Lets See If I Got This Right....

Yeah, let's shit on the impressionable children who watched their classmates die, instead of the politicians pushing their agenda upon kids who witnessed the worst thing in their lives. That's the ticket.

View attachment 184698

Is that why the law enforcement that arrived at the scene didn't go inside to do something about it because it was possibly the worst thing that they would ever witness in their life?

Perhaps they should all be required to turn in their badges and seek employment in some other field of work.



What does this post have to do with mine, and why shouldn't you place a shotgun in your mouth for responding to it with this?


Those kids accept the role they are playing and in their arrogance they don't question if what they are doing is right. They act like this is some sort of high school contest to win. In fact one even glorifies in the role by saying he's going to utilize his "white privilege" to push the agenda.

They will receive no sympathy from me!



NOTE: I see you don't have me on ignore.
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Yeah, let's shit on the impressionable children who watched their classmates die, instead of the politicians pushing their agenda upon kids who witnessed the worst thing in their lives. That's the ticket.

View attachment 184698

Is that why the law enforcement that arrived at the scene didn't go inside to do something about it because it was possibly the worst thing that they would ever witness in their life?

Perhaps they should all be required to turn in their badges and seek employment in some other field of work.



What does this post have to do with mine, and why shouldn't you place a shotgun in your mouth for responding to it with this?


Those kids accept the role they are playing and in their arrogance they don't question if what they are doing is right. They act like this is some sort of high school contest to win. In fact one even glorifies in the role by saying he's going to utilize his "white privilege" to push the agenda.

They will receive no sympathy from me!



NOTE: I see you don't have me on ignore.

Yeah, but you are retarded.
Yeah, let's shit on the impressionable children who watched their classmates die,

Few of those students actually saw anything, including David Hogg.

And yes, if these little bastards are going to advocate stripping the American public of their gun rights in defiance of our Constitution, you are damned right I will shit on that little turd brain all damned day.

These kids cant get up to run their pie holes while other lefties demand we dont talk back at their little Nazis they have trained so well.

It dont work that way, bubba.
Because some kids got killed in Florida while at school, due to the FBI failing to do its job in responding to several warnings about the kookburger that did the shooting, and the local cops pussying out and not going in to deal with the shooter like the brave officer in Maryland did a few days ago, and because some kook didnt mind breaking dozens of laws against taking guns to schools, illegal discharge of fire arms and MURDER,, EVERYBODY ELSE has to forfeit more of our rights and which h ad absolutely NOTHING to do with what went wrong in Floriduh?

Yeah, pretty much. Because none of those other things would have mattered if he hadn't been able to buy a military grade weapon to start with.

And because this has been the 20th or 30th time a "kookburger" was able to do something like this because the National Rampage Association has made weapons like this so easy to get.
Few of those students actually saw anything, including David Hogg.

And yes, if these little bastards are going to advocate stripping the American public of their gun rights in defiance of our Constitution, you are damned right I will shit on that little turd brain all damned day.

These kids cant get up to run their pie holes while other lefties demand we dont talk back at their little Nazis they have trained so well.

It dont work that way, bubba.

No, the way it works is you gun fetishist remind the rest of us what awful people you are when you attack children.
Yeah, let's shit on the impressionable children who watched their classmates die, instead of the politicians pushing their agenda upon kids who witnessed the worst thing in their lives. That's the ticket.

Well ... If we are talking about impressionable children ... How about the fact Emma Gonzalez wears a Cuban flag on her jacket?

Some people could rightfully say it represents decades of communist rule and oppression of the people in Cuba.
Some people could encourage her and say it is perfectly okay for her to recognize her heritage.

Other people are simply thankful her ancestors weren't from South Carolina and she doesn't feel the need to wear a Confederate flag on her jacket.

I can't shit on these kids. They are kids. Most people won't find their concrete political beliefs until their 30's or 40's. We have a President who was a Democrat until his late 60's, and we pretend like it means nothing. I'd prefer a candidate of any political inclination to a man in his 60's who doesn't know which party he supports.

Well I can shit on these little retards enough for me and you and several other people.

Fuck these little brats for their arrogance and gullible frothing.

Don't worry you can still keep your side arm and hunting rifle.
I can't shit on these kids. They are kids. Most people won't find their concrete political beliefs until their 30's or 40's. We have a President who was a Democrat until his late 60's, and we pretend like it means nothing. I'd prefer a candidate of any political inclination to a man in his 60's who doesn't know which party he supports.

If the US had Proportional Representation, then parties would have leaders who represent the values of that party.

