Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with

Democrat Confederate Jefferson Davis founded the Confederacy.

What's there not to get?

So, what's all the OCD Chimp spasms about?

You're Western European scum, and like typical Western Europeans you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues to overcompensate for that fact.

Look I can't help it that you're so pigheaded you can't bear that you've been proven wrong on a message board. That ain't my problem -- it's yours.

And no, Jeff Davis didn't "found the Confederacy".

If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.
The Confederacy was founded by delegates from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, meeting in Montgomery, February 1861. Not by "Jefferson Davis".

Without Jefferson Davis being the first President of the Confederacy, there would've been no Confederacy, so absolutely he played a role in founding the Confederacy.

Just as George Washington had a role in founding America, even though he didn't found, nor sign the Declaration of Independence.

As usual, you seem to have massive OCD nitpicking problems.
Without Jefferson Davis, they would have elected someone else. You aren't very good at this U.S. History stuff. Davis wasn't even all that thrilled he got picked.

Nor were the first eight Articles of Confederation Presidents before Washington.
In 1916, the war was long over, the issue of slavery was settled.....yet still they saw a need to ressurect the issue throughout the south

Though slavery was gone, Jim Crow was in its place. Statues were erected to remind blacks of their continued status

I've never read anything in any history book that supports your claim that the Jim Crow south of the early 20th century needed statues to keep the blacks down.

Can you support that very odd claim, or is this one of those, "throw shit against the wall, and hope no one calls on it moments" and you will just deflect, dodge and distract?

"I've studied the history of Confederate memorials. Here's what to do about them."

The Confederate monuments in New Orleans; Charlottesville, Virginia; Durham, North Carolina, and elsewhere did not organically pop up like mushrooms. The installation of the 1,000-plus memorials across the US was the result of the orchestrated efforts of white Southerners and a few Northerners with clear political objectives: They tended to be erected at times when the South was fighting to resist political rights for black citizens. The preservation of these monuments has likewise reflected a clear political agenda.

But the story of the monuments is even stranger than many people realize. Few if any of the monuments went through any of the approval procedures that we now commonly apply to public art. Typically, groups like the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), which claimed to represent local community sentiment (whether they did or did not), funded, erected, and dedicated the monuments. As a consequence, contemporaries, especially African Americans, who objected to the erection of monuments had no realistic opportunity to voice their opposition.

Wow. That is some weak ass shit.

Where was the political battle for/against Jim Crow, that you implied the statues were a weapon in?
There was no need for a political battle
The racists ruled the south. They decided how public spaces would be used

Now, those of a different view are running the cities. They want the monuments gone

Lol rubbish. Blacks voted in Harlem at the same percentages they voted in Mississippi. Your fake history is nothing but deflections from the rest of the country's issues, singling out the South simply because they quit voting solid Democrat and went GOP. That's the entire game here, not 'racism' or anything else. You Hillary puppets are just habitual liars and spammers.

The 'racists' ruled Chicago, New York, and California, too, places where Klan membership was also historically higher than in the South.
Makes me wonder if they at least concede that Nazi Germany was the side that should have lost

No one won WW2, really.

I'd say Soviets had, but they lost an enormous amount of get this "White people" from WW2.
Yes, someone won WW2

but apparently, you are more willing to deny victory to WW2 veterans who actually fought to liberate people than you are willing to accept the defeat of people who were fighting to maintain slavery

Says a lot about you

I don't support Confederates, or Nazis, where would you get an idea like that from?
By the fact you keep twisting yourself into knots to try to deny history

You would be one to claim that the confederate statues were not put up to foster an environment of white supremacy -- because for some reason you have this need to defend racists --- then at the same time, you go out of your way to say how the Democrats started the confederacy ---- my response to that is ....And????

The Los Angeles Lakers first started in Minneapolis --- but ain't no championship flags flying in Minneapolis -- in other words, shit has changed -- same with white racists and political parties, shit has changed --- now its the Republicans flying those Confederate flags
Getting to the '_Poin' Biff, I've been on USMB for a few mo. now and have been wondering how it is that you are just such a wet blanket, negative to all, a monumental pain in the arse... then it dawned on me; it must stem back to 1990 when you had this unfortunate accident... I can now find it in my heart to pity you 'Biff'....

Translation "Biff stop blowing up our racist talking points, its a real downer"

by the way, Fire your comedy writer and hire a liberal --- conservatives suck at it
If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.

Oh fer fuxsake GROW UP. You keep trotting out bullshit, keep getting called on it, and then want to piss and moan that it doesn't matter. If it doesn't matter then don't bring it in here in the first place because it WILL get shot down.


It was both Democrat, and Confederacy policy to disarm Blacks, and keep Blacks as slaves, the Democrats became the Confederacy.

You're just angry, because I'm calling out your Parties bullshit.

-I don't have a "Parties". I just happen to know the history. Obviously you do not.

For a ready example --- slavery had nothing to do with political parties. You didn't need a party to own a slave at all. Slavery was a socioeconomic institution and existed LONG before there were any political parties or even a country here.

There were politics to keep slaves, and there were politics to give up slaves, it just happens to be most of them were Democrats who wanted to keep their slaves.

Why so much desperation, obsessiveness, and nitpicking?
Slavery existed for 200 years before the Democratic Party was formed

It was an institution of the south......not the party

Actually it was an institution of British/French/Spanish/Portuguese/Dutch slave traders.

Many more Africans were shipped to Brazil than here for instance and it began in the 16th century.
There's some Black Confederate pictures out there.


I've never seen a Black confederate photo that hasnt been proven as false including the ones you just posted where some are obviously not even soldiers.

Youre obviously a idiot. One of the pictures even says its a union solider.


I remember a thread similar to this one where one of the loser con-federacy admirers posted this pic View attachment 209942

Claiming that it proved there were black con-federate soldiers.....:71:
You can always tell when their lying because they wont have the links. :laugh:

Oh, but I have the links, boy.

You can tell the Union from Confederate by the buttons. Union is buttons straight down the middle, Confederate is double-breasted. ;)

African American Civil War Soldiers: Research Links: 45th United States Colored Infantry

45th United States Colored Troops (U.S.C.T.)


Museum of Florida History - The Battle of Olustee » Florida in the Civil War
So what you have fake links? Do you think that substitutes for proof?

So now you're going to deny real proof with rosters and everything. :fu:

Your IQ is under 100. You're a dipshit.
Show us the roster of Black Confederate Infantry that saw action. This outta be good.

Fuck you dumbass, it's in the post you quoted, retard. That's how stupid you are.


