Let's talk about inner-city black on black violence

So, since you believe its genetics, now we can stop pretending that someone like yourself can or will have answers to anything of worth.

Kondor, Spoon and Duped do you see the company you keep. Please stop telling me how youre sick of hearing about racism when you really like hearing about it, just from other eagles.
Don't you dare include me with anyone else.
And don't even pretend to know anything about me.
You have your incredibly narrow mind which sits inside that pin head of yours, made up. You have convinced yourself you are a victim in perpetuity. You have created your own reality. Good for you. Don't spew your hate toward me because whatever you've imagined isn't good enough. For once stop lashing out at others. Look inward for achievement and peace.
Grow up.
Yeah...I am God damned sick of hearing about how everyone is a racist. 90% of the race issue is just whining aloud looking to gain an advantage. Well congratulations. You have successfully achieved the positive side of the double standard.
Consider yourself ignored.

I'll include you in it as long as whine everytime I mention racism (I'm sick of hearing about it) while ignoring the actual racism. Someone takes a shit on the floor, I point and say "someone shitted on the carpet" and you yell at me...the guy who sees the shit and said something about it.

I dont know you but you guys go on and on about how blacks think, what they like. Who I am, what I think...Tell me more about your outrage. While I laugh at the irony.

Once again, totally side steps the racist I'm addressing, pushes him to the side and screams "Stop saying he's racist!!! Just let him BE!!"

99% of your stats are bullshit. The other 1%...horseshit
You guys?....
Hey douchebag. I don't do group think...That is your problem.
You run around screaming racist. In your seething anger, you point your finger at everyone else saying "there's a racist"...
Don't even come here with this bullshit. Wanna know why? Because we've heard it all before. It's a broken record. Nothing but complaining.
Ya wanna know the deeper message in your 'guy shit on the floor" analogy? Why the fuck didn't you clean it up? Who are you to expect someone else to do the work?
The bottom line is the race card is played out. The accusation no longer has any meaning( story of the boy who cried wolf) because its been used so many times and in so many ways, the charge has taken on the same importance as the blaring car alarm heard in a shopping center parking lot. Nobody cares anymore.
Meanwhile you have this excuse making pity party, young black men are shooting and killing each other, all you can do is fuck off here and accuse those who do not share your view of being racist.
What do these states have in common?

South Carolina

They are hot and sticky in summer....Are in the Bible Belt....
Have low public school per pupil( comparatively) expenditures.
All have schools in the SEC.

Close. Maryland is in the ACC and moving to the Big 10. These states have the highest percentage of black people. Coincidentally they also suffer from being some of the highest per capita violent crime states. South Carolina being number 1!
Let's talk about inner-city black on black violence. I hear of news reports out of Chicago of 9-25 per night and yet this isn't national news. We're making a big fucking deal out of this Trayvon case, but this is where the real violence is at.

Newspaper vendor shot dead: 'I want to know why' - chicagotribune.com

Every day, Terrence Graves left for work at 4 a.m. to sell newspapers and fruit near a Dan Ryan Expressway ramp.

Graves, 23, had been on the job for just an hour and a half this morning when he was shot and killed, apparently by two men seen running down an alley near the gas station where Graves worked at 99th and Halsted streets in the Washington Heights neighborhood on the South Side.

Read about the violence at a liberal site ---> Chicago Violence

What is Mob Action? Chicago Teens Plan and Execute Deliberately Violent Flash Mob in Downtown Chicago

Flash mobs of blacks destroying peoples lives! Not news? You bet!

7 Dead, 41 Wounded in Wave of Chicago Weekend Violence | NBC Chicago

You can find this all over this country including Sanford florida. Not a problem within the eyes of the leftist... lol They don't want to fix this mess as they simply don't care.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvFWNI0fSEE]Unmarried Single Black Women are RESPONSIBLE for the DESTRUCTION of BLACK AMERICA. - YouTube[/ame]
Don't you dare include me with anyone else.
And don't even pretend to know anything about me.
You have your incredibly narrow mind which sits inside that pin head of yours, made up. You have convinced yourself you are a victim in perpetuity. You have created your own reality. Good for you. Don't spew your hate toward me because whatever you've imagined isn't good enough. For once stop lashing out at others. Look inward for achievement and peace.
Grow up.
Yeah...I am God damned sick of hearing about how everyone is a racist. 90% of the race issue is just whining aloud looking to gain an advantage. Well congratulations. You have successfully achieved the positive side of the double standard.
Consider yourself ignored.

I'll include you in it as long as whine everytime I mention racism (I'm sick of hearing about it) while ignoring the actual racism. Someone takes a shit on the floor, I point and say "someone shitted on the carpet" and you yell at me...the guy who sees the shit and said something about it.

I dont know you but you guys go on and on about how blacks think, what they like. Who I am, what I think...Tell me more about your outrage. While I laugh at the irony.

Once again, totally side steps the racist I'm addressing, pushes him to the side and screams "Stop saying he's racist!!! Just let him BE!!"

