Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with

The official policy of the Confederacy was.....we do not arm negroes

I thought the official Democrat policy was... We do not want to arm Negroes, either.
It was in the South after the war.

Democrats have always been against giving guns to Negroes.

The Confederacy had no political parties. It deliberately abolished them.

Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and Robert E. Lee were all Democrats, and Confederates.

Once again --- the Confederacy had no political parties. It had deliberately abolished them.

That means no Confederates had political parties. Is that too complex?
Hey faggot. All you got is some bullshit and gossip. The facts are that no Black person every fought for the confederacy.

You just showed me another opinion piece instead of an official military listing of Black soilders or even photos of Black confederate solders that fought for the south.

I really am starting to believe your IQ is sub-100.


Union troops....one can tell by the uniforms.

More union troops with their white officer.

White con-federates with one's black manservant.

More union soldiers

Possible...where's his gun?

Poor old guy....are you submitting him as a con-federate soldier? :71:

More Union soldiers. Are you sure you know anything about the Civil War and their uniforms, etc .

Here's something for you to see:


Here's your rosters and pics, Mr. Asclepias.

African American Civil War Soldiers: Research Links: 45th United States Colored Infantry

View attachment 209944 accepting your surrender again. :71:

Not sure what the point of all this rigmarole about black Confederate army (who weren't even considered until March 1865 in the last desperate weeks of the War) but it should be noted that one army wearing the uniform of the other side in order to move about surreptitiously was common in the Civil War.
Well if the dumb asses can make it seem like the south was not fighting over slavery then they could have a leg to stand on when arguing about how honorable these traitors and enslavers actually were. The problems with their story is that it has way too many holes in it. There is the lack of records. Theres the fact Blacks werent even allowed to fight until the last few weeks of the war. Then theres the plethora of fake or photo shopped pictures depicting supposed Black confederates but not one single real one, and finally simple logic. They expect you to believe that a significant number of Black people wanted to be slaves so they fought for the south. They want you to believe that white people that were afraid slaves would revolt actually wanted these slaves to be armed and placed in combat. If they can make that case then there is no pushback for their memorials to losers and traitors.
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Makes me wonder if they at least concede that Nazi Germany was the side that should have lost

No one won WW2, really.

I'd say Soviets had, but they lost an enormous amount of get this "White people" from WW2.
Yes, someone won WW2

but apparently, you are more willing to deny victory to WW2 veterans who actually fought to liberate people than you are willing to accept the defeat of people who were fighting to maintain slavery

Says a lot about you
The official policy of the Confederacy was.....we do not arm negroes

I thought the official Democrat policy was... We do not want to arm Negroes, either.
It was in the South after the war.

Democrats have always been against giving guns to Negroes.

The Confederacy had no political parties. It deliberately abolished them.

Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and Robert E. Lee were all Democrats, and Confederates.
Jeff Davis was

No record of political affiliation of the others

Lincoln’s VP Andrew Johnson was a Democrat
I thought the official Democrat policy was... We do not want to arm Negroes, either.
It was in the South after the war.

Democrats have always been against giving guns to Negroes.

The Confederacy had no political parties. It deliberately abolished them.

Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and Robert E. Lee were all Democrats, and Confederates.

Once again --- the Confederacy had no political parties. It had deliberately abolished them.

That means no Confederates had political parties. Is that too complex?

What does the fact that a bunch of Democrats founded the Confederacy, change somehow just because they chose the Confederacy first?

You clearly have a small mind, and severe OCD to overcompensate for that fact.

Western Europeans tisk, tisk
Why would Confederates arm slaves?

1. After John Brown and Nat Turner they were deathly afraid of slave rebellions. They had laws against arming slaves

2 Arming slaves and making them soldiers gives them legitimacy as humans
The official policy of the Confederacy was.....we do not arm negroes

I thought the official Democrat policy was... We do not want to arm Negroes, either.
It was in the South after the war.

Democrats have always been against giving guns to Negroes.

The Confederacy had no political parties. It deliberately abolished them.

Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and Robert E. Lee were all Democrats, and Confederates.
But they werent democrats while in the confederacy as has already been pointed out to you.
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.

I have absolutely no love of General Lee.

But then I've got nothing against him neither.

Like a hundred other historical figures I learned about in school, he's a part of the fabric of America's past. I neither support nor condone him, but neither do i condemn him; he never did anything to me. He's dead! Long time ago. It's important for a person to keep perspective.

It's all too easy to get caught up in judging history based on the present not realizing that 150 years ago, life was very different, things were different, and YOU CANNOT APPLY STANDARDS WHICH DID NOT EXIST THEN in judging things by what we see and know TODAY. What is done is done and nothing can change it.

