Let's Talk.........I mean REALLY Talk.......

Fact: Record number of people out of the labor force under Barack Obama

Fact - this record was set by EVERY PRESIDENT.
Fact - there was also record number of people IN labor force under Obama (and every president before him)

Fact: Record number of people on food stamps under Barack Obama


Fact: Record national debt under Barack Obama

FACT: THIS RECORD WAS SET BY EVERY PRESIDENT. Reagan tripled national debt, Bush doubled it and handed off 1.3trillion deficit over to Obama.

Fact: Little girls forced to shower with grown men suffering from several mental disorders and disgusting sexually deviant disorders under Barack Obama

FACT: You are a fucking lunatic.

Fact: Barack Obama is the only president in U.S. history to not oversee at least one year of 3% or more GDP growth!

Fact: Bush would give his right testicle to have Obama's economic record. Because as any sane person understands, steady growth is much better than phantom bubble growth followed by GREAT FN RECESSION.
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Ok....I'm clearly talking to a typical libtard high school drop out here. There are not more 16 year olds than ever.

Idiot, I didn't say 16, I said 16+, which is everyone over 16 and yes there are more such people than ever in the USA, which will remain true for any given year due to population growth.
Except there isn't population growth, stupid. I just posted a link proving that births have been steadily declining and have reached record lows.
Fact: Bush would give his right testicle to have Obama's economic record. Because as any sane person understands, steady growth is much better than phantom bubble growth followed by GREAT FN RECESSION.
Bwahahahaha! So now you're attempting to defend the fact that Barack Obama is the only president in U.S. history to not see at least one year of 3% GDP growth? It takes one hell of a partisan hack lunatic to attempt to defend something so bad. I guess Clinton, Reagan, Jefferson, Washington, and the rest of them should have looked for the "steady growth" of sub-3% GDP growth? :lmao:

Only a libtard could attempt to make the spin that failure is a good thing. :eusa_doh:
Fact: This record was set by every president. Reagan tripled national debt, Bush doubled it and handed off 1.3trillion deficit over to Obama.

Fact: You're a lying fucking idiot. Obama added more to the national debt in his first 4 years as president than all president in U.S. history combined did in their first 4 years of president. Would you like to try again, junior? You are so desperate to defend the failed ideology that is liberalism that you're just humiliating yourself.

It's easy to "triple" the national debt when it is only $800 billion. It's nearly impossible to double the national debt when it is $10 trillion. See the difference in the figures there junior? Reagan inherited $800 billion. Obama inherited $10 trillion (or 12.5x's as much as what Reagan inherited). And then he promptly went out and doubled that. It took the United States 235 years to accumulate $10 trillion in debt. It took Barack Obama 7 years to nearly match that. It really is that simple, junior. Obama's record has been a spectacular failure - especially on the U.S. debt. And none of your lies or desperate spins can even begin to hide it.
Fact: Little girls forced to shower with grown men suffering from several mental disorders and disgusting sexually deviant disorders under Barack Obama

FACT: You are a fucking lunatic.

Fact: You run from the facts like a little girl. Most libtards do. I love when a liberal realizes they have no argument so they don't attempt to make one and they don't attempt to back up anything with facts. They just say something useless like "you're wrong" or "you're stupid" and then leave it at that. I guess when you're on the wrong side of the facts, you have no other option? I wouldn't know. I don't speak until I have the facts straight, so I'm always on the right side of the facts.
Fact: Record number of people on food stamps under Barack Obama

Fact:My lying made up version: This record was set by every president.

Fact: You're a pathological liar who doesn't post any facts. I took the liberty to edit your previous post for you so that there is actually something accurate under your name for once.

Oh look....what do you know you pathological liar....not only does it not increase to a new record number under every president, it actually drastically decrease under half the presidents!!! It was more than a 50% decrease by Ford from Nixon, a 50% decrease from by Carter from Ford, an astounding 200% decrease by Reagan from Carter, and there was an even less under GWB than there was under Nixon 40 years earlier!!!

You literally just make shit up like an asshole. What kind of an asshole makes stuff up? Seriously? What kind of an asshole does that? I've never made shit up while I discuss something and I never would. You're a lying piece of shit and a typical liberal. Thinking that it's ok to make shit up and lie to defend a failed ideology. It takes a real low life piece of shit to do that.


No, in raw numbers crime has increased, the barbarity of crime has gotten worse, and lawlessness has increased. The only saving grace for your stats is the population has outpaced the criminals, but that's changing as you regressives put more criminals back on the streets before they complete their sentences.
Link please. In raw numbers, the price of bread has increased constantly over the past 60 years of my life. In raw numbers, there are more women. Woot!

Of course, the ratio of crime to population has gone down and the ratio of women to men remains about 50/50 in the US.

