Lets revisit....name all the nations on earth that do NOT have slavery and racism in their history

America is systemically racist....BLM....CRT.....all that shit.

America sucks according to leftist communists.....so list the nations on earth that do NOT have have a history of slavery and racism.

We have like 200 countries currently

Make a list:

The white boy excuse. Slavery ended in 1865.

This is happening now.

In America.

Cost Of Racism: U.S. Economy Lost $16 Trillion Because Of Discrimination, Bank Says

Nationwide protests have cast a spotlight on racism and inequality in the United States. Now a major bank has put a price tag on how much the economy has lost as a result of discrimination against African Americans: $16 trillion.

Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a new study by Citigroup.

Specifically, the study came up with $16 trillion in lost GDP by noting four key racial gaps between African Americans and whites:

$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result

$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans

$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit

And $90 billion to $113 billion in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education

/——-/ Any fake outrage over this?
Not one leftist can name one country on planet earth that does not have slavery and racism in their history?

Seems odd....they so easily blast America for systemic racism...so most countries must not have this.
The goalposts shifted within the same two sentence post. You don't see that often.
This movement is to delegitimize the USA and its institutions sl it can be replaced with socialism
Barking mad or batshit crazy?

Well, the OP is an exceptional American deplorable so either or both could be the case.
Your focus is to hold on to injustices of the past to continue to divide us.

The injustices are not only in the past. To ignore them is to pretend they didn't happen and it invite these things to happen again. A serious discussion needs to happen and loaded questions like the OP's as well as the propaganda effort of the 1619 project do little to further the discussion or help those effected.

A serious and honest discussion would be nice. I note so far you have failed to make any mention of the generations of sacrifice and hard work done by white people who supported civil rights, nor of the hundreds of laws and massive programs they implemented to help.

A serious discussion cannot be one sided as our current discussion is.

The people you are talking to, are not going to respect you OR ANY POINT YOU HAVE TO MAKE, if they can tell that you are leaving vast amounts of relevant context out of the picture.

What they will take away, is that you are not a good faith actor and that you are just using selected aspects of history to push a partisan and hostile agenda.

Which, sums up the Left on these issues, quite nicely.
Day 4....The communists who believe in SYSTEMIC RACISM in the USA and CRITICAL RACISM THEORY and WOKEISM still have not named a country on planet earth that does NOT have racism and slavery in their past.

Here is a thought....instead of sticking your heads in the sand and just being tribalist, how about CHANGING YOUR MINDS UPON GETTING MORE INFORMATION?

The narrative you guys have been going with, that America is the worst nation on earth, is indoctrinated communist propoganda. WAKE THE FUCK UP!
Communists, why do you find it so challenging to blast other nations who have slavery going on RIGHT NOW?

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I note so far you have failed to make any mention of the generations of sacrifice and hard work done by white people who supported civil rights, nor of the hundreds of laws and massive programs they implemented to help.

So we went from the demand that I provide the names of countries that didn't have slavery or some form of discrimination in its past to why don't I talk more about the sacrifice and hard work of the liberals who fought for generations to right the wrongs?

It's one tough crowd!
I note so far you have failed to make any mention of the generations of sacrifice and hard work done by white people who supported civil rights, nor of the hundreds of laws and massive programs they implemented to help.

So we went from the demand that I provide the names of countries that didn't have slavery or some form of discrimination in its past to why don't I talk more about the sacrifice and hard work of the liberals who fought for generations to right the wrongs?

It's one tough crowd!

It is generally not "tough" for me to consider both sides of an issue.

Indeed, if you ignore half the story, you are pretty much certain to fail to understand an issue properly.
I note so far you have failed to make any mention of the generations of sacrifice and hard work done by white people who supported civil rights, nor of the hundreds of laws and massive programs they implemented to help.

So we went from the demand that I provide the names of countries that didn't have slavery or some form of discrimination in its past to why don't I talk more about the sacrifice and hard work of the liberals who fought for generations to right the wrongs?

It's one tough crowd!

It is generally not "tough" for me to consider both sides of an issue.

Indeed, if you ignore half the story, you are pretty much certain to fail to understand an issue properly.

