Zone1 Let's Talk About "Merit"

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The first world has a better standard of living because of its willingness to exploit the third world. This is nothing to be proud of. We should actually be ashamed of it.
All we get from the third world is natural resources. We have the brains to find uses for those resources. Third world people rarely do.
A prime example of the length and consistency of a big lie is the distortion of Affirmative Action. Whites have been given what the right complains about blacks getting since the beginning of this country. The discomfort some whites have in recognizing how they benefit from race-based law and policy is evident in any discussion a person of color has with a person who opposes equal rights legislation. Do they not understand how long whites were hired, promoted, admitted into colleges, and even allowed citizenship rights only because of the color of their skin? Do they not question the qualifications of white legacy students?

While Harvard is currently gearing up for a lawsuit around affirmative action and discriminatory admissions policies against Asian Americans, the real vector for race-based discrimination goes on unchallenged: white privilege. While white privilege operates at every level of society, the case against affirmative action cleverly hides how white privilege influences college admissions specifically. This article will answer the question what is white privilege, and will explain how it is pertinent within the discussion of affirmative action and college admissions. To conclude the article, a discussion of how our understanding of white privilege can be rectified in concrete ways to help end racial discrimination in college admissions. The central argument of this article is that white privilege affects admissions in three crucial ways: the importance placed on legacy admissions and connections, affluence-restricted athletics, and wealth.

Before we can analyze how white privilege affects admissions, it is important to examine what white privilege means. Francis E. Kendall, author of Understanding White Privilege, explains white privilege as ā€œhaving greater access to power and resources than people of color [in the same situation] doā€. There are two main aspects of white privilege that have been identified over the last 50 years: 1) legal and systemic advantages, or overt white privilege 2) subconscious, psychological prejudice. As Cory Collins writes in his article ā€œWhat is White Privilege, Really?ā€, ā€œwhite privilege is both unconsciously enjoyed and consciously perpetuated. It is both on the surface and deeply embedded into American lifeā€. This dual thrust of white privilege is critical to understanding how white privilege operates both visibly and behind the scenes. While there are some overt policies that can be directly critiqued as favoring whites, the subtle ways that white privilege operates can be much harder to identify. Within the realm of college admissions, both forms of white privilege operate in equal measure.

The first way that white privilege impacts admissions is through overt admissions preference through legacy admissions. To contextualize, legacy admissions are defined as ā€œthe boost that most private colleges and universities give to the children of alumniā€. The the list of schools that place weight on legacy status include: Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, Dartmouth, Cornell, Georgetown, the University of Southern California and the University of Virginia. These students who are eligible for legacy consideration are called ā€œlegaciesā€, and they are ā€œadmitted at twice the rate of other applicants at some universities, and average SAT scores for legacies are, in some cases, [are] lower than the average scores of their peersā€.

While legacy admissions are not overtly racialized, Richard D. Kahlenberg explains that these advantages overwhelming benefit white students: ā€œlegacy preferences disproportionately benefit white students to the detriment of AsianAmerican, African-American, and Hispanic studentsā€¦ only 7.6% of legacy admits in 2002 were underrepresented minorities, compared with 17.8% of all studentsā€. To drive this point home even further, while ā€œAsian Americans composed 15.7% of all Harvard applicant [they only represented] 3.5% of alumni childrenā€. While legacy admissions could benefit any student who has family that attended the university, research shows that legacy admissions disproportionately benefit white students. As a result, they form one arm of white privilegeā€™s impact on admissions. In concurrence with legacy admission, elite private universities also place a large amount of weight on the connections of a student and there family. For example, ā€œat the University of Texas at Austin, an investigation found that recommendations from state legislators and other influential people helped underqualified students gain acceptance to the schoolā€. These preferences thus elevate ā€œpredominantly white, affluent applicantsā€.

ā€˜Affirmative Actionā€™ For Wealthy, White Students: Why Collegesā€™ Legacy Admissions Must End Now​

In 1963, Duke University admitted its first five Black undergraduates.

When I walked onto campus as a freshman 29 years later, most of my Black classmates and I were still the first in our families to attend the prestigious university. Weā€”like many lower-income students across racial and ethnic backgrounds and first-generation college studentsā€”could not benefit from the legacy preference that was extended to our white, wealthier peersā€”a privilege bestowed upon applicants whose parents or grandparents are alum of the school.

While the United States Supreme Court prepares to decide whether race-based affirmative action should persist, legacy admissionsā€”essentially ā€œaffirmative actionā€ for wealthy and white studentsā€”remain untouched.

