Lets See If I Got This Right....


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Because some kids got killed in Florida while at school, due to the FBI failing to do its job in responding to several warnings about the kookburger that did the shooting, and the local cops pussying out and not going in to deal with the shooter like the brave officer in Maryland did a few days ago, and because some kook didnt mind breaking dozens of laws against taking guns to schools, illegal discharge of fire arms and MURDER,, EVERYBODY ELSE has to forfeit more of our rights and which h ad absolutely NOTHING to do with what went wrong in Floriduh?

This is just further proof of how ignorant and stupid the media establishment is today and how gullible high school students can be.

IT is not justification to torch the Second Amendment.


Considering the way the progressives call law enforcement a bunch of killers they should be screaming that all law enforcement and other non-military agencies have to comply with whatever firearms and/or other equipment the progressives want banned. Law enforcement and any other non-military agencies are only here to serve and protect the people not wage war on them.


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I can't shit on these kids. They are kids. Most people won't find their concrete political beliefs until their 30's or 40's. We have a President who was a Democrat until his late 60's, and we pretend like it means nothing. I'd prefer a candidate of any political inclination to a man in his 60's who doesn't know which party he supports.
I can't shit on these kids. They are kids. Most people won't find their concrete political beliefs until their 30's or 40's. We have a President who was a Democrat until his late 60's, and we pretend like it means nothing. I'd prefer a candidate of any political inclination to a man in his 60's who doesn't know which party he supports.

Personally I'd prefer a candidate who didn't whore himself out to a political party just because it would get him more votes from those who believe in fucking 'labels'.
I can't shit on these kids. They are kids. Most people won't find their concrete political beliefs until their 30's or 40's. We have a President who was a Democrat until his late 60's, and we pretend like it means nothing. I'd prefer a candidate of any political inclination to a man in his 60's who doesn't know which party he supports.

Well I can shit on these little retards enough for me and you and several other people.

Fuck these little brats for their arrogance and gullible frothing.
I can't shit on these kids. They are kids. Most people won't find their concrete political beliefs until their 30's or 40's. We have a President who was a Democrat until his late 60's, and we pretend like it means nothing. I'd prefer a candidate of any political inclination to a man in his 60's who doesn't know which party he supports.

How many of the "kids" who now want a voice in adult issues, without dissent, are part of the crowd who shunned, said things, and who knows what else, that drove the perpetrator to turn on them in violence?


I can't shit on these kids. They are kids. Most people won't find their concrete political beliefs until their 30's or 40's. We have a President who was a Democrat until his late 60's, and we pretend like it means nothing. I'd prefer a candidate of any political inclination to a man in his 60's who doesn't know which party he supports.

How many of the "kids" who now want a voice in adult issues, without dissent, are part of the crowd who shunned, said things, and who knows what else, that drove the perpetrator to turn on them in violence?



I sure as hell dont know, but I really wish they would go back to eating Tide pods.
Because some kids got killed in Florida while at school, due to the FBI failing to do its job in responding to several warnings about the kookburger that did the shooting, and the local cops pussying out and not going in to deal with the shooter like the brave officer in Maryland did a few days ago, and because some kook didnt mind breaking dozens of laws against taking guns to schools, illegal discharge of fire arms and MURDER,, EVERYBODY ELSE has to forfeit more of our rights and which h ad absolutely NOTHING to do with what went wrong in Floriduh?

This is just further proof of how ignorant and stupid the media establishment is today and how gullible high school students can be.

IT is not justification to torch the Second Amendment.


"Share the pain". It's the socialist way.
Because some kids got killed in Florida while at school, due to the FBI failing to do its job in responding to several warnings about the kookburger that did the shooting, and the local cops pussying out and not going in to deal with the shooter like the brave officer in Maryland did a few days ago, and because some kook didnt mind breaking dozens of laws against taking guns to schools, illegal discharge of fire arms and MURDER,, EVERYBODY ELSE has to forfeit more of our rights and which h ad absolutely NOTHING to do with what went wrong in Floriduh?

This is just further proof of how ignorant and stupid the media establishment is today and how gullible high school students can be.

IT is not justification to torch the Second Amendment.

You and those like you just don't get it. Why don't you try reading the 2nd Amendment for a change, and if you don't understand it, get an educated adult to explain it to you, especially the part that says, WELL REGULATED.
I sure as hell dont know, but I really wish they would go back to eating Tide pods.


I'm not justifying why the shooter did it, what he did was extremely wrong, however the arrogance of the students demanding gun control suggests that they don't think about the consequences of what they say and do. They remind me of the conceited and opinionated types of students I had to defend the less accepted students from when I was in high school..... Some things never change.


You and those like you just don't get it. Why don't you try reading the 2nd Amendment for a change, and if you don't understand it, get an educated adult to explain it to you, especially the part that says, WELL REGULATED.

SCOTUS says you are full of shit, and that is one of the few rulings they got right, exactly right.

The 14th Amendment makes gun rights protected due process for EVERY AMERICAN from ANY state infringement or federali infringement.

So why dont you go buy yourself a civics book and try to read it and this time try saying the words aloud as you go as it might help you.

Because some kids got killed in Florida while at school, due to the FBI failing to do its job in responding to several warnings about the kookburger that did the shooting, and the local cops pussying out and not going in to deal with the shooter like the brave officer in Maryland did a few days ago, and because some kook didnt mind breaking dozens of laws against taking guns to schools, illegal discharge of fire arms and MURDER,, EVERYBODY ELSE has to forfeit more of our rights and which h ad absolutely NOTHING to do with what went wrong in Floriduh?

This is just further proof of how ignorant and stupid the media establishment is today and how gullible high school students can be.

