Let's talk about inner-city black on black violence

10 homicides in Philadelphia since Saturday

10 homicides in Philadelphia since Saturday

Ten people have been killed in Philadelphia since Saturday, an unusually deadly four-day span in the city. The killings, which have all involved gun violence, have been reported across the city and are not related. Police have not announced arrests in any of the slayings.

You make good points katsteve2012.
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Its funny but you guys sound like Eagles talking about what Falcons do.

You're an Eagle, talking to other Eagles and you're pleasantly surprised that other Eagles agree with you.

A Falcon steps in and say "Hey these are some of the things we do, and this is why". You Eagles kick the Falcon out slam the door and say.

"Ok, who can we ask that knows something about Falcons?"

You guys just love your ignorance. By ignorance I mean not knowing and not caring about knowing anything more. You know all you need too because other Eagles told you so!
Maybe it is because you blame the eagles for what the falcons do? Ever think about that.

So you're starting out with an admission that I'm right. Good.

What you meant to say was Falcons talk about what the Eagles DID. You can go to the Bird Museum and read Bird Books about it. So its true.

You dont like the fact that Falcons talk about what the Eagles did as a matter of record. Dont hate the Falcon...you hate the history of Eagles. Sorry but its reality. Not the Falcons fault
Its funny but you guys sound like Eagles talking about what Falcons do...

A fine metaphorical passage...

Which opinion(s) or position(s) are you taking exception to?

This kinda exemplifies everything in one post

Let me preface this by saying I'm not a religious person in any way.

During civil rights movement, black people were led by the church, which taught a moral, non-violent, self-reliance. Now they are led by welfare and handouts and no moral and self-reliance is taught. I'm not saying this is every black person in the country, but in the areas we are discussing this is the vast majority.

Slaves act violent to overcome their oppression. Right now the blacks in these areas are akin to slaves that live on what master (government) gives them: welfare, phones, food stamps. I don't claim to be an expert, but how is that different than slavery?

How about first: Cellphones from Govt is just like Slavery!! Yeah, its the fucking Holocaust...wait, too soon?

Second: Heres the Eagle saying:
"Hey you know why the Falcon swoops in the air like that? Because they're krrraaazzyy."

Second Eagle agrees because...hell, he doesnt know either. Sounds good. Krazy Swoops! HAR HAR
Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The falcons did this to people I know.

Any eagles do this to people you know?

Respond to this fucker. I've never whipped a black person in my life. This case is my personal history. What is yours? Any white men gang-raped your friend? Cut off her breast while she is alive? Poured bleach down her throat to destroy DNA evidence? Burned her alive? Rape her boyfriend in front of her? Cut of his genitals in front of her? Has your friend ever been left in a garbage bag to die?

When you want to talk about the "falcons" history, tell me your history.
I've told you this "eagles" history.

Go fuck yourself!
Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The falcons did this to people I know.

Any eagles do this to people you know?

Respond to this fucker. I've never whipped a black person in my life. This case is my personal history. What is yours? Any white men gang-raped your friend? Cut off her breast while she is alive? Poured bleach down her throat to destroy DNA evidence? Burned her alive? Rape her boyfriend in front of her? Cut of his genitals in front of her? Has your friend ever been left in a garbage bag to die?

When you want to talk about the "falcons" history, tell me your history.
I've told you this "eagles" history.

Go fuck yourself!

Give me a damn response that is not from a history book! I want your goddamn life experience! Chicken shit!
Stephanopoulos to have a black on black violence debate!

Maybe the GZ, TM case will bring about more debate, and focus on the violence most often perpetrated by black males.
Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The falcons did this to people I know.

Any eagles do this to people you know?

Respond to this fucker. I've never whipped a black person in my life. This case is my personal history. What is yours? Any white men gang-raped your friend? Cut off her breast while she is alive? Poured bleach down her throat to destroy DNA evidence? Burned her alive? Rape her boyfriend in front of her? Cut of his genitals in front of her? Has your friend ever been left in a garbage bag to die?

When you want to talk about the "falcons" history, tell me your history.
I've told you this "eagles" history.

Go fuck yourself!