Soldiers' Unclaimed Medals, W.Va. State Archives

Addison, Mark; 30 Apr 1864; Killed 07 Oct 1864 - SERVICE RECORD
Allen, Edmund; 28 Jul 1864; b Carolina Co., Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Allen, George [Gustavus]; 26 Aug 1864; Substitute - SERVICE RECORD
Anderson, George; 25 Apr 1864 - SERVICE RECORD
Ankrum, Charles; 07 Sep 1864; b Harrison Co., (W)Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Atkins, Robert; 22 Feb 1865; b Franklin Co., Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Augustus, Charles; 05 Aug 1864; Substitute - SERVICE RECORD
Bailey, James; 07 Sep 1864; b Surrey Co., Va.
Baker, Harvey; 07 Jul 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.
Beckwood, David; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Benett (Bennet/Bennett), Doctor; 28 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Billops, Hiram; 22 May 1864
Blad, Presley; 05 May 1864
Boggess, Isaac; 05 Jun 1864
Bolden, Andrew; 22 Aug 1864; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit
Bolen (Bollen), William A.; 29 Mar 1865; Substitute
Bowie, Tip; 22 Sep 1864; Drafted
Boyd, James; 01 Aug 1864; b Cherokee Co., Va.
Brady, James; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Brady, Jared; 13 Oct 1864; Substitute
Brown, Jesse; 12 May 1864
Brown, Rufus; 22 May 1864
Burke, George W.; 22 May 1864
Burks, Charles; 22 May 1864
Burks, James; 22 May 1864
Burks, Tyler; 22 May 1864
Butler, Julius; 25 Apr 1864
Callinder (Collender), George W.; 25 May 1864
Campbell, Henry; 16 Aug 1864; Substitute
Campbell, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Chile, Selp (Selt; Sell); 11 Aug 1864; Substitute
Clark, George; 28 Feb 1865; b. Va.
Clark, Mitchell T.; 22 May 1864
Clay, Henry; 15 Feb 1865; b Greenbrier Co., (W)Va.
Copeland, David; 16 Feb 1865; Recruit; b Norfolk, Va.
Crawford, John W.; 09 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.
Crenehall (Crenchall), Charles; 01 Aug 1864; b New Kent Co., Va.
Davis, George W.; 07 Jul 1864; b Fauquier Co., VA.
Davis, Jonathan; 03 Sep 1864; b Crawford Co., Va.
Dennis, Alexander; 07 Jul 1864; b Prince Edward Co., Va.
*Dennis, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Dodd, Bur (Burr); 21 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.
Dunott, George; 12 May 1864
Edmundson, George; 22 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Recruit
Ellis, James; 11 Jul 1864; b Orange Co., Va.
Fairfax, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.
Farmer, Augustus; 22 May 1864
Field (Fields), Washington; 07 Jul 1864; b New Kent Co., Va.
Ford, Isaac; 07 Jul 1864; b Lynchburg, N.C.
Foster, Samuel; 25 Aug 1864; b Ohio Co., (W)Va.
Galbrath, George; 22 May 1864
Gates (Gater), Job; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Gordon, Zachariah; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.
Graham, Lee; 18 Feb 1865; Substitute; not on U.S. Archives film
Grant, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Grason, David; 07 Jul 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Laborer
Gray, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.; Laborer
Green, Joseph; 08 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Grimes, Sawney (Lawney); 07 Jul 1864; b Orange Co., Va.; Not assigned; Servant
Hall, Basil; 27 Feb 1865; b Washington Co., Va.; Recruit; Servant
Hall, John P.; 25 Oct 1864; b Braxton Co., (W)Va.; Farmer
Hall, Philip; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Harris, David E.; 03 Mar 1865; Substitute
Harris, Scott; 07 Sep 1864; Substitute
Harrison, Levi; 22 May 1864
Hayes (Hays), Alfred; 15 Aug 1864; Substitute
Henry, Daniel; 07 Jul 1864; b Santee, N.C.; Laborer
Hickman, Floyd; 22 May 1864
Hickman, George W.; 22 May 1864
Hickman, Lewis; 22 May 1864
Hill, Henry B. (Henry P.); 13 Aug 1864; Substitute
Holliway, James (Charles??); (Charles 01 Jun 1864)
Hopkins, Campbell; 01 Jun 1864
Hunter, Nimrod; 25 Oct 1864; b Braxton County, (W)Va.; Farmer; Recruit
Hyson, Freeland; 28 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Farmer; Unassigned
Ironton, John Y.; 25 Aug 1864; b Amherst, Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Jackson, Henry; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Jasper, Shadrack (Shadrach); 07 Jul 1864; b Henrico Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Jenkins, Thomas; 07 Sep 1864
Johnson, Jesse; 25 Oct 1864; Substitute; b Braxton Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
*Johnson, William; 22 May 1864
Jones, Chadrick; 06 Apr 1865; Substitute; not on Archives film
Jones, Edward; 09 Apr 1865; Drafted
Jones, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.; Laborer
Jones, John Y.; 29 Mar 1865; Substitute
Jones (Gones), Thomas; 15 Aug 1864; b Jefferson Co., (W)Va.
Kerchenberry (Kerchenberg), Noah; 22 Nov 1864; Substitute
Kinney, Joseph (John); 08 Aug 1864; b Louisa Co., Va.; Recruit; Blacksmith
Kinney, Lee; 07 Sep 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Kyle, George W.; 25 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Lane, Richard; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Lawrentz, Joshua; 22 Aug 1864; b Edgecomb Co., N.C.; Recruit; Laborer
Lee, Ludwell; 25 Apr 1864
Leigh, Whedan; 30 Apr 1864
Lewis, Cruwley (Crawley); 14 Mar 1865; Drafted
Lewis, Henry; 08 Aug 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
*Lewis, Isaac; 06 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lewis, John; 11 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lewis, Samuel; 03 Sep 1864; b Fauquier Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Lewis, William; 16 Aug 1864
Lowry (Lowery), Sandy; 24 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lynn, Henry M.; 22 Aug 1864; b Taylor Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Madison, George; 01 Apr 1865; b Nelson Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Malone (Mahone in 1865 AG Report), John H. (Henry); 25 Apr 1864
Marshall, George; 11 Feb 1865; Substitute
Marshall, Washington; 07 Jul 1864; b in Fauquier Co., Va.; Laborer
Mason, George; 13 Aug 1864; b Louden Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
McCoy, Jeremiah; 14 Feb 1865; Recruit
Minness, Calihill; 25 Oct 1864; b Nicholas Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Mitchell, Lewis; 10 May 1864
Monroe, James; 28 Jul 1864; b Franklin Co., Va.; Farmer
Monroe, Jefferson; 08 Aug 1864; b Fauquier Co., Va.; Recruit; Wagoner
Moplington, John G.; 15 Mar 1865; b Hampshire Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Newland, George; 23 Mar 1865; Drafted
Nichols, George; 07 Sep 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Farmer
Page, Stephen; 22 May 1864
Parish, Anderson; 07 Apr 1865; Substitute
Parish, James; 09 Aug 1864; b Nelson Co., Va.; Farmer
Parish, Reuben; 24 Feb 1865; Substitute
Paxton, Samuel; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Pendelton (Pendleton), John; 07 Jul 1864; b b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Price, Anthony; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Ranste (Rauste in 1865 AG Report)(Ransle), Morton; 31 May 1864
Reed, Richard; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Revels, George; 09 Apr 1865; Substitute
Richardson, Pleasat (Pleasant); 20 Feb 1865; Substitute
Ritchards, John; 24 Aug 1864; Substitute; not on Archives film
Robinson, Jack; 01 Sep 1864; b Lewis Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Rogers, Elisha L.; 29 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Rogers, Milo; 25 Mar 1865; Substitute
Rose (Ross), Thomas; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Sandy, Vincent; 29 Aug 1864; Substitute
Scott, Aaron; 07 Sep 1864; b Randolph Co., (W)Va.; Farmer
Sebastipol (Sebastepool), Leman; 22 May 1864
Shannon, Edward; 22 May 1864
Simmons, Henry; 28 Jul 1864; b Bath Co., Va.; Unassigned; Waiter
Simms, John S.; 29 Mar 1865; b Edgefield Dist., S.C.; Recruit; Laborer
Siuer (Siner), John; 06 Aug 1864; Substitute
Slaughter, Henry; 01 Mar 1865; b Madison Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Smith, James W.; 07 Sep 1864; Substitute
Smith, Reuben; 16 Aug 1864; b Taylor Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Stark, George; 10 Apr 1865; Substitute
Stave, Benjamin; 15 Aug 1864; b Randolph Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Stevens, George; 28 Jul 1864<; b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Stewart, George; 22 Mar 1865; Substitute
Strother (Strothers), Erastus; 23 Aug 1864; Substitute
Suel, Parker; 07 Jul 1864; b Raleigh Co., N.C.; Unassigned; Laborer
Taylor, Timothy; 22 May 1864
Tenner, John; 31 May 1864
Thaxton, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Thomas, Charles; 31 May 1864
Thomas, Samuel; 17 Aug 1864
Thompson, Dallas; 22 May 1864
Tyler, Samuel; 17 Aug 1864
Vass, Frederick; 30 Aug 1864; Substitute
Vinson, James; 05 Sep 1864; Substitute
Wade, Benjamin; 28 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Wade, John; 28 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Wades, Wesley; 07 Jul 1864; b Franklin Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Washington, Granville (G.); 22 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Laborer
Watson, Frederick; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
White, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Wilkes (Wilks), Albert; 07 Jul 1864; b Campbell Co., Va.; Unassigned
Wilkinson, James; 03 Apr 1865; Substitute
Williams, Abraham; 20 Apr 1864
Williams, John K.; 07 Jul 1864; b in Pensacola,Florida; Unassigned; Laborer
Williams, Peter; 28 Jul 1864; b Petersburg, Va.; Farmer
Williams, Preston; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Williams, Samuel H.; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned
Williams, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Williams, Wilson; 11 Jul 1864; b Bottebourt Co., Va.; Laborer
Williams, Wyatt; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Wilson, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Servant - SERVICE RECORD
Withers, William; 26 Sep 1864; b b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer - SERVICE RECORD
Young, John H.; 25 May 1864 - SERVICE RECORD

Now fuck off and die, pls.
Look I can't help it that you're so pigheaded you can't bear that you've been proven wrong on a message board. That ain't my problem -- it's yours.

And no, Jeff Davis didn't "found the Confederacy".

If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.
The Confederacy was founded by delegates from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, meeting in Montgomery, February 1861. Not by "Jefferson Davis".

Without Jefferson Davis being the first President of the Confederacy, there would've been no Confederacy, so absolutely he played a role in founding the Confederacy.

Bullshit. The Confederacy was already formed BEFORE it elected Davis. And for that matter there was already a United States before Washington.

Go ahead. Prove me wrong.

You prove me wrong, that you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues?

I mean, most people would agree that Washington had a role in founding the U.S.A, and most people would agree that Jefferson had a role in founding the Confederacy.

I think you just lock onto singular words, or sentiments, and then just go into berserk OCD mode.

I think you're whole World is OCD.

This is your way of whining that the bullshit you didn't bother to look up falls flat.

Change your diaper already. Ain't my fault you're an idiot.
Democrat Confederate Jefferson Davis founded the Confederacy.

What's there not to get?

So, what's all the OCD Chimp spasms about?

You're Western European scum, and like typical Western Europeans you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues to overcompensate for that fact.

Look I can't help it that you're so pigheaded you can't bear that you've been proven wrong on a message board. That ain't my problem -- it's yours.

And no, Jeff Davis didn't "found the Confederacy".

If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.
The Confederacy was founded by delegates from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, meeting in Montgomery, February 1861. Not by "Jefferson Davis".

