Zone1 Let's Talk About "Merit"

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Why do you keep repeating shit that was debunked? The Democrats didn't run a dove in 1968. They ran Humphrey, who was so afraid of Johnson, he didn't take a firm position on the war until the end. In fact, his full throated condemnation of Wallace's racism and the Vietnam War brought him pretty close to winning.
Humphrey was more dovish than Nixon. After the 1968 election he openly turned against the war in Vietnam. The black ghetto riots won that election for Nixon. The electorate rewarded Nixon for ending the black ghetto riots by giving him a landslide victory in 1972. The continuing increase in black social pathology won the presidency for Reagan.

The black ghetto riots and increases in black social pathology destroyed the New Deal Coalition. Race wrecked liberalism.
Jews, on the other hand, have their own ethical system that tells them they are God's Chosen people and everyone is a gentile who can be cheated.

Now, on one hand, this kind of culture is why they survived when the rest of the world was embracing Christianity and Islam. On the other hand, it made them kind of a despised minority - i.e. the Spanish Inquisition, the Russian Pogroms, the Holocaust.
As Charles Murray points out in the excerpts I quoted from his essay "Jewish Genius," Jews are humble about their obvious superiority. I draw attention to Jewish achievements because I am not Jewish. I love to watch Jews moving up, moving in, taking over. :D

My praise of Jews and Orientals has gotten me banned from four white nationalist websites. They do not like my fact based and logical arguments any more than you do.

Ah, in the name of equal time, I have to slap IMAVictim's nonsense down.

Slaveowners received reparations for their lost slaves and the south chose to form their own country and fight a war.

Uh, not really. I had to look this one up.

While there was a small pittance paid to slave owners in DC, the slaveowners in the South were Shit out of Luck when the Federal Government bankrupted them, and then let the Carpetbaggers and Scalawags loot the south. The South has STILL never recovered from the way it was screwed over after Reconstruction.

OK. I'll post this example again to show you just how disingenuous your argument is.

It's a stupid example, really, but okay, let's go.

I am quite sure no one living in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government made the Fort Laramie treaty with the Sioux Nation or were participants in Custers violation of that treaty. Nor were they alive when President Grant decided it was OK to let settlers and people prospecting for gold tresspass into land promised to the Sioux thereby violating the treaty. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to take the land from the Sioux by military force. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to cut off supplies they promised the Sioux as condition for their surrender after whipping the U.S. Army at The Battle of Little Bighorn. But in 1980, the government of the United States decided reparations were due to the Sioux Nation for what was done to them in the 1800’s. They awarded the Sioux nation 105 million dollars

Um, okay, the Sioux were awarded that money FOR LAND THAT WAS STOLEN FROM THEM. And the Sioux Nation refused to take the money on the very sensible position that it was nowhere near what the land was actually worth. So your example is weak sauce.

If anything, it can be argued that when slaves were freed, they got a $1000 reparation in that their value was taken away from their owners. I personally wouldn't make that argument, because the arrangement was immoral.

And that's just one. Besides things didn't stop with slavery and the study of reparations was never just for slavery. But just like everything that has involved equality, dishonest whites to half a story and used it to race bait. When I was born, Jim Crow was in effect, and that had a negative impact that touches us right now.

Um, yeah, so? Hey, you know what, guy, everyone has a sad story. Get over yourself. On the other hand, black people turned my Grandfather's neighborhood in Englewood into a slum, and the value of his first house became kind of worthless. He finally had to move out when he found a homie in his kitchen at 2 AM.

So where's my reparations for that? Oh, that's right, I'm a grown ass man and I make my own way.


Um, my Ancestors were in Germany 247 years ago. So my ancestors didn't do anything to you.

So maybe it's time some whites dropped that tired ass:


Nope. If you want to make sure we get another Republican President who will keep appointing assholes to SCOTUS who will roll back affirmative Action, keep insisting that white people and Asian people "owe" you for things that happened to other people.

