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Lets Take This Pc Crap A Little Further.

Beating their kids senseless with tree branches? And what did he get for that? A two day suspension with full pay? Or something like that. Why isn't the motherfucker in jail? You don't get away with beating kids like that in this day and age. That's called "child battering" and it's a felony. But he's a football player so he gets a pass.

How's that $1000 fine per incident for any player saying "niqqer" going? It's every sixth word out of half of their mouths. It's 15% of their vocabulary for some of them. Anyone heard about a player being fined yet? I hate the NFL anymore.

I quit watching football seven years ago. To me its the paradigm example of how stupid the American public is. Any murdering, wife-battering, child-battering, dog torturing gutter animal can get away with anything as long as he plays in the NFL. And the sheeple foot the municipal bonds that spend billions on stadiums, and the league grosses billions of dollars, and the commissioner makes $29 million a year, and the institution now has tax exempt status as a "non-profit". Incredible.
I am pretty sure it isn't just liberals upset about domestic violence but whatever.

When you join the NFL as a player you must abide by their code of conduct. You do so of free will. Sort of like when folks sign morality clauses, violate them, and whine about being punished for doing so. If you don't want to follow their code of conduct then don't join the NFL.

So, have people wanting tax payer money to sign an agreement that holds them to a code of conduct. They should agree to refrain from any illegal activity, from drugs to assault, and they agree to be involved parents.

This seems reasonable to me except how does the government define being an "involved parent"? I am curious as to what that criteria would entail. I agree and fully support the rest of your post though.

No instances of child abuse or neglect. Monitor those arrested for drugs, assault or stealing. Any instances where police are called for any reason should be kept track of. Children should be at all checkups, both medical and dental. Ensuring the child gets to school everyday unless there is good reason. Teachers usually are the first to spot potential problems.
I am pretty sure it isn't just liberals upset about domestic violence but whatever.

When you join the NFL as a player you must abide by their code of conduct. You do so of free will. Sort of like when folks sign morality clauses, violate them, and whine about being punished for doing so. If you don't want to follow their code of conduct then don't join the NFL.

What's with all this freedom of association bullshit? Aren't you a liberal? If someone doesn't like that a bakery won't sell wedding cakes to homosexuals they can go to another bakery, right? No, wrong.
Yeah in liberal land, if your against the queers, they want you to lose your business. Can I say chick fil a?

And if you support marriage equality Focus on the Family, NOM, and One Million Moms will organize boycotts against your businesses as well. Why is it fine for those groups to use the power of their dollar in protest but not gay groups?
Gay people don't protest business, they demand your service.

Just like all those other folks that are covered under PA laws. When Muslim cabbies in Minnesota started refusing fares based on those carrying booze or those needing service dogs it was hailed by some as a win against creeping Sharia/ It's suddenly a outrage when gays ask to not be turned away from business performing a public service. It can't be both ways.
I am pretty sure it isn't just liberals upset about domestic violence but whatever.

When you join the NFL as a player you must abide by their code of conduct. You do so of free will. Sort of like when folks sign morality clauses, violate them, and whine about being punished for doing so. If you don't want to follow their code of conduct then don't join the NFL.

We've been reminded repeatedly that not just liberals receive public assistance. I agree with the op, if those receiving any portion of my tax dollars cannot conduct themselves in a decent and civilized manner, they should not receive public money. I don't want to foster bad behavior, either.
Since all the liberals are outraged over the nfl players domestic violence. I say why should all the tax payer supported citizens be rewarded free money if the commit domestic violence. Cut them off I don't want to support a person that would do that. If it's good for football players, it should be good for welfare recipients.

Jknowgood loves domestic violence, because he can use it to attack his enemies in a hyper partisan manner because he has the iq of a rock.
Since all the liberals are outraged over the nfl players domestic violence. I say why should all the tax payer supported citizens be rewarded free money if the commit domestic violence. Cut them off I don't want to support a person that would do that. If it's good for football players, it should be good for welfare recipients.
This is remarkably ignorant.

You have no 'evidence' that 'all liberals' are 'outraged' by anything.

