Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with

What does the fact that a bunch of Democrats founded the Confederacy, change somehow just because they chose the Confederacy first?

You clearly have a small mind, and severe OCD to overcompensate for that fact.

Western Europeans tisk, tisk

Apparently it was indeed too complex.

For the third time, the Confederacy had no political parties. Those that came to power had former parties before secession, primarily Democrats and Whigs. Before the War Jeff Davis had been a Democrat; his VP Stephens had been a Whig. There wasn't a large majority for either. Had the Confederacy survived it's plausible that parties might have formed but ------ it didn't.

Furthermore in the election of 1860 directly leading up to the War, the South -- what would soon become the Confederacy --- shut out the Democratic candidate giving him the same number of electoral votes it gave Lincoln: zero. And after his defeat Douglas went on a speaking tour on Lincoln's behalf to try to preserve the union. That didn't hold off South Carolina (the state that had trashed the Democratic convention and forced it to move) and the shit hit the fan.

And as mentioned above, Lincoln appointed Democrat Andrew Johnson as his military governor in Tennessee, and then took him for a running mate in 1864 as the "National Union Party".
Is THAT too complex? Because I can ramp it up.

Democrat Confederate Jefferson Davis founded the Confederacy.

What's there not to get?

So, what's all the OCD Chimp spasms about?

You're Western European scum, and like typical Western Europeans you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues to overcompensate for that fact.

Look I can't help it that you're so pigheaded you can't bear that you've been proven wrong on a message board. That ain't my problem -- it's yours.

And no, Jeff Davis didn't "found the Confederacy".

If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.

Oh fer fuxsake GROW UP. You keep trotting out bullshit, keep getting called on it, and then want to piss and moan that it doesn't matter. If it doesn't matter then don't bring it in here in the first place because it WILL get shot down.


It was both Democrat, and Confederacy policy to disarm Blacks, and keep Blacks as slaves, the Democrats became the Confederacy.

You're just angry, because I'm calling out your Parties bullshit.
Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and Robert E. Lee were all Democrats, and Confederates.

Once again --- the Confederacy had no political parties. It had deliberately abolished them.

That means no Confederates had political parties. Is that too complex?

What does the fact that a bunch of Democrats founded the Confederacy, change somehow just because they chose the Confederacy first?

You clearly have a small mind, and severe OCD to overcompensate for that fact.

Western Europeans tisk, tisk

Apparently it was indeed too complex.

For the third time, the Confederacy had no political parties. Those that came to power had former parties before secession, primarily Democrats and Whigs. Before the War Jeff Davis had been a Democrat; his VP Stephens had been a Whig. There wasn't a large majority for either. Had the Confederacy survived it's plausible that parties might have formed but ------ it didn't.

Furthermore in the election of 1860 directly leading up to the War, the South -- what would soon become the Confederacy --- shut out the Democratic candidate giving him the same number of electoral votes it gave Lincoln: zero. And after his defeat Douglas went on a speaking tour on Lincoln's behalf to try to preserve the union. That didn't hold off South Carolina (the state that had trashed the Democratic convention
and forced it to move) and the shit hit the fan.

And as mentioned above, Lincoln appointed Democrat Andrew Johnson as his military governor in Tennessee, and then took him for a running mate in 1864 as the "National Union Party".
Is THAT too complex? Because I can ramp it up.

Democrat Confederate Jefferson Davis founded the Confederacy.

What's there not to get?

So, what's all the OCD Chimp spasms about?

You're Western European scum, and like typical Western Europeans you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues to overcompensate for that fact.
The United States is Western Europe?

No wonder your comments make no sense -- you are under the impression we are all Western Europeans.....

Here is a globe to help you out

Americans are mostly of Western European ethnic heritages.
Apparently it was indeed too complex.

For the third time, the Confederacy had no political parties. Those that came to power had former parties before secession, primarily Democrats and Whigs. Before the War Jeff Davis had been a Democrat; his VP Stephens had been a Whig. There wasn't a large majority for either. Had the Confederacy survived it's plausible that parties might have formed but ------ it didn't.

