Lets say one good thing about Obama

Luddy luddy luddy, your small ball president is a massive failure for,the American people as well as a pretender who takes credit for,things,he has nothing to do with, ie gas,prices.

Doubled the debt in eight years.

Caused huge increases in medical costs for middle class families

Middle class declined during his term.

Made America 26 in economic freedom in the world when we used to be number 2

Decreased black families net worth and increased their unemployment rates.

Created much greater racial division

Doubled food stamp recipients.

More than doubled disability recipients.

Kept interest rates at zero completely demolishing retirement incomes

Gutted,the military

Earned,the most incompetent award for any president in foreign affairs, greatly increasing the danger yo all Americans.

Allowed student debt to spiral past 1 trillion

Oversaw the complete disintegration of th VA

Dropped,funding for NASA

Violated constitution multiple times

Used govt agencies to punish and deprive his political enemies of,their rights

Lied constantly to the American people

Increased the net worth of the top one percent astronomically.

Reduced job growth in the country because of obamacare

Turned our economy into part time workers

Median income for all Americans has fallen under Obama

Immigration, nuff said

Allowed govt bureaucracies to make law( EPA)

The list is infinite, he not only fundamentally changed America, he has fundamentally destroyed America

.....and, don't forget, that my nutty neighbor is blaming his shingles outbreak ALSO on Obama.
In about a year and three months he'll be looking for a new career.

Well, damagedBeagle....Here's a thought that should send you to the nearest bathroom with an attack of the runs.....the funny and very ironic reality is this....
IF Obama could run another term, what do you think his chances would be?


He can't without rewriting the Constitution darlin'.

Even if he could I won't be payin' out any more money in taxes than I am now because if he wants more revenue in taxes he can go tax himself and his friends.

Which, BTW, if he wants to start taxing his friends big time I'll say something else good about him... But I don't see him turning on the hands that feed him his corrupt money.


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He can't without rewriting the Constitution darlin'.

Even if he could I won't be payin' out any more money in taxes than I am now because if he wants more revenue in taxes he can go tax himself and his friends.

Your first sentence is obvious to any 5th grader....but THAT was not my point.
Regarding your taxes....you should know that regardless of what Sean Hannity will tell you (and you swallow) your taxes have not increased since enacting such a law is the role of congress...and not the WH (something else that a 5th grader would also know....

Basically, you're not much of an informed voter.....but hey, your party is chuck-full of your twins.
He can't without rewriting the Constitution darlin'.

Even if he could I won't be payin' out any more money in taxes than I am now because if he wants more revenue in taxes he can go tax himself and his friends.

Your first sentence is obvious to any 5th grader....but THAT was not my point.
Regarding your taxes....you should know that regardless of what Sean Hannity will tell you (and you swallow) your taxes have not increased since enacting such a law is the role of congress...and not the WH (something else that a 5th grader would also know....

Basically, you're not much of an informed voter.....but hey, your party is chuck-full of your twins.


Considering all you do is call me names I would say we know when you quit school.

As for your speel about taxes it takes the presidents approval to enact a law unless both houses have a majority overriding any veto.

His little health care act was the largest tax increase without ever being called a tax and until it's overturned or the health care industry is nationalized with all the health care workers put on the government/military pay scale I will oppose it in any way I can. Why? Because I don't feel it's legal for the government to tell everyone they have to buy something from a private company just because they happen to be alive. Otherwise they better pass a law that forces you to buy stuff from me also.


You on the left don't have that going on for you this election. You have a contender under FBI investigation, a Socialist that wants to take nearly every last dime from our job creators, and a VP who has stayed hidden the last couple of years that didn't even join the race yet.

Don't worry about what's happening on our side of the fence, worry more about what's happening on your side.

Well, you're partially correct.....The Dems. side of the contenders' aisle has some major hurdles to overcome. Yet, Dems have helped to elect candidates who were center-left and, to a large extent, so did republicans (except when they ran with psychopathic VPs).....

This go-around, your right wingers seem to want to completely abandon the center and are shifting so far to the tea party mentality, that folks like Boehner and possibly even Jeb Bush are leaving with the GOP platform left to a showman, a doctor quack (perhaps brilliant as a physician...but no clue about governance) and the border-line insane Cruz.