Itā€™s time to demand colleges and universities end the unfair, unjust, and unearned privilege of legacy admissions that has excluded students of color and low-income students for decades.

Among the top 30 universities, legacy students have a 45% greater chance of being admitted than non-legacy students and fill between 10% and 25% of all available slots in an incoming class
If you think you are discriminated against by "Legacies" then do what the Students for Fair Admissions v Harvard did and sue in Court. Then the Courts can decide if you have legit claim.

Of course while the Asians put in the hard word for the suit you Negroes will just do your normal bitching about how the White Man has put you down and then go have a gallon of Colt Malt Liquor.
Or, as stated, white people will become too complacent. Now, I really do think that our future is going to be a mixed race one, because, hey, your girlfriend really did dump you for Jamal at the end of the day because of your "shortcomings".
Jamal? Oh you mean your ex lover who dumped you for a younger, prettier man with a bigger penis. If you are still on speaking terms with Jamal, ask him who his father is. When he can't answer, ask his welfare mother if she knows.
My racism is as modern as the most recent discoveries about human genetics.
Your racism was debunked 50 years ago.

Whites are developing alternatives to fossil fuels, Blacks are not.

We are? Where? Seems to me if we wanted to do that, we'd have done it 50 years ago after the first oil shock. We've spent far more fighting wars to keep that nasty stuff flowing than we've spent trying to find a clean alternative.

We supported the governments of South Korea and Taiwan when they were ruled by dictatorships. They developed democratic governments on their own. The success of South Korea and Taiwan demonstrates what Orientals are capable of. So does the success of the Model Minority in the United States.

Um, not really. They only developed democracies because we kind of insisted on it. Left to their own devices, probably not.
And despite being nominal democracies, none of these countries have the commitment to civil rights ours does. The last thing you'd ever want is to be arrested for a crime in one of these countries, even if you didn't do it.

All we get from the third world is natural resources. We have the brains to find uses for those resources. Third world people rarely do.

Um, okay, so we have an inability to live in harmony with the planet. I'm sure that's going to work out really well for us.

Have you seen a Mad Max movie? I'm sure the third one horrified you when Tina Turner was in charge.


Jamal? Oh you mean your ex lover
Naw, I mean whatever black man totally humiliated your ass where you have this life long hatred of blacks you can't seem to ever cure. The thing is, black people are largely ignoring your hate, it's white folks coming on here telling you to STFU. So you aren't really impressing black folks with your superiority, you are embarrassing white folks with your racism. Good job.
Your racism was debunked 50 years ago.

No it was not. As I have pointed out, my racism is proved by the science of genetics. The failure of Negroes to live up to early hopes for them, verifies of genetics. The only reason this is more not more obvious is because of the restrictions on free inquiry that you advocate, and which I deplore.
Um, not really. They only developed democracies because we kind of insisted on it. Left to their own devices, probably not.
And despite being nominal democracies, none of these countries have the commitment to civil rights ours does. The last thing you'd ever want is to be arrested for a crime in one of these countries, even if you didn't do it.
Our commitment to civil rights enables Negroes to avoid the punishment they deserve. In South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan one can safely walk in a large city after dark. That is not possible in the United States because of black ghetto thugs, like your former lover Jamal, who were raised on welfare, and who have no idea who their fathers are. Frequently their fathers were killed by men as useless, worthless, and dangerous as they were.
No it was not. As I have pointed out, my racism is proved by the science of genetics. The failure of Negroes to live up to early hopes for them, verifies of genetics. The only reason this is more not more obvious is because of the restrictions on free inquiry that you advocate, and which I deplore.

Nope, your mangled understanding of genetics which has been rejected by the scientific community, is just a sad attempt by you to rationalize your racism.

I mean, sweet evil Jesus, man, how much time do you spend trying to rationalize your hate for black people? It's simply not healthy. Black people aren't going away. You are just going to have to learn to live with them.

Our commitment to civil rights enables Negroes to avoid the punishment they deserve. In South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan one can safely walk in a large city after dark. That is not possible in the United States because of black ghetto thugs, like your former lover Jamal, who were raised on welfare, and who have no idea who their fathers are. Frequently their fathers were killed by men as useless, worthless, and dangerous as they were.

Um, we lock up 2 million people. The idea that locking people up makes us safer is just silly. By comparison, the Japanese lock up only 47,000 out of a population of 133 million.