Communists only want to hear the side of the story of the tribe they like.
Still nothing, huh, communists.
Great thread. Its pretty funny seeing how hard these commies are fighting to derail your thread instead of answering the opening post. I've found that you have to direct lefties back to the thread topic every time they post, or they will start a new thread in yours.
Its such transparent bullshit when lefties cannot name ANY other nation on the planet that does not have slavery and racism as part of their history.

Maybe you lefties should start shitting on every country on the planet instead of only the USA, you phony pieces of shit.
I think it's mostly just that no one gives a fuck about your demands. Why is this list so important to you?
When lefties evade the thread topic, it is because they either can't, or the answer is politically inconvenient.
Its such transparent bullshit when lefties cannot name ANY other nation on the planet that does not have slavery and racism as part of their history.

Maybe you lefties should start shitting on every country on the planet instead of only the USA, you phony pieces of shit.
I think it's mostly just that no one gives a fuck about your demands. Why is this list so important to you?
When lefties evade the thread topic, it is because they either can't, or the answer is politically inconvenient.
What is politically inconvenient about recognizing the history or slavery?

I think there's some implied subtext here I'm not getting. It's like you're responding to some argument I've heard no one make.
Its such transparent bullshit when lefties cannot name ANY other nation on the planet that does not have slavery and racism as part of their history.

Maybe you lefties should start shitting on every country on the planet instead of only the USA, you phony pieces of shit.
I think it's mostly just that no one gives a fuck about your demands. Why is this list so important to you?
When lefties evade the thread topic, it is because they either can't, or the answer is politically inconvenient.
What is politically inconvenient about recognizing the history or slavery?

I think there's some implied subtext here I'm not getting. It's like you're responding to some argument I've heard no one make.
What is politically inconvenient about recognizing the history or slavery? Have a closer look at what you responded to:

"When lefties evade the thread topic, it is because they either can't, or the answer is politically inconvenient."

You are continuing to evade the thread topic. Not even a mod could keep you on the thread topic. You resist answering the opening post and thread topic like a cat resists being shoved into a toilet.
Its such transparent bullshit when lefties cannot name ANY other nation on the planet that does not have slavery and racism as part of their history.

Maybe you lefties should start shitting on every country on the planet instead of only the USA, you phony pieces of shit.
I think it's mostly just that no one gives a fuck about your demands. Why is this list so important to you?
When lefties evade the thread topic, it is because they either can't, or the answer is politically inconvenient.

Which is pretty much ALWAYS these days.
Lefties...see if any of you can stay on topic.

It is very straightforward.

List the countries on the entire planet that do not have racism and slavery in their history.

Its such transparent bullshit when lefties cannot name ANY other nation on the planet that does not have slavery and racism as part of their history.

Maybe you lefties should start shitting on every country on the planet instead of only the USA, you phony pieces of shit.
I think it's mostly just that no one gives a fuck about your demands. Why is this list so important to you?
When lefties evade the thread topic, it is because they either can't, or the answer is politically inconvenient.
What is politically inconvenient about recognizing the history or slavery?

I think there's some implied subtext here I'm not getting. It's like you're responding to some argument I've heard no one make.
What is politically inconvenient about recognizing the history or slavery? Have a closer look at what you responded to:

"When lefties evade the thread topic, it is because they either can't, or the answer is politically inconvenient."

You are continuing to evade the thread topic. Not even a mod could keep you on the thread topic. You resist answering the opening post and thread topic like a cat resists being shoved into a toilet.
I'm just not clear what the thread topic is. You ask a question, one with an obvious answer, one that's been answered, and then sit back and act like it's a clever "gotcha" or something. Of course slavery has infected nearly every nation in history. So has murder. And rape, etc... So what?

You seem to think you're making a point. But what is it?
Its such transparent bullshit when lefties cannot name ANY other nation on the planet that does not have slavery and racism as part of their history.

Maybe you lefties should start shitting on every country on the planet instead of only the USA, you phony pieces of shit.
I think it's mostly just that no one gives a fuck about your demands. Why is this list so important to you?
When lefties evade the thread topic, it is because they either can't, or the answer is politically inconvenient.
What is politically inconvenient about recognizing the history or slavery?

I think there's some implied subtext here I'm not getting. It's like you're responding to some argument I've heard no one make.
What is politically inconvenient about recognizing the history or slavery? Have a closer look at what you responded to:

"When lefties evade the thread topic, it is because they either can't, or the answer is politically inconvenient."