Population estimates, July 1, 2015, (V2015)
Female persons July 1, 2015 -- 50.8%

How Things Were Back In 1956
Here’s a little time capsule into what it was like back in 1956:
  • The average price of a home in the U.S. was $22,000
  • Average income was $4,454
  • Gas was selling for 23 cents a gallon
  • A loaf of bread would set you back 18 cents
  • A first class postage stamp was 3 cents
  • Chuck pot roast sold for 33 cents a pound
  • Coffee was 69 cents a pound
  • The price of a six pack of beer was $1.20
Plug those numbers into an inflation calculator and you see that in 2016 a 1956
  • home costs $194,308.53
  • Average income is $39,338.64
  • Gas is $2.03
  • Bread is $1.59
  • A stamp $0.26
  • Chuck pot roast $2.91/pound
  • Coffee $6.09/pound
  • Beer $10.60/six pack
No, in raw numbers crime has increased, the barbarity of crime has gotten worse, and lawlessness has increased. The only saving grace for your stats is the population has outpaced the criminals, but that's changing as you regressives put more criminals back on the streets before they complete their sentences.
Link please. In raw numbers, the price of bread has increased constantly over the past 60 years of my life. In raw numbers, there are more women. Woot!

Of course, the ratio of crime to population has gone down and the ratio of women to men remains about 50/50 in the US.

Population estimates, July 1, 2015, (V2015)
Female persons July 1, 2015 -- 50.8%

How Things Were Back In 1956
Here’s a little time capsule into what it was like back in 1956:
  • The average price of a home in the U.S. was $22,000
  • Average income was $4,454
  • Gas was selling for 23 cents a gallon
  • A loaf of bread would set you back 18 cents
  • A first class postage stamp was 3 cents
  • Chuck pot roast sold for 33 cents a pound
  • Coffee was 69 cents a pound
  • The price of a six pack of beer was $1.20
Plug those numbers into an inflation calculator and you see that in 2016 a 1956
  • home costs $194,308.53
  • Average income is $39,338.64
  • Gas is $2.03
  • Bread is $1.59
  • A stamp $0.26
  • Chuck pot roast $2.91/pound
  • Coffee $6.09/pound
  • Beer $10.60/six pack

So in reality pretty much everything is higher that it should be, isn't it. Oh right, they don't include the costs of food or energy in the CPI, do they.
So in reality pretty much everything is higher that it should be, isn't it. Oh right, they don't include the costs of food or energy in the CPI, do they.
That's a different question. According to the LW anti-gunners, one shooting is one too many....but stabbings and beatings are okay with them.

It's the ratio that matters. If there is one murder for every 100,000 people, then a town of 100,000 can expect 1 murder a year. A city of one million can expect 10 murders per year using the same ratio.

The fact remains, as the numbers of guns in our nation have increased, the violent crime rate has gone down.

Violent Crime
A Dr has no obligation to tell anyone to stop smoking and that Dr certainly cannot force anyone to do anything

The choice to smoke resides with the individual and it's none of your business

And FYI all the banks know about anyone's ability to pay is what they can find out on a credit score and from pay stubs

It's not up to them to counsel home buyers

Except the banksters didn't do that. They loaned to people they KNEW couldn't repay, figuring they could just foreclose and sell that house again.

And that if it fell apart, truly awful people would insiste they get their baillouts and their bonuses.
Except there isn't population growth, stupid. I just posted a link proving that births have been steadily declining and have reached record lows.

...I don't even know what to say to such stupidity.

I mean I understand some people don't have the basic knowledge or googling-stuff skills...ok no problem. But I ALREADY DID IT FOR YOU, here is historic population AGAIN:


You think you got some brilliant in your head about relationship between birth and population, but rest assured - YOU ARE FUCKING WRONG.

Learn it.
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Fact: Record number of people on food stamps under Barack Obama

Fact:My lying made up version: This record was set by every president.

Fact: You're a pathological liar who doesn't post any facts. I took the liberty to edit your previous post for you so that there is actually something accurate under your name for once.

Oh look....what do you know you pathological liar....not only does it not increase to a new record number under every president, it actually drastically decrease under half the presidents!!! It was more than a 50% decrease by Ford from Nixon, a 50% decrease from by Carter from Ford, an astounding 200% decrease by Reagan from Carter, and there was an even less under GWB than there was under Nixon 40 years earlier!!!

You literally just make shit up like an asshole. What kind of an asshole makes stuff up? Seriously? What kind of an asshole does that? I've never made shit up while I discuss something and I never would. You're a lying piece of shit and a typical liberal. Thinking that it's ok to make shit up and lie to defend a failed ideology. It takes a real low life piece of shit to do that.

