Let's Speculate as to the REAL motive behind the invasion of Iraq


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2010
I'll start:

Bush and Rummy wanted to create a secular Babylon like in the book of Revelations in order to bring on The Rapture


This would also explain Bush's domestic policy of trying to bring about The Tribulation :p
Mostly oil and control of it, what accelerated the issue was the fact that several other powers around the world were making deals with sadam for oil and other business ventures and were going to place their people and facilities there. Which would have complicated military action by the USA.
Profit for the MIC and continued domination of oil contracts. No other reason. 9-11 was just their "in". They were counting on the ADD and stupidity of the American citizenry - and they were right. They got EXACTLY what they wanted. Read the section on Iraq in "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Kline for interesting facts concerning the lead-up and execution of that invasion.
#1 reason, was that Saddam, right before 9/11, had declared that he was in the process of only accepting only Euro's for his oil and the US dollar would not be a trade currency in Iraq.

The American government was scared that if he went thru with this threat.

Then other Mid East nations would follow and the dollar would become basically worthless.

Saddam had now crossed the line and his fate was sealed. :doubt:
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A bunch of reasons that added up in their NeoCon, delusional minds.

1) Free a people from the tyranny of an evil dictator
2) Create a Democracy smack dab in the middle of that part of the world
3) Unfinished business, clean up for Daddy
4) Oil

Not on the list is WMDs, because I don't believe that was part of the equation. It was purely a tactic to get the American People, Congress, the Rest of the World, the media, and some of the people in the room helping make the decision on board.

The smart people in the room almost certainly knew that Saddam had no WMDs to be concerned about. At best, it was a minimal, periphery reason for going.

It was very obvious when Colin Powell was used as a pitch man for the War that he didn't believe what he was saying and his heart wasn't in it. He hated Saddam a lot, but couldn't stand lying to the American people and everyone else...and didn't think it was an excuse to go to War. That's my opinion anyway. I think he convinced himself that in the chain of command, the Commander in Chief gave him a direct order and if he couldn't convince him of a different course of action, he'd have to go along with the plan. in his eyes, he was caught between a rock and a hard place and had to go along. I'll always believe that. Cheney might have been the mastermind, and Bushy, a pawn.
Bush was looking for the singular event that would establish his place in history. He wanted to use the 9-11 attacks and the unparalleled support afterwards to force his way into the history books.

He envisioned himself as the single person who would reshape the region once and for all. If he could only remove the dictatorships and replace them with democracies, the people of the entire region would rise up in democratic revolution with US support.

Iran was the key. If he could establish strong democracies with solid economies and high standards of living in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Iranian people would finally rise up and insist on their own rights. Once Iran fell, the rest of the countries in the region would fall like dominos as they embraced democracy.

Since democracies do not encourage terrorism, Bush would solve the problems of the region once and for all and be hailed as a hero and his presidency would be one of the greatest in modern history
Bush was looking for the singular event that would establish his place in history. He wanted to use the 9-11 attacks and the unparalleled support afterwards to force his way into the history books.

He envisioned himself as the single person who would reshape the region once and for all. If he could only remove the dictatorships and replace them with democracies, the people of the entire region would rise up in democratic revolution with US support.

Iran was the key. If he could establish strong democracies with solid economies and high standards of living in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Iranian people would finally rise up and insist on their own rights. Once Iran fell, the rest of the countries in the region would fall like dominos as they embraced democracy.

Since democracies do not encourage terrorism, Bush would solve the problems of the region once and for all and be hailed as a hero and his presidency would be one of the greatest in modern history

Assuming that's correct, it's not a bad idea. It didn't work out that way, and there's LOTS of negative effects for which he should be directly blamed.

Oil. Pure and simple.

Where is it? Where is our control of it??

Fucking idiot

You little prissy pants fucking pussy.

You don't know shit from shineola.

And never will.

Pick up a paper every once in a while.

Oil companies during that period made more money then all other capitalistic ventures in the history of capitalistic ventures combined.

You don't make money with a product by "flooding the market with it". You make money by making it scarce and expensive.

