Let's raise the minimum wage! It's good for business, it's good for America!

How do you feel about your Congressperson voting in favor of the minimum wage?

  • Total voters
Then people will cry about automation taking those low paying jobs as if it weren't happening already.

When you force an expense on an employer, that employer has to take action needed to recoup that loss. It could be making employees pay more towards their healthcare plan, it could be increasing the price of your product, it could be cutting down on your workforce, it could be moving the jobs out of the country. But whatever it is, a business owner does what he or she has to do to stay alive.

I'm sure the left will have that covered. When you automate, the problem is you are greedy. They'll work racism in there somewhere too. They're a one trick pony
What happens when there are no jobs left for us to do?

I'm not sure the logical conclusion to that. I want free markets, when leftists end those, I'm supposed to do what with that they artificially drive me to take other actions. Are you saying I should capitulate now? Or what are you saying I should do?
When all the easy jobs are done by machine and all the other jobs require tech degrees or higher which the masses are either too poor or too stupid to get what are we going to do with them? What is your plan?

You're just repeating the same question I just answered. Can you read my post and respond to what I said? Is your standard really that I should pay a $5 value employee more because government wants me to when it's not in my interest because, you know, government wants me to?
No, I think the governments duty is to the wellfare of all the people, including the people you won't give a better job too. That's where you tax those who have jobs and give Government make do jobs to to those who don't. I can't stand for very long without sever pain. so I need a typing job. I type 85 wpm. But nobody gives a fuck anymore. I tried being a flag man. You think standing around doing nothing all day would be easy. Not when you gotta pee.
If we do this, we need to immediately give everyone else a substantial raise as well.
The people who get screwed when a sudden high minimum wage is enacted, are people who have been in the workforce for years and who earn $20-$30 an hour.
If they do not also receive a large raise, inflation will have a big impact.
Of course if you do this, you'll be right back where you started.

Let's cut through the crap here and be honest. Burger flippers and many other no-skill low-skill entry jobs are NOT worth $15 bucks an hour !

These jobs were NEVER intended to be so-called "living wage" jobs.
The idea here is to enter the workforce, at a lower wage, then through your own choices, and hard work, you work your way up to jobs that pay more.
Let's be honest. If the only jobs these people can get is burger flippers is your argument that they don't deserve to be paid enough to afford rent and utilities?

Why would the only job a person could have is a burger flipper job? There are plenty of better paying jobs out there. You just have to put some effort into it.
I'm an Uber driver because even Pizza Hut turned me down for employment.
I'm an old COBOL programmer with Bi-Polar Disorder. I type 85 WPM but nobody cares. I've driven for Bank of America for 19 years but now that they take pics and email nobody cares about that either. They do care that I'm out of shape from driving for 19 years and weigh 300 pounds. But I guess homelessness will fix that, right.

So you're working. What's wrong with that? I hear Uber doesn't pay all that badly.
Every legal and illegal citizen with a drivers license and a decent car can do Uber. Rarely I make up to $20 an hour via Uber. Normally I make less than 5. And that is before expenses. Sitting in the car idling reading my kindle waiting on my next ping sucks when nobody pings you. I have to idle the car. If I shut down the engine, I sweat. If I sweat I get 1 star'd. If my average goes below 4.6 I lose my Uber job. I currently have a 4.61 average. Last lady gave me a 1 star because I had puke stains in my back seat. Fucking bitch. I got no stains anywhere in my car. Hispanic fucking bitch wants everything perfect on her cut rate taxi service.
I'm sure the left will have that covered. When you automate, the problem is you are greedy. They'll work racism in there somewhere too. They're a one trick pony
What happens when there are no jobs left for us to do?

I'm not sure the logical conclusion to that. I want free markets, when leftists end those, I'm supposed to do what with that they artificially drive me to take other actions. Are you saying I should capitulate now? Or what are you saying I should do?
When all the easy jobs are done by machine and all the other jobs require tech degrees or higher which the masses are either too poor or too stupid to get what are we going to do with them? What is your plan?

You're just repeating the same question I just answered. Can you read my post and respond to what I said? Is your standard really that I should pay a $5 value employee more because government wants me to when it's not in my interest because, you know, government wants me to?
No, I think the governments duty is to the wellfare of all the people, including the people you won't give a better job too. That's where you tax those who have jobs and give Government make do jobs to to those who don't. I can't stand for very long without sever pain. so I need a typing job. I type 85 wpm. But nobody gives a fuck anymore. I tried being a flag man. You think standing around doing nothing all day would be easy. Not when you gotta pee.