Furthermore in the election of 1860 directly leading up to the War, the South -- what would soon become the Confederacy --- shut out the Democratic candidate giving him the same number of electoral votes it gave Lincoln: zero. And after his defeat Douglas went on a speaking tour on Lincoln's behalf to try to preserve the union. That didn't hold off South Carolina (the state that had trashed the Democratic convention and forced it to move) and the shit hit the fan.

And as mentioned above, Lincoln appointed Democrat Andrew Johnson as his military governor in Tennessee, and then took him for a running mate in 1864 as the "National Union Party".
Is THAT too complex? Because I can ramp it up.

Democrat Confederate Jefferson Davis founded the Confederacy.

What's there not to get?

So, what's all the OCD Chimp spasms about?

You're Western European scum, and like typical Western Europeans you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues to overcompensate for that fact.

Look I can't help it that you're so pigheaded you can't bear that you've been proven wrong on a message board. That ain't my problem -- it's yours.

And no, Jeff Davis didn't "found the Confederacy".

If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.

Oh fer fuxsake GROW UP. You keep trotting out bullshit, keep getting called on it, and then want to piss and moan that it doesn't matter. If it doesn't matter then don't bring it in here in the first place because it WILL get shot down.


It was both Democrat, and Confederacy policy to disarm Blacks, and keep Blacks as slaves, the Democrats became the Confederacy.

You're just angry, because I'm calling out your Parties bullshit.
In the 1860 election....the blue states were the Democrats. You were saying, Comrade?

Con-servative racists give up on the Democrats very quickly when it suits them....they did it in 1860 and they did it again in the 1960s.
Apparently it was indeed too complex.

For the third time, the Confederacy had no political parties. Those that came to power had former parties before secession, primarily Democrats and Whigs. Before the War Jeff Davis had been a Democrat; his VP Stephens had been a Whig. There wasn't a large majority for either. Had the Confederacy survived it's plausible that parties might have formed but ------ it didn't.

Furthermore in the election of 1860 directly leading up to the War, the South -- what would soon become the Confederacy --- shut out the Democratic candidate giving him the same number of electoral votes it gave Lincoln: zero. And after his defeat Douglas went on a speaking tour on Lincoln's behalf to try to preserve the union. That didn't hold off South Carolina (the state that had trashed the Democratic convention and forced it to move) and the shit hit the fan.

And as mentioned above, Lincoln appointed Democrat Andrew Johnson as his military governor in Tennessee, and then took him for a running mate in 1864 as the "National Union Party".
Is THAT too complex? Because I can ramp it up.

Democrat Confederate Jefferson Davis founded the Confederacy.

What's there not to get?

So, what's all the OCD Chimp spasms about?

You're Western European scum, and like typical Western Europeans you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues to overcompensate for that fact.

Look I can't help it that you're so pigheaded you can't bear that you've been proven wrong on a message board. That ain't my problem -- it's yours.

And no, Jeff Davis didn't "found the Confederacy".

If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.

Oh fer fuxsake GROW UP. You keep trotting out bullshit, keep getting called on it, and then want to piss and moan that it doesn't matter. If it doesn't matter then don't bring it in here in the first place because it WILL get shot down.


It was both Democrat, and Confederacy policy to disarm Blacks, and keep Blacks as slaves, the Democrats became the Confederacy.

You're just angry, because I'm calling out your Parties bullshit.

-I don't have a "Parties". I just happen to know the history. Obviously you do not.

For a ready example --- slavery had nothing to do with political parties. You didn't need a party to own a slave at all. Slavery was a socioeconomic institution and existed LONG before there were any political parties or even a country here.
Once again --- the Confederacy had no political parties. It had deliberately abolished them.

That means no Confederates had political parties. Is that too complex?

What does the fact that a bunch of Democrats founded the Confederacy, change somehow just because they chose the Confederacy first?

You clearly have a small mind, and severe OCD to overcompensate for that fact.

Western Europeans tisk, tisk

Apparently it was indeed too complex.