I get it, every black person in the world did this to your friend and every black person approves of it. Is that what you're getting at?
Whats even worse about Pioneer Petey is that he tells his history and that's fine. That's what happened. I tell mine and Mr Eagle jumps in and says "That's not how it is" then proceeds to talk about MY HISTORY.

Petey is angry that that act of brutality...serious animal shit happened. I understand that. But if I told you that didn't matter (like you do about slavery) or dismiss it because it was a long time ago (like you do about slavery) or deny it even happened that way (like you do about racism).

I'd get a cuss word filled response saying how I'm wrong. Irony? Then Matthew will thank you for that "go fuck yourself, you don't know" response. More Irony? And both would say I don't know how it is. 3rd plate of Irony.

So when you talk about what happened to your friend. I understand the anger, I've been there more times than I care to remember. But you cant turn around and pretend my anger is fake or my experiences don't matter, no more than I can say the same to you.
Seriously. Instead of "black on black" violence it should be viewed as "poor on poor" violence. The statistics are similar in every nation. In 50 - 100 years black on black crime will be a much lower percentage. It takes time to heal old wounds.

well chicago is really black on black crime....its a lot of gang violence.

There is a really good way to put an end to most of this gang violence, but it would be unconstitutional.

The best way to end gang violence is to first try the laws we already have.

First use RICO anti-racketeering laws. One gang member commits a crime, you take in everyone. Members of the Obama regime won't use these laws because "they take too much time and evidence." They won't use them because they will not endanger their master's core voting base.

Others are tax evasion laws. Catch any dealer with a nice car they have no paper trail for, and put them away like Capone. Again, they won't do it in any meaningful measure.

The best law would be to make membership in a ruthless, violent street gang a capital offense. What would any of our Founding Fathers have done if large street gangs like the Crips and M-13 were caught shooting even one person?

"...What would any of our Founding Fathers have done if large street gangs like the Crips and M-13 were caught shooting even one person?"
Arrested them, tried them, then hung them by the neck until dead in the town square, as a public event, within a few days of their conviction.
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Blacks are the only ones who can change their situation. No ones dad owned slaves or chucked spears; all that shit is in the past. If blacks don't strive to better themselves; to improve their standing in society. They will remain on the bottom rung, and be looked down on as a collective by all the other races as they are now. You have to give respect to get respect.

Drop the victim fucking ball, and chain, and start availing yourself of all the great oppertunities this great country has to offer. If you don't care - stay on the bottom, but don't blame whitey - that shit is played out.
Whats even worse about Pioneer Petey is that he tells his history and that's fine. That's what happened. I tell mine and Mr Eagle jumps in and says "That's not how it is" then proceeds to talk about MY HISTORY.

Petey is angry that that act of brutality...serious animal shit happened. I understand that. But if I told you that didn't matter (like you do about slavery) or dismiss it because it was a long time ago (like you do about slavery) or deny it even happened that way (like you do about racism).

I'd get a cuss word filled response saying how I'm wrong. Irony? Then Matthew will thank you for that "go fuck yourself, you don't know" response. More Irony? And both would say I don't know how it is. 3rd plate of Irony.

So when you talk about what happened to your friend. I understand the anger, I've been there more times than I care to remember. But you cant turn around and pretend my anger is fake or my experiences don't matter, no more than I can say the same to you.

So in your personal life you've never experienced the horror that actual slaves did, yet you wear it as a badge for "you'll never know". My guess is that you will never know what a slave went through, because black slavery doesn't exist anymore. These people that went through this tragedy don't blame black people for their way in life. They started scholarship funds for children and glorified their name. They didn't incite riots. There is not a show on every MSM channel saying how bad they've had it. They go to their jobs and try to make the world better. If you have a tough life because you are black I would love to hear it. You got pulled over for being black, big deal. Inconvenience is not racism. Get over slavery, it didn't happen to you.
Whats even worse about Pioneer Petey is that he tells his history and that's fine. That's what happened. I tell mine and Mr Eagle jumps in and says "That's not how it is" then proceeds to talk about MY HISTORY.

Petey is angry that that act of brutality...serious animal shit happened. I understand that. But if I told you that didn't matter (like you do about slavery) or dismiss it because it was a long time ago (like you do about slavery) or deny it even happened that way (like you do about racism).

