Zone1 Let's Talk About "Merit"

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Of course yes. Jews are overrepresented in all the Ivys due to their superior academic achievement. Stop being so resentful of a people who have become successful despite the bigotry of people like YOU.

Oh, I could care less about that.

I care more that they put the interest of Israel above the interest of America. which is how we keep getting into wars on the other side of the planet that have nothing to do with us.

So you worked for two successful Jews you didn’t like, and now you smear all of them.

I wouldn't call them "Successful", exactly.

The first guy ran his branch into the ground through sheer incompetence, to where Corporate had to step in and shut the whole operation down. A year later, the entire company folded.

The tale is longer and more complicated than that, but it gave me perspectives on how things work in the business world. Prior to that I'd been in the military, which was largely Jew-Free, because they don't put their butts on the line. (I did serve with a couple of Jews, but there was structure.)

The second bunch... um, yeah, their company was a small player and while I've moved on to bigger and better things, they are still this small company making a niche product exploiting people of color.
I'm hostile to awful people. Racists. Religious Fanatics. Idiots.

You know, people who have it coming.

I will also state that I'm a lot more hostile here than I am in real life, because here I can really let loose on stupid and awful people, as opposed to having to bite my tongue professionally.

Absolutely, when an idealogy is dangerous, it should be suppressed. That's why we ban kiddie porn and treat NAMBLA like a criminal conspiracy.
We need to treat the Nazis, Klan, and "Race Realists" the same way, because we KNOW where their philosophy ends...

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Once you dehumanize people, THIS is where you end up. Always.

As he should. Maybe he might even take stock of his life and realize he's an awful human being.
Of course, little WAS done to improve academic test scores. That's kind of the problem. In fact, test scores for all races has declined in the last 50 years. Whites haven't gotten any smarter because of all the money we've spent on education, either. Frankly, I kind of suspect they are getting dumber.


As they should have been.

You seem to think it's a terrible thing when Racists are subjected to life ruins.
I don't. Nothing makes me happier than when a racist blurts out the wrong thing and society utterly ruins his life
Hey, has anyone seen the Dilbert guy lately?

No, I'm for ruining the lives of racists because you have already damaged the country, and you keep doing it.

When did America start declining? Right after the GOP realized it could get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their racial fears. thanks Tricky Dick!

But keep cowering behind screen names and spewing racist garbage you'd never have the guts to say out loud.
What you mean by having to bite your tongue, is that you would get your ass kicked talking like you do here in public.
Probably not. YOu people have a habit of alienating people no matter where you go. The only reason why you do well in America is because we have a tradition of religious tolerance.
You obviously don’t know any Jews. Jews are like everyone else, there are assholes like you, and decent people as well as a few saintly ones. The vast majority of Jews are just average decent people.
You obviously don’t know any Jews. Jews are like everyone else, there are assholes like you, and decent people as well as a few saintly ones. The vast majority of Jews are just average decent people.

You might have a point. But it seems like the ones I've worked for... meh, they left a pretty bad impression.

Which is why I check to make sure I don't do that in the future.

Now, I kind of felt bad for my former boss at the first company. The guy had some issues. First, he was all of five foot tall, and nearly everyone intimidated him a little bit. He wore probably the worst toupee I've ever seen in my life. But his real problem was while he was a decent salesman, he never, ever should have been a manager. He simply didn't know how to motivate people, other than threatening to fire them, and when the Recession of 93 was over, that just didn't turn out to be a useful tool.

I really didn't hate the man, but I certainly didn't like working for him. And I was a supervisor, which meant I had to carry out whatever idiotic thing he wanted done, only for him to change his mind five minutes later.

Getting back on topic... what does this have to do with "Merit"?

Well this company was run by people who hadn't earned their positions, it was run by people who inherited them. (The higher up corporate people, who were even worse than he was).

Another thing I try to avoid in my career are "Family Run" companies. As much as you see a Hector or Lisa whine about "Affirmative Action" hires, a nepotism hire is 100 Times worse. At least the AA hire feels he has to prove himself.
Oh, I could care less about that.

I care more that they put the interest of Israel above the interest of America. which is how we keep getting into wars on the other side of the planet that have nothing to do with us.

I wouldn't call them "Successful", exactly.

The first guy ran his branch into the ground through sheer incompetence, to where Corporate had to step in and shut the whole operation down. A year later, the entire company folded.

The tale is longer and more complicated than that, but it gave me perspectives on how things work in the business world. Prior to that I'd been in the military, which was largely Jew-Free, because they don't put their butts on the line. (I did serve with a couple of Jews, but there was structure.)

The second bunch... um, yeah, their company was a small player and while I've moved on to bigger and better things, they are still this small company making a niche product exploiting people of color.
So you are stereotyping an entire religion because of a couple of bad managers. Newsflash, I’ve worked for bad managers of all races and faiths. Lack of ability and empathy has nothing to do with race or religion. The worst manager I ever worked for was white, he was a horrible employee that management couldn’t fire because the union protected him. They promoted him so they could fire him and he turned into a pro-company headhunter constantly trying to fire employees. He spent his days in grievance meetings rather than doing his job. I will give you an example of how stupid he was. I had to go to a two week school seventy miles away from my office on the other side of Los Angeles. That was more than a two hour commute each way. He decided to save the company money by not putting me up in a hotel. After I was done, he tried to discipline me for excessive overtime caused by the commute. It would have been cheaper to put me up in a hotel rather than pay me mileage, and more than four hours of overtime a day until I hit forty nine hours and double time for every hour after that. By early Thursday I was into double time and Friday night it took me over five hours to get home because of get out of town traffic. Obviously the union spanked him and I complained to his boss which made him really look stupid. After that he put us up in hotels like all the other managers when we had remote training.
So you are stereotyping an entire religion because of a couple of bad managers. Newsflash, I’ve worked for bad managers of all races and faiths. Lack of ability and empathy has nothing to do with race or religion.