Without Jefferson Davis being the first President of the Confederacy, there would've been no Confederacy, so absolutely he played a role in founding the Confederacy.

Just as George Washington had a role in founding America, even though he didn't found, nor sign the Declaration of Independence.

As usual, you seem to have massive OCD nitpicking problems.
Without Jefferson Davis, they would have elected someone else. You aren't very good at this U.S. History stuff. Davis wasn't even all that thrilled he got picked.

You're not very good at being a Human.

Jefferson Davis still none the less played a role in founding the Confederacy, just like George Washington played a role in founding the U.S.A.
If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.
The Confederacy was founded by delegates from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, meeting in Montgomery, February 1861. Not by "Jefferson Davis".

Without Jefferson Davis being the first President of the Confederacy, there would've been no Confederacy, so absolutely he played a role in founding the Confederacy.

Bullshit. The Confederacy was already formed BEFORE it elected Davis. And for that matter there was already a United States before Washington.

Go ahead. Prove me wrong.

You prove me wrong, that you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues?

I mean, most people would agree that Washington had a role in founding the U.S.A, and most people would agree that Jefferson had a role in founding the Confederacy.

I think you just lock onto singular words, or sentiments, and then just go into berserk OCD mode.

I think you're whole World is OCD.

This is your way of whining that the bullshit you didn't bother to look up falls flat.

Change your diaper already. Ain't my fault you're an idiot.

Look, I don't have time to converse with those who aren't sane enough, nor intelligent enough to control their OCD problems.
My ideology?
Hardly, The Southerners brought in Negroes like you, hardly anything I'd support.

This is the reason most white nationalists hate southern plantation owners and love the white nationalist Lincoln; the vast majority of the abolitionists in the North wanted to send them all back to Africa, no exceptions. Northerners were far more racist than southerners, and still are; they just make a lot of hypocritical noises trying to cover up that fact.
The Confederacy was founded by delegates from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, meeting in Montgomery, February 1861. Not by "Jefferson Davis".

Without Jefferson Davis being the first President of the Confederacy, there would've been no Confederacy, so absolutely he played a role in founding the Confederacy.

Bullshit. The Confederacy was already formed BEFORE it elected Davis. And for that matter there was already a United States before Washington.

Go ahead. Prove me wrong.

You prove me wrong, that you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues?

I mean, most people would agree that Washington had a role in founding the U.S.A, and most people would agree that Jefferson had a role in founding the Confederacy.

I think you just lock onto singular words, or sentiments, and then just go into berserk OCD mode.

I think you're whole World is OCD.

This is your way of whining that the bullshit you didn't bother to look up falls flat.

Change your diaper already. Ain't my fault you're an idiot.

Look, I don't have time to converse with those who aren't sane enough, nor intelligent enough to control their OCD problems.

He thinks he can smoke a lot of pot and then play semantic games on the innernetz without making an idiot out of himself. He can't, but he's too stoned to notice.
Apparently it was indeed too complex.

For the third time, the Confederacy had no political parties. Those that came to power had former parties before secession, primarily Democrats and Whigs. Before the War Jeff Davis had been a Democrat; his VP Stephens had been a Whig. There wasn't a large majority for either. Had the Confederacy survived it's plausible that parties might have formed but ------ it didn't.

Furthermore in the election of 1860 directly leading up to the War, the South -- what would soon become the Confederacy --- shut out the Democratic candidate giving him the same number of electoral votes it gave Lincoln: zero. And after his defeat Douglas went on a speaking tour on Lincoln's behalf to try to preserve the union. That didn't hold off South Carolina (the state that had trashed the Democratic convention and forced it to move) and the shit hit the fan.

And as mentioned above, Lincoln appointed Democrat Andrew Johnson as his military governor in Tennessee, and then took him for a running mate in 1864 as the "National Union Party".
Is THAT too complex? Because I can ramp it up.

Democrat Confederate Jefferson Davis founded the Confederacy.

What's there not to get?

So, what's all the OCD Chimp spasms about?

You're Western European scum, and like typical Western Europeans you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues to overcompensate for that fact.

Look I can't help it that you're so pigheaded you can't bear that you've been proven wrong on a message board. That ain't my problem -- it's yours.

And no, Jeff Davis didn't "found the Confederacy".

If Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, and a Confederate, therefor nothing is wrong about what I said what-so-ever.

You're a kook, a retard, and OCD nitpicker.
The Confederacy was founded by delegates from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, meeting in Montgomery, February 1861. Not by "Jefferson Davis".

Without Jefferson Davis being the first President of the Confederacy, there would've been no Confederacy, so absolutely he played a role in founding the Confederacy.

Just as George Washington had a role in founding America, even though he didn't found, nor sign the Declaration of Independence.

As usual, you seem to have massive OCD nitpicking problems.
You keep moving the goal posts. First you say he did found it now your saying he just had a role?
The Confederacy was founded by delegates from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, meeting in Montgomery, February 1861. Not by "Jefferson Davis".

Without Jefferson Davis being the first President of the Confederacy, there would've been no Confederacy, so absolutely he played a role in founding the Confederacy.

Bullshit. The Confederacy was already formed BEFORE it elected Davis. And for that matter there was already a United States before Washington.

Go ahead. Prove me wrong.

You prove me wrong, that you have a small mind, and severe OCD issues?

I mean, most people would agree that Washington had a role in founding the U.S.A, and most people would agree that Jefferson had a role in founding the Confederacy.

I think you just lock onto singular words, or sentiments, and then just go into berserk OCD mode.

I think you're whole World is OCD.

This is your way of whining that the bullshit you didn't bother to look up falls flat.

Change your diaper already. Ain't my fault you're an idiot.

Look, I don't have time to converse with those who aren't sane enough, nor intelligent enough to control their OCD problems.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out to the public library to look up shit you should have looked up before ya got here Sprinkles.

Funny how you "don't have time" yet you had all this time to post meaningless bullshit.
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.
You mean protect monuments in favor of slavery

not to mention a traitor to the united states of america... something that trump & lee have in common.

How many Civil War books have you read?

fighting to secede from the country is treasonous.

An odd sentiment; by logical extension then, those who choose not to accept Trump as their president then are all traitors as well. General Lee actually had a distinguished military career and even after his defeat in the civil war, was neither arrested, nor punished, in fact, President Johnson gave him amnesty and a pardon. Now here we are 153 years later declaring him a traitor, people fighting to tear down and destroy all effigies of the man, and by people who will turn around in the very next breath and join the 'Resist' movement, and pronounce President Trump not their president and a fake president.

America, the nation slowing going insane and destroying itself from the inside-out.

Had the north been pro-slavery and Lee lead the campaign to secede from America in protest of slavery, I wonder if these same people would still deem him "treasonous?" There's something important to learn here, other than the fact that there are a lot of really stupid people on BOTH sides, but especially that these statues ought to be left alone and our history left intact, no one has the right to decide for all future generations what they can visit and not visit, because BE ASSURED that after this comes rewriting history in the books.

If elements of the civil war bother you so much, then you ought to simply avoid visiting them, but have enough respect for your fellow man not to impose your values on others by force, and find something useful enough to do with your life other than create and escalate a rather useless, pointless "war" over a matter settled 153 years ago as if we have nothing more important to worry about, but if you really have nothing better to do with your life than to pick a fight and beat people's heads in or get yours beat in over a statue in a park, then perhaps you ought to do it soon to relieve the earth of the burden of caring for all your dumb asses so that the normal, sane people can get on with the business of the world.

If the people of this country had the wherewithal to spend even half as much effort working together on common causes rather than fighting each other on stupid and useless ones, we could end suffering, poverty and all be leading much better lives.
I've never seen a Black confederate photo that hasnt been proven as false including the ones you just posted where some are obviously not even soldiers.

Youre obviously a idiot. One of the pictures even says its a union solider.


You can always tell when their lying because they wont have the links. :laugh:

Oh, but I have the links, boy.

You can tell the Union from Confederate by the buttons. Union is buttons straight down the middle, Confederate is double-breasted. ;)

African American Civil War Soldiers: Research Links: 45th United States Colored Infantry

45th United States Colored Troops (U.S.C.T.)


Museum of Florida History - The Battle of Olustee » Florida in the Civil War
So what you have fake links? Do you think that substitutes for proof?

So now you're going to deny real proof with rosters and everything. :fu:

Your IQ is under 100. You're a dipshit.
Show us the roster of Black Confederate Infantry that saw action. This outta be good.

Fuck you dumbass, it's in the post you quoted, retard. That's how stupid you are.