For the third time, the Confederacy had no political parties. Those that came to power had former parties before secession, primarily Democrats and Whigs. Before the War Jeff Davis had been a Democrat; his VP Stephens had been a Whig. There wasn't a large majority for either. Had the Confederacy survived it's plausible that parties might have formed but ------ it didn't.

Furthermore in the election of 1860 directly leading up to the War, the South -- what would soon become the Confederacy --- shut out the Democratic candidate giving him the same number of electoral votes it gave Lincoln: zero. And after his defeat Douglas went on a speaking tour on Lincoln's behalf to try to preserve the union. That didn't hold off South Carolina (the state that had trashed the Democratic convention
and forced it to move) and the shit hit the fan.

And as mentioned above, Lincoln appointed Democrat Andrew Johnson as his military governor in Tennessee, and then took him for a running mate in 1864 as the "National Union Party".
Is THAT too complex? Because I can ramp it up.

Democrat Confederate Jefferson Davis founded the Confederacy.

What's there not to get?

So, what's all the OCD Chimp spasms about?

You're Western European scum, and like typical Western Europeans you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues to overcompensate for that fact.
The United States is Western Europe?

No wonder your comments make no sense -- you are under the impression we are all Western Europeans.....

Here is a globe to help you out

Americans are mostly of Western European ethnic heritages.

Americans are Americans -- period.

And no insecure incel from Poland like yourself will be able to change that fact
Democrat Confederate Jefferson Davis founded the Confederacy.

What's there not to get?

So, what's all the OCD Chimp spasms about?

You're Western European scum, and like typical Western Europeans you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues to overcompensate for that fact.

Look I can't help it that you're so pigheaded you can't bear that you've been proven wrong on a message board. That ain't my problem -- it's yours.

And no, Jeff Davis didn't "found the Confederacy".

If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.

Oh fer fuxsake GROW UP. You keep trotting out bullshit, keep getting called on it, and then want to piss and moan that it doesn't matter. If it doesn't matter then don't bring it in here in the first place because it WILL get shot down.


It was both Democrat, and Confederacy policy to disarm Blacks, and keep Blacks as slaves, the Democrats became the Confederacy.

You're just angry, because I'm calling out your Parties bullshit.
View attachment 209950 In the 1860 election....the blue states were the Democrats. You were saying, Comrade?

Actually New Jersey split its vote between Douglas and Lincoln, so Douglas got one and a half states, none of which were in the South. Also West Virginia did not yet exist so that area would be yellow (Bell, Constitutional Unionist).

West Virginia (the counties that would become it) seceded from Virginia after Virginia seceded from the US. Part of that inner turmoil all over the South.
By 1916, the issue of slavery was long settled. The statues were not pro-slavery statues, but simply monuments to the sacrifices and bravery of their ancestors.

And now you fuckers want to take them down?

YOu just admitted that multiculturalism was a lie from the very beginning.
In 1916, the war was long over, the issue of slavery was settled.....yet still they saw a need to ressurect the issue throughout the south

Though slavery was gone, Jim Crow was in its place. Statues were erected to remind blacks of their continued status

I've never read anything in any history book that supports your claim that the Jim Crow south of the early 20th century needed statues to keep the blacks down.

Can you support that very odd claim, or is this one of those, "throw shit against the wall, and hope no one calls on it moments" and you will just deflect, dodge and distract?

"I've studied the history of Confederate memorials. Here's what to do about them."

The Confederate monuments in New Orleans; Charlottesville, Virginia; Durham, North Carolina, and elsewhere did not organically pop up like mushrooms. The installation of the 1,000-plus memorials across the US was the result of the orchestrated efforts of white Southerners and a few Northerners with clear political objectives: They tended to be erected at times when the South was fighting to resist political rights for black citizens. The preservation of these monuments has likewise reflected a clear political agenda.