So if you agree to a wage an employer is willing to pay you and you have no better offers, is it "government's duty" to say no, you can't take that?
First of most of what you just said blather that made no sense. Second I'm not suggesting a doubling of the minimum wage but a modest increase of it of 50 to 75 cents which I don't think will destroy businesses. Last this whole issue is a great example of what's wrong in the country today one side insisting the minimum wage has to doubled the other insisting it can't be raised at all and neither willing to consider there could be a middle ground.

By what right do you intervene when an employer offers an employee a job? Why is your OK necessary?

And I'll dumb down the obvious point in my post for you. I'm not paying someone worth $5 an hour when I have to be forced by people like you to pay $10 an hour, I'll find someone worth $10. You just fucked the guy I was willing to hire for $5. How do you not get that?
The reality is you hire the best person for the job at the lowest cost it takes to get him. So that guy was fucked anyhow.

Really? I hire a guy at $5 which I'm willing to pay and is his skillset and he was willing to accept because he has no better offer. Wasn't it liberals who fucked him by taking away what he and I agreed was his economic value away? Isn't that an infringement on both his and my liberty? How is that my fault, I was willing to pay him what he was worth when no one else was willing to pay him more
Some would say you took advantage of him.

Explain. If I am willing to pay someone $5 and he has no better opportunity because no one will pay him more, how did I take "advantage of him." I was willing to pay more than anyone else?
The fact that I have to explain it to you shows how heartless you are.
By what right do you intervene when an employer offers an employee a job? Why is your OK necessary?

And I'll dumb down the obvious point in my post for you. I'm not paying someone worth $5 an hour when I have to be forced by people like you to pay $10 an hour, I'll find someone worth $10. You just fucked the guy I was willing to hire for $5. How do you not get that?
The reality is you hire the best person for the job at the lowest cost it takes to get him. So that guy was fucked anyhow.

Really? I hire a guy at $5 which I'm willing to pay and is his skillset and he was willing to accept because he has no better offer. Wasn't it liberals who fucked him by taking away what he and I agreed was his economic value away? Isn't that an infringement on both his and my liberty? How is that my fault, I was willing to pay him what he was worth when no one else was willing to pay him more
Some would say you took advantage of him.

Explain. If I am willing to pay someone $5 and he has no better opportunity because no one will pay him more, how did I take "advantage of him." I was willing to pay more than anyone else?
The fact that I have to explain it to you shows how heartless you are.

I'm "heartless" for being willing to pay an employee a wage no one else will pay more? Explain
What happens when there are no jobs left for us to do?

I'm not sure the logical conclusion to that. I want free markets, when leftists end those, I'm supposed to do what with that they artificially drive me to take other actions. Are you saying I should capitulate now? Or what are you saying I should do?
When all the easy jobs are done by machine and all the other jobs require tech degrees or higher which the masses are either too poor or too stupid to get what are we going to do with them? What is your plan?

You're just repeating the same question I just answered. Can you read my post and respond to what I said? Is your standard really that I should pay a $5 value employee more because government wants me to when it's not in my interest because, you know, government wants me to?
No, I think the governments duty is to the wellfare of all the people, including the people you won't give a better job too. That's where you tax those who have jobs and give Government make do jobs to to those who don't. I can't stand for very long without sever pain. so I need a typing job. I type 85 wpm. But nobody gives a fuck anymore. I tried being a flag man. You think standing around doing nothing all day would be easy. Not when you gotta pee.

So if you agree to a wage an employer is willing to pay you and you have no better offers, is it "government's duty" to say no, you can't take that?
Some would say it's governments duty to cover the difference.
Democrats should run on raising taxes and the minimum wage......they would teach America so much about Economics.
The reality is you hire the best person for the job at the lowest cost it takes to get him. So that guy was fucked anyhow.

Really? I hire a guy at $5 which I'm willing to pay and is his skillset and he was willing to accept because he has no better offer. Wasn't it liberals who fucked him by taking away what he and I agreed was his economic value away? Isn't that an infringement on both his and my liberty? How is that my fault, I was willing to pay him what he was worth when no one else was willing to pay him more
Some would say you took advantage of him.

