Zone1 Let's Talk About "Merit"

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Actually, if anything, Technology and Automation makes life easier for the stupid.
Technology and automation do not make it easier for those with IQ's below 100 to find jobs. ATM machines reduce jobs bank tellers. Bar codes reduce jobs for cashiers. Industrial robots reduce jobs for factory workers.
You can make up any horseshit chart you want, especially when your goal is to rob poor people to give tax breaks to billionaires.
I am in favor of a much more progressive tax system. The Democrats lost the ability to tax the rich heavily when most whites came to distrust the Democrats on racial issues.

Post charts that demonstrate that demonstrate that the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty have enabled most Negroes to perform and behave as well as most whites and Orientals.

I do not want excuses. I used to make excuses for Negroes myself. When I got older I got tired of making excuses for those people. Now I am tired of hearing excuses.
The U.S. government, under the leadership of President Roosevelt did a good job of ending the Great Depression and winning the Second World War. In 1964, in answer to the question, "Do you trust the government to do whatever is right just about always or most of the time," 80% of Democrats said "Yes," and 73% of Republicans agreed.

well, more like he lucked into the US being the only country left unscathed in the War, which is why we came out on top until everyone else caught up.

Barry Goldwater ran against that consensus. Consequently he lost the 1964 presidential election to President Johnson in a landslide. The Democrats won two one majorities in both houses of Congress.

But by your logic, Civil Rights was a lower, yet LBJ signed the civil rights law.

Goldwater didn't lose because he was "anti-consense", he lost because he was fucking nuts, threatening to nuke Vietnam and other crazy shit. LBJ also had the advantage of having a great economy and taking up the mantle of a martyred president.

Barry Goldwater ran against that consensus. Consequently he lost the 1964 presidential election to President Johnson in a landslide. The Democrats won two one majorities in both houses of Congress.

In 2022 29% of Democrats agreed with that statement. 9% of Republicans agreed.

Between 1964 and 2022 trust in government has fluctuated, but it never reached the height it reached in 1964. What changed? Can it be said that the quality of American politicians has declined? By what criteria?

I can tell you exactly what changed. We found out what government was up to.

We found out they lied us into a war in Vietnam, and then lied us into another one in Iraq. We found out J. Edgar Hoover was spying on half the country while prancing around FBI HQ in a tutu. We found out Nixon was doing all sorts of nefarious shit. And when Nixon was forced to resign, he got a pardon before he was even charged with anything. Don't know what you did, Dick, but you're getting a pardon.

That's why people stopped trusting government.

Can it be said that the quality of government employees has declined? Actually it can be because of affirmative action. That observation leads me into the area of speculation.

Again, like any other organization, you see a lot more of the "Old Boy" network than affirmative action, and they are far, far, far worse to deal with.

I think what happened after 1964 were disappointments connected with the civil rights legislation and the war on poverty. When white racial moderates voted for President Johnson and Congressional Democrats they thought that by supporting civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty they were going to be rewarded with racial peace.,

Not really. First main reason why Nixon BARELY won in 1968 was that Humphrey couldn't come up with a coherent message on what he would have done about Vietnam. Nixon had a plan to end it that was so secret even he didn't know what it was. (It turned out to be murdering hundreds of thousands of people before giving up.) If RFK hadn't been assassinated, he would have won in 1968 and progress would have continued on Civil Rights.

As it was, Tricky Dick didn't roll back civil rights, either. He created the EEOC and a bunch of other agencies to mollify blacks.

The real problem is that while Nixon won the white house, his "success" didn't translate into changes in Congress. People like my Dad who lived in big cities voted for Nixon for President and whoever the Daley Machine put up for Congressman.

When they got instead five years of black ghetto riots, and more enduring increases in black social pathology, they felt betrayed. Consequently, they lost faith in the government, and began voting Republican.

Actually, they never really stopped. Ike won easily in 52 and 56, JFK only barely squeaked by, You see, back in those days, you had a lot more people who didn't vote for a party, they voted for whoever they felt better about. So that when a major party shit the bed by nominating a loon like Goldwater or McGovern, the voters gave an overwelming mandate to the Devil they Knew, but they didn't feel committed to them the way, oh, Republicans are to Trump now.

The majority that voted for LBJ in 64 was willing to abandon him when it was clear he fucked up by going into Vietnam. The huge majority that Nixon got in 72 turned on him when they heard him on the tapes breaking the law, and voted in Jimmy Carter in 1976.

Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan appealed to hostility toward blacks. That would not have been possible if by 1968, and certainly by 1980, most blacks behaved and performed as well as most whites.
I've already explained to you why Nixon won in 68 (where most of the racist Southern inbreds voted for Wallace, anyway). For 1980, I can tell you it had very little to do with hostility towards black people, and a lot more with just how weak and ineffectual Jimmy Carter looked, especially in the face of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the Iran Hostage Crisis.

It wasn't black people that Mr. and Mrs. Middle Racist America were scared of, it was Iranians and Russians. America had been on a decade long losing streak internationally, and they wanted someone who talked tough.
Technology and automation do not make it easier for those with IQ's below 100 to find jobs. ATM machines reduce jobs bank tellers. Bar codes reduce jobs for cashiers. Industrial robots reduce jobs for factory workers.

I work with people who sit behind computers all day and they are morons. But they can get their job done because the computer does most of the work. I agree we need a better education system. I don't give up on certain groups because of some deep seeded anger.

I am in favor of a much more progressive tax system. The Democrats lost the ability to tax the rich heavily when most whites came to distrust the Democrats on racial issues.

I have to ask the question here, do you get up in the morning, stub your toe and blame black people for it? I mean I joke about Jamal and all, but you have to have some serious pathology if that's where your brain goes on every issue.

The Democrats lost the ability to tax the rich when they went along with Reagan's idiotic supply side economics hoping it would fail. Well it did fail, but that didn't stop Republicans from keeping it. Reagan realized his folly and sponsored new taxes under the guise of "Tax Reform" which ended up hitting the working class even harder. Republicans were so angry they made Bush-1 pledge "No New Taxes" and turned on him viciously when he broke his promise. Clinton got the budget balanced by finally making the rich pay their fair share, but man, at that point, the GOP had a religious conviction on tax cuts. Recession? Tax cuts. War? Tax cuts! Things are going reasonably well? Tax cuts anyway.

Post charts that demonstrate that demonstrate that the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty have enabled most Negroes to perform and behave as well as most whites and Orientals.

Why should I? You ignore most of the charts I post, like the ones showing most black people have jobs.

On crime- Most black people aren't engaged in major crime, and minor ones show that we have too many laws on the books we shouldn't have.

As for "illegitimacy" um that's going up for all races except for Asians, and they probably aren't that far behind when they become more Americanized.

I do not want excuses. I used to make excuses for Negroes myself. When I got older I got tired of making excuses for those people. Now I am tired of hearing excuses.

Right, so what is at the root of this hate. What horrible thing did a black person do to you that makes you THIS angry?
well, more like he lucked into the US being the only country left unscathed in the War, which is why we came out on top until everyone else caught up.

But by your logic, Civil Rights was a lower, yet LBJ signed the civil rights law.

Goldwater didn't lose because he was "anti-consense", he lost because he was fucking nuts, threatening to nuke Vietnam and other crazy shit. LBJ also had the advantage of having a great economy and taking up the mantle of a martyred president.

I can tell you exactly what changed. We found out what government was up to.

We found out they lied us into a war in Vietnam, and then lied us into another one in Iraq. We found out J. Edgar Hoover was spying on half the country while prancing around FBI HQ in a tutu. We found out Nixon was doing all sorts of nefarious shit. And when Nixon was forced to resign, he got a pardon before he was even charged with anything. Don't know what you did, Dick, but you're getting a pardon.

That's why people stopped trusting government.

Again, like any other organization, you see a lot more of the "Old Boy" network than affirmative action, and they are far, far, far worse to deal with.

Not really. First main reason why Nixon BARELY won in 1968 was that Humphrey couldn't come up with a coherent message on what he would have done about Vietnam. Nixon had a plan to end it that was so secret even he didn't know what it was. (It turned out to be murdering hundreds of thousands of people before giving up.) If RFK hadn't been assassinated, he would have won in 1968 and progress would have continued on Civil Rights.

As it was, Tricky Dick didn't roll back civil rights, either. He created the EEOC and a bunch of other agencies to mollify blacks.

The real problem is that while Nixon won the white house, his "success" didn't translate into changes in Congress. People like my Dad who lived in big cities voted for Nixon for President and whoever the Daley Machine put up for Congressman.

Actually, they never really stopped. Ike won easily in 52 and 56, JFK only barely squeaked by, You see, back in those days, you had a lot more people who didn't vote for a party, they voted for whoever they felt better about. So that when a major party shit the bed by nominating a loon like Goldwater or McGovern, the voters gave an overwelming mandate to the Devil they Knew, but they didn't feel committed to them the way, oh, Republicans are to Trump now.

