Let's Reward Chicago's Dumbest Students With A Laptop!

They can't afford books & pencils for the kids but they can afford to purchase Thousands of Laptops? Yea that doesn't sound too ridiculous does it? The sad reality is that most of our Public Schools have dummies teaching kids to be dummies. This is another classic example of that. You don't need a Laptop to teach a child. That's just a cop-out.
here are a couple of bullfighter quotes from yesterday..

"Most Mexicans still think the toilet is an automatic face washing machine." bullfighter

"Mexicans are too stupid to use one. You would have to give them a special course and the Dream Act just to get those filthy people to use the toilet correctly". the bulfighter

Immitation is the most sincerest form of flattery. Thank you!
Let us not forget:

Federal job training money headed to Illinois

February 13, 2010 7:48 AM | No Comments

Illinois is to receive more than $8 million in federal money for job training initiatives.

U.S. Sen. Roland Burris on Friday announced the funding from a Department of Labor grant program. Illinois is to receive two grants, which the senator's office says are meant to provide job training in health care and emerging industries.

One grant for $4.9 million is to go to Governors State University in University Park. Another $3.4 million grant is to go to the National Council of La Raza in [URL="http://www.chicagobreakingnews.com/neighborhoods.html?region=1435491"]Chicago[/URL].

Burris says the awards will "ensure that Americans receive first-rate training in health care and other emerging industries that will lead to good paying jobs and security for families across the country."
-- Associated Press

Federal job training money headed to Illinois - Chicago Breaking News


The THEFT of those funds from American students of all other races is disgusting.
Let us not forget:

Federal job training money headed to Illinois

February 13, 2010 7:48 AM | No Comments

Illinois is to receive more than $8 million in federal money for job training initiatives.

U.S. Sen. Roland Burris on Friday announced the funding from a Department of Labor grant program. Illinois is to receive two grants, which the senator's office says are meant to provide job training in health care and emerging industries.

One grant for $4.9 million is to go to Governors State University in University Park. Another $3.4 million grant is to go to the National Council of La Raza in [URL="http://www.chicagobreakingnews.com/neighborhoods.html?region=1435491"]Chicago[/URL].

Burris says the awards will "ensure that Americans receive first-rate training in health care and other emerging industries that will lead to good paying jobs and security for families across the country."
-- Associated Press

Federal job training money headed to Illinois - Chicago Breaking News


The THEFT of those funds from American students of all other races is disgusting.

That money came to NY already and proved to be a bust.
Healthcare trainig rfers to medical coding...many took the courses but didnt show up to the classes. Others showed up to the classes, but didnt show up to the externships...and then many took the classes but didnt show up on the interviews for the jobs.
And those that wanted to take the courses on their own dime since they were not "poor" in 2009?
They couldnt get in becuase the classes were filled with the government paid students that didnt show up!
There is something to be said for interaction with a teacher. But remote classes are good to supplement the classroom experience, but imho, not replace it.

Very true, They will not replace the teacher but make the learning experience much more personal.

Imagine a teacher the kids see once a week and then from home with the teacher they see in class on the line with them providing the one on one.

The main reason our kids fail today is huge assed schools where the kids feel like pond scum because vertually no one really knows them.

Dave read the thread sometime
Ahhh. So you didn't say what you said. Got it. :clap2:
Chicago's dumbest students today could be our U.S. Presidents tomorrow. It's has happened before and it could happen again. Scary thought huh?
The kids have given up because you people have given up on them.

"You people"? Horseshit. The Left has been in control of education for 50 years. Hint: You've failed.

Hillarious.... The libs put all this progressive shit in place, it fails miserably, and they blame it on "you people" and demand more of what has failed in the name of "we just don;t get it"
The kids have given up because you people have given up on them.

"You people"? Horseshit. The Left has been in control of education for 50 years. Hint: You've failed.

Hillarious.... The libs put all this progressive shit in place, it fails miserably, and they blame it on "you people" and demand more of what has failed in the name of "we just don;t get it"
The Liberal Plan For Everything:

1. Throw money at it.

2. ??????

