Women who march for their Right to choose seemed unseemly and sexist, as did "locker room talk" not expressed in a locker room?
  6. Are Trumps attack on the media, the free press and broadcasters, ian effort to censor the truth? Is Fake News is an affectation used to rally his most ardent supporters?
  7. Is Trump's obsession with a military to protect our shores and citizens once again demagoguery, if he cared about our citizens would he put health care, jobs and the environment as priorities?
  8. Are his recent EO's giving religious leaders the power of the pulpit to politic a violation of the first amendment, something never done by even our most pious presidents?
  9. Is Corporate Power Protected? Is cutting corporate taxes and allowing them to bring a trillion or more dollars into this country do nothing but enrich the well heeled? Will taxes increase for the middle class as one can infer from the Sect. of the Treasury and his remark, (paraphrased ) - we can't guarantee the middle class will not pay more with tax reform?
  10. Time will tell how Trump will impact working men and women. If his first choice was any indication for labor sect. was that an indication that labor and unions will come under attack? Does he have too many Plutocrats in his Administration?
  11. Trumps attacks on the entertainment industry are legends on tweeter, along with his efforts to censor the press and broadcasters he attacks actors, late night talk show hosts, and all of Hollywood. Do you find this behavior Presidential?
  12. Trump's stump speech highlighted law and ORDER - the type of order we've seen during the Nixon-Agnew period - "get him out of here" is common, does this foreshadow his future behavior?
  13. LOL, by far the most obvious. Has Trump has surrounded himself with cronies, family and obsequious yes men and women?
  14. Trump's campaign speech put our elections on trial in Nov 2016; claims that fraud is widespread will no doubt dominate debate in the days before the election in 2018 - will we see voter suppression on steroids this time around?
As a responce his is a list of people who agree with most of what you have posted.

The Ruckus Society promotes "nonviolent direct action against unjust institutions and policies."
The American Institute for Social Justice aims to "transform poor communities” by agitating for increased government spending on social-welfare programs."

People for the American Way, founded by television producer Norman Lear to oppose the allegedly growing influence of the “religious right,” seeks “to cultivate new generations of leaders and activists” who will promote "progressive values."

The Brennan Center for Justice aims to “fully restore voting rights following criminal conviction”—significant because research shows that ex-felons are far likelier to vote for Democratic political candidates than for Republicans.

The American Constitution Society for Law and Policy seeks to indoctrinate young law students to view the Constitution as an evolving or “living” document, and to reject “conservative buzzwords such as 'originalism' and 'strict construction.'”

Justice at Stake promotes legislation that would replace judicial elections with a “merit-selection” system where a small committee of legal elites, unaccountable to the public, would pick those most “qualified” to serve as judges. OSF has spent at least $45.4 million on efforts to change the way judges are chosen in many American states....
George Soros and Warren Buffet have also bought up small newspapers around the country. So they basically control what we read, see, and hear in our own communities. Warren Buffet bought up about 50+ newspapers across the South East in several states. Oddly, it is the uber rich who are contolling our news media and attempting to force false reporting and journalism on all of us. The Uber rich who became rich using our capitalistic freedom are forcing socialist and communist ideology into our homes every day. If you control the information people get you can control what the people think and believe.

It seems just from the Little list I put here you can see why President is doing what he is./ Trying to inform and reverse the direction this Country is going....I will not happen overnight but it was put into effect using baby steps by the Progressives.
I really am not trolling for liars, fools and hacks, but I got all three when Predfan choose to offer his foolish and dishonest beliefs. I do wonder if he actually lies to himself.

So you admit you are trolling!