99% of your stats are bullshit. The other 1%...horseshit
You guys?....
Hey douchebag. I don't do group think...That is your problem.

Groupthink...you don't do it. And people that do are a problem?

The OP Duke45 is giving us the 'company line'....He is spewing precisely the same shit the Jackson's and Sharpton's of the world have told him is the response.
True to the liberal mind set, it's always someone else's fault.

Say it again this time make it believeable :eusa_hand: Your response: But but but...that's different!!!

You run around screaming racist. In your seething anger, you point your finger at everyone else saying "there's a racist"...

Right, is this the part where you pretend I'm screaming at made up posts?

Don't even come here with this bullshit. Wanna know why? Because we've heard it all before. It's a broken record. Nothing but complaining.

What you think it is doesn't matter. This isn't about you. This is about the Falcon and the behaviors of Falcons. You know shit about Falcons and instead choose CHOOSE to remain ignorant because you're "tired"

Ya wanna know the deeper message in your 'guy shit on the floor" analogy? Why the fuck didn't you clean it up? Who are you to expect someone else to do the work?

You cant unshit the floor dumbass. Just like you to believe that I...I should clean up the shit while you wipe the guys ass who actually did it. Anything else?

The bottom line is the race card is played out. The accusation no longer has any meaning( story of the boy who cried wolf) because its been used so many times and in so many ways, the charge has taken on the same importance as the blaring car alarm heard in a shopping center parking lot. Nobody cares anymore.

Are you a girl? Girls are the only humans that blame someone else for their feelings. You just don't care. You see the racism right here in this thread and run past it to confront ME...on how you're not sick of the racism you just passed but how I'm wrong for showing it to you.

Meanwhile you have this excuse making pity party, young black men are shooting and killing each other, all you can do is fuck off here and accuse those who do not share your view of being racist.

There is no, my view of racism. Racism is when one race believes they are superior to another. This thread shows it. But ignore all that, you have more important things to do like wipe that guys shit stained ass.
Hey genius.....There were slums filled with black people long before 1980...
Stop whining.
Liberalism did this on it's own. And are bludgeoning themselves.
They created the environment by which people with means could leave cities. Liberals then tried to 'fix' it.
And of course ignored the laws of unintended consequences. And now we have Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia and Los Angeles.

This from Mr. "I don't do groupthink"

Let's talk about inner-city black on black violence. I hear of news reports out of Chicago of 9-25 per night and yet this isn't national news. We're making a big fucking deal out of this Trayvon case, but this is where the real violence is at.

Newspaper vendor shot dead: 'I want to know why' - chicagotribune.com

Every day, Terrence Graves left for work at 4 a.m. to sell newspapers and fruit near a Dan Ryan Expressway ramp.

Graves, 23, had been on the job for just an hour and a half this morning when he was shot and killed, apparently by two men seen running down an alley near the gas station where Graves worked at 99th and Halsted streets in the Washington Heights neighborhood on the South Side.

Read about the violence at a liberal site ---> Chicago Violence

What is Mob Action? Chicago Teens Plan and Execute Deliberately Violent Flash Mob in Downtown Chicago

Flash mobs of blacks destroying peoples lives! Not news? You bet!

7 Dead, 41 Wounded in Wave of Chicago Weekend Violence | NBC Chicago

You can find this all over this country including Sanford florida. Not a problem within the eyes of the leftist... lol They don't want to fix this mess as they simply don't care.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvFWNI0fSEE]Unmarried Single Black Women are RESPONSIBLE for the DESTRUCTION of BLACK AMERICA. - YouTube[/ame]

Let's talk about inner-city black on black violence. I hear of news reports out of Chicago of 9-25 per night and yet this isn't national news. We're making a big fucking deal out of this Trayvon case, but this is where the real violence is at.

Newspaper vendor shot dead: 'I want to know why' - chicagotribune.com

Every day, Terrence Graves left for work at 4 a.m. to sell newspapers and fruit near a Dan Ryan Expressway ramp.

Graves, 23, had been on the job for just an hour and a half this morning when he was shot and killed, apparently by two men seen running down an alley near the gas station where Graves worked at 99th and Halsted streets in the Washington Heights neighborhood on the South Side.

Read about the violence at a liberal site ---> Chicago Violence

What is Mob Action? Chicago Teens Plan and Execute Deliberately Violent Flash Mob in Downtown Chicago

Flash mobs of blacks destroying peoples lives! Not news? You bet!

7 Dead, 41 Wounded in Wave of Chicago Weekend Violence | NBC Chicago

You can find this all over this country including Sanford florida. Not a problem within the eyes of the leftist... lol They don't want to fix this mess as they simply don't care.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvFWNI0fSEE]Unmarried Single Black Women are RESPONSIBLE for the DESTRUCTION of BLACK AMERICA. - YouTube[/ame]


Blacks struggle with 72 percent unwed mothers rate - Health - Women's health | NBC News

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