Explain. If I am willing to pay someone $5 and he has no better opportunity because no one will pay him more, how did I take "advantage of him." I was willing to pay more than anyone else?
The fact that I have to explain it to you shows how heartless you are.

I'm "heartless" for being willing to pay an employee a wage no one else will pay more? Explain
Your heartless for allowing a fellow human being to live like an animal by being unwilling to pay him a living wage.
I'm not sure the logical conclusion to that. I want free markets, when leftists end those, I'm supposed to do what with that they artificially drive me to take other actions. Are you saying I should capitulate now? Or what are you saying I should do?
When all the easy jobs are done by machine and all the other jobs require tech degrees or higher which the masses are either too poor or too stupid to get what are we going to do with them? What is your plan?

You're just repeating the same question I just answered. Can you read my post and respond to what I said? Is your standard really that I should pay a $5 value employee more because government wants me to when it's not in my interest because, you know, government wants me to?
No, I think the governments duty is to the wellfare of all the people, including the people you won't give a better job too. That's where you tax those who have jobs and give Government make do jobs to to those who don't. I can't stand for very long without sever pain. so I need a typing job. I type 85 wpm. But nobody gives a fuck anymore. I tried being a flag man. You think standing around doing nothing all day would be easy. Not when you gotta pee.

So if you agree to a wage an employer is willing to pay you and you have no better offers, is it "government's duty" to say no, you can't take that?
Some would say it's governments duty to cover the difference.

But you're advocating that I cover the difference. If government says I should pay $10 an hour or be prohibited from hiring, why should I pay someone worth $5 an hour $10 an hour rather than finding someone worth $10 an hour?
Really? I hire a guy at $5 which I'm willing to pay and is his skillset and he was willing to accept because he has no better offer. Wasn't it liberals who fucked him by taking away what he and I agreed was his economic value away? Isn't that an infringement on both his and my liberty? How is that my fault, I was willing to pay him what he was worth when no one else was willing to pay him more
Some would say you took advantage of him.

Explain. If I am willing to pay someone $5 and he has no better opportunity because no one will pay him more, how did I take "advantage of him." I was willing to pay more than anyone else?
The fact that I have to explain it to you shows how heartless you are.

I'm "heartless" for being willing to pay an employee a wage no one else will pay more? Explain
Your heartless for allowing a fellow human being to live like an animal by being unwilling to pay him a living wage.

How did they become my problem? I have a job to be done, where did you get the idea that I'm a welfare program?
If we do this, we need to immediately give everyone else a substantial raise as well.
The people who get screwed when a sudden high minimum wage is enacted, are people who have been in the workforce for years and who earn $20-$30 an hour.
If they do not also receive a large raise, inflation will have a big impact.
Of course if you do this, you'll be right back where you started.

Let's cut through the crap here and be honest. Burger flippers and many other no-skill low-skill entry jobs are NOT worth $15 bucks an hour !

These jobs were NEVER intended to be so-called "living wage" jobs.
The idea here is to enter the workforce, at a lower wage, then through your own choices, and hard work, you work your way up to jobs that pay more.
Let's be honest. If the only jobs these people can get is burger flippers is your argument that they don't deserve to be paid enough to afford rent and utilities?

Why would the only job a person could have is a burger flipper job? There are plenty of better paying jobs out there. You just have to put some effort into it.
I'm an Uber driver because even Pizza Hut turned me down for employment.
I'm an old COBOL programmer with Bi-Polar Disorder. I type 85 WPM but nobody cares. I've driven for Bank of America for 19 years but now that they take pics and email nobody cares about that either. They do care that I'm out of shape from driving for 19 years and weigh 300 pounds. But I guess homelessness will fix that, right.

So you're working. What's wrong with that? I hear Uber doesn't pay all that badly.
Every legal and illegal citizen with a drivers license and a decent car can do Uber. Rarely I make up to $20 an hour via Uber. Normally I make less than 5. And that is before expenses. Sitting in the car idling reading my kindle waiting on my next ping sucks when nobody pings you. I have to idle the car. If I shut down the engine, I sweat. If I sweat I get 1 star'd. If my average goes below 4.6 I lose my Uber job. I currently have a 4.61 average. Last lady gave me a 1 star because I had puke stains in my back seat. Fucking bitch. I got no stains anywhere in my car. Hispanic fucking bitch wants everything perfect on her cut rate taxi service.