That is what you far left drone trolls do!
Read over the list of the 14 points without that bias, and mitigate or aggravate Trump and his Administration's culpability on this 14 behaviors:
  1. One can love their country without going to the extreme; do Trump's speech and actions reflect the behavior of past Presidents or are they actions which inflame some of our population?
  2. Does the Trump Administration put human rights as a serious policy consideration?
  3. Has Trump and his surrogates named enemies of the State (Mexicans, Muslims, Journalists and Actors)?
  4. Has Trump's budget proposal favored a military already enjoying the governments largess, at the expense of social services?
  5. Has Trump's attack on Women who march for their Right to choose seemed unseemly and sexist, as did "locker room talk" not expressed in a locker room?
  6. Are Trumps attack on the media, the free press and broadcasters, ian effort to censor the truth? Is Fake News is an affectation used to rally his most ardent supporters?
  7. Is Trump's obsession with a military to protect our shores and citizens once again demagoguery, if he cared about our citizens would he put health care, jobs and the environment as priorities?
  8. Are his recent EO's giving religious leaders the power of the pulpit to politic a violation of the first amendment, something never done by even our most pious presidents?
  9. Is Corporate Power Protected? Is cutting corporate taxes and allowing them to bring a trillion or more dollars into this country do nothing but enrich the well heeled? Will taxes increase for the middle class as one can infer from the Sect. of the Treasury and his remark, (paraphrased ) - we can't guarantee the middle class will not pay more with tax reform?
  10. Time will tell how Trump will impact working men and women. If his first choice was any indication for labor sect. was that an indication that labor and unions will come under attack? Does he have too many Plutocrats in his Administration?
  11. Trumps attacks on the entertainment industry are legends on tweeter, along with his efforts to censor the press and broadcasters he attacks actors, late night talk show hosts, and all of Hollywood. Do you find this behavior Presidential?
  12. Trump's stump speech highlighted law and ORDER - the type of order we've seen during the Nixon-Agnew period - "get him out of here" is common, does this foreshadow his future behavior?
  13. LOL, by far the most obvious. Has Trump has surrounded himself with cronies, family and obsequious yes men and women?
  14. Trump's campaign speech put our elections on trial in Nov 2016; claims that fraud is widespread will no doubt dominate debate in the days before the election in 2018 - will we see voter suppression on steroids this time around?
So...is Trump a National Socialist or not?

Trump is a national disgrace.
To the nation of Mexico.
Read over the list of the 14 points without that bias, and mitigate or aggravate Trump and his Administration's culpability on this 14 behaviors:
  1. One can love their country without going to the extreme; do Trump's speech and actions reflect the behavior of past Presidents or are they actions which inflame some of our population?
  2. Does the Trump Administration put human rights as a serious policy consideration?
  3. Has Trump and his surrogates named enemies of the State (Mexicans, Muslims, Journalists and Actors)?
  4. Has Trump's budget proposal favored a military already enjoying the governments largess, at the expense of social services?
  5. Has Trump's attack on Women who march for their Right to choose seemed unseemly and sexist, as did "locker room talk" not expressed in a locker room?
  6. Are Trumps attack on the media, the free press and broadcasters, ian effort to censor the truth? Is Fake News is an affectation used to rally his most ardent supporters?
  7. Is Trump's obsession with a military to protect our shores and citizens once again demagoguery, if he cared about our citizens would he put health care, jobs and the environment as priorities?
  8. Are his recent EO's giving religious leaders the power of the pulpit to politic a violation of the first amendment, something never done by even our most pious presidents?
  9. Is Corporate Power Protected? Is cutting corporate taxes and allowing them to bring a trillion or more dollars into this country do nothing but enrich the well heeled? Will taxes increase for the middle class as one can infer from the Sect. of the Treasury and his remark, (paraphrased ) - we can't guarantee the middle class will not pay more with tax reform?
  10. Time will tell how Trump will impact working men and women. If his first choice was any indication for labor sect. was that an indication that labor and unions will come under attack? Does he have too many Plutocrats in his Administration?
  11. Trumps attacks on the entertainment industry are legends on tweeter, along with his efforts to censor the press and broadcasters he attacks actors, late night talk show hosts, and all of Hollywood. Do you find this behavior Presidential?
  12. Trump's stump speech highlighted law and ORDER - the type of order we've seen during the Nixon-Agnew period - "get him out of here" is common, does this foreshadow his future behavior?
  13. LOL, by far the most obvious. Has Trump has surrounded himself with cronies, family and obsequious yes men and women?
  14. Trump's campaign speech put our elections on trial in Nov 2016; claims that fraud is widespread will no doubt dominate debate in the days before the election in 2018 - will we see voter suppression on steroids this time around?
So...is Trump a National Socialist or not?

