Lets say one good thing about Obama

Ever hear of a guy named George Bush?

How quickly you forget that GW had books written against him, a video game where the object was to kill him, several movies bashing him, a million dollar internet site and even a cartoon series.

None of the criticisms of DumBama had anything to do with his race. Race isn't the issue with this guy. The fact that he's so left and was even supported by the US Communist Party is the problem.
You can't get anymore against Bush's policies legally than me, but I waited at least 2 years into his Presidency, before I started criticizing his policies.

Less than 10 days after Obama's inauguration, you fuckers started criticizing him. WTF can a President do in 10 days that is worth criticizing?

Oh, so criticizing DumBama was an anomaly?

What about GW's 20 year old DUI that the libs dug up? What about his military record which was lied about? You guys carried on with that almost as long as the birthers with DumBamas BC.

Mitt Romney? You know, the guy that went on vacation with his dog cage tied to the top of his car? The guy with a car lift in his home? The guy so important to demonize that the libs actually dug up a story of when he was in high school and played a prank on a fellow classmate, and when that didn't get enough press, they lied about the classmate and said he was gay to draw some sympathy.
So how are Republicans killing Democracy? Kind of odd since we are not a Democracy but a Republic.
We're neither. We're a corporate oligarchy.

And republicans acting crazy, is turning off the rest of the world.

The Republicans are not about to make friends out of our enemies and enemies out of our friends like DumBama has. Appeasing illegals that cross our boarders every day, giving Iran a path to nuclear weapons, handing over Iraq--a war which thousands of our solders were hurt or killed and turned over to ISIS, handing over five top terrorists in our captivity for one lowly American deserter. Pissing off our only real ally in the middle-east........

If that's what it takes to have the world love us, I'd rather be hated.
The Republicans are not about to make friends out of our enemies and enemies out of our friends like DumBama has. Appeasing illegals that cross our boarders every day, giving Iran a path to nuclear weapons, handing over Iraq--a war which thousands of our solders were hurt or killed and turned over to ISIS, handing over five top terrorists in our captivity for one lowly American deserter. Pissing off our only real ally in the middle-east........

If that's what it takes to have the world love us, I'd rather be hated.
You created enemies where we didn't have any. We never used to have any problem with the muslim world before you fuckers came to power and started making up bullshit reasons to invade sovereign nations. Not to mention all this bullshit support for Israel. Fuck Israel! I could care less about that fuckin' country.

But I can see why you dig them. You're both a bunch of primadonna's walking around like your shit don't stink.
So was being awarded a Noble Peace Prize in a few weeks for doing nothing. But what are you going to do????
That was well into his Presidency and it was a fucking joke that they gave it to him.

BTW, I withdrew my support for him over 6 years ago.

I didn't wait until he was a lame duck, like you fuckers did with Bush.
There isn't anything nice to say about Obama who is incompetent, corrupt, a fraud, and has been lying & deceiving the American people since day 1.

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The Republicans are not about to make friends out of our enemies and enemies out of our friends like DumBama has. Appeasing illegals that cross our boarders every day, giving Iran a path to nuclear weapons, handing over Iraq--a war which thousands of our solders were hurt or killed and turned over to ISIS, handing over five top terrorists in our captivity for one lowly American deserter. Pissing off our only real ally in the middle-east........

If that's what it takes to have the world love us, I'd rather be hated.
You created enemies where we didn't have any. We never used to have any problem with the muslim world before you fuckers came to power and started making up bullshit reasons to invade sovereign nations. Not to mention all this bullshit support for Israel. Fuck Israel! I could care less about that fuckin' country.

But I can see why you dig them. You're both a bunch of primadonna's walking around like your shit don't stink.

Or maybe because they are the only real Democracy in that part of the country and our loyalty to each other extends decades until DumBama came to town.

We never had any enemies in the Muslim world until we came around? Care to see some footage of what Democrats said about Iraq and Saddam while Clinton was President?

Then we can go back through the Carter years where our Americans were captured and then the Reagan years where our problems in the middle-east continued.

Muslims have been a problem to Americans since before the cold war ended. Dumbama gave Iran nearly everything they wanted: their nukes, their prisoners we had in our custody, 150 billion dollars to spend how they desire, and how were we repaid? The leader chanting DEATH TO AMERICA only hours afterwards.

With a Republican leadership, that would have never happened.
Or maybe because they are the only real Democracy in that part of the country and our loyalty to each other extends decades until DumBama came to town.
They're not a democracy. They're a fascist, totalitarian country, that is acting more like Nazi Germany.

We never had any enemies in the Muslim world until we came around? Care to see some footage of what Democrats said about Iraq and Saddam while Clinton was President?

Then we can go back through the Carter years where our Americans were captured and then the Reagan years where our problems in the middle-east continued.
American's were captured because of what our CIA did back in 1953.