But the story of the monuments is even stranger than many people realize. Few if any of the monuments went through any of the approval procedures that we now commonly apply to public art. Typically, groups like the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), which claimed to represent local community sentiment (whether they did or did not), funded, erected, and dedicated the monuments. As a consequence, contemporaries, especially African Americans, who objected to the erection of monuments had no realistic opportunity to voice their opposition.

Wow. That is some weak ass shit.

Where was the political battle for/against Jim Crow, that you implied the statues were a weapon in?
There was no need for a political battle
The racists ruled the south. They decided how public spaces would be used

Now, those of a different view are running the cities. They want the monuments gone

Lol rubbish. Blacks voted in Harlem at the same percentages they voted in Mississippi. Your fake history is nothing but deflections from the rest of the country's issues, singling out the South simply because they quit voting solid Democrat and went GOP. That's the entire game here, not 'racism' or anything else. You Hillary puppets are just habitual liars and spammers.

The 'racists' ruled Chicago, New York, and California, too, places where Klan membership was also historically higher than in the South.
Once again --- the Confederacy had no political parties. It had deliberately abolished them.

That means no Confederates had political parties. Is that too complex?

What does the fact that a bunch of Democrats founded the Confederacy, change somehow just because they chose the Confederacy first?

You clearly have a small mind, and severe OCD to overcompensate for that fact.

Western Europeans tisk, tisk

Apparently it was indeed too complex.

For the third time, the Confederacy had no political parties. Those that came to power had former parties before secession, primarily Democrats and Whigs. Before the War Jeff Davis had been a Democrat; his VP Stephens had been a Whig. There wasn't a large majority for either. Had the Confederacy survived it's plausible that parties might have formed but ------ it didn't.

Furthermore in the election of 1860 directly leading up to the War, the South -- what would soon become the Confederacy --- shut out the Democratic candidate giving him the same number of electoral votes it gave Lincoln: zero. And after his defeat Douglas went on a speaking tour on Lincoln's behalf to try to preserve the union. That didn't hold off South Carolina (the state that had trashed the Democratic convention
and forced it to move) and the shit hit the fan.

And as mentioned above, Lincoln appointed Democrat Andrew Johnson as his military governor in Tennessee, and then took him for a running mate in 1864 as the "National Union Party".
Is THAT too complex? Because I can ramp it up.

Democrat Confederate Jefferson Davis founded the Confederacy.

What's there not to get?

So, what's all the OCD Chimp spasms about?

You're Western European scum, and like typical Western Europeans you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues to overcompensate for that fact.
The United States is Western Europe?

No wonder your comments make no sense -- you are under the impression we are all Western Europeans.....

Here is a globe to help you out

Americans are mostly of Western European ethnic heritages.
Mixed with a lot more.
Makes me wonder if they at least concede that Nazi Germany was the side that should have lost

No one won WW2, really.

I'd say Soviets had, but they lost an enormous amount of get this "White people" from WW2.
Yes, someone won WW2

but apparently, you are more willing to deny victory to WW2 veterans who actually fought to liberate people than you are willing to accept the defeat of people who were fighting to maintain slavery

Says a lot about you

I don't support Confederates, or Nazis, where would you get an idea like that from?
By the fact you keep twisting yourself into knots to try to deny history

You would be one to claim that the confederate statues were not put up to foster an environment of white supremacy -- because for some reason you have this need to defend racists --- then at the same time, you go out of your way to say how the Democrats started the confederacy ---- my response to that is ....And????

The Los Angeles Lakers first started in Minneapolis --- but ain't no championship flags flying in Minneapolis -- in other words, shit has changed -- same with white racists and political parties, shit has changed --- now its the Republicans flying those Confederate flags
Getting to the '_Poin' Biff, I've been on USMB for a few mo. now and have been wondering how it is that you are just such a wet blanket, negative to all, a monumental pain in the arse... then it dawned on me; it must stem back to 1990 when you had this unfortunate accident... I can now find it in my heart to pity you 'Biff'....