Soldiers' Unclaimed Medals, W.Va. State Archives

Addison, Mark; 30 Apr 1864; Killed 07 Oct 1864 - SERVICE RECORD
Allen, Edmund; 28 Jul 1864; b Carolina Co., Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Allen, George [Gustavus]; 26 Aug 1864; Substitute - SERVICE RECORD
Anderson, George; 25 Apr 1864 - SERVICE RECORD
Ankrum, Charles; 07 Sep 1864; b Harrison Co., (W)Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Atkins, Robert; 22 Feb 1865; b Franklin Co., Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Augustus, Charles; 05 Aug 1864; Substitute - SERVICE RECORD
Bailey, James; 07 Sep 1864; b Surrey Co., Va.
Baker, Harvey; 07 Jul 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.
Beckwood, David; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Benett (Bennet/Bennett), Doctor; 28 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Billops, Hiram; 22 May 1864
Blad, Presley; 05 May 1864
Boggess, Isaac; 05 Jun 1864
Bolden, Andrew; 22 Aug 1864; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit
Bolen (Bollen), William A.; 29 Mar 1865; Substitute
Bowie, Tip; 22 Sep 1864; Drafted
Boyd, James; 01 Aug 1864; b Cherokee Co., Va.
Brady, James; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Brady, Jared; 13 Oct 1864; Substitute
Brown, Jesse; 12 May 1864
Brown, Rufus; 22 May 1864
Burke, George W.; 22 May 1864
Burks, Charles; 22 May 1864
Burks, James; 22 May 1864
Burks, Tyler; 22 May 1864
Butler, Julius; 25 Apr 1864
Callinder (Collender), George W.; 25 May 1864
Campbell, Henry; 16 Aug 1864; Substitute
Campbell, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Chile, Selp (Selt; Sell); 11 Aug 1864; Substitute
Clark, George; 28 Feb 1865; b. Va.
Clark, Mitchell T.; 22 May 1864
Clay, Henry; 15 Feb 1865; b Greenbrier Co., (W)Va.
Copeland, David; 16 Feb 1865; Recruit; b Norfolk, Va.
Crawford, John W.; 09 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.
Crenehall (Crenchall), Charles; 01 Aug 1864; b New Kent Co., Va.
Davis, George W.; 07 Jul 1864; b Fauquier Co., VA.
Davis, Jonathan; 03 Sep 1864; b Crawford Co., Va.
Dennis, Alexander; 07 Jul 1864; b Prince Edward Co., Va.
*Dennis, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Dodd, Bur (Burr); 21 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.
Dunott, George; 12 May 1864
Edmundson, George; 22 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Recruit
Ellis, James; 11 Jul 1864; b Orange Co., Va.
Fairfax, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.
Farmer, Augustus; 22 May 1864
Field (Fields), Washington; 07 Jul 1864; b New Kent Co., Va.
Ford, Isaac; 07 Jul 1864; b Lynchburg, N.C.
Foster, Samuel; 25 Aug 1864; b Ohio Co., (W)Va.
Galbrath, George; 22 May 1864
Gates (Gater), Job; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Gordon, Zachariah; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.
Graham, Lee; 18 Feb 1865; Substitute; not on U.S. Archives film
Grant, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Grason, David; 07 Jul 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Laborer
Gray, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.; Laborer
Green, Joseph; 08 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Grimes, Sawney (Lawney); 07 Jul 1864; b Orange Co., Va.; Not assigned; Servant
Hall, Basil; 27 Feb 1865; b Washington Co., Va.; Recruit; Servant
Hall, John P.; 25 Oct 1864; b Braxton Co., (W)Va.; Farmer
Hall, Philip; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Harris, David E.; 03 Mar 1865; Substitute
Harris, Scott; 07 Sep 1864; Substitute
Harrison, Levi; 22 May 1864
Hayes (Hays), Alfred; 15 Aug 1864; Substitute
Henry, Daniel; 07 Jul 1864; b Santee, N.C.; Laborer
Hickman, Floyd; 22 May 1864
Hickman, George W.; 22 May 1864
Hickman, Lewis; 22 May 1864
Hill, Henry B. (Henry P.); 13 Aug 1864; Substitute
Holliway, James (Charles??); (Charles 01 Jun 1864)
Hopkins, Campbell; 01 Jun 1864
Hunter, Nimrod; 25 Oct 1864; b Braxton County, (W)Va.; Farmer; Recruit
Hyson, Freeland; 28 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Farmer; Unassigned
Ironton, John Y.; 25 Aug 1864; b Amherst, Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Jackson, Henry; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Jasper, Shadrack (Shadrach); 07 Jul 1864; b Henrico Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Jenkins, Thomas; 07 Sep 1864
Johnson, Jesse; 25 Oct 1864; Substitute; b Braxton Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
*Johnson, William; 22 May 1864
Jones, Chadrick; 06 Apr 1865; Substitute; not on Archives film
Jones, Edward; 09 Apr 1865; Drafted
Jones, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.; Laborer
Jones, John Y.; 29 Mar 1865; Substitute
Jones (Gones), Thomas; 15 Aug 1864; b Jefferson Co., (W)Va.
Kerchenberry (Kerchenberg), Noah; 22 Nov 1864; Substitute
Kinney, Joseph (John); 08 Aug 1864; b Louisa Co., Va.; Recruit; Blacksmith
Kinney, Lee; 07 Sep 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Kyle, George W.; 25 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Lane, Richard; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Lawrentz, Joshua; 22 Aug 1864; b Edgecomb Co., N.C.; Recruit; Laborer
Lee, Ludwell; 25 Apr 1864
Leigh, Whedan; 30 Apr 1864
Lewis, Cruwley (Crawley); 14 Mar 1865; Drafted
Lewis, Henry; 08 Aug 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
*Lewis, Isaac; 06 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lewis, John; 11 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lewis, Samuel; 03 Sep 1864; b Fauquier Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Lewis, William; 16 Aug 1864
Lowry (Lowery), Sandy; 24 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lynn, Henry M.; 22 Aug 1864; b Taylor Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Madison, George; 01 Apr 1865; b Nelson Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Malone (Mahone in 1865 AG Report), John H. (Henry); 25 Apr 1864
Marshall, George; 11 Feb 1865; Substitute
Marshall, Washington; 07 Jul 1864; b in Fauquier Co., Va.; Laborer
Mason, George; 13 Aug 1864; b Louden Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
McCoy, Jeremiah; 14 Feb 1865; Recruit
Minness, Calihill; 25 Oct 1864; b Nicholas Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Mitchell, Lewis; 10 May 1864
Monroe, James; 28 Jul 1864; b Franklin Co., Va.; Farmer
Monroe, Jefferson; 08 Aug 1864; b Fauquier Co., Va.; Recruit; Wagoner
Moplington, John G.; 15 Mar 1865; b Hampshire Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Newland, George; 23 Mar 1865; Drafted
Nichols, George; 07 Sep 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Farmer
Page, Stephen; 22 May 1864
Parish, Anderson; 07 Apr 1865; Substitute
Parish, James; 09 Aug 1864; b Nelson Co., Va.; Farmer
Parish, Reuben; 24 Feb 1865; Substitute
Paxton, Samuel; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Pendelton (Pendleton), John; 07 Jul 1864; b b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Price, Anthony; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Ranste (Rauste in 1865 AG Report)(Ransle), Morton; 31 May 1864
Reed, Richard; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Revels, George; 09 Apr 1865; Substitute
Richardson, Pleasat (Pleasant); 20 Feb 1865; Substitute
Ritchards, John; 24 Aug 1864; Substitute; not on Archives film
Robinson, Jack; 01 Sep 1864; b Lewis Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Rogers, Elisha L.; 29 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Rogers, Milo; 25 Mar 1865; Substitute
Rose (Ross), Thomas; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Sandy, Vincent; 29 Aug 1864; Substitute
Scott, Aaron; 07 Sep 1864; b Randolph Co., (W)Va.; Farmer
Sebastipol (Sebastepool), Leman; 22 May 1864
Shannon, Edward; 22 May 1864
Simmons, Henry; 28 Jul 1864; b Bath Co., Va.; Unassigned; Waiter
Simms, John S.; 29 Mar 1865; b Edgefield Dist., S.C.; Recruit; Laborer
Siuer (Siner), John; 06 Aug 1864; Substitute
Slaughter, Henry; 01 Mar 1865; b Madison Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Smith, James W.; 07 Sep 1864; Substitute
Smith, Reuben; 16 Aug 1864; b Taylor Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Stark, George; 10 Apr 1865; Substitute
Stave, Benjamin; 15 Aug 1864; b Randolph Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Stevens, George; 28 Jul 1864<; b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Stewart, George; 22 Mar 1865; Substitute
Strother (Strothers), Erastus; 23 Aug 1864; Substitute
Suel, Parker; 07 Jul 1864; b Raleigh Co., N.C.; Unassigned; Laborer
Taylor, Timothy; 22 May 1864
Tenner, John; 31 May 1864
Thaxton, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Thomas, Charles; 31 May 1864
Thomas, Samuel; 17 Aug 1864
Thompson, Dallas; 22 May 1864
Tyler, Samuel; 17 Aug 1864
Vass, Frederick; 30 Aug 1864; Substitute
Vinson, James; 05 Sep 1864; Substitute
Wade, Benjamin; 28 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Wade, John; 28 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Wades, Wesley; 07 Jul 1864; b Franklin Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Washington, Granville (G.); 22 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Laborer
Watson, Frederick; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
White, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Wilkes (Wilks), Albert; 07 Jul 1864; b Campbell Co., Va.; Unassigned
Wilkinson, James; 03 Apr 1865; Substitute
Williams, Abraham; 20 Apr 1864
Williams, John K.; 07 Jul 1864; b in Pensacola,Florida; Unassigned; Laborer
Williams, Peter; 28 Jul 1864; b Petersburg, Va.; Farmer
Williams, Preston; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Williams, Samuel H.; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned
Williams, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Williams, Wilson; 11 Jul 1864; b Bottebourt Co., Va.; Laborer
Williams, Wyatt; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Wilson, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Servant - SERVICE RECORD
Withers, William; 26 Sep 1864; b b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer - SERVICE RECORD
Young, John H.; 25 May 1864 - SERVICE RECORD

Now fuck off and die, pls.