I'd get a cuss word filled response saying how I'm wrong. Irony? Then Matthew will thank you for that "go fuck yourself, you don't know" response. More Irony? And both would say I don't know how it is. 3rd plate of Irony.

So when you talk about what happened to your friend. I understand the anger, I've been there more times than I care to remember. But you cant turn around and pretend my anger is fake or my experiences don't matter, no more than I can say the same to you.

So in your personal life you've never experienced the horror that actual slaves did, yet you wear it as a badge for "you'll never know". My guess is that you will never know what a slave went through, because black slavery doesn't exist anymore. These people that went through this tragedy don't blame black people for their way in life. They started scholarship funds for children and glorified their name. They didn't incite riots. There is not a show on every MSM channel saying how bad they've had it. They go to their jobs and try to make the world better. If you have a tough life because you are black I would love to hear it. You got pulled over for being black, big deal. Inconvenience is not racism. Get over slavery, it didn't happen to you.

Lets get a couple things out the way so maybe you don't feel the need to type it over and over:

1. No black person alive has experienced what its like to be a slave.
2. You don't know what black people blame whether they experienced slavery or not. I'm a Falcon. Would you like to hear what Falcons discuss or did you learn from your Eagle friends?
3. They did start riots, and protested and disobeyed. That's how change happened.

See Petey, You wouldn't like if I said "Get over your friend being a victim of a brutal attack. It wasn't you but you wear it like a (your words) "badge". And you have no idea what she or they went through so get over it"

Because, poor Petey, you do the same to everyone else then want to cry and whine about the shit your friend (not you, like me and slavery) went through. You weren't the victim so get over it.

Your own medicine tastes bad
Whats even worse about Pioneer Petey is that he tells his history and that's fine. That's what happened. I tell mine and Mr Eagle jumps in and says "That's not how it is" then proceeds to talk about MY HISTORY.

Petey is angry that that act of brutality...serious animal shit happened. I understand that. But if I told you that didn't matter (like you do about slavery) or dismiss it because it was a long time ago (like you do about slavery) or deny it even happened that way (like you do about racism).

I'd get a cuss word filled response saying how I'm wrong. Irony? Then Matthew will thank you for that "go fuck yourself, you don't know" response. More Irony? And both would say I don't know how it is. 3rd plate of Irony.

So when you talk about what happened to your friend. I understand the anger, I've been there more times than I care to remember. But you cant turn around and pretend my anger is fake or my experiences don't matter, no more than I can say the same to you.

So in your personal life you've never experienced the horror that actual slaves did, yet you wear it as a badge for "you'll never know". My guess is that you will never know what a slave went through, because black slavery doesn't exist anymore. These people that went through this tragedy don't blame black people for their way in life. They started scholarship funds for children and glorified their name. They didn't incite riots. There is not a show on every MSM channel saying how bad they've had it. They go to their jobs and try to make the world better. If you have a tough life because you are black I would love to hear it. You got pulled over for being black, big deal. Inconvenience is not racism. Get over slavery, it didn't happen to you.

Lets get a couple things out the way so maybe you don't feel the need to type it over and over:

1. No black person alive has experienced what its like to be a slave.
2. You don't know what black people blame whether they experienced slavery or not. I'm a Falcon. Would you like to hear what Falcons discuss or did you learn from your Eagle friends?
3. They did start riots, and protested and disobeyed. That's how change happened.

See Petey, You wouldn't like if I said "Get over your friend being a victim of a brutal attack. It wasn't you but you wear it like a (your words) "badge". And you have no idea what she or they went through so get over it"

Because, poor Petey, you do the same to everyone else then want to cry and whine about the shit your friend (not you, like me and slavery) went through. You weren't the victim so get over it.

Your own medicine tastes bad

But the tragedy that I was a part of was six years ago. It happened during my life time, and my daughter's life time. How many generations are you removed from slavery? If you lived in the time of slavery then you argument would hold water. However, as I know that you didn't it makes no sense. When my grandchildren walk the earth, they will not know of this case, and therefore will not use it as a crutch or badge for help me. So in your words you weren't the victim. Your father wasn't the victim. Get the fuck over it, and tell you brethren meeting in Orlando to get over it.

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