The majority that voted for LBJ in 64 was willing to abandon him when it was clear he fucked up by going into Vietnam. The huge majority that Nixon got in 72 turned on him when they heard him on the tapes breaking the law, and voted in Jimmy Carter in 1976.

I've already explained to you why Nixon won in 68 (where most of the racist Southern inbreds voted for Wallace, anyway). For 1980, I can tell you it had very little to do with hostility towards black people, and a lot more with just how weak and ineffectual Jimmy Carter looked, especially in the face of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the Iran Hostage Crisis.

It wasn't black people that Mr. and Mrs. Middle Racist America were scared of, it was Iranians and Russians. America had been on a decade long losing streak internationally, and they wanted someone who talked tough.
We have different analyses of facts that cannot be denied. The votes for Nixon and Wallace in 1968 clearly exceeded the votes for Humphrey, who I voted for, by the way.

Nixon won his landslide victory over George McGovern - who I voted for too - by winning the Wallace vote. By 1972 the War in Vietnam was becoming unpopular. Whites rewarded Nixon for ending the black ghetto riots.
I work with people who sit behind computers all day and they are morons. But they can get their job done because the computer does most of the work. I agree we need a better education system. I don't give up on certain groups because of some deep seeded anger.
Just because you have a low appraisal of the intelligence of computer professionals does not prove that they are unintelligent.
We have different analyses of facts that cannot be denied. The votes for Nixon and Wallace in 1968 clearly exceeded the votes for Humphrey, who I voted for, by the way.
Sure you did.

Now, I will freely admit that Nixon was the beginning of getting stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their racial, religious and sexual fears. And this has gone on up to and including Trump.

It doesn't make it right, and it's something that decent people should manifestly resist.

Nixon won his landslide victory over George McGovern - who I voted for too - by winning the Wallace vote. By 1972 the War in Vietnam was becoming unpopular. Whites rewarded Nixon for ending the black ghetto riots.

The war in Vietnam was ALREADY unpopular in 1968. That's why LBJ had to drop out of the race. "If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost America" he wailed when the Newsman called him on his lies after the Tet Offensive.

Now another factor of why people don't trust government anymore. Between WWII and Vietnam, the news just repeated what government said with very little question. After that, after the press got Nixon's head on a pike, every minor scandal got the word -Gate added as a suffix.

As for why he did so well in 1972, it's because McGovern was so far off on issues that had nothing to do with race. His own VP candidate privately denounced his platform as "Abortion, Acid and Amnesty". (this guy later had to be dropped form the ticket when it was found out he got electric shock treatment.)

The reality is the Hippies took over the DNC in 1972, and their main issue was undercut when Nixon reached the Paris Accord with Hanoi. That scared Mr. and Mrs. Middle America more than the scary black people. Sure, my parents were scared of blacks, they were more scared a bunch of hippies like the Manson family might come and kill them.

White people, we are very good at scaring ourselves.

Just because you have a low appraisal of the intelligence of computer professionals does not prove that they are unintelligent.

No, my being handed a shitload of half-ass work with tons of mistake that I have to correct is proof they are idiots.

In addition to my day job, I write resumes for people who can't string a coherent sentence together. And we are talking about people who have master's degrees in some cases.
The war in Vietnam was ALREADY unpopular in 1968. That's why LBJ had to drop out of the race. "If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost America" he wailed when the Newsman called him on his lies after the Tet Offensive.
Eugene McCarthy did not win the 1968 presidential primary. Johnson did. A survey taken after that election showed that most of those who voted for McCarthy considered themselves to be hawks. They wanted a more aggressive war effort in Vietnam.

During the 1968 primary the only Democrat candidate who was ever ahead of Nixon was Humphrey. This was not obvious, because Humphrey entered the race after it had become too late to register in the Democrat primaries.

What is the average IQ of a software engineer?​

According to a study by Payscale, the average IQ of a software engineer is around 120. Furthermore, IQ scores of computer programmers range from 115 to 132. The average IQ of the general population, on the other hand, is between 85 and 115.

Right, so what is at the root of this hate. What horrible thing did a black person do to you that makes you THIS angry?
Attributing someone's opinion about anything to the person's emotions is an example of the ad hominem fallacy.

You have explicitly expressed hatred for me. At most, you evoke my irritation. Your comments to me indicate anger. People become angry when opinions they hope are true, but fear are false are questioned.

My calm response to your abuse is due to the fact that I am confident in the truth of my opinions, and I suspect that you are privately aware that my opinions are valid. I do not need to resort to insults and name calling. You post little else.
Again I ask: where is there evidence that the races are intrinsically equal in non cosmetic characteristics?
Attributing someone's opinion about anything to the person's emotions is an example of the ad hominem fallacy.