West Virginia was in the Confederacy now?

Hey why not, as long as we're in total rewrite mode....
Hey faggot. All you got is some bullshit and gossip. The facts are that no Black person every fought for the confederacy.

You just showed me another opinion piece instead of an official military listing of Black soilders or even photos of Black confederate solders that fought for the south.

scholars and focusing on sources written or published during the war, I estimate that between 3,000 and 6,000 served as Confederate soldiers. Another 100,000 or so blacks, mostly slaves, supported the Confederacy as laborers, servants and teamsters. They built roads, batteries and fortifications; manned munitions factories—essentially did the Confederacy’s dirty work.
See this is where your theory falls down. If they have military records why cant anyone find them? They have the records of white soilders that fought for the south. Where are the Black ones?

There's some Black Confederate pictures out there.






If elements of the civil war bother you so much, then you ought to simply avoid visiting them, but have enough respect for your fellow man not to impose your values on others by force, and find something useful enough to do with your life other than create and escalate a rather useless, pointless "war" over a matter settled 153 years ago as if we have nothing more important to worry about, but if you really have nothing better to do with your life than to pick a fight and beat people's heads in or get yours beat in over a statue in a park, then perhaps you ought to do it soon to relieve the earth of the burden of caring for all your dumb asses so that the normal, sane people can get on with the business of the world.

If the people of this country had the wherewithal to spend even half as much effort working together on common causes rather than fighting each other on stupid and useless ones, we could end suffering, poverty and all be leading much better lives.

Worthy thoughts. Recalling (finally) the topic of this thread.

As I noted in my first post here,"why Charlottesville happened" was a bunch of jagoffs from out of town waddling in to Charlottesville to, as you put it, "impose their values by force" on a city that had already decided what to do with its own property. Including the David Dukes and Richard Spencers and other "very fine people", come in to start some shit.

Good to see you're on the right side on this one.
Translation "Biff stop blowing up our racist talking points, its a real downer"

by the way, Fire your comedy writer and hire a liberal --- conservatives suck at it

It's really important to Biff that we all keep in mind he's retarded at all times. Thanks to you all in advance for making Biff feel at home here.
So what you have fake links? Do you think that substitutes for proof?

So now you're going to deny real proof with rosters and everything. :fu:

Your IQ is under 100. You're a dipshit.
Show us the roster of Black Confederate Infantry that saw action. This outta be good.

Fuck you dumbass, it's in the post you quoted, retard. That's how stupid you are.


Soldiers' Unclaimed Medals, W.Va. State Archives

Addison, Mark; 30 Apr 1864; Killed 07 Oct 1864 - SERVICE RECORD
Allen, Edmund; 28 Jul 1864; b Carolina Co., Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Allen, George [Gustavus]; 26 Aug 1864; Substitute - SERVICE RECORD
Anderson, George; 25 Apr 1864 - SERVICE RECORD
Ankrum, Charles; 07 Sep 1864; b Harrison Co., (W)Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Atkins, Robert; 22 Feb 1865; b Franklin Co., Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Augustus, Charles; 05 Aug 1864; Substitute - SERVICE RECORD
Bailey, James; 07 Sep 1864; b Surrey Co., Va.
Baker, Harvey; 07 Jul 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.
Beckwood, David; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Benett (Bennet/Bennett), Doctor; 28 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Billops, Hiram; 22 May 1864
Blad, Presley; 05 May 1864
Boggess, Isaac; 05 Jun 1864
Bolden, Andrew; 22 Aug 1864; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit
Bolen (Bollen), William A.; 29 Mar 1865; Substitute
Bowie, Tip; 22 Sep 1864; Drafted
Boyd, James; 01 Aug 1864; b Cherokee Co., Va.
Brady, James; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Brady, Jared; 13 Oct 1864; Substitute
Brown, Jesse; 12 May 1864
Brown, Rufus; 22 May 1864
Burke, George W.; 22 May 1864
Burks, Charles; 22 May 1864
Burks, James; 22 May 1864
Burks, Tyler; 22 May 1864
Butler, Julius; 25 Apr 1864
Callinder (Collender), George W.; 25 May 1864
Campbell, Henry; 16 Aug 1864; Substitute
Campbell, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Chile, Selp (Selt; Sell); 11 Aug 1864; Substitute
Clark, George; 28 Feb 1865; b. Va.
Clark, Mitchell T.; 22 May 1864
Clay, Henry; 15 Feb 1865; b Greenbrier Co., (W)Va.
Copeland, David; 16 Feb 1865; Recruit; b Norfolk, Va.
Crawford, John W.; 09 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.
Crenehall (Crenchall), Charles; 01 Aug 1864; b New Kent Co., Va.
Davis, George W.; 07 Jul 1864; b Fauquier Co., VA.
Davis, Jonathan; 03 Sep 1864; b Crawford Co., Va.
Dennis, Alexander; 07 Jul 1864; b Prince Edward Co., Va.
*Dennis, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Dodd, Bur (Burr); 21 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.
Dunott, George; 12 May 1864
Edmundson, George; 22 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Recruit
Ellis, James; 11 Jul 1864; b Orange Co., Va.
Fairfax, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.
Farmer, Augustus; 22 May 1864
Field (Fields), Washington; 07 Jul 1864; b New Kent Co., Va.
Ford, Isaac; 07 Jul 1864; b Lynchburg, N.C.
Foster, Samuel; 25 Aug 1864; b Ohio Co., (W)Va.
Galbrath, George; 22 May 1864
Gates (Gater), Job; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Gordon, Zachariah; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.
Graham, Lee; 18 Feb 1865; Substitute; not on U.S. Archives film
Grant, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Grason, David; 07 Jul 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Laborer
Gray, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.; Laborer
Green, Joseph; 08 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Grimes, Sawney (Lawney); 07 Jul 1864; b Orange Co., Va.; Not assigned; Servant
Hall, Basil; 27 Feb 1865; b Washington Co., Va.; Recruit; Servant
Hall, John P.; 25 Oct 1864; b Braxton Co., (W)Va.; Farmer
Hall, Philip; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Harris, David E.; 03 Mar 1865; Substitute