Hey my Grandfather experienced a lot of anti-German discrimination between 1925 and 1950. Where's my "compensation". Oh, that's right. I'm not asking for any because I'm a grown-ass man who works for what he has.
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Humphrey was more dovish than Nixon. After the 1968 election he openly turned against the war in Vietnam. The black ghetto riots won that election for Nixon. The electorate rewarded Nixon for ending the black ghetto riots by giving him a landslide victory in 1972. The continuing increase in black social pathology won the presidency for Reagan.

The black ghetto riots and increases in black social pathology destroyed the New Deal Coalition. Race wrecked liberalism.

No, they didn't. the anti-war protests, the fact that damned dirty hippies were scaring the white middle class, that's what got Tricky Dick inflicted on us. Nixon's performance in 1968 was actually WORSE than his performance in 1960.

Liberalism that only works for white people isn't liberalism.

As Charles Murray points out in the excerpts I quoted from his essay "Jewish Genius,"

I don't give a rats ass about anything Racist Charles Murray has to say. I hope that guy spends the rest of his life looking over his shoulder, wondering why everyone hates him..

Jews are humble about their obvious superiority.

Really? Frankly, not the ones I've met.

My praise of Jews and Orientals has gotten me banned from four white nationalist websites. They do not like my fact based and logical arguments any more than you do.

I've met some Jews who were decent people. I've met Jews who were absolute human excrement.

Funny story. During one of my job searches, I applied at a company owned by Orthodox Jews that informed me that they stopped work on Friday to observe the Sabbath. Okay. I thought that was a little silly, but usually, I try to not mock people's idiotic superstitions. Then we got to a conversation about the Warehouse staff, where he all but admitted that they knew most of their employees were undocumented immigrants, but as long as they had papers that looked somewhat legit, they were fine with it because they worked cheap.

Sorry, man, that's some messed up ethics there. Suffice to say, I didn't take the job.
I don't give a rats ass about anything Racist Charles Murray has to say. I hope that guy spends the rest of his life looking over his shoulder, wondering why everyone hates him..
Charles Murray has become independently wealthy from book royalties. If you do a google search for any of his books on a book website you will find that most people agree with him, and think he is great. His assertions are thoroughly documented.

Those who pretend that his assertions are "pseudo science" never explain what is pseudo about them.

Murray's assertions will be disproved when a method is developed of significantly and permanently raising the IQ scores and academic performance of children who score poorly at the age of seven.

No method has been developed because it cannot be done. The failure of Head Start and No Child Left Behind prove that.
Average racial differences have legitimate policy implications regarding affirmative action, reparations, and criminal justice.
Affirmative action helped White women, Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans and disabled people.

Criminal Justice is supposed to be impartial.

Reparations is about history.

I don’t see the relevance.
Jews are disliked by those who resent their intelligence, their success, and their prosperity. No one dislikes blacks for those reasons.
Anti-semitism began in the Greco-Roman era, maybe earlier. Their social-segregation, religious differences and a refusal to acknowledge/convert/assimilate to the religion of the dominant culture fueled a lot of this. A small minority that was able to maintain its identity despite enormous pressures and persecution. When Christianity emerged, the two major religions in the area were rivals, Jews were accused of killing Christ, Christianity dominated and because religion and politics were the same, much of what we now recognize as Anti-Semtism was born.

Encyclopedia Britannica has a decent history on it.

Anti-Semitism has a lot in common with racism in that both promote false stereotypes and canards to propagate their views and employ a simplistic narrative to support it, like the idea that they are resented because of their success and prosperity. I think that is a wedge used to divide Jews and Blacks, by elevating one over the other. It’s a divide and conquer strategy used by many to seperate and diminish minorities.
Affirmative action helped White women, Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans and disabled people.

Criminal Justice is supposed to be impartial.

Reparations is about history.

I don’t see the relevance.
Reparations and affirmative action are undeserved favors to Negroes. Negroes will never get reparations. Democrat politicians are foolish to encourage Negroes to believe otherwise.
Anti-semitism began in the Greco-Roman era, maybe earlier. Their social-segregation, religious differences and a refusal to acknowledge/convert/assimilate to the religion of the dominant culture fueled a lot of this. A small minority that was able to maintain its identity despite enormous pressures and persecution. When Christianity emerged, the two major religions in the area were rivals, Jews were accused of killing Christ, Christianity dominated and because religion and politics were the same, much of what we now recognize as Anti-Semtism was born.