I was reminded of one of my favorite poems by the poet Yeats about what is happening to the moribund republican party. Note the bolded lines:

....Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed
upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Oh no, no, no, no. Your troubles are just starting. Hillary might end up with an indictment against her before this is all over. Nanny Bloomberg is talking about getting into the race as an Independent which would syphon a lot of Democrat votes. There are a considerable amount of Democrats that happen to like Donald Trump as well.

The warm up acts aren't even over yet, so get ready for the real show.
You were stupid and used your AOL screen name on another account, after that it was child's play, same with Crawa and Farmhag. If nothing else I should have taught you internet security. Once I had that other account I followed the trail. NEVER use an email on a forum that is used anywhere else

Soooo, all you're proving that you're a stalker with NO life.....I have nothing to hide and, if you are that savvy...sassy.....You would NOT be calling me a faux prof. which, through this last post PROVES to me that you're full of shit, as many have long known.

LOL You're no professor. In fact I know everything about you...but alas forum rules prevent me from saying much. I miss AOL, create a name, do your damage and after you get banned simply create a new account. Sheesh I must have went through 50 names on AOL, you loons were reporting fools. Such a bother creating names, I finally just started using Irish 1, Irish 2, Irish 3....saved time :confused:
Oh look...a real bad ass......I wonder what doesn't get attended to in real life because SassyIrish girl is playing bad ass on the internet.
Lets say one good thing about Obama...

---He turned the economy around and made more jobs then George w Bush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your turn!
"He" turned around the economy?
How so?....Name the specific policies and procedures that Obama did ALL BY HIMSELF....
Funny, 10.6% of us are STILL unemployed.

Obama dropped unemployment from 10% to 5.1%. That is fucking awesome!
He did? How so?....Be specific....BTW. the U-3 unemployment rate is a LIE.....
That rate does not count those not collecting unemployment benefits. Those are people who are willing but cannot find work.
One more good thing:

His race war legacy will reduce the American population, reducing the demand for goods and services so much that the entire planet will be saved from Global (Warming)(Cooling)(Change)(whogivesafukwot)!
You're 100% correct......If most Americans bothered to learn a second or third language and then read what foreign newspapers (mostly from our allies) are writing about our country's ultra right hated of Obama, they could not help but be embarrassed.....at least those who still have a conscience.

(Of course, some of these ultra right Americans would probably advocate for an invasion of those countries.)
The racist right is killing democracy for the rest of the planet.

The whole world is looking at what the conservative right is doing in this country (in regards to democracy) and are saying, "Fuck no!"
No, DumBama exposed how racially paranoid his followers are. Have we ever heard the accusations of racism this often under any other administration?
Have we ever seen a President be criticized, before he did anything to be criticized about?

Ever hear of a guy named George Bush?

How quickly you forget that GW had books written against him, a video game where the object was to kill him, several movies bashing him, a million dollar internet site and even a cartoon series.

None of the criticisms of DumBama had anything to do with his race. Race isn't the issue with this guy. The fact that he's so left and was even supported by the US Communist Party is the problem.
You're 100% correct......If most Americans bothered to learn a second or third language and then read what foreign newspapers (mostly from our allies) are writing about our country's ultra right hated of Obama, they could not help but be embarrassed.....at least those who still have a conscience.

(Of course, some of these ultra right Americans would probably advocate for an invasion of those countries.)
The racist right is killing democracy for the rest of the planet.

The whole world is looking at what the conservative right is doing in this country (in regards to democracy) and are saying, "Fuck no!"

So how are Republicans killing Democracy? Kind of odd since we are not a Democracy but a Republic.
Ever hear of a guy named George Bush?

How quickly you forget that GW had books written against him, a video game where the object was to kill him, several movies bashing him, a million dollar internet site and even a cartoon series.

None of the criticisms of DumBama had anything to do with his race. Race isn't the issue with this guy. The fact that he's so left and was even supported by the US Communist Party is the problem.
You can't get anymore against Bush's policies legally than me, but I waited at least 2 years into his Presidency, before I started criticizing his policies.

Less than 10 days after Obama's inauguration, you fuckers started criticizing him. WTF can a President do in 10 days that is worth criticizing?
Lets say one good thing about Obama...

---He turned the economy around and made more jobs then George w Bush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your turn!
72 straight months of adding jobs.

Right, it's just that nobody on the left explain how he did it.

If DumBama went on vacation from day one, those jobs still would have been added. Government doesn't create jobs--the private sector does. And unless you can show one positive thing this anti-business President has done to give credit for this job growth, it's coincidental at best.

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