And it's idiocy to compare football players to those receiving public assistance, where the former are employed by private entities at liberty to sanction their employee/players as they see fit, and the latter who are participating in a government program are entitled to due process.

One's public assistance can't be 'terminated' solely as a consequence of an allegation of domestic violence.

Are you truly this ignorant, hateful, and ridiculous.

Perhaps we should suspend all wefare payments until the allegation has been adjudicated?
I am pretty sure it isn't just liberals upset about domestic violence but whatever.

When you join the NFL as a player you must abide by their code of conduct. You do so of free will. Sort of like when folks sign morality clauses, violate them, and whine about being punished for doing so. If you don't want to follow their code of conduct then don't join the NFL.

We've been reminded repeatedly that not just liberals receive public assistance. I agree with the op, if those receiving any portion of my tax dollars cannot conduct themselves in a decent and civilized manner, they should not receive public money. I don't want to foster bad behavior, either.

On this point you and I totally agree. Let's extend this to politicians as well that take our money and act untowardly.
I am pretty sure it isn't just liberals upset about domestic violence but whatever.

When you join the NFL as a player you must abide by their code of conduct. You do so of free will. Sort of like when folks sign morality clauses, violate them, and whine about being punished for doing so. If you don't want to follow their code of conduct then don't join the NFL.

We've been reminded repeatedly that not just liberals receive public assistance. I agree with the op, if those receiving any portion of my tax dollars cannot conduct themselves in a decent and civilized manner, they should not receive public money. I don't want to foster bad behavior, either.

On this point you and I totally agree. Let's extend this to politicians as well that take our money and act untowardly.

Absolutely. I think politicians' pay raises should be on the ballot every year. Let their constituents give them a raise. Right now, Congress has to vote against a pay raise, or it comes automatically. I'd venture that if their pay was tied to voter perception of whether they had "served" the public, we'd see an improvement in performance and behavior across the board.
I am pretty sure it isn't just liberals upset about domestic violence but whatever.

When you join the NFL as a player you must abide by their code of conduct. You do so of free will. Sort of like when folks sign morality clauses, violate them, and whine about being punished for doing so. If you don't want to follow their code of conduct then don't join the NFL.

We've been reminded repeatedly that not just liberals receive public assistance. I agree with the op, if those receiving any portion of my tax dollars cannot conduct themselves in a decent and civilized manner, they should not receive public money. I don't want to foster bad behavior, either.

On this point you and I totally agree. Let's extend this to politicians as well that take our money and act untowardly.

Absolutely. I think politicians' pay raises should be on the ballot every year. Let their constituents give them a raise. Right now, Congress has to vote against a pay raise, or it comes automatically. I'd venture that if their pay was tied to voter perception of whether they had "served" the public, we'd see an improvement in performance and behavior across the board.
I love this idea. It's more then likely very illegal but it's fun to dream. :)
Jealous? Are you that thick or are you just that ignorant that justice should be handed out equally. But you seem to think differently.
Let's just hope someone ultra rich person doesn't inflict any real anguish on your family and their money gets them no punishment.
Christ you are ignorant.

UPDATED: Lawmakers Call on Fuller to Resign

I wonder what the right wing family value members want to have happen to this fellow.

UPDATED Lawmakers Call on Fuller to Resign The Daily Report

Since all the liberals are outraged over the nfl players domestic violence. I say why should all the tax payer supported citizens be rewarded free money if the commit domestic violence. Cut them off I don't want to support a person that would do that. If it's good for football players, it should be good for welfare recipients.

They go to jail for domestic violence. Wake me up if any of those players goes to jail.
You need to make your statement a bit more clear.
And then the next post you say to not have him loose his job, condone?
And to quote you.....learn to read...did you not see the QUESTION mark at the end of the sentence.

So, by this statement you are condoning domestic violence?

Since all the liberals are outraged over the nfl players domestic violence. I say why should all the tax payer supported citizens be rewarded free money if the commit domestic violence. Cut them off I don't want to support a person that would do that. If it's good for football players, it should be good for welfare recipients.
You need to learn how to read. We need to make people on welfare learn that also.
Learn to read as you say, I never mentioned you were jealous at all.

