Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with

See this is where your theory falls down. If they have military records why cant anyone find them? They have the records of white soilders that fought for the south. Where are the Black ones?

There's some Black Confederate pictures out there.


I've never seen a Black confederate photo that hasnt been proven as false including the ones you just posted where some are obviously not even soldiers.

Youre obviously a idiot. One of the pictures even says its a union solider.


See this is where your theory falls down. If they have military records why cant anyone find them? They have the records of white soilders that fought for the south. Where are the Black ones?
I remember a thread similar to this one where one of the loser con-federacy admirers posted this pic View attachment 209942

Claiming that it proved there were black con-federate soldiers.....:71:
You can always tell when their lying because they wont have the links. :laugh:

Oh, but I have the links, boy.

You can tell the Union from Confederate by the buttons. Union is buttons straight down the middle, Confederate is double-breasted. ;)

African American Civil War Soldiers: Research Links: 45th United States Colored Infantry

45th United States Colored Troops (U.S.C.T.)


Museum of Florida History - The Battle of Olustee » Florida in the Civil War
So what you have fake links? Do you think that substitutes for proof?

So now you're going to deny real proof with rosters and everything. :fu:

Your IQ is under 100. You're a dipshit.
Show us the roster of Black Confederate Infantry that saw action. This outta be good.
I'm a black daughter of the Confederacy, and this is how we should deal with all those General Lees

Hold on, faggot. I got this.

"It has been estimated that over 65,000 Southern blacks were in the Confederate ranks. Over 13,000 of these, “saw the elephant” also known as meeting the enemy in combat. These Black Confederates included both slave and free. The Confederate Congress did not approve blacks to be officially enlisted as soldiers (except as musicians), until late in the war. But in the ranks it was a different story. Many Confederate officers did not obey the mandates of politicians, they frequently enlisted blacks with the simple criteria, “Will you fight?” Historian Ervin Jordan, explains that “biracial units” were frequently organized “by local Confederate and State militia Commanders in response to immediate threats in the form of Union raids”. Dr. Leonard Haynes, an African-American professor at Southern University, stated, “When you eliminate the black Confederate soldier, you’ve eliminated the a part of the history of the South.”

Black History Facts 365"

Here's some more I can't list after the 1st thing linked:


65K out of 600K in those days seems an accurate representation to me.
Read More Here The African American Soldier
The official policy of the Confederacy was.....we do not arm negroes

I thought the official Democrat policy was... We do not want to arm Negroes, either.
Thats true until Lincoln changed his mind....Oh wait he was a Repub.

Confederates were Democrats who weren't too keen on arming Blacks, now Democrats still aren't too keen on arming Blacks.
How could Blacks have fought for the Dem confederates if you didnt have a weapon? Didnt you just post a bunch of fake photos claiming they were Black confederate soldiers?

Where did I say I posted photos of Black Confederate soldiers?
The official policy of the Confederacy was.....we do not arm negroes

I thought the official Democrat policy was... We do not want to arm Negroes, either.
Thats true until Lincoln changed his mind....Oh wait he was a Repub.

Confederates were Democrats who weren't too keen on arming Blacks, now Democrats still aren't too keen on arming Blacks.
How could Blacks have fought for the Dem confederates if you didnt have a weapon? Didnt you just post a bunch of fake photos claiming they were Black confederate soldiers?

Where did I say I posted photos of Black Confederate soldiers?

Right here.

Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with
March 13, 1865....facing long odds the Confederacy approved use of black soldiers The bill was passed by the Confederate Congress and did not guarantee freedom although Gen Lee requested it be stipulated.

South Carolina has proposed a monument honoring black Confederate troops. Will the left demand it be taken down also?
Sure if tax payers have to pay for it.

You have been proven wrong, there were between 6,000 and 8,000 black Confederates. You can even read a John Parker's writings, he served at the Battle of Manassas

You may sit the fuck down now and have Pete sit with you....know nothings

That's right. Black people fought for The Confederacy, too.

Take your ass to Georgia and ask some older blacks what they think of General Sherman and Yankees.
Bullshit. There were no Black people that fought for the confederacy. Being forced to hold someones gun while they took a shit or getting them some food doesnt count as combat action.