In 1916, the war was long over, the issue of slavery was settled.....yet still they saw a need to ressurect the issue throughout the south

Though slavery was gone, Jim Crow was in its place. Statues were erected to remind blacks of their continued status

I've never read anything in any history book that supports your claim that the Jim Crow south of the early 20th century needed statues to keep the blacks down.

Can you support that very odd claim, or is this one of those, "throw shit against the wall, and hope no one calls on it moments" and you will just deflect, dodge and distract?

"I've studied the history of Confederate memorials. Here's what to do about them."

The Confederate monuments in New Orleans; Charlottesville, Virginia; Durham, North Carolina, and elsewhere did not organically pop up like mushrooms. The installation of the 1,000-plus memorials across the US was the result of the orchestrated efforts of white Southerners and a few Northerners with clear political objectives: They tended to be erected at times when the South was fighting to resist political rights for black citizens. The preservation of these monuments has likewise reflected a clear political agenda.

But the story of the monuments is even stranger than many people realize. Few if any of the monuments went through any of the approval procedures that we now commonly apply to public art. Typically, groups like the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), which claimed to represent local community sentiment (whether they did or did not), funded, erected, and dedicated the monuments. As a consequence, contemporaries, especially African Americans, who objected to the erection of monuments had no realistic opportunity to voice their opposition.

Wow. That is some weak ass shit.

Where was the political battle for/against Jim Crow, that you implied the statues were a weapon in?
There was no need for a political battle
The racists ruled the south. They decided how public spaces would be used

Now, those of a different view are running the cities. They want the monuments gone

Lol rubbish. Blacks voted in Harlem at the same percentages they voted in Mississippi. Your fake history is nothing but deflections from the rest of the country's issues, singling out the South simply because they quit voting solid Democrat and went GOP. That's the entire game here, not 'racism' or anything else. You Hillary puppets are just habitual liars and spammers.
Look! >>>>> Over there! >>>>>> A Hillary Clinton reference!
In 1916, the war was long over, the issue of slavery was settled.....yet still they saw a need to ressurect the issue throughout the south

Though slavery was gone, Jim Crow was in its place. Statues were erected to remind blacks of their continued status

I've never read anything in any history book that supports your claim that the Jim Crow south of the early 20th century needed statues to keep the blacks down.

Can you support that very odd claim, or is this one of those, "throw shit against the wall, and hope no one calls on it moments" and you will just deflect, dodge and distract?

"I've studied the history of Confederate memorials. Here's what to do about them."

The Confederate monuments in New Orleans; Charlottesville, Virginia; Durham, North Carolina, and elsewhere did not organically pop up like mushrooms. The installation of the 1,000-plus memorials across the US was the result of the orchestrated efforts of white Southerners and a few Northerners with clear political objectives: They tended to be erected at times when the South was fighting to resist political rights for black citizens. The preservation of these monuments has likewise reflected a clear political agenda.

But the story of the monuments is even stranger than many people realize. Few if any of the monuments went through any of the approval procedures that we now commonly apply to public art. Typically, groups like the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), which claimed to represent local community sentiment (whether they did or did not), funded, erected, and dedicated the monuments. As a consequence, contemporaries, especially African Americans, who objected to the erection of monuments had no realistic opportunity to voice their opposition.

Wow. That is some weak ass shit.

Where was the political battle for/against Jim Crow, that you implied the statues were a weapon in?
There was no need for a political battle
The racists ruled the south. They decided how public spaces would be used

Now, those of a different view are running the cities. They want the monuments gone

Lol rubbish. Blacks voted in Harlem at the same percentages they voted in Mississippi. Your fake history is nothing but deflections from the rest of the country's issues, singling out the South simply because they quit voting solid Democrat and went GOP. That's the entire game here, not 'racism' or anything else. You Hillary puppets are just habitual liars and spammers.
What does the fact that a bunch of Democrats founded the Confederacy, change somehow just because they chose the Confederacy first?

You clearly have a small mind, and severe OCD to overcompensate for that fact.

Western Europeans tisk, tisk

Apparently it was indeed too complex.