Encyclopedia Britannica has a decent history on it.

Anti-Semitism has a lot in common with racism in that both promote false stereotypes and canards to propagate their views and employ a simplistic narrative to support it, like the idea that they are resented because of their success and prosperity. I think that is a wedge used to divide Jews and Blacks, by elevating one over the other. It’s a divide and conquer strategy used by many to seperate and diminish minorities.
Jews are resented because of their prosperity. I respect them for that reason.

Jews are super whites in a way. Every characteristic that separates Negroes from whites is even more true of Jews.
Jews are resented because of their prosperity. I respect them for that reason.

Jews are super whites in a way. Every characteristic that separates Negroes from whites is even more true of Jews.
Blacks could solve most of their inner-city problems by doing what impoverished, uneducated Jews did when they arrived on these shores:

1) No children before marriage.
2) Emphasize to their children that the way out of poverty is by devoting one’s spare time to studying, and earning their way into a good college
3) Working hard and making sacrifices as needed

Now, I’m not saying that the current crop of inner-city teens will all become engineers and scientists. But they WILL move out of the poverty/high-crime cycle within one generation if they do the above.
Reparations and affirmative action are undeserved favors to Negroes. Negroes will never get reparations. Democrat politicians are foolish to encourage Negroes to believe otherwise.
How would reparations for the damage caused by Jim Crowe be an undeserved favor? We made reparations way too late imo) for Japanese Americans we interned. Do you disagree with that?
Charles Murray has become independently wealthy from book royalties.

Yes, he's made a lot of money pandering to racists who need someone to blame for their disappointments in life.

Those who pretend that his assertions are "pseudo science" never explain what is pseudo about them.

I posted tons of links debunking his nonsense.

Murray's assertions will be disproved when a method is developed of significantly and permanently raising the IQ scores and academic performance of children who score poorly at the age of seven.

Good, let's actually make the effort.

No method has been developed because it cannot be done. The failure of Head Start and No Child Left Behind prove that.

Why do you keep repeating debunked rhetoric. We spend less on Head Start than we do on daycare. NCLB was never anything more than empty rhetoric.

Now, I'm going to say something truly un-liberal and even a little heartless.

We spend way too much money on Special Education Programs. In fact, the more retarded you are, the more the schools will spend on you. We are going through a national panic attack because more kids are being diagnosed as Transgender, but it pales in comparison to the number of kids who are designated as ADHD and put on regimens of brain altering drugs... all because the schools get more money if they can claim more of their kids are special education.

Our schools are churning out generations of dummies (of all races) by design.
Blacks could solve most of their inner-city problems by doing what impoverished, uneducated Jews did when they arrived on these shores:

1) No children before marriage.

Uh, sorry, marriage is an outdated institution.

2) Emphasize to their children that the way out of poverty is by devoting one’s spare time to studying, and earning their way into a good college

Yeah, and then put them in a lifetime of debt. Good work there.

3) Working hard and making sacrifices as needed

Now, I’m not saying that the current crop of inner-city teens will all become engineers and scientists. But they WILL move out of the poverty/high-crime cycle within one generation if they do the above.
Hey, Lisa, can you tell me how coming from such an awesome culture, your "life accomplishment" was working at a school trying to keep other people's children out?
Yes, he's made a lot of money pandering to racists who need someone to blame for their disappointments in life.

* First you say that everyone hates Charles Murray. When I point out that he has a vast following, you dismiss them as racists. His assertions, are thoroughly documented. *

I posted tons of links debunking his nonsense.

* You only think you did. Where is there evidence that the races are intrinsically equal? I have posted evidence from the United States Department of Justice and the College Board that indicates rather conclusively that they are not. *

Good, let's actually make the effort.

