Let's talk about inner-city black on black violence

So in your personal life you've never experienced the horror that actual slaves did, yet you wear it as a badge for "you'll never know". My guess is that you will never know what a slave went through, because black slavery doesn't exist anymore. These people that went through this tragedy don't blame black people for their way in life. They started scholarship funds for children and glorified their name. They didn't incite riots. There is not a show on every MSM channel saying how bad they've had it. They go to their jobs and try to make the world better. If you have a tough life because you are black I would love to hear it. You got pulled over for being black, big deal. Inconvenience is not racism. Get over slavery, it didn't happen to you.

Lets get a couple things out the way so maybe you don't feel the need to type it over and over:

1. No black person alive has experienced what its like to be a slave.
2. You don't know what black people blame whether they experienced slavery or not. I'm a Falcon. Would you like to hear what Falcons discuss or did you learn from your Eagle friends?
3. They did start riots, and protested and disobeyed. That's how change happened.

See Petey, You wouldn't like if I said "Get over your friend being a victim of a brutal attack. It wasn't you but you wear it like a (your words) "badge". And you have no idea what she or they went through so get over it"

Because, poor Petey, you do the same to everyone else then want to cry and whine about the shit your friend (not you, like me and slavery) went through. You weren't the victim so get over it.

Your own medicine tastes bad

But the tragedy that I was a part of was six years ago. It happened during my life time, and my daughter's life time. How many generations are you removed from slavery? If you lived in the time of slavery then you argument would hold water. However, as I know that you didn't it makes no sense. When my grandchildren walk the earth, they will not know of this case, and therefore will not use it as a crutch or badge for help me. So in your words you weren't the victim. Your father wasn't the victim. Get the fuck over it, and tell you brethren meeting in Orlando to get over it.

Are you now understanding how silly your argument of "not experiencing it yourself" is? Yes
Are you now changing it to what happened in my lifetime as your new topic? Yes, again acknowledging how stupid it is to tell someone to get over something they haven't directely experienced...Like the Jews and the Holocaust. Oops, sorry that's different. They can do that because they aren't brown.

You weren't attacked Peetey. Why don't you take your own callous advice and get over it? See, its different when its Peetey. Why? Oh just because.
Whats even worse about Pioneer Petey is that he tells his history and that's fine. That's what happened. I tell mine and Mr Eagle jumps in and says "That's not how it is" then proceeds to talk about MY HISTORY.

Petey is angry that that act of brutality...serious animal shit happened. I understand that. But if I told you that didn't matter (like you do about slavery) or dismiss it because it was a long time ago (like you do about slavery) or deny it even happened that way (like you do about racism).

I'd get a cuss word filled response saying how I'm wrong. Irony? Then Matthew will thank you for that "go fuck yourself, you don't know" response. More Irony? And both would say I don't know how it is. 3rd plate of Irony.

So when you talk about what happened to your friend. I understand the anger, I've been there more times than I care to remember. But you cant turn around and pretend my anger is fake or my experiences don't matter, no more than I can say the same to you.

So in your personal life you've never experienced the horror that actual slaves did, yet you wear it as a badge for "you'll never know". My guess is that you will never know what a slave went through, because black slavery doesn't exist anymore. These people that went through this tragedy don't blame black people for their way in life. They started scholarship funds for children and glorified their name. They didn't incite riots. There is not a show on every MSM channel saying how bad they've had it. They go to their jobs and try to make the world better. If you have a tough life because you are black I would love to hear it. You got pulled over for being black, big deal. Inconvenience is not racism. Get over slavery, it didn't happen to you.

Lets get a couple things out the way so maybe you don't feel the need to type it over and over:

1. No black person alive has experienced what its like to be a slave.
2. You don't know what black people blame whether they experienced slavery or not. I'm a Falcon. Would you like to hear what Falcons discuss or did you learn from your Eagle friends?
3. They did start riots, and protested and disobeyed. That's how change happened.

Because, poor Petey, you do the same to everyone else then want to cry and whine about the shit your friend (not you, like me and slavery) went through. You weren't the victim so get over it.

