Lets say one good thing about Obama


In about a year and three months he'll be looking for a new career.



And what whipping might that be? His party lost power both mid-term elections thanks to him. In fact the last one was historical. We haven't had this many Republicans in Congress since 1947. That's 13 years before DumBama was even born.

True.....the MIDTERM election (where we didn't have enough aliens and dead people voting for the Dems.) was quite historic......Nonetheless, given the "stellar" performance of the republican-led congress, the Ali's line about "roping-a dope" kind of fits in.......

(For homework, look up just how many senate seats the GOP will have to "defend" next year.......and contemplate the upcoming storm.)

Well there is something you libs are going to have to come to terms with:

DumBama was a showman much like Trump, only in a different way. People liked DumBama, but not his policies.

He spoke well, he dressed well, he had a nice family, and most of all, he was black.

You on the left don't have that going on for you this election. You have a contender under FBI investigation, a Socialist that wants to take nearly every last dime from our job creators, and a VP who has stayed hidden the last couple of years that didn't even join the race yet.

Don't worry about what's happening on our side of the fence, worry more about what's happening on your side.

And what whipping might that be? His party lost power both mid-term elections thanks to him. In fact the last one was historical. We haven't had this many Republicans in Congress since 1947. That's 13 years before DumBama was even born.

True.....the MIDTERM election (where we didn't have enough aliens and dead people voting for the Dems.) was quite historic......Nonetheless, given the "stellar" performance of the republican-led congress, the Ali's line about "roping-a dope" kind of fits in.......

(For homework, look up just how many senate seats the GOP will have to "defend" next year.......and contemplate the upcoming storm.)

Well there is something you libs are going to have to come to terms with:

DumBama was a showman much like Trump, only in a different way. People liked DumBama, but not his policies.

He spoke well, he dressed well, he had a nice family, and most of all, he was black.

You on the left don't have that going on for you this election. You have a contender under FBI investigation, a Socialist that wants to take nearly every last dime from our job creators, and a VP who has stayed hidden the last couple of years that didn't even join the race yet.

Don't worry about what's happening on our side of the fence, worry more about what's happening on your side.


Right you upside down clown. What you on the left do is post Bush's worst years (the housing crisis) over DumBama's best which isn't much to brag about. Furthermore is the fact that DumBama had absolutely nothing to do with our fuel prices today. The low cost of fuel is the direct result of America producing our own fuel; particularly Fracking which DumBama and the Democrats were always against.

Private land drilling has increased under DumBama because he has no control over that. However, drilling and permits on public land have decreased since DumBama took over.

Unemployment rates have been screwed due to labor participation rate. The chart below shows that the end of the Bush years had the highest labor participation rate compared to DumBama's record low which hasn't been met since the early 70's:

GOP funi peepo. Pretend kair a boat pour and peepo wif no job.

Wee naught as toopid as thay. Wee no bedder.
The republican right is destroying the concept of democracy to the rest of the world and as a result, putting this country in grave danger.
I'll steal Biden's compliment for Obama: He's the first black candidate that is clean and articulate. (and if anyone thinks that is nasty, email Biden)

Otherwise, disagree with most liberal policies and wish he was as thoughtful toward all Americans as he is towards Muslims and minorities.
You on the left don't have that going on for you this election. You have a contender under FBI investigation, a Socialist that wants to take nearly every last dime from our job creators, and a VP who has stayed hidden the last couple of years that didn't even join the race yet.

Don't worry about what's happening on our side of the fence, worry more about what's happening on your side.

Well, you're partially correct.....The Dems. side of the contenders' aisle has some major hurdles to overcome. Yet, Dems have helped to elect candidates who were center-left and, to a large extent, so did republicans (except when they ran with psychopathic VPs).....

This go-around, your right wingers seem to want to completely abandon the center and are shifting so far to the tea party mentality, that folks like Boehner and possibly even Jeb Bush are leaving with the GOP platform left to a showman, a doctor quack (perhaps brilliant as a physician...but no clue about governance) and the border-line insane Cruz.

I was reminded of one of my favorite poems by the poet Yeats about what is happening to the moribund republican party. Note the bolded lines:

....Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed
upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
In about a year and three months he'll be looking for a new career.

Well, damagedBeagle....Here's a thought that should send you to the nearest bathroom with an attack of the runs.....the funny and very ironic reality is this....
IF Obama could run another term, what do you think his chances would be?
Luddy luddy luddy, your small ball president is a massive failure for,the American people as well as a pretender who takes credit for,things,he has nothing to do with, ie gas,prices.

Doubled the debt in eight years.

Caused huge increases in medical costs for middle class families

Middle class declined during his term.

Made America 26 in economic freedom in the world when we used to be number 2

Decreased black families net worth and increased their unemployment rates.

Created much greater racial division

Doubled food stamp recipients.

More than doubled disability recipients.

Kept interest rates at zero completely demolishing retirement incomes

Gutted,the military

Earned,the most incompetent award for any president in foreign affairs, greatly increasing the danger yo all Americans.

Allowed student debt to spiral past 1 trillion

Oversaw the complete disintegration of th VA

Dropped,funding for NASA

Violated constitution multiple times

Used govt agencies to punish and deprive his political enemies of,their rights

Lied constantly to the American people

Increased the net worth of the top one percent astronomically.

Reduced job growth in the country because of obamacare

Turned our economy into part time workers

Median income for all Americans has fallen under Obama

Immigration, nuff said

Allowed govt bureaucracies to make law( EPA)

The list is infinite, he not only fundamentally changed America, he has fundamentally destroyed America
Obama exposed the racist right for all the world to see.

You're 100% correct......If most Americans bothered to learn a second or third language and then read what foreign newspapers (mostly from our allies) are writing about our country's ultra right hated of Obama, they could not help but be embarrassed.....at least those who still have a conscience.

(Of course, some of these ultra right Americans would probably advocate for an invasion of those countries.)

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