I'm a black daughter of the Confederacy, and this is how we should deal with all those General Lees

Hold on, faggot. I got this.

"It has been estimated that over 65,000 Southern blacks were in the Confederate ranks. Over 13,000 of these, “saw the elephant” also known as meeting the enemy in combat. These Black Confederates included both slave and free. The Confederate Congress did not approve blacks to be officially enlisted as soldiers (except as musicians), until late in the war. But in the ranks it was a different story. Many Confederate officers did not obey the mandates of politicians, they frequently enlisted blacks with the simple criteria, “Will you fight?” Historian Ervin Jordan, explains that “biracial units” were frequently organized “by local Confederate and State militia Commanders in response to immediate threats in the form of Union raids”. Dr. Leonard Haynes, an African-American professor at Southern University, stated, “When you eliminate the black Confederate soldier, you’ve eliminated the a part of the history of the South.”

Black History Facts 365"

Here's some more I can't list after the 1st thing linked:


65K out of 600K in those days seems an accurate representation to me.
Read More Here The African American Soldier
The official policy of the Confederacy was.....we do not arm negroes

I thought the official Democrat policy was... We do not want to arm Negroes, either.
It was in the South after the war.
March 13, 1865....facing long odds the Confederacy approved use of black soldiers The bill was passed by the Confederate Congress and did not guarantee freedom although Gen Lee requested it be stipulated.

South Carolina has proposed a monument honoring black Confederate troops. Will the left demand it be taken down also?
Sure if tax payers have to pay for it.

You have been proven wrong, there were between 6,000 and 8,000 black Confederates. You can even read a John Parker's writings, he served at the Battle of Manassas

You may sit the fuck down now and have Pete sit with you....know nothings
I've been proven correct. If there were Black confederates that fought against the Union please post their military records or some legit photos.

John Parker may have served someone some lunch but he didnt have a gun.
March 13, 1865....facing long odds the Confederacy approved use of black soldiers The bill was passed by the Confederate Congress and did not guarantee freedom although Gen Lee requested it be stipulated.

South Carolina has proposed a monument honoring black Confederate troops. Will the left demand it be taken down also?
Sure if tax payers have to pay for it.

You have been proven wrong, there were between 6,000 and 8,000 black Confederates. You can even read a John Parker's writings, he served at the Battle of Manassas

You may sit the fuck down now and have Pete sit with you....know nothings
Digging ditches...they didn't dare give them weapons and training.
I don't care if you can find that 100,000 black folks fought for the Confederacy --- they still lost...

The deflections by those who are trying to defend white supremacy get more and more pathetic.

Makes me wonder if they at least concede that Nazi Germany was the side that should have lost
That's right. Black people fought for The Confederacy, too.

Take your ass to Georgia and ask some older blacks what they think of General Sherman and Yankees.
Bullshit. There were no Black people that fought for the confederacy. Being forced to hold someones gun while they took a shit or getting them some food doesnt count as combat action.

I'm a black daughter of the Confederacy, and this is how we should deal with all those General Lees

Hold on, faggot. I got this.

"It has been estimated that over 65,000 Southern blacks were in the Confederate ranks. Over 13,000 of these, “saw the elephant” also known as meeting the enemy in combat. These Black Confederates included both slave and free. The Confederate Congress did not approve blacks to be officially enlisted as soldiers (except as musicians), until late in the war. But in the ranks it was a different story. Many Confederate officers did not obey the mandates of politicians, they frequently enlisted blacks with the simple criteria, “Will you fight?” Historian Ervin Jordan, explains that “biracial units” were frequently organized “by local Confederate and State militia Commanders in response to immediate threats in the form of Union raids”. Dr. Leonard Haynes, an African-American professor at Southern University, stated, “When you eliminate the black Confederate soldier, you’ve eliminated the a part of the history of the South.”

Black History Facts 365"

Here's some more I can't list after the 1st thing linked:


65K out of 600K in those days seems an accurate representation to me.
Read More Here The African American Soldier
The official policy of the Confederacy was.....we do not arm negroes

I thought the official Democrat policy was... We do not want to arm Negroes, either.
It was in the South after the war.