For the third time, the Confederacy had no political parties. Those that came to power had former parties before secession, primarily Democrats and Whigs. Before the War Jeff Davis had been a Democrat; his VP Stephens had been a Whig. There wasn't a large majority for either. Had the Confederacy survived it's plausible that parties might have formed but ------ it didn't.

Furthermore in the election of 1860 directly leading up to the War, the South -- what would soon become the Confederacy --- shut out the Democratic candidate giving him the same number of electoral votes it gave Lincoln: zero. And after his defeat Douglas went on a speaking tour on Lincoln's behalf to try to preserve the union. That didn't hold off South Carolina (the state that had trashed the Democratic convention and forced it to move) and the shit hit the fan.

And as mentioned above, Lincoln appointed Democrat Andrew Johnson as his military governor in Tennessee, and then took him for a running mate in 1864 as the "National Union Party".
Is THAT too complex? Because I can ramp it up.

Democrat Confederate Jefferson Davis founded the Confederacy.

What's there not to get?

So, what's all the OCD Chimp spasms about?

You're Western European scum, and like typical Western Europeans you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues to overcompensate for that fact.

Look I can't help it that you're so pigheaded you can't bear that you've been proven wrong on a message board. That ain't my problem -- it's yours.

And no, Jeff Davis didn't "found the Confederacy".

If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.
The Confederacy was founded by delegates from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, meeting in Montgomery, February 1861. Not by "Jefferson Davis".

Without Jefferson Davis being the first President of the Confederacy, there would've been no Confederacy, so absolutely he played a role in founding the Confederacy.

Just as George Washington had a role in founding America, even though he didn't found, nor sign the Declaration of Independence.

As usual, you seem to have massive OCD nitpicking problems.
Apparently it was indeed too complex.

For the third time, the Confederacy had no political parties. Those that came to power had former parties before secession, primarily Democrats and Whigs. Before the War Jeff Davis had been a Democrat; his VP Stephens had been a Whig. There wasn't a large majority for either. Had the Confederacy survived it's plausible that parties might have formed but ------ it didn't.

Furthermore in the election of 1860 directly leading up to the War, the South -- what would soon become the Confederacy --- shut out the Democratic candidate giving him the same number of electoral votes it gave Lincoln: zero. And after his defeat Douglas went on a speaking tour on Lincoln's behalf to try to preserve the union. That didn't hold off South Carolina (the state that had trashed the Democratic convention and forced it to move) and the shit hit the fan.

And as mentioned above, Lincoln appointed Democrat Andrew Johnson as his military governor in Tennessee, and then took him for a running mate in 1864 as the "National Union Party".
Is THAT too complex? Because I can ramp it up.

Democrat Confederate Jefferson Davis founded the Confederacy.

What's there not to get?

So, what's all the OCD Chimp spasms about?

You're Western European scum, and like typical Western Europeans you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues to overcompensate for that fact.

Look I can't help it that you're so pigheaded you can't bear that you've been proven wrong on a message board. That ain't my problem -- it's yours.

And no, Jeff Davis didn't "found the Confederacy".

If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.
The Confederacy was founded by delegates from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, meeting in Montgomery, February 1861. Not by "Jefferson Davis".

Without Jefferson Davis being the first President of the Confederacy, there would've been no Confederacy, so absolutely he played a role in founding the Confederacy.

Bullshit. The Confederacy was already formed BEFORE it elected Davis. And for that matter there was already a United States before Washington.

Go ahead. Prove me wrong.
Lol rubbish. Blacks voted in Harlem at the same percentages they voted in Mississippi. Your fake history is nothing but deflections from the rest of the country's issues, singling out the South simply because they quit voting solid Democrat and went GOP. That's the entire game here, not 'racism' or anything else. You Hillary puppets are just habitual liars and spammers.
So much delusion in one comment -- but I will leave that aside and ask you one question

When did the south stop voting solid Democrat and went GOP? Before or after the Civil Rights bill passed?

Democrat Confederate Jefferson Davis founded the Confederacy.

What's there not to get?

So, what's all the OCD Chimp spasms about?