3. Success!!!
Corrupt Liberal Teacher Unions are the main cause of our Public Education downfall. Year after year they tell us they don't have enough money. So year after year they're given more money yet they still fail miserably. All the money in the World wont fix this broken system. This Laptop farce is just another example of Liberal Teacher Union stupidity. Supposedly they don't have enough money to purchase books & pencils but now all of sudden they do have enough money to purchase Thousands & Thousands of Laptops. It just makes no sense. Get rid of the corrupt Teacher Unions and our Public Schools might make a comeback.
I am for the laptops if and when each parent can afford one along with being responsible for the laptops care and upkeep.

This is the sort of attitude that fosters and permanent underclass of people in this country.


Why would there be motivation to care for an expensive piece of equipment of you have no financial stake in it?

I use to work for this guy that was pretty conservative but was also pretty smart (rare I know).

Between jobs (he did multimedia industrial presentations), he would invite employees to his townhouse in manhattan for dinners.

One of the things he said at the table made alot of sense. He said one of the reasons that people remain poor in this country..is that they think they have no "buy-in" to the American dream. But once people started owning..what ever that may be..they have an actual motivation to do well.

So the motivation..would be the "buy-in". This is actually something that will help them to become productive members of society..and it's tangible.
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This is the sort of attitude that fosters and permanent underclass of people in this country.


Why would there be motivation to care for an expensive piece of equipment of you have no financial stake in it?

I use to work for this guy that was pretty conservative but was also pretty smart (rare I know).

Between jobs (he did multimedia industrial presentations), he would invite employees to his townhouse in manhattan for dinners.

One of the things he said at the table made alot of sense. He said one of the reasons that people remain poor in this country..is that they think they have no "buy-in" to the American dream. But once people started owning..what ever that may be..they have an actual motivation to do well.

So the motivation..would be the "buy-in". This is actually something that will help them to become productive members of society..and it's tangible.

That is rather my point. The parents need to "buy-in" as in buy their child a laptop. If they are given a laptop there is no motivation to respect what they have nor motivation to care for the equipment.
Corrupt Liberal Teacher Unions are the main cause of our Public Education downfall. Year after year they tell us they don't have enough money. So year after year they're given more money yet they still fail miserably. All the money in the World wont fix this broken system. This Laptop farce is just another example of Liberal Teacher Union stupidity. Supposedly they don't have enough money to purchase books & pencils but now all of sudden they do have enough money to purchase Thousands & Thousands of Laptops. It just makes no sense. Get rid of the corrupt Teacher Unions and our Public Schools might make a comeback.

While I agree with the unions cause problems, they are NOT the source of this controversy, it's a candidate for mayor. There's enough blame for all the problems that plagued CPS. There's the unions, the politicians, the parents, the gangs, ....
[That money came to NY already and proved to be a bust.
Healthcare trainig rfers to medical coding...many took the courses but didnt show up to the classes. Others showed up to the classes, but didnt show up to the externships...and then many took the classes but didnt show up on the interviews for the jobs.
And those that wanted to take the courses on their own dime since they were not "poor" in 2009?
They couldnt get in becuase the classes were filled with the government paid students that didnt show up!

The goal of LA RAZA groups is to destroy America by whatever means. If it means putting every American in the tent cities by using up all their funds on "teach the bandito" classes, that is what they'll do.
"the otter box defender..." is technology available today. allows a blackberry to thrown and dropped on to a hard surface... and it's fine. that's technology that's available on the market today. i just saw a guy juggle and throw one. thank you
"the otter box defender..." is technology available today. allows a blackberry to thrown and dropped on to a hard surface... and it's fine. that's technology that's available on the market today. i just saw a guy juggle and throw one. thank you

and just how much does the Blackberry with this defender cost? That's a jazzed up cellphone, now a Toughbook costs just over $1k and one better not repeatedly throw it on the ground. It's built 'tough', but not indestructible.

You all have been throwing around $100-300, not going to get you this no matter the discounts. Heck, bet it wouldn't get you the Blackberry with that sort of case.

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