I z
Just like the rich boy that got his special treatment because of being spoiled. More than once he was cited for driving under the influence. I forget the new term his lawyer made up for him. But he didn't develop the idea that he was wrong or something.
How many other rich boys get off. Let's look again at the corruption at the banking/investment level and see what happened to that crowd.
Again, wake us when they get jail time.

Since all the liberals are outraged over the nfl players domestic violence. I say why should all the tax payer supported citizens be rewarded free money if the commit domestic violence. Cut them off I don't want to support a person that would do that. If it's good for football players, it should be good for welfare recipients.

They go to jail for domestic violence. Wake me up if any of those players goes to jail.
I see i'm jealous of rich people person. Lol
I was referring to you.
I am pretty sure it isn't just liberals upset about domestic violence but whatever.

When you join the NFL as a player you must abide by their code of conduct. You do so of free will. Sort of like when folks sign morality clauses, violate them, and whine about being punished for doing so. If you don't want to follow their code of conduct then don't join the NFL.

So, have people wanting tax payer money to sign an agreement that holds them to a code of conduct. They should agree to refrain from any illegal activity, from drugs to assault, and they agree to be involved parents.
A code of conduit requirement for public assistance is nothing new. Over the years we tried all kinds of codes of conduit. Most recently it's been drug use. In the past we cut assistance for all kinds of unacceptable behavior such as missing appointments for state agency scheduled job interviews, drunkenness, felony convictions, Immoral conduit, dropping out out of school, etc. An now the proposal is a code of conduit based on child and spouse abuse.

One of the primary reasons people can't keep jobs is their conduit.. If the employee's conduit was good, he probably wouldn't have a problem keeping a job. A code of conduit is just another way of cutting public assistance.
Since all the liberals are outraged over the nfl players domestic violence. I say why should all the tax payer supported citizens be rewarded free money if the commit domestic violence. Cut them off I don't want to support a person that would do that. If it's good for football players, it should be good for welfare recipients.

Jknowgood loves domestic violence, because he can use it to attack his enemies in a hyper partisan manner because he has the iq of a rock.
If this becomes law, I see the first person that would lose their welfare.
Just like the rich boy that got his special treatment because of being spoiled. More than once he was cited for driving under the influence. I forget the new term his lawyer made up for him. But he didn't develop the idea that he was wrong or something.
How many other rich boys get off. Let's look again at the corruption at the banking/investment level and see what happened to that crowd.
Again, wake us when they get jail time.

Since all the liberals are outraged over the nfl players domestic violence. I say why should all the tax payer supported citizens be rewarded free money if the commit domestic violence. Cut them off I don't want to support a person that would do that. If it's good for football players, it should be good for welfare recipients.

They go to jail for domestic violence. Wake me up if any of those players goes to jail.
Guess you missed Enron, Bernard Madoff, etc.

White Collar Crime Prosecutions for January 2014
And? who else!
But the madoffs needed to have all their property and money taken from them. Like they do drug peddlers.

Just like the rich boy that got his special treatment because of being spoiled. More than once he was cited for driving under the influence. I forget the new term his lawyer made up for him. But he didn't develop the idea that he was wrong or something.
How many other rich boys get off. Let's look again at the corruption at the banking/investment level and see what happened to that crowd.
Again, wake us when they get jail time.

Since all the liberals are outraged over the nfl players domestic violence. I say why should all the tax payer supported citizens be rewarded free money if the commit domestic violence. Cut them off I don't want to support a person that would do that. If it's good for football players, it should be good for welfare recipients.

They go to jail for domestic violence. Wake me up if any of those players goes to jail.
Guess you missed Enron, Bernard Madoff, etc.

White Collar Crime Prosecutions for January 2014
I am pretty sure it isn't just liberals upset about domestic violence but whatever.

When you join the NFL as a player you must abide by their code of conduct. You do so of free will. Sort of like when folks sign morality clauses, violate them, and whine about being punished for doing so. If you don't want to follow their code of conduct then don't join the NFL.

By the same token, if you don't want to follow the rules, don't sign up for welfare.