Well, actually, it kind of does. If your whole religion is based on you being God's Chosen People, you will inevitably act like a jerk. It gives you a literally cosmic sense of entitlement.

The worst manager I ever worked for was white, he was a horrible employee that management couldn’t fire because the union protected him. They promoted him so they could fire him and he turned into a pro-company headhunter constantly trying to fire employees. He spent his days in grievance meetings rather than doing his job. I will give you an example of how stupid he was....

Two points.
1) If this is the worst thing a manager ever did to you, you've had a pretty good life.
2) You kind of prove my point that despite all the mewling about how Affirmative Action undermines "Merit", the people with the most merit aren't the ones who end up in management or leadership positions.
Well, actually, it kind of does. If your whole religion is based on you being God's Chosen People, you will inevitably act like a jerk. It gives you a literally cosmic sense of entitlement.

Two points.
1) If this is the worst thing a manager ever did to you, you've had a pretty good life.
2) You kind of prove my point that despite all the mewling about how Affirmative Action undermines "Merit", the people with the most merit aren't the ones who end up in management or leadership positions.
Every religion claims to be "god's chosen people". I just gave you ONE example of his idiocy. Like your firsat boss he had no idea how to motivate employees or foster cooperation between workgroups.
Well, actually, it kind of does. If your whole religion is based on you being God's Chosen People, you will inevitably act like a jerk. It gives you a literally cosmic sense of entitlement.

Two points.
1) If this is the worst thing a manager ever did to you, you've had a pretty good life.
2) You kind of prove my point that despite all the mewling about how Affirmative Action undermines "Merit", the people with the most merit aren't the ones who end up in management or leadership positions.
Actually by the standards that the company set for him he did have merit. Headhunters without consciousness are an asset to upper management.
Every religion claims to be "god's chosen people".

Catholics don't claim that. Neither do most of the protestant denominations. In fact, the premise of Christianity is that God was now offering grace to all of humanity and not just one tribe in the Levant. Which is why you have 2 billion Christians and only 15 million Jews.

I just gave you ONE example of his idiocy.

Okay, and that was the best you had, that he didn't get you a hotel.

Frankly, why didn't you get a hotel on your own initiative? Seems better than driving four extra hours every day. I assume you were either paying for your own gas or claiming mileage.

Like your firsat boss he had no idea how to motivate employees or foster cooperation between workgroups.

That was more than one incident, that was pretty much his entire management style.
Actually by the standards that the company set for him he did have merit. Headhunters without consciousness are an asset to upper management.

Sounds to me like the company doesn't like it's union contract and is trying to find ways to get rid of you.

Doesn't sound like he was the problem, the company was.

I freely admit, the guy with the bad toupee was PART of the problem. his bosses were another. They were in Wisconsin and didn't like maintaining a Chicago Location, so they never invested in the equipment or manpower. (There other locations were in Minneapolis, St. Louis and Milwaukee.) Pilferage was a problem in the warehouse, but instead of investing in inventory control and security systems, they'd park a PI to see if they could catch anyone stealing.

The real problem is, probably the best management in the world couldn't have saved this company, though. The entire business model for that industry changed, and almost every similar company in the Chicago Area was out of business by 1996.
Catholics don't claim that. Neither do most of the protestant denominations. In fact, the premise of Christianity is that God was now offering grace to all of humanity and not just one tribe in the Levant. Which is why you have 2 billion Christians and only 15 million Jews.

Okay, and that was the best you had, that he didn't get you a hotel.

Frankly, why didn't you get a hotel on your own initiative? Seems better than driving four extra hours every day. I assume you were either paying for your own gas or claiming mileage.

That was more than one incident, that was pretty much his entire management style.
The problem wasn't that he didn't get the hotel, it's that he wasn't smart enough to realize that mileage and travel time added up to far more than the hotel would have cost. As for me paying for the hotel, why should I since the company was willing to pay me about three hundred dollars a day to drive? My drive Friday cost the company thirty bucks for a tank of gas and seven hours of my time at double time rates which were over seventy bucks an hour at that time. So that one day's commute cost the company five hundred and twenty dollars.
Maybe he left him for a smart Jewish boy, and THAT is why he is so hateful to Jews.

Naw, mostly just realizing that you folks can't be trusted.
he problem wasn't that he didn't get the hotel, it's that he wasn't smart enough to realize that mileage and travel time added up to far more than the hotel would have cost. As for me paying for the hotel, why should I since the company was willing to pay me about three hundred dollars a day to drive? My drive Friday cost the company thirty bucks for a tank of gas and seven hours of my time at double time rates which were over seventy bucks an hour at that time. So that one day's commute cost the company five hundred and twenty dollars.

So, you were gaming the system.

Honestly, it sounds like the whole system was kind of dysfunctional.
Naw, mostly just realizing that you folks can't be trusted.

So, you were gaming the system.

Honestly, it sounds like the whole system was kind of dysfunctional.
I wasn’t gaming the system, but why should I spend my own money to save the phone company money? A few years earlier, most of us were using our own cell phones on the clock instead of using customer’s lines for our business calls. The company put cell phones in our trucks, then told us they were just for the GPS trackers and were too expensive for us to use. We all promptly quit using our cell phones and went back to tapping into customer’s lines for official calls. Management wasn’t happy dealing with customer complaints about us being on their lines. It took them almost five years to provide cell phones to techs despite requiring us to call customers and give them ETAs and update them as the day went on.
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