* Pay for it yourself. When the voters complain about "government programs that do not work," they are not complaining about Social Security and Medicare, both of which are supported by vast majorities of Americans. They are complaining about the War on Poverty, Head Start, and No Child Left behind. Less money was spent on these than you would like. Vast sums of money were spent on them, with no benefits to mention.

Why do you keep repeating debunked rhetoric. We spend less on Head Start than we do on daycare. NCLB was never anything more than empty rhetoric.

Says you.

Now, I'm going to say something truly un-liberal and even a little heartless.

We spend way too much money on Special Education Programs. In fact, the more retarded you are, the more the schools will spend on you. We are going through a national panic attack because more kids are being diagnosed as Transgender, but it pales in comparison to the number of kids who are designated as ADHD and put on regimens of brain altering drugs... all because the schools get more money if they can claim more of their kids are special education.

Our schools are churning out generations of dummies (of all races) by design.
Once you get below IQs of 80 or 75, which is the cut-off for mental retardation in the California School System, children are put into special classes. These persons are not really educable up to a level for which there’s any economic demand. The question is, what do you do about them? They have higher birth-rates than the other end of the distribution.

People are shocked and disbelieving when you tell them that about one in four blacks in our population are in that category — below 75.

- Professor Arthur Jensen
How would reparations for the damage caused by Jim Crowe be an undeserved favor? We made reparations way too late imo) for Japanese Americans we interned. Do you disagree with that?
Jim Crow was placed in effect in the South when whites in the North became disillusioned with the results of Reconstruction. Black run governments in the former Confederate states were noted for incompetence and corruption.
How would reparations for the damage caused by Jim Crowe be an undeserved favor? We made reparations way too late imo) for Japanese Americans we interned. Do you disagree with that?
Whites and Orientals will never pay Negroes reparations. Stop imagining.
Once you get below IQs of 80 or 75, which is the cut-off for mental retardation in the California School System, children are put into special classes. These persons are not really educable up to a level for which there’s any economic demand. The question is, what do you do about them? They have higher birth-rates than the other end of the distribution.

Well, first you stop using "IQ" as a measure, because it's inaccurate. When I was in grammar school, one counsellor told my mom I had an IQ of 148. Even I think that's bullshit, how can you really tell at that age.

You do make assessments, which kids can be educated, and which ones might have severe enough disabilities were there isn't much that can be done for them. Instead, the schools would probably declare every kid Autistic or ADHD and pump them full of drugs to keep that money flowing. We reward the wrong things in education.

People are shocked and disbelieving when you tell them that about one in four blacks in our population are in that category — below 75.

Yes, no one believes your racist bullshit.

Jim Crow was placed in effect in the South when whites in the North became disillusioned with the results of Reconstruction. Black run governments in the former Confederate states were noted for incompetence and corruption.

Jim Crow was placed in the South because white trash knew they couldn't compete on an equal playing field. If blacks were TRULY as inferior as you say they were, the whole of America's history wouldn't be "How can we oppress black people today?" from the first slave ship to the murder of George Floyd.

Whites and Orientals will never pay Negroes reparations. Stop imagining.

They won't have to.

We make the rich pay them. Which seems reasonable, they are the ones who benefited.
(I actually think that reparations are a bad idea, but this notion that making things right takes something away from Whites is silly.)
Jim Crow was placed in effect in the South when whites in the North became disillusioned with the results of Reconstruction. Black run governments in the former Confederate states were noted for incompetence and corruption.
That isn’t true, but let’s bypass it for now. Jim Crowe was a set of laws that damaged the Black community. Those can be quantified. People are still alive. Why would reparations be undeserved? We’re reparations to Japanese Americans undeserved?
That isn’t true, but let’s bypass it for now. Jim Crowe was a set of laws that damaged the Black community. Those can be quantified. People are still alive. Why would reparations be undeserved? We’re reparations to Japanese Americans undeserved?
Ask me something difficult next time. Reparations were paid to Japanese who personally suffered from being sent to intern camps. Moreover, the amount paid was fairly minimal. The Reparations Task Force in California is demanding one million dollars for every Negro.

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