You're Western European scum, and like typical Western Europeans you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues to overcompensate for that fact.

Look I can't help it that you're so pigheaded you can't bear that you've been proven wrong on a message board. That ain't my problem -- it's yours.

And no, Jeff Davis didn't "found the Confederacy".

If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.

Oh fer fuxsake GROW UP. You keep trotting out bullshit, keep getting called on it, and then want to piss and moan that it doesn't matter. If it doesn't matter then don't bring it in here in the first place because it WILL get shot down.


It was both Democrat, and Confederacy policy to disarm Blacks, and keep Blacks as slaves, the Democrats became the Confederacy.

You're just angry, because I'm calling out your Parties bullshit.

-I don't have a "Parties". I just happen to know the history. Obviously you do not.

For a ready example --- slavery had nothing to do with political parties. You didn't need a party to own a slave at all. Slavery was a socioeconomic institution and existed LONG before there were any political parties or even a country here.

There were politics to keep slaves, and there were politics to give up slaves, it just happens to be most of them were Democrats who wanted to keep their slaves.

Why so much desperation, obsessiveness, and nitpicking?
Apparently it was indeed too complex.

For the third time, the Confederacy had no political parties. Those that came to power had former parties before secession, primarily Democrats and Whigs. Before the War Jeff Davis had been a Democrat; his VP Stephens had been a Whig. There wasn't a large majority for either. Had the Confederacy survived it's plausible that parties might have formed but ------ it didn't.

Furthermore in the election of 1860 directly leading up to the War, the South -- what would soon become the Confederacy --- shut out the Democratic candidate giving him the same number of electoral votes it gave Lincoln: zero. And after his defeat Douglas went on a speaking tour on Lincoln's behalf to try to preserve the union. That didn't hold off South Carolina (the state that had trashed the Democratic convention and forced it to move) and the shit hit the fan.

And as mentioned above, Lincoln appointed Democrat Andrew Johnson as his military governor in Tennessee, and then took him for a running mate in 1864 as the "National Union Party".
Is THAT too complex? Because I can ramp it up.

Democrat Confederate Jefferson Davis founded the Confederacy.

What's there not to get?

So, what's all the OCD Chimp spasms about?

You're Western European scum, and like typical Western Europeans you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues to overcompensate for that fact.

Look I can't help it that you're so pigheaded you can't bear that you've been proven wrong on a message board. That ain't my problem -- it's yours.

And no, Jeff Davis didn't "found the Confederacy".

If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.
The Confederacy was founded by delegates from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, meeting in Montgomery, February 1861. Not by "Jefferson Davis".

Without Jefferson Davis being the first President of the Confederacy, there would've been no Confederacy, so absolutely he played a role in founding the Confederacy.

Just as George Washington had a role in founding America, even though he didn't found, nor sign the Declaration of Independence.

As usual, you seem to have massive OCD nitpicking problems.
Jeff Davis was not that popular
Apparently it was indeed too complex.

For the third time, the Confederacy had no political parties. Those that came to power had former parties before secession, primarily Democrats and Whigs. Before the War Jeff Davis had been a Democrat; his VP Stephens had been a Whig. There wasn't a large majority for either. Had the Confederacy survived it's plausible that parties might have formed but ------ it didn't.

Furthermore in the election of 1860 directly leading up to the War, the South -- what would soon become the Confederacy --- shut out the Democratic candidate giving him the same number of electoral votes it gave Lincoln: zero. And after his defeat Douglas went on a speaking tour on Lincoln's behalf to try to preserve the union. That didn't hold off South Carolina (the state that had trashed the Democratic convention and forced it to move) and the shit hit the fan.

And as mentioned above, Lincoln appointed Democrat Andrew Johnson as his military governor in Tennessee, and then took him for a running mate in 1864 as the "National Union Party".
Is THAT too complex? Because I can ramp it up.

Democrat Confederate Jefferson Davis founded the Confederacy.

What's there not to get?

So, what's all the OCD Chimp spasms about?

You're Western European scum, and like typical Western Europeans you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues to overcompensate for that fact.