You have explicitly expressed hatred for me. At most, you evoke my irritation. Your comments to me indicate anger. People become angry when opinions they hope are true, but fear are false are questioned.

My calm response to your abuse is due to the fact that I am confident in the truth of my opinions, and I suspect that you are privately aware that my opinions are valid. I do not need to resort to insults and name calling. You post little else.
So were the Nazi’s when you get right down to it. I doubt it has anything to do with “truth”.
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Just because you have a low appraisal of the intelligence of computer professionals does not prove that they are unintelligent.
Computer professionals and computer users are very different things. I use a computer, but I can't write or troubleshoot code, my idea of troubleshooting one of my computers is changing cards until it works again. Any idiot can be trained to use a computer with properly written, idiot proof software, but it takes real talent and training to be a professional.
So were the Nazi’s when you get right down to it. I doubt it has anything to do with “truth”.
The Holocaust was directed against the most accomplished group of people in the world. Hatred of Jews is based on resentment of Jewish intelligence, success, and prosperity. Hostility toward Negroes has other sources.
Eugene McCarthy did not win the 1968 presidential primary. Johnson did. A survey taken after that election showed that most of those who voted for McCarthy considered themselves to be hawks. They wanted a more aggressive war effort in Vietnam.

Wow, you missed the point. It wasn't that McCarthy "won" it was that he was competitive at all. An incumbent president should NEVER face a serious challenge, and ones who have (Ford, Carter, Bush-41) have usually gone on to lose. Yet Johnson only pulled out 48% of the vote to McCarthy's 42%. This shows how completely unpopular Johnson had become, and why he withdrew from the race.

During the 1968 primary the only Democrat candidate who was ever ahead of Nixon was Humphrey. This was not obvious, because Humphrey entered the race after it had become too late to register in the Democrat primaries.

Actually, RFK won a bunch of important primaries and probably would have been selected if he hadn't been assassinated.

Back in those days, few states held primaries, most delegate were chosen through caucus.

What is the average IQ of a software engineer?​

According to a study by Payscale, the average IQ of a software engineer is around 120.

Shows why IQ is an overrated and outdated measure. In any event, I wasn't talking about Software Engineers.

Attributing someone's opinion about anything to the person's emotions is an example of the ad hominem fallacy.

Um, no, it's a pretty clear indication of serious problems. If you are spending this much time reposting on multiple boards about your idiotic racist theories, and you blame black people for such things as "Why people don't support tax increases", it shows you are kind of the one with a problem.

You have explicitly expressed hatred for me. At most, you evoke my irritation. Your comments to me indicate anger. People become angry when opinions they hope are true, but fear are false are questioned.

I hate you because you are an utter piece of human excrement. Happy to have cleared that up for you. I don't hate you for who you are, I hate you for what you do.
You seem to hate black people for who they are, when a lot of their lot in this country has been imposed on them. It's like slut-shaming a rape victim, and it's contemptable.

My calm response to your abuse is due to the fact that I am confident in the truth of my opinions, and I suspect that you are privately aware that my opinions are valid. I do not need to resort to insults and name calling. You post little else.

Again, Anti-Vaxxers, Flat Earthers, UFO conspiracists, and other highly evolved neurotics think they sound rational, too.

If you are unclear on the concept, go into a crowd of people and start repeating the nonsense you say here. When people start walking away from you, that's probably a good sign you are not well.
The Holocaust was directed against the most accomplished group of people in the world. Hatred of Jews is based on resentment of Jewish intelligence, success, and prosperity. Hostility toward Negroes has other sources.

Jews don't get picked on because they are smart. They get picked on because no matter where they go, they have a lovely habit of wearing out their welcome.

the Holocaust happened because of centuries of economic exploitation from rich Jews, and poor jews bore the brunt of it. And because of 2000 years of Christians reading that Jews had killed their imaginary God-Man.

Goebbels dressed up his nonsense in the same kind of pseudo-scientific garbage you do. But the Nazi saw the Jews as sub-human, just the way you see blacks.
Jews don't get picked on because they are smart. They get picked on because no matter where they go, they have a lovely habit of wearing out their welcome.

the Holocaust happened because of centuries of economic exploitation from rich Jews, and poor jews bore the brunt of it. And because of 2000 years of Christians reading that Jews had killed their imaginary God-Man.

Goebbels dressed up his nonsense in the same kind of pseudo-scientific garbage you do. But the Nazi saw the Jews as sub-human, just the way you see blacks

Jews are disliked by those who resent their intelligence, their success, and their prosperity. No one dislikes blacks for those reasons.
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