You are continuing to evade the thread topic. Not even a mod could keep you on the thread topic. You resist answering the opening post and thread topic like a cat resists being shoved into a toilet.
I'm just not clear what the thread topic is. You ask a question, one with an obvious answer, one that's been answered, and then sit back and act like it's a clever "gotcha" or something. Of course slavery has infected nearly every nation in history. So has murder. And rape, etc... So what?

You seem to think you're making a point. But what is it?
Continued evasion.
Its such transparent bullshit when lefties cannot name ANY other nation on the planet that does not have slavery and racism as part of their history.

Maybe you lefties should start shitting on every country on the planet instead of only the USA, you phony pieces of shit.
I think it's mostly just that no one gives a fuck about your demands. Why is this list so important to you?
When lefties evade the thread topic, it is because they either can't, or the answer is politically inconvenient.
What is politically inconvenient about recognizing the history or slavery?

I think there's some implied subtext here I'm not getting. It's like you're responding to some argument I've heard no one make.
What is politically inconvenient about recognizing the history or slavery? Have a closer look at what you responded to:

"When lefties evade the thread topic, it is because they either can't, or the answer is politically inconvenient."

You are continuing to evade the thread topic. Not even a mod could keep you on the thread topic. You resist answering the opening post and thread topic like a cat resists being shoved into a toilet.
I'm just not clear what the thread topic is. You ask a question, one with an obvious answer, one that's been answered, and then sit back and act like it's a clever "gotcha" or something. Of course slavery has infected nearly every nation in history. So has murder. And rape, etc... So what?

You seem to think you're making a point. But what is it?
Continued evasion.
LOL - you're the one who's evading. I've answered your question. So, now, what was your fucking point? Nothing? Were you just jerking your wad for the hell of it?
Its such transparent bullshit when lefties cannot name ANY other nation on the planet that does not have slavery and racism as part of their history.

Maybe you lefties should start shitting on every country on the planet instead of only the USA, you phony pieces of shit.
I think it's mostly just that no one gives a fuck about your demands. Why is this list so important to you?
When lefties evade the thread topic, it is because they either can't, or the answer is politically inconvenient.
What is politically inconvenient about recognizing the history or slavery?

I think there's some implied subtext here I'm not getting. It's like you're responding to some argument I've heard no one make.
What is politically inconvenient about recognizing the history or slavery? Have a closer look at what you responded to:

"When lefties evade the thread topic, it is because they either can't, or the answer is politically inconvenient."

You are continuing to evade the thread topic. Not even a mod could keep you on the thread topic. You resist answering the opening post and thread topic like a cat resists being shoved into a toilet.
I'm just not clear what the thread topic is. You ask a question, one with an obvious answer, one that's been answered, and then sit back and act like it's a clever "gotcha" or something. Of course slavery has infected nearly every nation in history. So has murder. And rape, etc... So what?

You seem to think you're making a point. But what is it?

It is not a point, it is a counterpoint, to all those anti-Americans who like to use slavery to tear down America.
Its such transparent bullshit when lefties cannot name ANY other nation on the planet that does not have slavery and racism as part of their history.

Maybe you lefties should start shitting on every country on the planet instead of only the USA, you phony pieces of shit.
I think it's mostly just that no one gives a fuck about your demands. Why is this list so important to you?
When lefties evade the thread topic, it is because they either can't, or the answer is politically inconvenient.
What is politically inconvenient about recognizing the history or slavery?

I think there's some implied subtext here I'm not getting. It's like you're responding to some argument I've heard no one make.
What is politically inconvenient about recognizing the history or slavery? Have a closer look at what you responded to:

"When lefties evade the thread topic, it is because they either can't, or the answer is politically inconvenient."

You are continuing to evade the thread topic. Not even a mod could keep you on the thread topic. You resist answering the opening post and thread topic like a cat resists being shoved into a toilet.
I'm just not clear what the thread topic is. You ask a question, one with an obvious answer, one that's been answered, and then sit back and act like it's a clever "gotcha" or something. Of course slavery has infected nearly every nation in history. So has murder. And rape, etc... So what?

You seem to think you're making a point. But what is it?

It is not a point, it is a counterpoint, to all those anti-Americans who like to use slavery to tear down America.
OK, I guess I just haven't seen that. I know racism is still a thing. I thought we'd kind of resolved the slavery issue.

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