Look I can't help it that you're so pigheaded you can't bear that you've been proven wrong on a message board. That ain't my problem -- it's yours.

And no, Jeff Davis didn't "found the Confederacy".

If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.
The Confederacy was founded by delegates from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, meeting in Montgomery, February 1861. Not by "Jefferson Davis".

Without Jefferson Davis being the first President of the Confederacy, there would've been no Confederacy, so absolutely he played a role in founding the Confederacy.

Just as George Washington had a role in founding America, even though he didn't found, nor sign the Declaration of Independence.

As usual, you seem to have massive OCD nitpicking problems.
Without Jefferson Davis, they would have elected someone else. You aren't very good at this U.S. History stuff. Davis wasn't even all that thrilled he got picked.
Democrat Confederate Jefferson Davis founded the Confederacy.

What's there not to get?

So, what's all the OCD Chimp spasms about?

You're Western European scum, and like typical Western Europeans you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues to overcompensate for that fact.

Look I can't help it that you're so pigheaded you can't bear that you've been proven wrong on a message board. That ain't my problem -- it's yours.

And no, Jeff Davis didn't "found the Confederacy".

If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.
The Confederacy was founded by delegates from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, meeting in Montgomery, February 1861. Not by "Jefferson Davis".

Without Jefferson Davis being the first President of the Confederacy, there would've been no Confederacy, so absolutely he played a role in founding the Confederacy.

Just as George Washington had a role in founding America, even though he didn't found, nor sign the Declaration of Independence.

As usual, you seem to have massive OCD nitpicking problems.
Jeff Davis was not that popular
By the end he wasn't......the con-federacy had the same problem that the U.S. had under the Articles of Confederation......a loose con-federacy isn't good for a country that has a single expensive goal....like a war.
Democrat Confederate Jefferson Davis founded the Confederacy.

What's there not to get?

So, what's all the OCD Chimp spasms about?

You're Western European scum, and like typical Western Europeans you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues to overcompensate for that fact.

Look I can't help it that you're so pigheaded you can't bear that you've been proven wrong on a message board. That ain't my problem -- it's yours.

And no, Jeff Davis didn't "found the Confederacy".

If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.
The Confederacy was founded by delegates from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, meeting in Montgomery, February 1861. Not by "Jefferson Davis".

Without Jefferson Davis being the first President of the Confederacy, there would've been no Confederacy, so absolutely he played a role in founding the Confederacy.

Bullshit. The Confederacy was already formed BEFORE it elected Davis. And for that matter there was already a United States before Washington.

Go ahead. Prove me wrong.

You prove me wrong, that you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues?

I mean, most people would agree that Washington had a role in founding the U.S.A, and most people would agree that Jefferson had a role in founding the Confederacy.

I think you just lock onto singular words, or sentiments, and then just go into berserk OCD mode.

I think you're whole World is OCD.
Look I can't help it that you're so pigheaded you can't bear that you've been proven wrong on a message board. That ain't my problem -- it's yours.

And no, Jeff Davis didn't "found the Confederacy".

If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.

Oh fer fuxsake GROW UP. You keep trotting out bullshit, keep getting called on it, and then want to piss and moan that it doesn't matter. If it doesn't matter then don't bring it in here in the first place because it WILL get shot down.


It was both Democrat, and Confederacy policy to disarm Blacks, and keep Blacks as slaves, the Democrats became the Confederacy.

You're just angry, because I'm calling out your Parties bullshit.

-I don't have a "Parties". I just happen to know the history. Obviously you do not.

For a ready example --- slavery had nothing to do with political parties. You didn't need a party to own a slave at all. Slavery was a socioeconomic institution and existed LONG before there were any political parties or even a country here.

There were politics to keep slaves, and there were politics to give up slaves, it just happens to be most of them were Democrats who wanted to keep their slaves.

Why so much desperation, obsessiveness, and nitpicking?
Slavery existed for 200 years before the Democratic Party was formed

It was an institution of the south......not the party

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