View attachment 80573


Psst...Idiot, the graph shows INCREASE in number of people receiving food stamps from one president to the next. There was INCREASE under Nixon, Ford, Carter, Bush1, Bush2 under all of whom there were record number of people receiving food stamps.

Fail is obviously with you...hell you probably won't even understand your fail first time around, so lets just go over this one more time, slowly:

Under Nixon number of SNAP recipients increased by 12.9 million, and then it increased MORE under Ford by another 5.7 million. No, there was not "50% decrease" in number of recipients, what there was is 18.6 million more people on SNAP in that period.

Yea, you think you get it?
You think you got some sht in your head about relationship between birth and population...

Yeah...there is absolutely no relationship there. :lmao:

There is of course a relationship dummy, you simply don't understand it.

Now back to staring at that shiny blue graph with historical population numbers...YOU CAN DO IT! You can figure it out!
Regardless of how crooked the higher ups in Fannie and Freddie might have been, student loans played little or no role in causing the recession. Defaults on student loans were fairly low until the recession was well under way in 2009. Also, 76% of student loans were subsidized which means defaults would have had little impact on the economy.

Dude...there shouldn't even be "student loans". The federal government is not a bank. The U.S. Constitution is the law and it explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers - loaning money for education isn't one of them.

It's outrageous illegal activity like that which is why we have such a mess on our hands.
Whether there should or should not be student loans was not the question but rather their effect on the recession.

However, from a practical standpoint, no student loans would mean no college for many millions of young people and less college would mean losing a major competitive advantage in the global market place, a highly trained workforce.
Whether there should or should not be student loans was not the question but rather their effect on the recession.

However, from a practical standpoint, no student loans would mean no college for many millions of young people and less college would mean losing a major competitive advantage in the global market place, a highly trained workforce.
Sorry, but that's ass-backwards thinking. As fucked up as Obamacare.

The solution isn't to provide "free" healthcare or "free" college, but to make both healthcare and college affordable. As the previous OP-ED I posted explained, all colleges loans and government grants have done is drive college costs up. Fix the causes of rising costs, not just raising taxes to hand out "free" money.
Whether there should or should not be student loans was not the question but rather their effect on the recession.

However, from a practical standpoint, no student loans would mean no college for many millions of young people and less college would mean losing a major competitive advantage in the global market place, a highly trained workforce.
Sorry, but that's ass-backwards thinking. As fucked up as Obamacare.

The solution isn't to provide "free" healthcare or "free" college, but to make both healthcare and college affordable. As the previous OP-ED I posted explained, all colleges loans and government grants have done is drive college costs up. Fix the causes of rising costs, not just raising taxes to hand out "free" money.

umm...you are the only one talking about free college here, his point was completely something else.
Fact: Record number of people on food stamps under Barack Obama

Fact:My lying made up version: This record was set by every president.

Fact: You're a pathological liar who doesn't post any facts. I took the liberty to edit your previous post for you so that there is actually something accurate under your name for once.

Oh look....what do you know you pathological liar....not only does it not increase to a new record number under every president, it actually drastically decrease under half the presidents!!! It was more than a 50% decrease by Ford from Nixon, a 50% decrease from by Carter from Ford, an astounding 200% decrease by Reagan from Carter, and there was an even less under GWB than there was under Nixon 40 years earlier!!!

You literally just make shit up like an asshole. What kind of an asshole makes stuff up? Seriously? What kind of an asshole does that? I've never made shit up while I discuss something and I never would. You're a lying piece of shit and a typical liberal. Thinking that it's ok to make shit up and lie to defend a failed ideology. It takes a real low life piece of shit to do that.

View attachment 80573


Psst...Idiot, the graph shows INCREASE in number of people receiving food stamps from one president to the next. There was INCREASE under Nixon, Ford, Carter, Bush1, Bush2 under all of whom there were record number of people receiving food stamps.

Fail is obviously with you...hell you probably won't even understand your fail first time around, so lets just go over this one more time, slowly:

Under Nixon number of SNAP recipients increased by 12.9 million, and then it increased MORE under Ford by another 5.7 million. No, there was not "50% decrease" in number of recipients, what there was is 18.6 million more people on SNAP in that period.

Yea, you think you get it?
Psst....idiot.....the graph shows you made shit up. It shows that food stamps DECREASE under some presidents. Seriously - you have no credibility left. None. Not a shred. You're now a joke on USMB. The best thing for you to do is either find a new site or change your name.
Psst....idiot.....the graph shows you made shit up. It shows that food stamps DECREASE under some presidents. Seriously - you have no credibility left. None. Not a shred. You're now a joke on USMB. The best thing for you to do is either find a new site or change your name.

Ok they didn't increase under EVERY president, only under most of them. You totally got me. Here is a cookie :slap:

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