Trump is a national disgrace.
Okay, but is it a National Socialist?
Read over the list of the 14 points without that bias, and mitigate or aggravate Trump and his Administration's culpability on this 14 behaviors:
  1. One can love their country without going to the extreme; do Trump's speech and actions reflect the behavior of past Presidents or are they actions which inflame some of our population?
  2. Does the Trump Administration put human rights as a serious policy consideration?
  3. Has Trump and his surrogates named enemies of the State (Mexicans, Muslims, Journalists and Actors)?
  4. Has Trump's budget proposal favored a military already enjoying the governments largess, at the expense of social services?
  5. Has Trump's attack on Women who march for their Right to choose seemed unseemly and sexist, as did "locker room talk" not expressed in a locker room?
  6. Are Trumps attack on the media, the free press and broadcasters, ian effort to censor the truth? Is Fake News is an affectation used to rally his most ardent supporters?
  7. Is Trump's obsession with a military to protect our shores and citizens once again demagoguery, if he cared about our citizens would he put health care, jobs and the environment as priorities?
  8. Are his recent EO's giving religious leaders the power of the pulpit to politic a violation of the first amendment, something never done by even our most pious presidents?
  9. Is Corporate Power Protected? Is cutting corporate taxes and allowing them to bring a trillion or more dollars into this country do nothing but enrich the well heeled? Will taxes increase for the middle class as one can infer from the Sect. of the Treasury and his remark, (paraphrased ) - we can't guarantee the middle class will not pay more with tax reform?
  10. Time will tell how Trump will impact working men and women. If his first choice was any indication for labor sect. was that an indication that labor and unions will come under attack? Does he have too many Plutocrats in his Administration?
  11. Trumps attacks on the entertainment industry are legends on tweeter, along with his efforts to censor the press and broadcasters he attacks actors, late night talk show hosts, and all of Hollywood. Do you find this behavior Presidential?
  12. Trump's stump speech highlighted law and ORDER - the type of order we've seen during the Nixon-Agnew period - "get him out of here" is common, does this foreshadow his future behavior?
  13. LOL, by far the most obvious. Has Trump has surrounded himself with cronies, family and obsequious yes men and women?
  14. Trump's campaign speech put our elections on trial in Nov 2016; claims that fraud is widespread will no doubt dominate debate in the days before the election in 2018 - will we see voter suppression on steroids this time around?

