CDZ let's prepare for the attack on Taiwan a lot better than we did for the attack on Ukraine..

Yeah I agree. Almost no one recognizes Taiwan as a country
I don't know what you are agreeing with--nowhere have I suggested that Taiwan is not a sovereign nation. Your comprehension problems seem to get worse as time goes on. Maybe you need to take a nap. Maybe you and the vegetable in the WH can share nap times.
I don't know what you are agreeing with--nowhere have I suggested that Taiwan is not a sovereign nation. Your comprehension problems seem to get worse as time goes on. Maybe you need to take a nap. Maybe you and the vegetable in the WH can share nap times.
But you agree almost no country on earth officially recognizes Taiwan as a sovereign nation?

Deny that

And call me a poopyhead. Lol
But you agree almost no country on earth officially recognizes Taiwan as a sovereign nation?
You really need to work on comprehension, junior. Here's a nice little task for you to improve your research and comprehension skills. Go back in this thread and find my post where I suggested anything that agrees with your assertion. GO!
You really need to work on comprehension, junior. Here's a nice little task for you to improve your research and comprehension skills. Go back in this thread and find my post where I suggested anything that agrees with your assertion. GO!
I'm glad you agree almost no country on earth officially recognizes Taiwan as a sovereign nation.

To deny it would be silly
I'm glad you agree almost no country on earth officially recognizes Taiwan as a sovereign nation.

To deny it would be silly
Redundant posts are no more true the second time than they were the first time. They are also a waste of bandwidth--another violation of board rules. I would suggest you read them, but it wouldn't do any good as you have zero comprehension skills. Now run along troll, I've wasted enough of my time humoring you.
Redundant posts are no more true the second time than they were the first time. They are also a waste of bandwidth--another violation of board rules. I would suggest you read them, but it wouldn't do any good as you have zero comprehension skills. Now run along troll, I've wasted enough of my time humoring you.
Please feel free to report me

Taiwan is china

Why would I care if in the past they were countries? Are they countries now?
You brought up Hawaii, which has the same historical lineage as an independent country as those two states. Are you seriously that ignorant that you don't know what you are referring to?
So what? Why should I care about their history in this debate over Taiwan?
I will throw you a lifeline in order for you to save face and concede that indeed, there is no Taiwan, it is China---the Republic of China. The Republic of China and the Peoples Republic of China are two different countries.
The Taiwanese population stands at 23.6 million people.

But evacuating these people in the event of a war by the Chinese, which is something that President Xi has repeated over and over to be one of his primary goals, can only happen by airplane or ship. Obviously ships would be more practical. But we'd need to properly prepare enough civilian ships for this task, and we'd better start preparing for that now.

And evacuating the mission-critical personnel and -equipment of the computer chips factories in Taiwan at the first sign of war also seems crucial for the entire western civilian and defense industries to me.

Our entire military strategy in case of Chinese war against Taiwan should be focused on protecting the evacuation efforts for long enough so that the entire Taiwanese population, including it's soldiers, are in fact safely relocated to other locations in the world.

We'd need to indoctrinate our own people about the very real fact that not all Asians are the same, and that a Taiwanese person is much more in tune with western style thinking than a Chinese. If we fail to do this, then our own people's tendency to be racist towards people of other skin colors from hostile regions will gravely upset efforts to integrate the evacuated Taiwanese into western societies, which in turn would upset our own ability to produce enough microchips.

The fact is, with China heavily investing in it's military and military tech level, we can not realistically hope to hold on to Taiwan.
It is simply too close to the Chinese mainland.

With what we've seen from Putin in Ukraine, and from Xi against the Uighurs and from previous Chinese leaders against the Tibetans, it would be shameful for us (not to mention extremely hard to justify later on the timeline), if we do not prepare a proper defense-and-evacuation plan for people in near-future conflict zones like Taiwan.

i will forward the URL to this thread to the whitehouse and selected western political parties, intelligence organisations, and mass-media companies.
opinions are of course very welcome.
Evacuate 23 million people? Fuck are you ever stupid. The Chinese can have Taiwan, wtf should we care about that? If they can't defend their own island, or aren't willing to, then fuck them.

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