In the US there are two political parties without values who have people running for candidacies of that party without having to agree with the party.

It's like having a party where everyone's getting drunk, then your mother turns up and says "I'm in charge, no alcohol", it's like "fuck off".
Yeah, let's shit on the impressionable children who watched their classmates die,

Few of those students actually saw anything, including David Hogg.

And yes, if these little bastards are going to advocate stripping the American public of their gun rights in defiance of our Constitution, you are damned right I will shit on that little turd brain all damned day.

These kids cant get up to run their pie holes while other lefties demand we dont talk back at their little Nazis they have trained so well.

It dont work that way, bubba.

You're shitting on people who can't even vote. Calm yourself. Let their balls drop before you attack their politics.
Because some kids got killed in Florida while at school, due to the FBI failing to do its job in responding to several warnings about the kookburger that did the shooting, and the local cops pussying out and not going in to deal with the shooter like the brave officer in Maryland did a few days ago, and because some kook didnt mind breaking dozens of laws against taking guns to schools, illegal discharge of fire arms and MURDER,, EVERYBODY ELSE has to forfeit more of our rights and which h ad absolutely NOTHING to do with what went wrong in Floriduh?

This is just further proof of how ignorant and stupid the media establishment is today and how gullible high school students can be.

IT is not justification to torch the Second Amendment.

You and those like you just don't get it. Why don't you try reading the 2nd Amendment for a change, and if you don't understand it, get an educated adult to explain it to you, especially the part that says, WELL REGULATED.

Bill of rights protects "we the people" individual rights from federal government.

Well regulated by whom? Federal government?
Because some kids got killed in Florida while at school, due to the FBI failing to do its job in responding to several warnings about the kookburger that did the shooting, and the local cops pussying out and not going in to deal with the shooter like the brave officer in Maryland did a few days ago, and because some kook didnt mind breaking dozens of laws against taking guns to schools, illegal discharge of fire arms and MURDER,, EVERYBODY ELSE has to forfeit more of our rights and which h ad absolutely NOTHING to do with what went wrong in Floriduh?

This is just further proof of how ignorant and stupid the media establishment is today and how gullible high school students can be.

IT is not justification to torch the Second Amendment.

You and those like you just don't get it. Why don't you try reading the 2nd Amendment for a change, and if you don't understand it, get an educated adult to explain it to you, especially the part that says, WELL REGULATED.
Well regulated, in the late 1700s, meant that a persons equipment should be be in well working order.
It was a common phrase. Look it up.
You just kinda shredded your own point out of ignorance :lol:
Because some kids got killed in Florida while at school, due to the FBI failing to do its job in responding to several warnings about the kookburger that did the shooting, and the local cops pussying out and not going in to deal with the shooter like the brave officer in Maryland did a few days ago, and because some kook didnt mind breaking dozens of laws against taking guns to schools, illegal discharge of fire arms and MURDER,, EVERYBODY ELSE has to forfeit more of our rights and which h ad absolutely NOTHING to do with what went wrong in Floriduh?

Yeah, pretty much. Because none of those other things would have mattered if he hadn't been able to buy a military grade weapon to start with.


And because this has been the 20th or 30th time a "kookburger" was able to do something like this because the National Rampage Association has made weapons like this so easy to get.

If he hadn't been able to buy a AR-15, which is a semi-automatic rifle not a "military grade weapon", he would have simply purchased something else. If the police, FBI, and school administration, had done their jobs this most likely wouldn't be an issue because the shooter would have had a record for the background check when he applied for his gun permit.


Because some kids got killed in Florida while at school, due to the FBI failing to do its job in responding to several warnings about the kookburger that did the shooting, and the local cops pussying out and not going in to deal with the shooter like the brave officer in Maryland did a few days ago, and because some kook didnt mind breaking dozens of laws against taking guns to schools, illegal discharge of fire arms and MURDER,, EVERYBODY ELSE has to forfeit more of our rights and which h ad absolutely NOTHING to do with what went wrong in Floriduh?

This is just further proof of how ignorant and stupid the media establishment is today and how gullible high school students can be.

IT is not justification to torch the Second Amendment.

You have to remember that what we have teaching in these colleges and K thru 12, as well as in the media, are a large number of socialists and neo-Marxists. The goal of socialists and neo-Marxists, is to disarm the populace (think China, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and the Soviet Union). Once the public is disarmed, and the socialists and neo-Marxists gain control of the government, the dismantling of our Capitalist Constitutional Republic begins. They've already made it clear that the Freedom of Speech would be curtailed, and other rights would eventually be tossed. Think....Venezuela.

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