I hear ya. I work with the public myself and they can be nasty. A decent employer will take your side usually.

I remember years ago some lady called my boss complaining about my driving. He brought me into the office for questioning. I told him to call her back and suggest some driving schools if she doesn't know how to drive. Her not being able to get on a freeway ramp is not my problem. She has the yield sign--not me. My employer understood.

I do know that with Uber you can work when you want, so you can use your spare time to look for better jobs. Or tell Uber the problem and see if they will steer more work your way.
  • Thanks
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A fast-food manager is talking to his crew, six or seven people standing around him with brooms, spatulas etc.

He says:

"I have good news, and I have bad news.

"The good news is, the new Minimum Wage law says I have to pay you more.

"The bad news is, I can't afford that, so two of you are fired."

A fast-food manager is talking to his crew, six or seven people standing around him with brooms, spatulas etc.

He says:

"I have good news, and I have bad news.

"The good news is, the new Minimum Wage law says I have to pay you more.

"The bad news is, I can't afford that, so two of you are fired."

The lie being, 'I can't afford that.'

What lie is that? How do you know what anybody can afford?

Did you know that most small businesses fail within a certain amount of time? The first year or so, you lose money--hopefully to recoup that money the following year or two? You think we should make that even more likely with more government?

Here is what the owner of Subway Sandwich's said in an interview:

You're meeting with young entrepreneurs this evening. What's your impression of the climate for startups in 2013? Do think you could have started Subway today?

Well, if I had the same knowledge and resources I had back then, I don't think I would have been able to get through the maze that we have today. As a seventeen year old--a seventeen year-old with very little money--I would have been blocked. I'm pretty confident that the lag time to get open, the amount of costs to meet regulations, the rent I would have had to pay while I was burning up time...those things would have put me out of business.

Subway's Fred DeLuca: Nail the Basics, Then Expand

What lie is that? How do you know what anybody can afford?

Because I'm a businessman that owns five businesses and Angel Invests three. Because I'm continually seeking additional revenue streams for all eight.

Did you know that most small businesses fail within a certain amount of time? The first year or so, you lose money--hopefully to recoup that money the following year or two? You think we should make that even more likely with more government?


1) Because the business was poorly financed.
2) Because the business person didn't know how to hire.
3) Because the business person included relatives.

Here is what the owner of Subway Sandwich's said in an interview:

You're meeting with young entrepreneurs this evening. What's your impression of the climate for startups in 2013? Do think you could have started Subway today?

Well, if I had the same knowledge and resources I had back then, I don't think I would have been able to get through the maze that we have today. As a seventeen year old--a seventeen year-old with very little money--I would have been blocked. I'm pretty confident that the lag time to get open, the amount of costs to meet regulations, the rent I would have had to pay while I was burning up time...those things would have put me out of business.

Subway's Fred DeLuca: Nail the Basics, Then Expand

If he wasn't dead, I'd would have asked DeLuca;

1) Why do you REQUIRE your franchisees to have a minimum of ONE-MILLION DOLLARS in assets?
2) Why do you REQUIRE your franchisees to open a shop where YOU dictate?
3) Why do you REQUIRE your franchisees to buy their product from the 'company store?'
4) Why do you REQUIRE your franchisees to reorder from receipts rather than expected sales?
Raising the minimum wage is not the issue the issue is how much should it be raised. I don't object to bumping the minimum wage up some but don't support doubling it to $15.00 an hour.

There was a time when people bumped up their own wages without government. Why should government bump up anything? If you want a bump up, do it yourself.

There was a time when people bumped up their own wages without government. Why should government bump up anything? If you want a bump up, do it yourself.

What year was that?
This has been a hot button issue this campaign season, with the Democrat morons salivating at the mouth at the votes they hope to buy with promises of a minimum wage increase. Is there actually support among the people for this, though?

Didn't Obama already raise the minimum wage for federal workers? Other than being a dictator I am not sure how he gets to do act unilaterally. I believe CA has already raised their minimum wage. If what you are saying is true then all the other states should follow suit.

But somehow I think what you are really saying is you know what is best for everyone and everyone should be forced to conform to that you think best.