Harris, Scott; 07 Sep 1864; Substitute
Harrison, Levi; 22 May 1864
Hayes (Hays), Alfred; 15 Aug 1864; Substitute
Henry, Daniel; 07 Jul 1864; b Santee, N.C.; Laborer
Hickman, Floyd; 22 May 1864
Hickman, George W.; 22 May 1864
Hickman, Lewis; 22 May 1864
Hill, Henry B. (Henry P.); 13 Aug 1864; Substitute
Holliway, James (Charles??); (Charles 01 Jun 1864)
Hopkins, Campbell; 01 Jun 1864
Hunter, Nimrod; 25 Oct 1864; b Braxton County, (W)Va.; Farmer; Recruit
Hyson, Freeland; 28 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Farmer; Unassigned
Ironton, John Y.; 25 Aug 1864; b Amherst, Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Jackson, Henry; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Jasper, Shadrack (Shadrach); 07 Jul 1864; b Henrico Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Jenkins, Thomas; 07 Sep 1864
Johnson, Jesse; 25 Oct 1864; Substitute; b Braxton Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
*Johnson, William; 22 May 1864
Jones, Chadrick; 06 Apr 1865; Substitute; not on Archives film
Jones, Edward; 09 Apr 1865; Drafted
Jones, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.; Laborer
Jones, John Y.; 29 Mar 1865; Substitute
Jones (Gones), Thomas; 15 Aug 1864; b Jefferson Co., (W)Va.
Kerchenberry (Kerchenberg), Noah; 22 Nov 1864; Substitute
Kinney, Joseph (John); 08 Aug 1864; b Louisa Co., Va.; Recruit; Blacksmith
Kinney, Lee; 07 Sep 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Kyle, George W.; 25 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Lane, Richard; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Lawrentz, Joshua; 22 Aug 1864; b Edgecomb Co., N.C.; Recruit; Laborer
Lee, Ludwell; 25 Apr 1864
Leigh, Whedan; 30 Apr 1864
Lewis, Cruwley (Crawley); 14 Mar 1865; Drafted
Lewis, Henry; 08 Aug 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
*Lewis, Isaac; 06 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lewis, John; 11 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lewis, Samuel; 03 Sep 1864; b Fauquier Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Lewis, William; 16 Aug 1864
Lowry (Lowery), Sandy; 24 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lynn, Henry M.; 22 Aug 1864; b Taylor Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Madison, George; 01 Apr 1865; b Nelson Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Malone (Mahone in 1865 AG Report), John H. (Henry); 25 Apr 1864
Marshall, George; 11 Feb 1865; Substitute
Marshall, Washington; 07 Jul 1864; b in Fauquier Co., Va.; Laborer
Mason, George; 13 Aug 1864; b Louden Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
McCoy, Jeremiah; 14 Feb 1865; Recruit
Minness, Calihill; 25 Oct 1864; b Nicholas Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Mitchell, Lewis; 10 May 1864
Monroe, James; 28 Jul 1864; b Franklin Co., Va.; Farmer
Monroe, Jefferson; 08 Aug 1864; b Fauquier Co., Va.; Recruit; Wagoner
Moplington, John G.; 15 Mar 1865; b Hampshire Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Newland, George; 23 Mar 1865; Drafted
Nichols, George; 07 Sep 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Farmer
Page, Stephen; 22 May 1864
Parish, Anderson; 07 Apr 1865; Substitute
Parish, James; 09 Aug 1864; b Nelson Co., Va.; Farmer
Parish, Reuben; 24 Feb 1865; Substitute
Paxton, Samuel; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Pendelton (Pendleton), John; 07 Jul 1864; b b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Price, Anthony; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Ranste (Rauste in 1865 AG Report)(Ransle), Morton; 31 May 1864
Reed, Richard; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Revels, George; 09 Apr 1865; Substitute
Richardson, Pleasat (Pleasant); 20 Feb 1865; Substitute
Ritchards, John; 24 Aug 1864; Substitute; not on Archives film
Robinson, Jack; 01 Sep 1864; b Lewis Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Rogers, Elisha L.; 29 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Rogers, Milo; 25 Mar 1865; Substitute
Rose (Ross), Thomas; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Sandy, Vincent; 29 Aug 1864; Substitute
Scott, Aaron; 07 Sep 1864; b Randolph Co., (W)Va.; Farmer
Sebastipol (Sebastepool), Leman; 22 May 1864
Shannon, Edward; 22 May 1864
Simmons, Henry; 28 Jul 1864; b Bath Co., Va.; Unassigned; Waiter
Simms, John S.; 29 Mar 1865; b Edgefield Dist., S.C.; Recruit; Laborer
Siuer (Siner), John; 06 Aug 1864; Substitute
Slaughter, Henry; 01 Mar 1865; b Madison Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Smith, James W.; 07 Sep 1864; Substitute
Smith, Reuben; 16 Aug 1864; b Taylor Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Stark, George; 10 Apr 1865; Substitute
Stave, Benjamin; 15 Aug 1864; b Randolph Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Stevens, George; 28 Jul 1864<; b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Stewart, George; 22 Mar 1865; Substitute
Strother (Strothers), Erastus; 23 Aug 1864; Substitute
Suel, Parker; 07 Jul 1864; b Raleigh Co., N.C.; Unassigned; Laborer
Taylor, Timothy; 22 May 1864
Tenner, John; 31 May 1864
Thaxton, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Thomas, Charles; 31 May 1864
Thomas, Samuel; 17 Aug 1864
Thompson, Dallas; 22 May 1864
Tyler, Samuel; 17 Aug 1864
Vass, Frederick; 30 Aug 1864; Substitute
Vinson, James; 05 Sep 1864; Substitute
Wade, Benjamin; 28 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Wade, John; 28 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Wades, Wesley; 07 Jul 1864; b Franklin Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Washington, Granville (G.); 22 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Laborer
Watson, Frederick; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
White, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Wilkes (Wilks), Albert; 07 Jul 1864; b Campbell Co., Va.; Unassigned
Wilkinson, James; 03 Apr 1865; Substitute
Williams, Abraham; 20 Apr 1864
Williams, John K.; 07 Jul 1864; b in Pensacola,Florida; Unassigned; Laborer
Williams, Peter; 28 Jul 1864; b Petersburg, Va.; Farmer
Williams, Preston; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Williams, Samuel H.; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned
Williams, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Williams, Wilson; 11 Jul 1864; b Bottebourt Co., Va.; Laborer
Williams, Wyatt; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Wilson, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Servant - SERVICE RECORD
Withers, William; 26 Sep 1864; b b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer - SERVICE RECORD
Young, John H.; 25 May 1864 - SERVICE RECORD