And frankly, your hatred of Jamal (who pleasured your girlfriend better than you ever could, apparently, which explains all the hate.) is kind of telling.

Forget that there are more white people on welfare than black people.
Or that the white illegitimacy rate is up to 32% and climbing.

Nope. You use these supposed negatives to denounce black people instead of trying to fix the underlying problems.

We have welfare because we are failing to prepare people for the workforce, and when they get jobs, they don't pay enough.

We have illegitimacy because marriage is largely an outmoded concept. Why should a woman marry a guy she has no interest in living with just because his sperm got lucky.

You'd think that with legal abortion and birth control, the illegitimacy rate would have dropped. It hasn't. It's gone up.
Our commitment to civil rights enables Negroes to avoid the punishment they deserve. In South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan one can safely walk in a large city after dark. That is not possible in the United States because of black ghetto thugs, like your former lover Jamal, who were raised on welfare, and who have no idea who their fathers are. Frequently their fathers were killed by black men as useless, worthless, and dangerous as they were.
Then a simple enough solution. Let's get rid of legacies. That just means the rich white person who got in on a legacy will be replaced by an Asian kid who got in on test scores and GPA. Really won't do that much to help blacks.

Conversely, who is benefiting from AA now? Is it the black kid from the ghetto? Nope, it's usually the middle class or affluent black kid who comes from good circumstances because his parents did the hard work, but didn't get as good of grades and test scores as the Asian Kid who worked hard. Meanwhile, a lot of black kids are going to get free rides to college on Athletic Scholarships, even though if you watch some athletes on TV when they are being interviewed, they can't put together a coherent sentence in the King's English.

Final point. The ONLY reason why any cares about Harvard is that it and other Ivy League Schools are given an outsized role in business and politics. You have a Harvard Degree, that's a golden ticket for life, while the kid who did something like joined the military to pay for college and worked two minimum wage jobs while in attending classes will be happy to just get a state college degree.

So a simple enough solution-

Get rid of Legacies.
Ger rid of Athletic Scholarships
Get rid of Affirmative Action
Stop giving preferential hiring treatment to Ivy League schools.
At least in football athletic scholarships pay for themselves

You cant say the same for legacy or AA admissions
We are? Where? Seems to me if we wanted to do that, we'd have done it 50 years ago after the first oil shock. We've spent far more fighting wars to keep that nasty stuff flowing than we've spent trying to find a clean alternative.
Look around at the solar energy receivers on roofs, and the wind mills. Whites have invented the technology, but it is not economically competitive with fossil fuels yet. It is getting there.

Orientals are catching up with us, as Negroes fall further behind.
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At least in football athletic scholarships pay for themselves

You cant say the same for legacy or AA admissions
Legacy admissions may pay for themselves when rich families contribute large sums of money to the universities that admit their children.

No university benefits by lowering standards to admit the illegitimate children of welfare mothers and their fly by night sperm donors.
Legacy admissions may pay for themselves when rich families contribute large sums of money to the universities that admit their children.

No university benefits by lowering standards to admit the illegitimate children of welfare mothers and their fly by night sperm donors.
You could be right

But the universities cant make that argument because they would be admitting to bribery
Orientals are catching up with us, as Negroes fall further behind.

I'm wondering if Doctor Who is going to pick up this relic from the 1950's.


Holy shit, I thought he'd learn something!

Legacy admissions may pay for themselves when rich families contribute large sums of money to the universities that admit their children.

No university benefits by lowering standards to admit the illegitimate children of welfare mothers and their fly by night sperm donors.

So what you are pretty much admitting is that the system is already unfairly weighted to benefit white people.... and you are fine with that, of course.

It would seem to me that if you are going to lower standards for one group to get an economic benefit, you should lower it for another group to get a social benefit.
I'm wondering if Doctor Who is going to pick up this relic from the 1950's.


Holy shit, I thought he'd learn something!
What is there to learn?

What has happened since the 1950's that has demonstrated that the Negro race is intrinsically equal to the white race? Since the 1950's it has become dangerous to tell the truth about the Negro race, but the truth is more obvious now than it was then.

Back then it was plausibly argued that when blacks were given equal rights they would prove that they were of equal average intelligence. Two generations since Negroes were given equal rights it is obvious that they are not equal in terms of average intelligence. I say after Professor Arthur Jensen, "Look at the data."
The Grand Kleagle babbles on.

Racists aren't capable of intelligent discussion and don't deserve it. Your racism was debunked centuries ago.