That said, statues are statues, they support NOTHING; they merely commemorate a moment in time. There is not a nation on this earth which hasn't history that in hindsight, it wouldn't frown upon today-- -- -- that's the nature of history. Statues are created to pay homage and respect to those people it addresses. Leaving a statue does not mean you agree with it, it merely respects the views of others that saw things differently. It reminds us of our past that we may learn from it, tearing it down robs us of our past that we may grow from it. A people disconnected/in denial of its own past is a people lost, likely doomed to repeat it. Worse, tolerance of things we know in hindsight were wrong, is a far far better, more magnanimous thing than intolerance of anything just because you don't agree with it and demanding all agree with you or be destroyed.

The latter, that is just raw, naked fascism.

All I know is that it takes two sides to tango. There would be no problem if those who agree, agree to agree and those who disagree agree to disagree. People LEARN from respecting differences in viewpoints, problem is that we have lost all respect. Looking for confrontation gets you violence. Labels creates polarity. When I see people labeling others who rise up merely to exercise their right to protest what they believe in and rise up to defend their beliefs labeled as "violence," I ask: VIOLENCE WITH WHOM? With themselves? You are confronting others to deny others their freedom to their own views? Those who show up to "smack them down" are just LOOKING FOR VIOLENCE, and creating it. And they will find it. Many will ultimately die fighting over whether to tear down a piece of metal only meant to signify a piece of history two centuries past.

If THAT isn't the definition of ITINERANT STUPIDITY, I don't know what else is.

Look here, douchebag, are you for or against erasing history like ISIS? There's no in-between on this and waffling, boy.

Yes or No.
Erasing history? :71: It's so startling to learn that trumpanzees are so brain weak that they forget stuff unless they have a 3D physical reminder of something in front of them 24/7. Talk about simpletons.

Look, Bode, you almost got that one right, except in this case, it has nothing to do with "trumpanzees," and tearing down a historical statue has as little to gain for those wanting to do it as it has little to gain for those wanting to keep it, except that its removal really accomplishes nothing other than in the minds of those wanting it gone. No, what we have here is just a case of 'stupid,' on BOTH sides. The statue should stay, not because anyone likes or is promoting slavery, but as a historical figure, and a lot of people need to get something better to worry about in their lives other than led around by the "protest of the week" to fight or be offended over.
It was in the South after the war.

Democrats have always been against giving guns to Negroes.

The Confederacy had no political parties. It deliberately abolished them.

Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and Robert E. Lee were all Democrats, and Confederates.

Once again --- the Confederacy had no political parties. It had deliberately abolished them.

That means no Confederates had political parties. Is that too complex?

What does the fact that a bunch of Democrats founded the Confederacy, change somehow just because they chose the Confederacy first?

You clearly have a small mind, and severe OCD to overcompensate for that fact.

Western Europeans tisk, tisk
There were no parties in the confederacy. So if they chose the confederacy first they gave up their democrat status.

Civil War-Era Political Parties of the North Vs. the South | Synonym

"There were no recognized political parties in the Confederate States of America. Most Southerners, including Confederate President Jefferson Davis, opposed political parties, considering them to be a corruption of the principles of republican government."
Why would Confederates arm slaves?

1. After John Brown and Nat Turner they were deathly afraid of slave rebellions. They had laws against arming slaves

2 Arming slaves and making them soldiers gives them legitimacy as humans

Isn't that kind of the same premises the Democrats have had for their anti-gun sentiments for 100's of years?
Democrats have always been against giving guns to Negroes.

The Confederacy had no political parties. It deliberately abolished them.

Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and Robert E. Lee were all Democrats, and Confederates.

Once again --- the Confederacy had no political parties. It had deliberately abolished them.

That means no Confederates had political parties. Is that too complex?

What does the fact that a bunch of Democrats founded the Confederacy, change somehow just because they chose the Confederacy first?

You clearly have a small mind, and severe OCD to overcompensate for that fact.

Western Europeans tisk, tisk
There were no parties in the confederacy. So if they chose the confederacy first they gave up their democrat status.

Democrats founded the Confederacy, and then they became Democrats again after the Confederacy.

WTF is wrong with you desperate screeching Chimps on this forum?
Democrats have always been against giving guns to Negroes.

The Confederacy had no political parties. It deliberately abolished them.

Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and Robert E. Lee were all Democrats, and Confederates.

Once again --- the Confederacy had no political parties. It had deliberately abolished them.

That means no Confederates had political parties. Is that too complex?

What does the fact that a bunch of Democrats founded the Confederacy, change somehow just because they chose the Confederacy first?

You clearly have a small mind, and severe OCD to overcompensate for that fact.