Do we get a Certificate of Completion?
Read over the list of the 14 points without that bias, and mitigate or aggravate Trump and his Administration's culpability on this 14 behaviors:
  1. One can love their country without going to the extreme; do Trump's speech and actions reflect the behavior of past Presidents or are they actions which inflame some of our population?
  2. Does the Trump Administration put human rights as a serious policy consideration?
  3. Has Trump and his surrogates named enemies of the State (Mexicans, Muslims, Journalists and Actors)?
  4. Has Trump's budget proposal favored a military already enjoying the governments largess, at the expense of social services?
  5. Has Trump's attack on Women who march for their Right to choose seemed unseemly and sexist, as did "locker room talk" not expressed in a locker room?
  6. Are Trumps attack on the media, the free press and broadcasters, ian effort to censor the truth? Is Fake News is an affectation used to rally his most ardent supporters?
  7. Is Trump's obsession with a military to protect our shores and citizens once again demagoguery, if he cared about our citizens would he put health care, jobs and the environment as priorities?
  8. Are his recent EO's giving religious leaders the power of the pulpit to politic a violation of the first amendment, something never done by even our most pious presidents?
  9. Is Corporate Power Protected? Is cutting corporate taxes and allowing them to bring a trillion or more dollars into this country do nothing but enrich the well heeled? Will taxes increase for the middle class as one can infer from the Sect. of the Treasury and his remark, (paraphrased ) - we can't guarantee the middle class will not pay more with tax reform?
  10. Time will tell how Trump will impact working men and women. If his first choice was any indication for labor sect. was that an indication that labor and unions will come under attack? Does he have too many Plutocrats in his Administration?
  11. Trumps attacks on the entertainment industry are legends on tweeter, along with his efforts to censor the press and broadcasters he attacks actors, late night talk show hosts, and all of Hollywood. Do you find this behavior Presidential?
  12. Trump's stump speech highlighted law and ORDER - the type of order we've seen during the Nixon-Agnew period - "get him out of here" is common, does this foreshadow his future behavior?
  13. LOL, by far the most obvious. Has Trump has surrounded himself with cronies, family and obsequious yes men and women?
  14. Trump's campaign speech put our elections on trial in Nov 2016; claims that fraud is widespread will no doubt dominate debate in the days before the election in 2018 - will we see voter suppression on steroids this time around?

Do we get a Certificate of Completion?
No, you get to post in his next "is Trump a fascist" topic.
Read over the list of the 14 points without that bias, and mitigate or aggravate Trump and his Administration's culpability on this 14 behaviors:
  1. One can love their country without going to the extreme; do Trump's speech and actions reflect the behavior of past Presidents or are they actions which inflame some of our population?
  2. Does the Trump Administration put human rights as a serious policy consideration?
  3. Has Trump and his surrogates named enemies of the State (Mexicans, Muslims, Journalists and Actors)?
  4. Has Trump's budget proposal favored a military already enjoying the governments largess, at the expense of social services?
  5. Has Trump's attack on Women who march for their Right to choose seemed unseemly and sexist, as did "locker room talk" not expressed in a locker room?
  6. Are Trumps attack on the media, the free press and broadcasters, ian effort to censor the truth? Is Fake News is an affectation used to rally his most ardent supporters?
  7. Is Trump's obsession with a military to protect our shores and citizens once again demagoguery, if he cared about our citizens would he put health care, jobs and the environment as priorities?
  8. Are his recent EO's giving religious leaders the power of the pulpit to politic a violation of the first amendment, something never done by even our most pious presidents?
  9. Is Corporate Power Protected? Is cutting corporate taxes and allowing them to bring a trillion or more dollars into this country do nothing but enrich the well heeled? Will taxes increase for the middle class as one can infer from the Sect. of the Treasury and his remark, (paraphrased ) - we can't guarantee the middle class will not pay more with tax reform?
  10. Time will tell how Trump will impact working men and women. If his first choice was any indication for labor sect. was that an indication that labor and unions will come under attack? Does he have too many Plutocrats in his Administration?
  11. Trumps attacks on the entertainment industry are legends on tweeter, along with his efforts to censor the press and broadcasters he attacks actors, late night talk show hosts, and all of Hollywood. Do you find this behavior Presidential?
  12. Trump's stump speech highlighted law and ORDER - the type of order we've seen during the Nixon-Agnew period - "get him out of here" is common, does this foreshadow his future behavior?
  13. LOL, by far the most obvious. Has Trump has surrounded himself with cronies, family and obsequious yes men and women?
  14. Trump's campaign speech put our elections on trial in Nov 2016; claims that fraud is widespread will no doubt dominate debate in the days before the election in 2018 - will we see voter suppression on steroids this time around?

Do we get a Certificate of Completion?
No but you get a participation trophy.

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