Now fuck off and die, pls.

West Virginia was in the Confederacy now?

Hey why not, as long as we're in total rewrite mode....

So what you have fake links? Do you think that substitutes for proof?

So now you're going to deny real proof with rosters and everything. :fu:

Your IQ is under 100. You're a dipshit.
Show us the roster of Black Confederate Infantry that saw action. This outta be good.

Fuck you dumbass, it's in the post you quoted, retard. That's how stupid you are.


Soldiers' Unclaimed Medals, W.Va. State Archives

Addison, Mark; 30 Apr 1864; Killed 07 Oct 1864 - SERVICE RECORD
Allen, Edmund; 28 Jul 1864; b Carolina Co., Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Allen, George [Gustavus]; 26 Aug 1864; Substitute - SERVICE RECORD
Anderson, George; 25 Apr 1864 - SERVICE RECORD
Ankrum, Charles; 07 Sep 1864; b Harrison Co., (W)Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Atkins, Robert; 22 Feb 1865; b Franklin Co., Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Augustus, Charles; 05 Aug 1864; Substitute - SERVICE RECORD
Bailey, James; 07 Sep 1864; b Surrey Co., Va.
Baker, Harvey; 07 Jul 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.
Beckwood, David; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Benett (Bennet/Bennett), Doctor; 28 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Billops, Hiram; 22 May 1864
Blad, Presley; 05 May 1864
Boggess, Isaac; 05 Jun 1864
Bolden, Andrew; 22 Aug 1864; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit
Bolen (Bollen), William A.; 29 Mar 1865; Substitute
Bowie, Tip; 22 Sep 1864; Drafted
Boyd, James; 01 Aug 1864; b Cherokee Co., Va.
Brady, James; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Brady, Jared; 13 Oct 1864; Substitute
Brown, Jesse; 12 May 1864
Brown, Rufus; 22 May 1864
Burke, George W.; 22 May 1864
Burks, Charles; 22 May 1864
Burks, James; 22 May 1864
Burks, Tyler; 22 May 1864
Butler, Julius; 25 Apr 1864
Callinder (Collender), George W.; 25 May 1864
Campbell, Henry; 16 Aug 1864; Substitute
Campbell, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Chile, Selp (Selt; Sell); 11 Aug 1864; Substitute
Clark, George; 28 Feb 1865; b. Va.
Clark, Mitchell T.; 22 May 1864
Clay, Henry; 15 Feb 1865; b Greenbrier Co., (W)Va.
Copeland, David; 16 Feb 1865; Recruit; b Norfolk, Va.
Crawford, John W.; 09 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.
Crenehall (Crenchall), Charles; 01 Aug 1864; b New Kent Co., Va.
Davis, George W.; 07 Jul 1864; b Fauquier Co., VA.
Davis, Jonathan; 03 Sep 1864; b Crawford Co., Va.
Dennis, Alexander; 07 Jul 1864; b Prince Edward Co., Va.
*Dennis, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Dodd, Bur (Burr); 21 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.
Dunott, George; 12 May 1864
Edmundson, George; 22 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Recruit
Ellis, James; 11 Jul 1864; b Orange Co., Va.
Fairfax, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.
Farmer, Augustus; 22 May 1864
Field (Fields), Washington; 07 Jul 1864; b New Kent Co., Va.
Ford, Isaac; 07 Jul 1864; b Lynchburg, N.C.
Foster, Samuel; 25 Aug 1864; b Ohio Co., (W)Va.
Galbrath, George; 22 May 1864
Gates (Gater), Job; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Gordon, Zachariah; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.
Graham, Lee; 18 Feb 1865; Substitute; not on U.S. Archives film
Grant, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Grason, David; 07 Jul 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Laborer
Gray, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.; Laborer
Green, Joseph; 08 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Grimes, Sawney (Lawney); 07 Jul 1864; b Orange Co., Va.; Not assigned; Servant
Hall, Basil; 27 Feb 1865; b Washington Co., Va.; Recruit; Servant
Hall, John P.; 25 Oct 1864; b Braxton Co., (W)Va.; Farmer
Hall, Philip; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Harris, David E.; 03 Mar 1865; Substitute
Harris, Scott; 07 Sep 1864; Substitute
Harrison, Levi; 22 May 1864
Hayes (Hays), Alfred; 15 Aug 1864; Substitute
Henry, Daniel; 07 Jul 1864; b Santee, N.C.; Laborer
Hickman, Floyd; 22 May 1864
Hickman, George W.; 22 May 1864
Hickman, Lewis; 22 May 1864
Hill, Henry B. (Henry P.); 13 Aug 1864; Substitute
Holliway, James (Charles??); (Charles 01 Jun 1864)
Hopkins, Campbell; 01 Jun 1864
Hunter, Nimrod; 25 Oct 1864; b Braxton County, (W)Va.; Farmer; Recruit
Hyson, Freeland; 28 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Farmer; Unassigned
Ironton, John Y.; 25 Aug 1864; b Amherst, Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Jackson, Henry; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Jasper, Shadrack (Shadrach); 07 Jul 1864; b Henrico Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Jenkins, Thomas; 07 Sep 1864
Johnson, Jesse; 25 Oct 1864; Substitute; b Braxton Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
*Johnson, William; 22 May 1864
Jones, Chadrick; 06 Apr 1865; Substitute; not on Archives film
Jones, Edward; 09 Apr 1865; Drafted
Jones, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.; Laborer
Jones, John Y.; 29 Mar 1865; Substitute
Jones (Gones), Thomas; 15 Aug 1864; b Jefferson Co., (W)Va.
Kerchenberry (Kerchenberg), Noah; 22 Nov 1864; Substitute
Kinney, Joseph (John); 08 Aug 1864; b Louisa Co., Va.; Recruit; Blacksmith
Kinney, Lee; 07 Sep 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Kyle, George W.; 25 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Lane, Richard; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Lawrentz, Joshua; 22 Aug 1864; b Edgecomb Co., N.C.; Recruit; Laborer
Lee, Ludwell; 25 Apr 1864
Leigh, Whedan; 30 Apr 1864
Lewis, Cruwley (Crawley); 14 Mar 1865; Drafted
Lewis, Henry; 08 Aug 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
*Lewis, Isaac; 06 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lewis, John; 11 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lewis, Samuel; 03 Sep 1864; b Fauquier Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Lewis, William; 16 Aug 1864
Lowry (Lowery), Sandy; 24 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lynn, Henry M.; 22 Aug 1864; b Taylor Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Madison, George; 01 Apr 1865; b Nelson Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Malone (Mahone in 1865 AG Report), John H. (Henry); 25 Apr 1864
Marshall, George; 11 Feb 1865; Substitute
Marshall, Washington; 07 Jul 1864; b in Fauquier Co., Va.; Laborer
Mason, George; 13 Aug 1864; b Louden Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
McCoy, Jeremiah; 14 Feb 1865; Recruit
Minness, Calihill; 25 Oct 1864; b Nicholas Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Mitchell, Lewis; 10 May 1864
Monroe, James; 28 Jul 1864; b Franklin Co., Va.; Farmer
Monroe, Jefferson; 08 Aug 1864; b Fauquier Co., Va.; Recruit; Wagoner
Moplington, John G.; 15 Mar 1865; b Hampshire Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Newland, George; 23 Mar 1865; Drafted
Nichols, George; 07 Sep 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Farmer
Page, Stephen; 22 May 1864
Parish, Anderson; 07 Apr 1865; Substitute
Parish, James; 09 Aug 1864; b Nelson Co., Va.; Farmer
Parish, Reuben; 24 Feb 1865; Substitute
Paxton, Samuel; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Pendelton (Pendleton), John; 07 Jul 1864; b b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Price, Anthony; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Ranste (Rauste in 1865 AG Report)(Ransle), Morton; 31 May 1864
Reed, Richard; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Revels, George; 09 Apr 1865; Substitute
Richardson, Pleasat (Pleasant); 20 Feb 1865; Substitute
Ritchards, John; 24 Aug 1864; Substitute; not on Archives film
Robinson, Jack; 01 Sep 1864; b Lewis Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Rogers, Elisha L.; 29 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Rogers, Milo; 25 Mar 1865; Substitute
Rose (Ross), Thomas; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Sandy, Vincent; 29 Aug 1864; Substitute
Scott, Aaron; 07 Sep 1864; b Randolph Co., (W)Va.; Farmer
Sebastipol (Sebastepool), Leman; 22 May 1864
Shannon, Edward; 22 May 1864
Simmons, Henry; 28 Jul 1864; b Bath Co., Va.; Unassigned; Waiter
Simms, John S.; 29 Mar 1865; b Edgefield Dist., S.C.; Recruit; Laborer
Siuer (Siner), John; 06 Aug 1864; Substitute
Slaughter, Henry; 01 Mar 1865; b Madison Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Smith, James W.; 07 Sep 1864; Substitute
Smith, Reuben; 16 Aug 1864; b Taylor Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Stark, George; 10 Apr 1865; Substitute
Stave, Benjamin; 15 Aug 1864; b Randolph Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Stevens, George; 28 Jul 1864<; b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Stewart, George; 22 Mar 1865; Substitute
Strother (Strothers), Erastus; 23 Aug 1864; Substitute
Suel, Parker; 07 Jul 1864; b Raleigh Co., N.C.; Unassigned; Laborer
Taylor, Timothy; 22 May 1864
Tenner, John; 31 May 1864
Thaxton, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Thomas, Charles; 31 May 1864
Thomas, Samuel; 17 Aug 1864
Thompson, Dallas; 22 May 1864
Tyler, Samuel; 17 Aug 1864
Vass, Frederick; 30 Aug 1864; Substitute
Vinson, James; 05 Sep 1864; Substitute
Wade, Benjamin; 28 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Wade, John; 28 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Wades, Wesley; 07 Jul 1864; b Franklin Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Washington, Granville (G.); 22 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Laborer
Watson, Frederick; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
White, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Wilkes (Wilks), Albert; 07 Jul 1864; b Campbell Co., Va.; Unassigned
Wilkinson, James; 03 Apr 1865; Substitute
Williams, Abraham; 20 Apr 1864
Williams, John K.; 07 Jul 1864; b in Pensacola,Florida; Unassigned; Laborer
Williams, Peter; 28 Jul 1864; b Petersburg, Va.; Farmer
Williams, Preston; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Williams, Samuel H.; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned
Williams, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Williams, Wilson; 11 Jul 1864; b Bottebourt Co., Va.; Laborer
Williams, Wyatt; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Wilson, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Servant - SERVICE RECORD
Withers, William; 26 Sep 1864; b b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer - SERVICE RECORD
Young, John H.; 25 May 1864 - SERVICE RECORD

Now fuck off and die, pls.

West Virginia was in the Confederacy now?

Hey why not, as long as we're in total rewrite mode....



When the new emoties came out I predicted that would be the least-used one.

You're the first poster I've seen with the cojones to use it. Good on ya.
I've never seen a Black confederate photo that hasnt been proven as false including the ones you just posted where some are obviously not even soldiers.

Youre obviously a idiot. One of the pictures even says its a union solider.


You can always tell when their lying because they wont have the links. :laugh:

Oh, but I have the links, boy.

You can tell the Union from Confederate by the buttons. Union is buttons straight down the middle, Confederate is double-breasted. ;)

African American Civil War Soldiers: Research Links: 45th United States Colored Infantry

45th United States Colored Troops (U.S.C.T.)


Museum of Florida History - The Battle of Olustee » Florida in the Civil War
So what you have fake links? Do you think that substitutes for proof?

So now you're going to deny real proof with rosters and everything. :fu:

Your IQ is under 100. You're a dipshit.
Show us the roster of Black Confederate Infantry that saw action. This outta be good.

Fuck you dumbass, it's in the post you quoted, retard. That's how stupid you are.