Muslims have been a problem to Americans since before the cold war ended. Dumbama gave Iran nearly everything they wanted: their nukes, their prisoners we had in our custody, 150 billion dollars to spend how they desire, and how were we repaid? The leader chanting DEATH TO AMERICA only hours afterwards.
No one has proven their nuclear program has been weaponized.

With a Republican leadership, that would have never happened.
What, more war?

After more than 10 years at war, you think this country needs more of that?

Obama dropped unemployment from 10% to 5.1%. That is fucking awesome!
He did? How so?....Be specific....BTW. the U-3 unemployment rate is a LIE.....
That rate does not count those not collecting unemployment benefits. Those are people who are willing but cannot find work.
Where did you get that idea? (really, I want to know because you're stating it as truth, but since it is not true, why do you think it is?)

From www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.tn.htm

People are classified as unemployed if they meet all of the following criteria:
they had no employment during the reference week; they were available for work at that time; and they made specific efforts to find employment sometime during the 4-week period ending with the reference week. Persons laid off from a job and expecting recall need not be looking for work to be counted as unemployed. The unemployment data derived from the household survey in no way depend upon the eligibility for or receipt of unemployment insurance benefits.

The survey doesn't even ask about unemployment benefits. So, again, why were you so sure the UE rate only included those receiving benefits?
The Idiot that helped kill the middle class and put a record number of Americans in poverty will be gone in January 2017...
Maybe some of you people are just a little too stupid to realize that this country has been in steady economic decline for more than forty years.
You're 100% correct......If most Americans bothered to learn a second or third language and then read what foreign newspapers (mostly from our allies) are writing about our country's ultra right hated of Obama, they could not help but be embarrassed.....at least those who still have a conscience.

(Of course, some of these ultra right Americans would probably advocate for an invasion of those countries.)
The racist right is killing democracy for the rest of the planet.

The whole world is looking at what the conservative right is doing in this country (in regards to democracy) and are saying, "Fuck no!"

So how are Republicans killing Democracy? Kind of odd since we are not a Democracy but a Republic.
You may as well try talking to a rock.

Obama dropped unemployment from 10% to 5.1%. That is fucking awesome!
He did? How so?....Be specific....BTW. the U-3 unemployment rate is a LIE.....
That rate does not count those not collecting unemployment benefits. Those are people who are willing but cannot find work.
Where did you get that idea? (really, I want to know because you're stating it as truth, but since it is not true, why do you think it is?)

From www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.tn.htm

People are classified as unemployed if they meet all of the following criteria:
they had no employment during the reference week; they were available for work at that time; and they made specific efforts to find employment sometime during the 4-week period ending with the reference week. Persons laid off from a job and expecting recall need not be looking for work to be counted as unemployed. The unemployment data derived from the household survey in no way depend upon the eligibility for or receipt of unemployment insurance benefits.

The survey doesn't even ask about unemployment benefits. So, again, why were you so sure the UE rate only included those receiving benefits?
Because it is true.
Hence the reason for the existence of U-6.....
The bottom line is despite the rosy news planted by the White House and regurgitated by a complicit main stream media, things are not nearly as wonderful as your side wishes them to be.
So please. Stop the nonsense.
When GDP annualized growth exceeds 2% for 4 consecutive quarters, that's a decent but not healthy economy.
And despite your side's creepy worship of Obama and your undying need to have him enjoy even the smallest of success, there is one constant in economics. That is economy is cyclical....Yes, government policy, NOT intervention, can stimulate the economy, but ultimately it is the private sector which drives the economy. Government interference drags the economy downward.
Government is better suited to be a partner with the private sector. Not an authoritarian overseer of the private sector.

Obama dropped unemployment from 10% to 5.1%. That is fucking awesome!
He did? How so?....Be specific....BTW. the U-3 unemployment rate is a LIE.....
That rate does not count those not collecting unemployment benefits. Those are people who are willing but cannot find work.
Where did you get that idea? (really, I want to know because you're stating it as truth, but since it is not true, why do you think it is?)

From www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.tn.htm

People are classified as unemployed if they meet all of the following criteria:
they had no employment during the reference week; they were available for work at that time; and they made specific efforts to find employment sometime during the 4-week period ending with the reference week. Persons laid off from a job and expecting recall need not be looking for work to be counted as unemployed. The unemployment data derived from the household survey in no way depend upon the eligibility for or receipt of unemployment insurance benefits.

The survey doesn't even ask about unemployment benefits. So, again, why were you so sure the UE rate only included those receiving benefits?
Because it is true.
Hence the reason for the existence of U-6.....
So you just ignore that BLS says they don't use unemployment benefits as a criterion, only job search, and insist on your evidence of....... What?
The U-6 adds in people willing and able to work who have looked for work in the last year (not just last month for unemployed) and people working part time time involuntarily. Nothing to do with benefits

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