But liberals for some reason don't think there should be ANY rules for receiving welfare.

Where the hell did you get that crazy notion?
Then are you for rules to receive welfare?
There have always been rules to receive welfare. They don't just hand it out on street corners.
I am pretty sure it isn't just liberals upset about domestic violence but whatever.

When you join the NFL as a player you must abide by their code of conduct. You do so of free will. Sort of like when folks sign morality clauses, violate them, and whine about being punished for doing so. If you don't want to follow their code of conduct then don't join the NFL.

Naw... The OP is just looking for ANOTHER reason to beat down the poor.

Anyone that prefaces a statement with "all" rarely knows any of what comes afterwards.

These troglodytes are still beating a tired drum wishing the world could return to a better more simple time when a man was a man and a black was 3/5ths of a man and a woman wasn't worrying her silly little head about who to vote for.

Imagine his dismay when the city stopped repairing hitching posts.

It was a more just world when a guy could get all the information he needed about right and wrong from a john Wayne movie. The older ones mind you...not the later ones where he is giving cocaine to his snitches.
I am pretty sure it isn't just liberals upset about domestic violence but whatever.

When you join the NFL as a player you must abide by their code of conduct. You do so of free will. Sort of like when folks sign morality clauses, violate them, and whine about being punished for doing so. If you don't want to follow their code of conduct then don't join the NFL.

By the same token, if you don't want to follow the rules, don't sign up for welfare.

But liberals for some reason don't think there should be ANY rules for receiving welfare.

Where the hell did you get that crazy notion?
Then are you for rules to receive welfare?
There have always been rules to receive welfare. They don't just hand it out on street corners.
Welfare rules are used basically to determine need. Meeting a code of conduit is something quite different. The purpose of a code conduit is to push people who are morally deficient off welfare into jobs. The problem with this is that those least likely to be able to hold down a job are those that are morally deficient. A code of conduit doesn't make much sense.
I am pretty sure it isn't just liberals upset about domestic violence but whatever.

When you join the NFL as a player you must abide by their code of conduct. You do so of free will. Sort of like when folks sign morality clauses, violate them, and whine about being punished for doing so. If you don't want to follow their code of conduct then don't join the NFL.

By the same token, if you don't want to follow the rules, don't sign up for welfare.

But liberals for some reason don't think there should be ANY rules for receiving welfare.

Where the hell did you get that crazy notion?
Then are you for rules to receive welfare?
There have always been rules to receive welfare. They don't just hand it out on street corners.
Welfare rules are used basically to determine need. Meeting a code of conduit is something quite different. The purpose of a code conduit is to push people who are morally deficient off welfare into jobs. The problem with this is that those least likely to be able to hold down a job are those that are morally deficient. A code of conduit doesn't make much sense.
Meaning, liberals cannot lose that voting block.
By the same token, if you don't want to follow the rules, don't sign up for welfare.

But liberals for some reason don't think there should be ANY rules for receiving welfare.

Where the hell did you get that crazy notion?
Then are you for rules to receive welfare?
There have always been rules to receive welfare. They don't just hand it out on street corners.
Welfare rules are used basically to determine need. Meeting a code of conduit is something quite different. The purpose of a code conduit is to push people who are morally deficient off welfare into jobs. The problem with this is that those least likely to be able to hold down a job are those that are morally deficient. A code of conduit doesn't make much sense.
Meaning, liberals cannot lose that voting block.
Meaning you're an idiot.

Public assistance programs are administered by government entities, in most cases the states, and when an adverse action is taken against someone receiving public assistance, that person is entitled to due process challenging the validity of that adverse action – such as terminating benefits, where the benefits are reinstated pending a fair hearing and subsequent appeal if warranted.

That's not the case with private sector entities such as the NFL and its respective members/teams, where they are at liberty to take adverse action against a player pending appeal or the outcome of a criminal prosecution.

Hence the idiocy and ignorance of your failed premise, which is a false comparison fallacy – where NFL players and those receiving public assistance are in no way alike, and you only exhibit your unwarranted hostility toward those receiving public assistance for inane, subjective, and partisan reasons.

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