Soldiers' Unclaimed Medals, W.Va. State Archives

Addison, Mark; 30 Apr 1864; Killed 07 Oct 1864 - SERVICE RECORD
Allen, Edmund; 28 Jul 1864; b Carolina Co., Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Allen, George [Gustavus]; 26 Aug 1864; Substitute - SERVICE RECORD
Anderson, George; 25 Apr 1864 - SERVICE RECORD
Ankrum, Charles; 07 Sep 1864; b Harrison Co., (W)Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Atkins, Robert; 22 Feb 1865; b Franklin Co., Va. - SERVICE RECORD
Augustus, Charles; 05 Aug 1864; Substitute - SERVICE RECORD
Bailey, James; 07 Sep 1864; b Surrey Co., Va.
Baker, Harvey; 07 Jul 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.
Beckwood, David; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Benett (Bennet/Bennett), Doctor; 28 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Billops, Hiram; 22 May 1864
Blad, Presley; 05 May 1864
Boggess, Isaac; 05 Jun 1864
Bolden, Andrew; 22 Aug 1864; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit
Bolen (Bollen), William A.; 29 Mar 1865; Substitute
Bowie, Tip; 22 Sep 1864; Drafted
Boyd, James; 01 Aug 1864; b Cherokee Co., Va.
Brady, James; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Brady, Jared; 13 Oct 1864; Substitute
Brown, Jesse; 12 May 1864
Brown, Rufus; 22 May 1864
Burke, George W.; 22 May 1864
Burks, Charles; 22 May 1864
Burks, James; 22 May 1864
Burks, Tyler; 22 May 1864
Butler, Julius; 25 Apr 1864
Callinder (Collender), George W.; 25 May 1864
Campbell, Henry; 16 Aug 1864; Substitute
Campbell, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Chile, Selp (Selt; Sell); 11 Aug 1864; Substitute
Clark, George; 28 Feb 1865; b. Va.
Clark, Mitchell T.; 22 May 1864
Clay, Henry; 15 Feb 1865; b Greenbrier Co., (W)Va.
Copeland, David; 16 Feb 1865; Recruit; b Norfolk, Va.
Crawford, John W.; 09 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.
Crenehall (Crenchall), Charles; 01 Aug 1864; b New Kent Co., Va.
Davis, George W.; 07 Jul 1864; b Fauquier Co., VA.
Davis, Jonathan; 03 Sep 1864; b Crawford Co., Va.
Dennis, Alexander; 07 Jul 1864; b Prince Edward Co., Va.
*Dennis, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.
Dodd, Bur (Burr); 21 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.
Dunott, George; 12 May 1864
Edmundson, George; 22 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Recruit
Ellis, James; 11 Jul 1864; b Orange Co., Va.
Fairfax, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.
Farmer, Augustus; 22 May 1864
Field (Fields), Washington; 07 Jul 1864; b New Kent Co., Va.
Ford, Isaac; 07 Jul 1864; b Lynchburg, N.C.
Foster, Samuel; 25 Aug 1864; b Ohio Co., (W)Va.
Galbrath, George; 22 May 1864
Gates (Gater), Job; 11 Oct 1864; b Hardy Co., (W)Va.
Gordon, Zachariah; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.
Graham, Lee; 18 Feb 1865; Substitute; not on U.S. Archives film
Grant, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Grason, David; 07 Jul 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Laborer
Gray, James; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.; Laborer
Green, Joseph; 08 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Grimes, Sawney (Lawney); 07 Jul 1864; b Orange Co., Va.; Not assigned; Servant
Hall, Basil; 27 Feb 1865; b Washington Co., Va.; Recruit; Servant
Hall, John P.; 25 Oct 1864; b Braxton Co., (W)Va.; Farmer
Hall, Philip; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Harris, David E.; 03 Mar 1865; Substitute
Harris, Scott; 07 Sep 1864; Substitute
Harrison, Levi; 22 May 1864
Hayes (Hays), Alfred; 15 Aug 1864; Substitute
Henry, Daniel; 07 Jul 1864; b Santee, N.C.; Laborer
Hickman, Floyd; 22 May 1864
Hickman, George W.; 22 May 1864
Hickman, Lewis; 22 May 1864
Hill, Henry B. (Henry P.); 13 Aug 1864; Substitute
Holliway, James (Charles??); (Charles 01 Jun 1864)
Hopkins, Campbell; 01 Jun 1864
Hunter, Nimrod; 25 Oct 1864; b Braxton County, (W)Va.; Farmer; Recruit
Hyson, Freeland; 28 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Farmer; Unassigned
Ironton, John Y.; 25 Aug 1864; b Amherst, Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Jackson, Henry; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Jasper, Shadrack (Shadrach); 07 Jul 1864; b Henrico Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Jenkins, Thomas; 07 Sep 1864
Johnson, Jesse; 25 Oct 1864; Substitute; b Braxton Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
*Johnson, William; 22 May 1864
Jones, Chadrick; 06 Apr 1865; Substitute; not on Archives film
Jones, Edward; 09 Apr 1865; Drafted
Jones, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Sussex Co., Va.; Laborer
Jones, John Y.; 29 Mar 1865; Substitute
Jones (Gones), Thomas; 15 Aug 1864; b Jefferson Co., (W)Va.
Kerchenberry (Kerchenberg), Noah; 22 Nov 1864; Substitute
Kinney, Joseph (John); 08 Aug 1864; b Louisa Co., Va.; Recruit; Blacksmith
Kinney, Lee; 07 Sep 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Kyle, George W.; 25 Aug 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Lane, Richard; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Lawrentz, Joshua; 22 Aug 1864; b Edgecomb Co., N.C.; Recruit; Laborer
Lee, Ludwell; 25 Apr 1864
Leigh, Whedan; 30 Apr 1864
Lewis, Cruwley (Crawley); 14 Mar 1865; Drafted
Lewis, Henry; 08 Aug 1864; b Augusta Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
*Lewis, Isaac; 06 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lewis, John; 11 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lewis, Samuel; 03 Sep 1864; b Fauquier Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Lewis, William; 16 Aug 1864
Lowry (Lowery), Sandy; 24 Aug 1864; Substitute
Lynn, Henry M.; 22 Aug 1864; b Taylor Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Madison, George; 01 Apr 1865; b Nelson Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
Malone (Mahone in 1865 AG Report), John H. (Henry); 25 Apr 1864
Marshall, George; 11 Feb 1865; Substitute
Marshall, Washington; 07 Jul 1864; b in Fauquier Co., Va.; Laborer
Mason, George; 13 Aug 1864; b Louden Co., Va.; Recruit; Laborer
McCoy, Jeremiah; 14 Feb 1865; Recruit
Minness, Calihill; 25 Oct 1864; b Nicholas Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Mitchell, Lewis; 10 May 1864
Monroe, James; 28 Jul 1864; b Franklin Co., Va.; Farmer
Monroe, Jefferson; 08 Aug 1864; b Fauquier Co., Va.; Recruit; Wagoner
Moplington, John G.; 15 Mar 1865; b Hampshire Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Newland, George; 23 Mar 1865; Drafted
Nichols, George; 07 Sep 1864; b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Farmer
Page, Stephen; 22 May 1864
Parish, Anderson; 07 Apr 1865; Substitute
Parish, James; 09 Aug 1864; b Nelson Co., Va.; Farmer
Parish, Reuben; 24 Feb 1865; Substitute
Paxton, Samuel; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Pendelton (Pendleton), John; 07 Jul 1864; b b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Price, Anthony; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Ranste (Rauste in 1865 AG Report)(Ransle), Morton; 31 May 1864
Reed, Richard; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Revels, George; 09 Apr 1865; Substitute
Richardson, Pleasat (Pleasant); 20 Feb 1865; Substitute
Ritchards, John; 24 Aug 1864; Substitute; not on Archives film
Robinson, Jack; 01 Sep 1864; b Lewis Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Rogers, Elisha L.; 29 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Rogers, Milo; 25 Mar 1865; Substitute
Rose (Ross), Thomas; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
Sandy, Vincent; 29 Aug 1864; Substitute
Scott, Aaron; 07 Sep 1864; b Randolph Co., (W)Va.; Farmer
Sebastipol (Sebastepool), Leman; 22 May 1864
Shannon, Edward; 22 May 1864
Simmons, Henry; 28 Jul 1864; b Bath Co., Va.; Unassigned; Waiter
Simms, John S.; 29 Mar 1865; b Edgefield Dist., S.C.; Recruit; Laborer
Siuer (Siner), John; 06 Aug 1864; Substitute
Slaughter, Henry; 01 Mar 1865; b Madison Co., Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Smith, James W.; 07 Sep 1864; Substitute
Smith, Reuben; 16 Aug 1864; b Taylor Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Stark, George; 10 Apr 1865; Substitute
Stave, Benjamin; 15 Aug 1864; b Randolph Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer
Stevens, George; 28 Jul 1864<; b Bottetourt Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Stewart, George; 22 Mar 1865; Substitute
Strother (Strothers), Erastus; 23 Aug 1864; Substitute
Suel, Parker; 07 Jul 1864; b Raleigh Co., N.C.; Unassigned; Laborer
Taylor, Timothy; 22 May 1864
Tenner, John; 31 May 1864
Thaxton, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Thomas, Charles; 31 May 1864
Thomas, Samuel; 17 Aug 1864
Thompson, Dallas; 22 May 1864
Tyler, Samuel; 17 Aug 1864
Vass, Frederick; 30 Aug 1864; Substitute
Vinson, James; 05 Sep 1864; Substitute
Wade, Benjamin; 28 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Wade, John; 28 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Unassigned; Farmer
Wades, Wesley; 07 Jul 1864; b Franklin Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Washington, Granville (G.); 22 Mar 1865; b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Laborer
Watson, Frederick; 04 Aug 1864; Substitute
White, Henry; 07 Jul 1864; b Rockbridge Co., Va.; Laborer
Wilkes (Wilks), Albert; 07 Jul 1864; b Campbell Co., Va.; Unassigned
Wilkinson, James; 03 Apr 1865; Substitute
Williams, Abraham; 20 Apr 1864
Williams, John K.; 07 Jul 1864; b in Pensacola,Florida; Unassigned; Laborer
Williams, Peter; 28 Jul 1864; b Petersburg, Va.; Farmer
Williams, Preston; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Laborer
Williams, Samuel H.; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned
Williams, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Williams, Wilson; 11 Jul 1864; b Bottebourt Co., Va.; Laborer
Williams, Wyatt; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Laborer
Wilson, William; 07 Jul 1864; b Bedford Co., Va.; Unassigned; Servant - SERVICE RECORD
Withers, William; 26 Sep 1864; b b Harrison Co., (W)Va.; Recruit; Farmer - SERVICE RECORD
Young, John H.; 25 May 1864 - SERVICE RECORD

Now fuck off and die, pls.
Um....where's their race listed. Let's remember...for the most part, black people in the South had no last names.

BTW.... I like all of them listed as "laborer"....if they were black, you just proved what I said....that they were used to dig trenches and other earthworks....not fight.
Translation "Biff stop blowing up our racist talking points, its a real downer"

by the way, Fire your comedy writer and hire a liberal --- conservatives suck at it

It's really important to Biff that we all keep in mind he's retarded at all times. Thanks to you all in advance for making Biff feel at home here.
Look....another one surrendering like Lee surrendered to Grant.

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