Ron Paul is a near perfect replica of this guy:
Robert Kinsey - Stargate Wiki
The bastard who wants financial prudence in the military at the expense of national security. :lol:

What would have happened if the left got its way:

1. Saddam would still be in power doing genocide to thousands more Kurds:

2. The Iraqi would still be living under the oil for food program:
IRAQ: Oil for Food Scandal - Council on Foreign Relations

3. Iraqi would still be living under economic sanctions, which led to the deaths of 100,000+ Iraqi's (likely more civilian deaths than in both Iraqi wars combined):
The Iraq sanctions were a near-total financial and trade embargo imposed by the United Nations Security Council on the nation of Iraq. They began August 6, 1990, four days after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait,[1] and continued until May 22, 2003, after the fall of the Saddam Hussein government in the US-led invasion earlier that year. Their stated purpose was at first to compel Iraq's military to withdraw from Kuwait and after that to compel Iraq to pay reparations, and to disclose and eliminate any weapons of mass destruction, and to do certain other things.
Initially the U.N. Security Council had adopted Resolution 661, a resolution that imposed stringent economic sanctions on Iraq.[2] After the end of the 1991 Gulf War, those sanctions were extended and elaborated on, including linkage to removal of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), by Resolution 687.[3][4] The sanctions banned all trade and financial resources except for medicine and "in humanitarian circumstances" foodstuffs.[2] They were perhaps the toughest, most comprehensive economic sanctions in human history. The controversy over the increased child-and-infant mortality, poverty, and suffering of the Iraqi people during sanctions led two senior UN representatives in Iraq to resign in protest.[5][6] Increased child mortality was observed in those parts of Iraq under Iraqi government control (the south and the centre), but not the (then independent) Kurdish north, where child mortality decreased.[7][8][9]
Estimates of civilian deaths during from the sanctions range from less than 100,000 to over 1.5 million, most of them children.[10]
4. Iraq would still be living under a dictatorship (and terror state comparable to North Korea) rather than a islamic styled democracy comparable to it's neighbors (before Iraq was the worst dictatorship in the middle east, now it is one of the most democratic).

So keep supporting Saddam and opposing the war, it really makes you sound good. :cuckoo:
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Oil. Pure and simple.

Where is it? Where is our control of it??

Fucking idiot

cute, you seem to think controlling the ME oil will result in cheap oil for the diamond daves. lol

It's fucking incredibly amazing how seriously stupid these people are about economics.

Half the time I keep thinking..well it's unfair that we have obscenely wealthly people in the country while many are direly poor.

Then I see some of the direly poor..and think, fuck..if they can scam the country out of money because the people are so damned idiotic...well..then..they deserve it.
If we did it for the oil, why haven't we received any oil out of Iraq yet?

Wasn't oil supposed to pay for everything?
Where is it? Where is our control of it??

Fucking idiot

cute, you seem to think controlling the ME oil will result in cheap oil for the diamond daves. lol

It's fucking incredibly amazing how seriously stupid these people are about economics.

Half the time I keep thinking..well it's unfair that we have obscenely wealthly people in the country while many are direly poor.

Then I see some of the direly poor..and think, fuck..if they can scam the country out of money because the people are so damned idiotic...well..then..they deserve it.
Actually it's even worse in EU nations, they do that while pretending there are no poor people or unemployed, plus push the scam that thanks to democratic socialism/social democracy there will be no poor people some day. Makes a great Utopian fantasy novel, but every economist with a brain (and not using it to lie to make themselves money) realizes that socialism/social democracy as well as the current US economic system are all failed economic policies.

The best economic policies are now to be found in Asian nations that don't focus on an overbearing welfare state and instead provide jobs and living wages for their people like they do in South Korea (which has had near enough the OECD's lowest unemployment for several years in a row). :lol:
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If we did it for the oil, why haven't we received any oil out of Iraq yet?

Wasn't oil supposed to pay for everything?

Thats what I'm sayin, where is all this secret oil from Iraq being stashed? do millionares and oil company big wigs have access to secret gas stations where they pay 4 cents a gallong for the stolen Iraqi oil?
If we did it for the oil, why haven't we received any oil out of Iraq yet?

Wasn't oil supposed to pay for everything?

Thats what I'm sayin, where is all this secret oil from Iraq being stashed? do millionares and oil company big wigs have access to secret gas stations where they pay 4 cents a gallong for the stolen Iraqi oil?

And bob's yer uncle. :lol:

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