If it is a good thing, then let the states change the minimum wage which is what they will do. It is not within the power of the federal government to force them to change their laws. Unless of course the SCOTUS changes for them.
If we do this, we need to immediately give everyone else a substantial raise as well.
The people who get screwed when a sudden high minimum wage is enacted, are people who have been in the workforce for years and who earn $20-$30 an hour.
If they do not also receive a large raise, inflation will have a big impact.
Of course if you do this, you'll be right back where you started.

Let's cut through the crap here and be honest. Burger flippers and many other no-skill low-skill entry jobs are NOT worth $15 bucks an hour !

These jobs were NEVER intended to be so-called "living wage" jobs.
The idea here is to enter the workforce, at a lower wage, then through your own choices, and hard work, you work your way up to jobs that pay more.
Let's be honest. If the only jobs these people can get is burger flippers is your argument that they don't deserve to be paid enough to afford rent and utilities?

Why would the only job a person could have is a burger flipper job? There are plenty of better paying jobs out there. You just have to put some effort into it.
I'm an Uber driver because even Pizza Hut turned me down for employment.
I'm an old COBOL programmer with Bi-Polar Disorder. I type 85 WPM but nobody cares. I've driven for Bank of America for 19 years but now that they take pics and email nobody cares about that either. They do care that I'm out of shape from driving for 19 years and weigh 300 pounds. But I guess homelessness will fix that, right.

Why did you get a degree in Cobol programing?

You should of got a masters in being a black Smith ....

Its your Damn fault for not keeping up with technology, instead you thought the gravey train would have lasted forever .
Raising the minimum wage is not the issue the issue is how much should it be raised. I don't object to bumping the minimum wage up some but don't support doubling it to $15.00 an hour.

There was a time when people bumped up their own wages without government. Why should government bump up anything? If you want a bump up, do it yourself.

There was a time when people bumped up their own wages without government. Why should government bump up anything? If you want a bump up, do it yourself.

What year was that?

2016 , I switched jobs and got a nice $6 dollar raise. Thanks Nikki Halley!

A fast-food manager is talking to his crew, six or seven people standing around him with brooms, spatulas etc.

He says:

"I have good news, and I have bad news.

"The good news is, the new Minimum Wage law says I have to pay you more.

"The bad news is, I can't afford that, so two of you are fired."

A fast-food manager is talking to his crew, six or seven people standing around him with brooms, spatulas etc.

He says:

"I have good news, and I have bad news.

"The good news is, the new Minimum Wage law says I have to pay you more.

"The bad news is, I can't afford that, so two of you are fired."

The lie being, 'I can't afford that.'

What lie is that? How do you know what anybody can afford?

Did you know that most small businesses fail within a certain amount of time? The first year or so, you lose money--hopefully to recoup that money the following year or two? You think we should make that even more likely with more government?

Here is what the owner of Subway Sandwich's said in an interview:

You're meeting with young entrepreneurs this evening. What's your impression of the climate for startups in 2013? Do think you could have started Subway today?

Well, if I had the same knowledge and resources I had back then, I don't think I would have been able to get through the maze that we have today. As a seventeen year old--a seventeen year-old with very little money--I would have been blocked. I'm pretty confident that the lag time to get open, the amount of costs to meet regulations, the rent I would have had to pay while I was burning up time...those things would have put me out of business.

Subway's Fred DeLuca: Nail the Basics, Then Expand

And in innercities, they can't afford even $7.25 an hour, which is why unemployment for teenagers is 50%. Now that's a national crisis, who needs a job to start life on the right foot more?

Then people will cry about automation taking those low paying jobs as if it weren't happening already.

When you force an expense on an employer, that employer has to take action needed to recoup that loss. It could be making employees pay more towards their healthcare plan, it could be increasing the price of your product, it could be cutting down on your workforce, it could be moving the jobs out of the country. But whatever it is, a business owner does what he or she has to do to stay alive.

Then people will cry about automation taking those low paying jobs as if it weren't happening already.

As I've pointed out to you before, automation has hit a wall due to technology. The fully automated McDonalds in Phoenix turned out to be a lie. The Google car continues to hit things such as a bus. How the hell can you miss a bus? A BIG 45 passenger bus.