Western Europeans tisk, tisk
There were no parties in the confederacy. So if they chose the confederacy first they gave up their democrat status.

Civil War-Era Political Parties of the North Vs. the South | Synonym

"There were no recognized political parties in the Confederate States of America. Most Southerners, including Confederate President Jefferson Davis, opposed political parties, considering them to be a corruption of the principles of republican government."

The Democrats founded the Confederacy, why is that so difficult to grasp?
Why would Confederates arm slaves?

1. After John Brown and Nat Turner they were deathly afraid of slave rebellions. They had laws against arming slaves

2 Arming slaves and making them soldiers gives them legitimacy as humans

Isn't that kind of the same premises the Democrats have had for their anti-gun sentiments for 100's of years?
No idea what you are talking about
Why would Confederates arm slaves?

1. After John Brown and Nat Turner they were deathly afraid of slave rebellions. They had laws against arming slaves

2 Arming slaves and making them soldiers gives them legitimacy as humans

Isn't that kind of the same premises the Democrats have had for their anti-gun sentiments for 100's of years?

Ask Reagan and the NRA

One of the few times they ever supported a gun control bill was when they were scared by the fact that some blacks folks organized and exercised their constitutional right to carry arms...

But keep denying history

The NRA Supported Gun Control When the Black Panthers Had the Weapons
Makes me wonder if they at least concede that Nazi Germany was the side that should have lost

No one won WW2, really.

I'd say Soviets had, but they lost an enormous amount of get this "White people" from WW2.
Yes, someone won WW2

but apparently, you are more willing to deny victory to WW2 veterans who actually fought to liberate people than you are willing to accept the defeat of people who were fighting to maintain slavery

Says a lot about you

I don't support Confederates, or Nazis, where would you get an idea like that from?
Why would Confederates arm slaves?

1. After John Brown and Nat Turner they were deathly afraid of slave rebellions. They had laws against arming slaves

2 Arming slaves and making them soldiers gives them legitimacy as humans

Isn't that kind of the same premises the Democrats have had for their anti-gun sentiments for 100's of years?

Ask Reagan and the NRA

One of the few times they ever supported a gun control bill was when they were scared by the fact that some blacks folks organized and exercised their constitutional right to carry arms...

But keep denying history

The NRA Supported Gun Control When the Black Panthers Had the Weapons
Reagan fought to disarm blacks in California
The Confederacy had no political parties. It deliberately abolished them.

Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and Robert E. Lee were all Democrats, and Confederates.

Once again --- the Confederacy had no political parties. It had deliberately abolished them.

That means no Confederates had political parties. Is that too complex?

What does the fact that a bunch of Democrats founded the Confederacy, change somehow just because they chose the Confederacy first?

You clearly have a small mind, and severe OCD to overcompensate for that fact.

Western Europeans tisk, tisk
There were no parties in the confederacy. So if they chose the confederacy first they gave up their democrat status.

Civil War-Era Political Parties of the North Vs. the South | Synonym

"There were no recognized political parties in the Confederate States of America. Most Southerners, including Confederate President Jefferson Davis, opposed political parties, considering them to be a corruption of the principles of republican government."

The Democrats founded the Confederacy, why is that so difficult to grasp?
Because thats not true. How can dems have founded the confederacy if no parties were allowed?
Why would Confederates arm slaves?

1. After John Brown and Nat Turner they were deathly afraid of slave rebellions. They had laws against arming slaves

2 Arming slaves and making them soldiers gives them legitimacy as humans

Isn't that kind of the same premises the Democrats have had for their anti-gun sentiments for 100's of years?
No idea what you are talking about

Why do Democrats pick disarming people through out history in this nation, first with Black slaves, and now the masses?
Makes me wonder if they at least concede that Nazi Germany was the side that should have lost

No one won WW2, really.

I'd say Soviets had, but they lost an enormous amount of get this "White people" from WW2.
Yes, someone won WW2

but apparently, you are more willing to deny victory to WW2 veterans who actually fought to liberate people than you are willing to accept the defeat of people who were fighting to maintain slavery

Says a lot about you

I don't support Confederates, or Nazis, where would you get an idea like that from?
From your views. Where else would someone get that from?
Why would Confederates arm slaves?

1. After John Brown and Nat Turner they were deathly afraid of slave rebellions. They had laws against arming slaves

2 Arming slaves and making them soldiers gives them legitimacy as humans

Isn't that kind of the same premises the Democrats have had for their anti-gun sentiments for 100's of years?
No idea what you are talking about

Why do Democrats pick disarming people through out history in this nation, first with Black slaves, and now the masses?
Regan wasnt a democrat. What are you talking about?

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