Democrats have always been against giving guns to Negroes.
I'm a black daughter of the Confederacy, and this is how we should deal with all those General Lees

Hold on, faggot. I got this.

"It has been estimated that over 65,000 Southern blacks were in the Confederate ranks. Over 13,000 of these, “saw the elephant” also known as meeting the enemy in combat. These Black Confederates included both slave and free. The Confederate Congress did not approve blacks to be officially enlisted as soldiers (except as musicians), until late in the war. But in the ranks it was a different story. Many Confederate officers did not obey the mandates of politicians, they frequently enlisted blacks with the simple criteria, “Will you fight?” Historian Ervin Jordan, explains that “biracial units” were frequently organized “by local Confederate and State militia Commanders in response to immediate threats in the form of Union raids”. Dr. Leonard Haynes, an African-American professor at Southern University, stated, “When you eliminate the black Confederate soldier, you’ve eliminated the a part of the history of the South.”

Black History Facts 365"

65K out of 600K in those days seems an accurate representation to me.
Read More Here The African American Soldier
Hey faggot. All you got is some bullshit and gossip. The facts are that no Black person every fought for the confederacy.

You just showed me another opinion piece instead of an official military listing of Black soilders or even photos of Black confederate solders that fought for the south.

I really am starting to believe your IQ is sub-100.


Union troops....one can tell by the uniforms.

More union troops with their white officer.

White con-federates with one's black manservant.

More union soldiers

Possible...where's his gun?

Poor old guy....are you submitting him as a con-federate soldier? :71:

More Union soldiers. Are you sure you know anything about the Civil War and their uniforms, etc .

Here's something for you to see:


Here's your rosters and pics, Mr. Asclepias.

African American Civil War Soldiers: Research Links: 45th United States Colored Infantry

View attachment 209944 accepting your surrender again. :71:

Not sure what the point of all this rigmarole about black Confederate army (who weren't even considered until March 1865 in the last desperate weeks of the War) but it should be noted that one army wearing the uniform of the other side in order to move about surreptitiously was common in the Civil War.
Last edited:
March 13, 1865....facing long odds the Confederacy approved use of black soldiers The bill was passed by the Confederate Congress and did not guarantee freedom although Gen Lee requested it be stipulated.

South Carolina has proposed a monument honoring black Confederate troops. Will the left demand it be taken down also?

The war ended on April 5 1865
Three weeks after black troops were authorized
March 13, 1865....facing long odds the Confederacy approved use of black soldiers The bill was passed by the Confederate Congress and did not guarantee freedom although Gen Lee requested it be stipulated.

South Carolina has proposed a monument honoring black Confederate troops. Will the left demand it be taken down also?

I very very VERY much doubt the UDC ever put up a monument honoring black anything.
Bullshit. There were no Black people that fought for the confederacy. Being forced to hold someones gun while they took a shit or getting them some food doesnt count as combat action.

I'm a black daughter of the Confederacy, and this is how we should deal with all those General Lees

Hold on, faggot. I got this.

"It has been estimated that over 65,000 Southern blacks were in the Confederate ranks. Over 13,000 of these, “saw the elephant” also known as meeting the enemy in combat. These Black Confederates included both slave and free. The Confederate Congress did not approve blacks to be officially enlisted as soldiers (except as musicians), until late in the war. But in the ranks it was a different story. Many Confederate officers did not obey the mandates of politicians, they frequently enlisted blacks with the simple criteria, “Will you fight?” Historian Ervin Jordan, explains that “biracial units” were frequently organized “by local Confederate and State militia Commanders in response to immediate threats in the form of Union raids”. Dr. Leonard Haynes, an African-American professor at Southern University, stated, “When you eliminate the black Confederate soldier, you’ve eliminated the a part of the history of the South.”

Black History Facts 365"

Here's some more I can't list after the 1st thing linked:


65K out of 600K in those days seems an accurate representation to me.
Read More Here The African American Soldier
The official policy of the Confederacy was.....we do not arm negroes

I thought the official Democrat policy was... We do not want to arm Negroes, either.
It was in the South after the war.

Democrats have always been against giving guns to Negroes.