Your own medicine tastes bad

Yes PP, your history of slavery is terrible, but no, there are hundreds of thousands of Black slaves living in bondage today. In places like Togo, Africa, parents sell their kids or others they have kidnapped. It would be wonderful if Black leaders like Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton were to go over there to complain. But as with most outsiders going over there, they would likely seen as spies, tortured, shot and dumped out in the jungle to rot.

Anyway, enough about your slavery problem, let's talk about mine. You see, my British ancestors were attacked and often enslaved by Romans starting about 2,000 years ago. Bad slaves were not whipped, they were crucified or fed to the lions.

From 793 to 1066 AD, evil Danes (Vikings) did about the same thing. The humiliation I and my people still feel cannot be attoned for without reperations. Italy and the Scandivaian countries need to pay me and my own for the evils of slavery. As you know, the ill effects of slavery can never, ever go away---without money.
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So in your personal life you've never experienced the horror that actual slaves did, yet you wear it as a badge for "you'll never know". My guess is that you will never know what a slave went through, because black slavery doesn't exist anymore. These people that went through this tragedy don't blame black people for their way in life. They started scholarship funds for children and glorified their name. They didn't incite riots. There is not a show on every MSM channel saying how bad they've had it. They go to their jobs and try to make the world better. If you have a tough life because you are black I would love to hear it. You got pulled over for being black, big deal. Inconvenience is not racism. Get over slavery, it didn't happen to you.

Lets get a couple things out the way so maybe you don't feel the need to type it over and over:

1. No black person alive has experienced what its like to be a slave.
2. You don't know what black people blame whether they experienced slavery or not. I'm a Falcon. Would you like to hear what Falcons discuss or did you learn from your Eagle friends?
3. They did start riots, and protested and disobeyed. That's how change happened.

Because, poor Petey, you do the same to everyone else then want to cry and whine about the shit your friend (not you, like me and slavery) went through. You weren't the victim so get over it.

Your own medicine tastes bad

Yes CC, your history of slavery is terrible, but no, there are hundreds of thousands of Black slaves living in bondage today. In places like Togo, Africa, parents sell their kids or others they have kidnapped. It would be wonderful if Black leaders like Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton were to go over there to complain. But as with most outsiders going over there, they would likely seen as spies, tortured, shot and dumped out in the jungle to rot.

Write Jesse a letter and tell him where you think he should go. Become his assistant so that you can be everywhere all the time just like you think he should. Problem solved....except he lives in America and that would take away from Americas issues. Would be greater if you went yourself to expose it instead of sitting with flaming hot Cheetos dust on your fingers thinking up schedules for other people

Anyway, enough about your slavery problem, let's talk about mine. You see, my British ancestors were attacked and often enslaved by Romans starting about 2,000 years ago. Bad slaves were not whipped, they were crucified or fed to the lions.

Cool story bro...I hope this is going somewhere

From 793 to 1066 AD, evil Danes (Vikings) did about the same thing. The humiliation I and my people still feel cannot be attoned for without reperations. Italy and the Scandivaian countries need to pay me and my own for the evils of slavery. As you know, the ill effects of slavery can never, ever go away---without money.

I thought you had a point. Cant get that time back.
Whats even worse about Pioneer Petey is that he tells his history and that's fine. That's what happened. I tell mine and Mr Eagle jumps in and says "That's not how it is" then proceeds to talk about MY HISTORY.

Petey is angry that that act of brutality...serious animal shit happened. I understand that. But if I told you that didn't matter (like you do about slavery) or dismiss it because it was a long time ago (like you do about slavery) or deny it even happened that way (like you do about racism).

I'd get a cuss word filled response saying how I'm wrong. Irony? Then Matthew will thank you for that "go fuck yourself, you don't know" response. More Irony? And both would say I don't know how it is. 3rd plate of Irony.

So when you talk about what happened to your friend. I understand the anger, I've been there more times than I care to remember. But you cant turn around and pretend my anger is fake or my experiences don't matter, no more than I can say the same to you.