IT is not justification to torch the Second Amendment.

You and those like you just don't get it. Why don't you try reading the 2nd Amendment for a change, and if you don't understand it, get an educated adult to explain it to you, especially the part that says, WELL REGULATED.

especially the part that says, WELL REGULATED.

It says the Militia should be well regulated...

(What does it say about the people?)
Because some kids got killed in Florida while at school, due to the FBI failing to do its job in responding to several warnings about the kookburger that did the shooting, and the local cops pussying out and not going in to deal with the shooter like the brave officer in Maryland did a few days ago, and because some kook didnt mind breaking dozens of laws against taking guns to schools, illegal discharge of fire arms and MURDER,, EVERYBODY ELSE has to forfeit more of our rights and which h ad absolutely NOTHING to do with what went wrong in Floriduh?

This is just further proof of how ignorant and stupid the media establishment is today and how gullible high school students can be.

IT is not justification to torch the Second Amendment.

You and those like you just don't get it. Why don't you try reading the 2nd Amendment for a change, and if you don't understand it, get an educated adult to explain it to you, especially the part that says, WELL REGULATED.

We know what the 2d Amendment says and what it means. But I could use the advice of an adult on how to have a WELL REGULATED bowel movement.
I can't shit on these kids. They are kids. Most people won't find their concrete political beliefs until their 30's or 40's. We have a President who was a Democrat until his late 60's, and we pretend like it means nothing. I'd prefer a candidate of any political inclination to a man in his 60's who doesn't know which party he supports.
I beleive in concrete. We should put more politicians in concrete. That’s my concrete political belief.
I can't shit on these kids. They are kids. Most people won't find their concrete political beliefs until their 30's or 40's. We have a President who was a Democrat until his late 60's, and we pretend like it means nothing. I'd prefer a candidate of any political inclination to a man in his 60's who doesn't know which party he supports.

Personally I'd prefer a candidate who didn't whore himself out to a political party just because it would get him more votes from those who believe in fucking 'labels'.
Do you think Trump knew the fix was in at the DNC?
Because some kids got killed in Florida while at school, due to the FBI failing to do its job in responding to several warnings about the kookburger that did the shooting, and the local cops pussying out and not going in to deal with the shooter like the brave officer in Maryland did a few days ago, and because some kook didnt mind breaking dozens of laws against taking guns to schools, illegal discharge of fire arms and MURDER,, EVERYBODY ELSE has to forfeit more of our rights and which h ad absolutely NOTHING to do with what went wrong in Floriduh?

This is just further proof of how ignorant and stupid the media establishment is today and how gullible high school students can be.

IT is not justification to torch the Second Amendment.

You and those like you just don't get it. Why don't you try reading the 2nd Amendment for a change, and if you don't understand it, get an educated adult to explain it to you, especially the part that says, WELL REGULATED.
YOU read it. It says "right of the PEOPLE" not of the militia!
Because some kids got killed in Florida while at school, due to the FBI failing to do its job in responding to several warnings about the kookburger that did the shooting, and the local cops pussying out and not going in to deal with the shooter like the brave officer in Maryland did a few days ago, and because some kook didnt mind breaking dozens of laws against taking guns to schools, illegal discharge of fire arms and MURDER,, EVERYBODY ELSE has to forfeit more of our rights and which h ad absolutely NOTHING to do with what went wrong in Floriduh?

This is just further proof of how ignorant and stupid the media establishment is today and how gullible high school students can be.

IT is not justification to torch the Second Amendment.

You and those like you just don't get it. Why don't you try reading the 2nd Amendment for a change, and if you don't understand it, get an educated adult to explain it to you, especially the part that says, WELL REGULATED.

Well regulated" did not mean during that time, what you think it does.

"The phrase “well-regulated” was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected. Establishing government oversight of the people’s arms was not only not the intent in using the phrase in the 2nd amendment, it was precisely to render the government powerless to do so that the founders wrote it.

The following are taken from the Oxford English Dictionary, and bracket in time the writing of the 2nd amendment:

1709: “If a liberal Education has formed in us well-regulated Appetites and worthy Inclinations.”

1714: “The practice of all well-regulated courts of justice in the world.”

1812: “The equation of time … is the adjustment of the difference of time as shown by a well-regulated clock and a true sun dial.”

1848: “A remissness for which I am sure every well-regulated person will blame the Mayor.”

1862: “It appeared to her well-regulated mind, like a clandestine proceeding.”

1894: “The newspaper, a never wanting adjunct to every well-regulated American embryo city.”

"Well-Regulated" - Bearing Arms - Second Amendment, Well-Regulated

"Well regulated" means nothing to do with the government regulating firearms or the people's right to own them.
I can't shit on these kids. They are kids. Most people won't find their concrete political beliefs until their 30's or 40's. We have a President who was a Democrat until his late 60's, and we pretend like it means nothing. I'd prefer a candidate of any political inclination to a man in his 60's who doesn't know which party he supports.

Personally I'd prefer a candidate who didn't whore himself out to a political party just because it would get him more votes from those who believe in fucking 'labels'.
Do you think Trump knew the fix was in at the DNC?

I think EVERYBODY knew the fix was in at DNC. Wasn't a big secret, was it.
I can't shit on these kids. They are kids. Most people won't find their concrete political beliefs until their 30's or 40's. We have a President who was a Democrat until his late 60's, and we pretend like it means nothing. I'd prefer a candidate of any political inclination to a man in his 60's who doesn't know which party he supports.
I beleive in concrete. We should put more politicians in concrete. That’s my concrete political belief.

Maybe just their shoes. Don't wanna waste concrete.

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