When you force an expense on an employer, that employer has to take action needed to recoup that loss. It could be making employees pay more towards their healthcare plan, it could be increasing the price of your product, it could be cutting down on your workforce, it could be moving the jobs out of the country. But whatever it is, a business owner does what he or she has to do to stay alive.

If a business owner continually develops new revenue streams (like me) those revenue streams can pay for additional costs. But most business people aren't that smart, or they're lazy, so they 'dick' the people making them all of their monies.
If what you are saying is true then all the other states should follow suit.

But somehow I think what you are really saying is you know what is best for everyone and everyone should be forced to conform to that you think best.

Actually, I was asking a question. Try again, Bevis.
Raising the minimum wage is not the issue the issue is how much should it be raised. I don't object to bumping the minimum wage up some but don't support doubling it to $15.00 an hour.

There was a time when people bumped up their own wages without government. Why should government bump up anything? If you want a bump up, do it yourself.

Don't you like people like blackhawk who so freely are willing to decide what other people should spend on their employees and at what rate people who want to work will be denied jobs?

A lot of people just don't understand how business works--for instance:

If I'm an employer and want to give one worker a dollar an hour raise, it would cost me $40.00 a week assuming that this one employee works 40 hours a week.....that's what they think....

In reality, there are other costs associated with that one dollar an hour raise. Employers have to match your SS and Medicare contributions. If you make more money, they take more out of your check for SS and Medicare, and the employer has to match that new figure.

Then you have unemployment and Workman's compensation to consider. Those insurances go up with the new wages of that employee.

Then there is time off to consider, and perhaps an IRA from your employer which again--he matches a percentage of what you make. Even with only a two week vacation, those two weeks plus paid holidays really add up.

And that's one employee with only a one dollar an hour raise. What happens when government forces that employer to pay five, six or seven dollars an hour more to his over two dozen employees? It's a hell of a lot of money.

Yep, I am an employer and that's it exactly.

Another factor is that when the minimum wage goes up, I fire the people who aren't worth the new wage and hire better people since I have to pay more. The minimum wage is a hurdle, not a tide. It really, truly actually is

Yep, I am an employer and that's it exactly.

Another factor is that when the minimum wage goes up, I fire the people who aren't worth the new wage and hire better people since I have to pay more. The minimum wage is a hurdle, not a tide. It really, truly actually is

The question begs to be asked....Why would you keep an employee that isn't performing at any price?
Raising the minimum wage is not the issue the issue is how much should it be raised. I don't object to bumping the minimum wage up some but don't support doubling it to $15.00 an hour.

There was a time when people bumped up their own wages without government. Why should government bump up anything? If you want a bump up, do it yourself.

Don't you like people like blackhawk who so freely are willing to decide what other people should spend on their employees and at what rate people who want to work will be denied jobs?

A lot of people just don't understand how business works--for instance:

If I'm an employer and want to give one worker a dollar an hour raise, it would cost me $40.00 a week assuming that this one employee works 40 hours a week.....that's what they think....

In reality, there are other costs associated with that one dollar an hour raise. Employers have to match your SS and Medicare contributions. If you make more money, they take more out of your check for SS and Medicare, and the employer has to match that new figure.

Then you have unemployment and Workman's compensation to consider. Those insurances go up with the new wages of that employee.

Then there is time off to consider, and perhaps an IRA from your employer which again--he matches a percentage of what you make. Even with only a two week vacation, those two weeks plus paid holidays really add up.

And that's one employee with only a one dollar an hour raise. What happens when government forces that employer to pay five, six or seven dollars an hour more to his over two dozen employees? It's a hell of a lot of money.

Yep, I am an employer and that's it exactly.

Another factor is that when the minimum wage goes up, I fire the people who aren't worth the new wage and hire better people since I have to pay more. The minimum wage is a hurdle, not a tide. It really, truly actually is

Agreed, and I didn't even consider what costs to an employer would be if that employee works more than 40 hours a week--let's say the employee works 50 hours a week. Now you have to consider that's an extra 50 cents an hour more for each hour of overtime the employer has to pay.

Agreed, and I didn't even consider what costs to an employer would be if that employee works more than 40 hours a week--let's say the employee works 50 hours a week. Now you have to consider that's an extra 50 cents an hour more for each hour of overtime the employer has to pay.

What's the net cost?

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