Here's the rub. The slavery of black people card is nothing but an excuse or a crutch.
Quite frankly, the issue does not apply to the present.
If you wish to do a chart of your family genealogy and find that none of your ancestors were slaves, what would you say then? OOPS?
I'm sick of the whole slavery issue. My family was not here until 40 years after the Emancipation Proclamation.
you wont something for your inner pain? Go up to Connecticut and see any number of those blue blooded Mayflower descendants. They will punch you ticket for you.
Is slavery the reason that 7% of the US population commits nearly 50% of the homicides in the US? Answer that question and then we will see where we stand.
Blacks have been killing each other way before they ever came to this country - nothing new! Now they have whitey to blame.
Whats even worse about Pioneer Petey is that he tells his history and that's fine. That's what happened. I tell mine and Mr Eagle jumps in and says "That's not how it is" then proceeds to talk about MY HISTORY.

Petey is angry that that act of brutality...serious animal shit happened. I understand that. But if I told you that didn't matter (like you do about slavery) or dismiss it because it was a long time ago (like you do about slavery) or deny it even happened that way (like you do about racism).

I'd get a cuss word filled response saying how I'm wrong. Irony? Then Matthew will thank you for that "go fuck yourself, you don't know" response. More Irony? And both would say I don't know how it is. 3rd plate of Irony.

So when you talk about what happened to your friend. I understand the anger, I've been there more times than I care to remember. But you cant turn around and pretend my anger is fake or my experiences don't matter, no more than I can say the same to you.

Here's the rub. The slavery of black people card is nothing but an excuse or a crutch.
Quite frankly, the issue does not apply to the present.
If you wish to do a chart of your family genealogy and find that none of your ancestors were slaves, what would you say then? OOPS?
I'm sick of the whole slavery issue. My family was not here until 40 years after the Emancipation Proclamation.
you wont something for your inner pain? Go up to Connecticut and see any number of those blue blooded Mayflower descendants. They will punch you ticket for you.

Says the Eagle to the Falcon!

You're right only blacks that had blood lines into slavery would only be affected. Like the Jews and the Hol....oh, wait thats different. Ok, only blacks that had blood lines into slavery would be affected by....racism? Suuure that makes total sense. Forget about Jim Crow, racism all that stuff.

You're sick of the slavery issue. Well Kudos!

Your family has nothing to do with it. So lets stop pretending this is about them.
Is slavery the reason that 7% of the US population commits nearly 50% of the homicides in the US? Answer that question and then we will see where we stand.

No, but it is a symptom of the bigger problem

I agree. It is called genetics.

So, since you believe its genetics, now we can stop pretending that someone like yourself can or will have answers to anything of worth.

Kondor, Spoon and Duped do you see the company you keep. Please stop telling me how youre sick of hearing about racism when you really like hearing about it, just from other eagles.
No, but it is a symptom of the bigger problem

I agree. It is called genetics.

So, since you believe its genetics, now we can stop pretending that someone like yourself can or will have answers to anything of worth.

Kondor, Spoon and Duped do you see the company you keep. Please stop telling me how youre sick of hearing about racism when you really like hearing about it, just from other eagles.

There are plenty of poor white people that aren't killing each other. There are plenty of white people on drugs that aren't killing each other. What other party lines can you give that you think is the cause? Plenty of whites in one parent homes that don't kill each other. Kind of only leads to one assertion...black people are genetically programmed to be more violent than white people or Asian people.
I agree. It is called genetics.

So, since you believe its genetics, now we can stop pretending that someone like yourself can or will have answers to anything of worth.

Kondor, Spoon and Duped do you see the company you keep. Please stop telling me how youre sick of hearing about racism when you really like hearing about it, just from other eagles.

There are plenty of poor white people that aren't killing each other. There are plenty of white people on drugs that aren't killing each other. What other party lines can you give that you think is the cause? Plenty of whites in one parent homes that don't kill each other. Kind of only leads to one assertion...black people are genetically programmed to be more violent than white people or Asian people.

There are plenty of all kinds of people doing all kinds of things. Great point :doubt:
So, since you believe its genetics, now we can stop pretending that someone like yourself can or will have answers to anything of worth.

Kondor, Spoon and Duped do you see the company you keep. Please stop telling me how youre sick of hearing about racism when you really like hearing about it, just from other eagles.

There are plenty of poor white people that aren't killing each other. There are plenty of white people on drugs that aren't killing each other. What other party lines can you give that you think is the cause? Plenty of whites in one parent homes that don't kill each other. Kind of only leads to one assertion...black people are genetically programmed to be more violent than white people or Asian people.