You mean like here?
South Carolina already has a monument honoring black Union Troops who died on Sullivan Island
I'm a black daughter of the Confederacy, and this is how we should deal with all those General Lees

Hold on, faggot. I got this.

"It has been estimated that over 65,000 Southern blacks were in the Confederate ranks. Over 13,000 of these, “saw the elephant” also known as meeting the enemy in combat. These Black Confederates included both slave and free. The Confederate Congress did not approve blacks to be officially enlisted as soldiers (except as musicians), until late in the war. But in the ranks it was a different story. Many Confederate officers did not obey the mandates of politicians, they frequently enlisted blacks with the simple criteria, “Will you fight?” Historian Ervin Jordan, explains that “biracial units” were frequently organized “by local Confederate and State militia Commanders in response to immediate threats in the form of Union raids”. Dr. Leonard Haynes, an African-American professor at Southern University, stated, “When you eliminate the black Confederate soldier, you’ve eliminated the a part of the history of the South.”

Black History Facts 365"

Here's some more I can't list after the 1st thing linked:


65K out of 600K in those days seems an accurate representation to me.
Read More Here The African American Soldier
The official policy of the Confederacy was.....we do not arm negroes

I thought the official Democrat policy was... We do not want to arm Negroes, either.
It was in the South after the war.

Democrats have always been against giving guns to Negroes.
View attachment 209945

You mean like here?
Black men exercising their second amendment rights
I'm a black daughter of the Confederacy, and this is how we should deal with all those General Lees

Hold on, faggot. I got this.

"It has been estimated that over 65,000 Southern blacks were in the Confederate ranks. Over 13,000 of these, “saw the elephant” also known as meeting the enemy in combat. These Black Confederates included both slave and free. The Confederate Congress did not approve blacks to be officially enlisted as soldiers (except as musicians), until late in the war. But in the ranks it was a different story. Many Confederate officers did not obey the mandates of politicians, they frequently enlisted blacks with the simple criteria, “Will you fight?” Historian Ervin Jordan, explains that “biracial units” were frequently organized “by local Confederate and State militia Commanders in response to immediate threats in the form of Union raids”. Dr. Leonard Haynes, an African-American professor at Southern University, stated, “When you eliminate the black Confederate soldier, you’ve eliminated the a part of the history of the South.”

Black History Facts 365"

Here's some more I can't list after the 1st thing linked:


65K out of 600K in those days seems an accurate representation to me.
Read More Here The African American Soldier
The official policy of the Confederacy was.....we do not arm negroes

I thought the official Democrat policy was... We do not want to arm Negroes, either.
It was in the South after the war.

Democrats have always been against giving guns to Negroes.

The Confederacy had no political parties. It deliberately abolished them.

Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and Robert E. Lee were all Democrats, and Confederates.
March 13, 1865....facing long odds the Confederacy approved use of black soldiers The bill was passed by the Confederate Congress and did not guarantee freedom although Gen Lee requested it be stipulated.

South Carolina has proposed a monument honoring black Confederate troops. Will the left demand it be taken down also?
Sure if tax payers have to pay for it.

You have been proven wrong, there were between 6,000 and 8,000 black Confederates. You can even read a John Parker's writings, he served at the Battle of Manassas

You may sit the fuck down now and have Pete sit with you....know nothings

That's kind of a neat trick since as you just (accurately) noted blacks were kept out of the Confederate army until March of 1865, and the Battle of Manassas happened in July of 1861.

Wassup "historian"?
Just come out and say it. YOu dont' think that white should be proud or allowed to show pride in their heritage.

Has anyone stopped you from being proud to be white?

Did someone cancel St Patricks Day --- isn't everyone still allowed to wear Kiss Me I'm Irish T-shirts -- Does Chicago not turn its waterways green anymore because of white oppression?

Did they outlaw Oktoberfest? Are people not allowed to walk around in lederhosen anymore?

Did anti-white supremacy result in them burning down all the polish neighborhoods across the country and didn't tell me?

Stop all that cry baby ass whinning about "why can't whites be proud??" --- your insecurity isn't my problem, be proud, I ain't stopping you....Now if you claim Irish, German, Italian, Polish isn't white --- then what is white? since it is a made up term to begin with

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