Not really. Extinction is a complex thing. We never really know why a species disappears. Take the Rocky Mountain Locust (Melanoplus spretus). During the 19th century, they frequently appeared in huge swarms. They were so common that most entomology departments didn't bother to keep specimens for reference. Then one day, just like that, the up and disappeared. A bunch of theories as to why, none of which really are conclusive.

Now, as much as you whine about the supposed superiority of white people, our "sub-species" is really only adapted to an artificial environment we created. What do you think happens when the fossil fuels run out in 100 years. I expect a mass extinction event unless we come up with something better. I was reading that China has a real problem is that they rely on nitrogen-based fertilizers to keep their agriculture running. Seems to me that when we eventually get to the Mad Max dystopia greedy and stupid white people are creating, black people will be far better adapted to survive than our lily-white asses.

Um, you think China has a "better" form of government? Uh, yeah, it's so awesome women are willing to come over here as prostitutes and male order brides to get away from it.

The only countries in Asia that have "good" forms of government are Japan and South Korea, and that's because we IMPOSED them on them.

The first world has a better standard of living because of its willingness to exploit the third world. This is nothing to be proud of. We should actually be ashamed of it.

The thing is, the Nazis just didn't try to rid the world of Jews. They also exterminated Slavs, Gypsies, homonsexuals, the Disabled. And Dr. Goebbels could come on here and tell you why the Jew was "inferior" with all the same conviction that you babble on about Blacks.

Or, as stated, white people will become too complacent. Now, I really do think that our future is going to be a mixed race one, because, hey, your girlfriend really did dump you for Jamal at the end of the day because of your "shortcomings".
The future, eventually, will be mixed race because race isn't important to most people. Oddly enough it seems to be more important to black people than any other race. When I was in college my best friend was dating a black girl. The black guys made a lot of comments until he and I would turn around and look at them. They shut their mouths then. He was six six and weighed three hundred pounds, I was six two and weighed two sixty. Both of us were veterans and weren't afraid of anyone.
What is there to learn?

Well, for you, nothing. Whatever happened to you early in life has clearly damaged you beyond repair.

What has happened since the 1950's that has demonstrated that the Negro race is intrinsically equal to the white race? Since the 1950's it has become dangerous to tell the truth about the Negro race, but the truth is more obvious now than it was then.

The truth is that bigots like you try to rationalize your own failings in life by clinging on to an artificial racial identity.

Back then it was plausibly argued that when blacks were given equal rights they would prove that they were of equal average intelligence. Two generations since Negroes were given equal rights it is obvious that they are not equal in terms of average intelligence. I say after Professor Arthur Jensen, "Look at the data."

Jensen has been debunked, multiple times. Even his own university has disowned him. Jensen has proven the foolishness of giving cranks positions for life because they've acheived tenure.

Melvin Konner
of Emory University, wrote:

Statements made by Arthur Jensen, William Shockley, and other investigators in the late 1960s and early 1970s about race and IQ or social class and IQ rapidly passed into currency in policy discussions. Many of these statements were proved wrong, but they had already influenced some policymakers, and that influence is very difficult to recant.

Paleontologist and evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould criticized Jensen's work in his 1981 book The Mismeasure of Man. Gould writes that Jensen misapplies the concept of "heritability", which is defined as a measure of the variation of a trait due to inheritance within a population (Gould 1981: 127; 156ā€“157). According to Gould, Jensen uses heritability to measure differences between populations.[citation needed] Gould also disagrees with Jensen's belief that IQ tests measure a real variable, g, or "the general factor common to a large number of cognitive abilities" which can be measured along a unilinear scale. This is a claim most closely identified with Charles Spearman. According to Gould, Jensen misunderstood the research of L. L. Thurstone to ultimately support this claim; Gould, however, argues that Thurstone's factor analysis of intelligence revealed g to be an illusion (1981: 159; 13-314). Gould criticizes Jensen's sources including his use of Catharine Cox's 1926 Genetic Studies of Genius, which examines historiometrically the IQs of historic intellectuals after their deaths (Gould 1981: 153ā€“154).

The future, eventually, will be mixed race because race isn't important to most people. Oddly enough it seems to be more important to black people than any other race. When I was in college my best friend was dating a black girl. The black guys made a lot of comments until he and I would turn around and look at them. They shut their mouths then. He was six six and weighed three hundred pounds, I was six two and weighed two sixty. Both of us were veterans and weren't afraid of anyone.

We can only hope so...
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