There are plenty of all kinds of people doing all kinds of things. Great point :doubt:

Explain how white people have fucked up 90% black Detroit. Explain black on black violence in Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, Memphis, Birmingham, Newark, Philly. Why is it that when white people show up in black neighborhoods in Philly the property values shoot up in some cases 1000%? Then what do blacks do? Complain and pass laws to slow the white invasion of commerce. 7% of the US population commits nearly 50% of the US homicides. They don't have a problem. They are the problem.
That 7% of the population is committing nearly 50% of all murders are committed 93% of those against young blacks.

The black mans worse enemy is his brother. :( They blame whites but they kill twice as many whites then whites kill blacks. How hypocritical are they?
While we hear cries of racism about GZ; from Feb 26, 2012 to July 13, 2013 11,000 black people were murdered. 93% of those murders were committed by other black people. That is approx. 20 black on black murders every day. White people and slavery is to blame apparently.
There are plenty of poor white people that aren't killing each other. There are plenty of white people on drugs that aren't killing each other. What other party lines can you give that you think is the cause? Plenty of whites in one parent homes that don't kill each other. Kind of only leads to one assertion...black people are genetically programmed to be more violent than white people or Asian people.

There are plenty of all kinds of people doing all kinds of things. Great point :doubt:

Explain how white people have fucked up 90% black Detroit.

First explain who said that? Me or the strawman you're battling?

Explain black on black violence in Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, Memphis, Birmingham, Newark, Philly. Why is it that when white people show up in black neighborhoods in Philly the property values shoot up in some cases 1000%?

What does that have ...Because whites are considered valuable?

Then what do blacks do? Complain and pass laws to slow the white invasion of commerce. 7% of the US population commits nearly 50% of the US homicides. They don't have a problem. They are the problem.

Are you finished yet or do you want to throw the kitchen sink in too?
No, but it is a symptom of the bigger problem

I agree. It is called genetics.

So, since you believe its genetics, now we can stop pretending that someone like yourself can or will have answers to anything of worth.

Kondor, Spoon and Duped do you see the company you keep. Please stop telling me how youre sick of hearing about racism when you really like hearing about it, just from other eagles.
Don't you dare include me with anyone else.
And don't even pretend to know anything about me.
You have your incredibly narrow mind which sits inside that pin head of yours, made up. You have convinced yourself you are a victim in perpetuity. You have created your own reality. Good for you. Don't spew your hate toward me because whatever you've imagined isn't good enough. For once stop lashing out at others. Look inward for achievement and peace.
Grow up.
Yeah...I am God damned sick of hearing about how everyone is a racist. 90% of the race issue is just whining aloud looking to gain an advantage. Well congratulations. You have successfully achieved the positive side of the double standard.
Consider yourself ignored.
I agree. It is called genetics.

So, since you believe its genetics, now we can stop pretending that someone like yourself can or will have answers to anything of worth.

Kondor, Spoon and Duped do you see the company you keep. Please stop telling me how youre sick of hearing about racism when you really like hearing about it, just from other eagles.
Don't you dare include me with anyone else.
And don't even pretend to know anything about me.
You have your incredibly narrow mind which sits inside that pin head of yours, made up. You have convinced yourself you are a victim in perpetuity. You have created your own reality. Good for you. Don't spew your hate toward me because whatever you've imagined isn't good enough. For once stop lashing out at others. Look inward for achievement and peace.
Grow up.
Yeah...I am God damned sick of hearing about how everyone is a racist. 90% of the race issue is just whining aloud looking to gain an advantage. Well congratulations. You have successfully achieved the positive side of the double standard.
Consider yourself ignored.

I'll include you in it as long as whine everytime I mention racism (I'm sick of hearing about it) while ignoring the actual racism. Someone takes a shit on the floor, I point and say "someone shitted on the carpet" and you yell at me...the guy who sees the shit and said something about it.

I dont know you but you guys go on and on about how blacks think, what they like. Who I am, what I think...Tell me more about your outrage. While I laugh at the irony.

Once again, totally side steps the racist I'm addressing, pushes him to the side and screams "Stop saying he's racist!!! Just let him BE!!"

99% of your stats are bullshit. The other 1%...horseshit

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