Lets Say Trump Stop Manafort From Going To Jail.How Will CNN,MSNBC&The Left React?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Odds are that he may get a sentence if found guilty, but we all know that Trump will not let that happen considering what the likes of Al Sharpton, Charlie Rangal and Hillary have gotten away with.
But they wont mention that on the leftist networks, they will just pounce on Trump for setting free Paul Manafort because he cheated on his taxes. Yah, and how many millions of people cheat on their taxes and never sent to jail?

:ack-1: :5_1_12024: :CryingCow:
we just already see Al Sharpton having a cow. "We Much Not Be Dizcomubustble! Ober diss Whitey Randy Mandalfart whoode cheeted on his taxes, and den found gilty! and den he sent to jail! and den Bezident Jump stop dat racist much from going to jail !!!""
They will rightly be up in arms if Manafort implicates Trump in a crime and suddenly gets pardoned.

The question is how can you not see the problem with that.
and they say conservative start riots? I wonder what will happen at Berkeleerrleey if Trump sets him free
Odds are that he may get a sentence if found guilty, but we all know that Trump will not let that happen considering what the likes of Al Sharpton, Charlie Rangal and Hillary have gotten away with.
But they wont mention that on the leftist networks, they will just pounce on Trump for setting free Paul Manafort because he cheated on his taxes. Yah, and how many millions of people cheat on their taxes and never sent to jail?

:ack-1: :5_1_12024: :CryingCow:
Yeah, good luck with that.
we just already see Al Sharpton having a cow. "We Much Not Be Dizcomubustble! Ober diss Whitey Randy Mandalfart whoode cheeted on his taxes, and den found gilty! and den he sent to jail! and den Bezident Jump stop dat racist much from going to jail !!!""
Whoo, that's some majorly racist crap right there my Nazi friend.
Trump has zero to gain in pardoning manafort. He isn't going to pardon a tax cheater who has been proven guilty in a court of law. Trump knows this. So do you.
Mueller is gonna look like a fool if Manifort never sees a cell
we just already see Al Sharpton having a cow. "We Much Not Be Dizcomubustble! Ober diss Whitey Randy Mandalfart whoode cheeted on his taxes, and den found gilty! and den he sent to jail! and den Bezident Jump stop dat racist much from going to jail !!!""
Whoo, that's some majorly racist crap right there my Nazi friend.
You are a racist for defending Al Sharpton.
I am an indy. But I would LOVE it if Trump pardoned Manafort...America would freak out. And it would hurt the Reps in November BIG TIME.
The guy calls himself the 'law and order President'...and he pardons clearly guilty people who are his buddies/cronies? What hypocrisy.

I hope he does it...the faster that vain, stupid man-child is out of power/office...the better for America.
I am an indy. But I would LOVE it if Trump pardoned Manafort...America would freak out. And it would hurt the Reps in November BIG TIME.
The guy calls himself the 'law and order President'...and he pardons clearly guilty people who are his buddies/cronies? What hypocrisy.

I hope he does it...the faster that vain, stupid man-child is out of power/office...the better for America.
You underestimate the damage that Democrats have done to themselves.
I am an indy. But I would LOVE it if Trump pardoned Manafort...America would freak out. And it would hurt the Reps in November BIG TIME.
The guy calls himself the 'law and order President'...and he pardons clearly guilty people who are his buddies/cronies? What hypocrisy.

I hope he does it...the faster that vain, stupid man-child is out of power/office...the better for America.
You underestimate the damage that Democrats have done to themselves.
i think Hillary will fly back to India and raise hell over Trump letting Manifest free for cheating on his taxes/money laundering/hiding income.
Hmm? lets see,,who else did that and got away with it?
we just already see Al Sharpton having a cow. "We Much Not Be Dizcomubustble! Ober diss Whitey Randy Mandalfart whoode cheeted on his taxes, and den found gilty! and den he sent to jail! and den Bezident Jump stop dat racist much from going to jail !!!""
Whoo, that's some majorly racist crap right there my Nazi friend.
You are a racist for defending Al Sharpton.
Lol, finally gonna say something instead of just this cowardly bullshit you've been pulling with rating all my posts "funny" and running away?

Also please point out my defense of sharpton.
We need to stop gaming the process. Manafort can appeal but this pardon stuff would be stupid.
I am an indy. But I would LOVE it if Trump pardoned Manafort...America would freak out. And it would hurt the Reps in November BIG TIME.
The guy calls himself the 'law and order President'...and he pardons clearly guilty people who are his buddies/cronies? What hypocrisy.

I hope he does it...the faster that vain, stupid man-child is out of power/office...the better for America.


I am an indy. I hope the Republicans implode. Do you even read what you post?
when Manafesto is set free, Trump will jump to 52% approval and Elizabeth Warren will sink to 3% approval

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